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596 □ INDEX


refrain, 301; and rhizome, 190-91; and 

schizoanalysis, 188;andsemiotic, 

180-82; and sign, 117; and signifiance, 

115-16, 179-82; and subjectification, 

179-82. See also Body


Farachi, Armand: 23


Fascism: and capitalist axiomatic, 462-63; 

and segmentarity, 214-15; and State 

apparatus, 230-31; as suicidal State, 231. 

See also State apparatus; Totalitarianism


Faulkner, William: 261, 292, 520 n. 18, 572 



Faure, Elie: 413


Faye, Jean-Pierre: 82, 139, 536 n.l 1, 

570-71 n. 62


Feminism: and deconstruction, xii; and 

psychoanalysis, xi


Ferenczi, Sandor: and becoming-animal



Fernandez, Dominique: 303-4, 307


Fichte, Johann Gottlieb: and State 

philosophy, xii


Fiedler, Leslie: 282-83, 520 n. 18


Film: and becoming-animal, 233; and 

faciality, 168, 172, 175, 184; and 

movement, 281


Fitzgerald, F. Scott: 194, 198-200, 206, 

229, 520 n. 18; and becoming, 248, 260, 

279; and smooth space, 482


Flaubert, Gustave: 541 n. 39


Fleutiaux, Pierrette: 200-202


Flore, Joachim de: 530 n. 23


Flow: and book, 3-4; and capitalist 

axiomatic, 468-69; and 

deterritorialization, 11; and matter, 

409-10; and nomads, 363, 404-15 

passim; and segmentarity, 217-21, 

225-26; and State apparatus, 448-49, 

452-53, 456, 459-60. See also Line of 

flight; Rhizome


Foch, Ferdinand: and war, 416


Focus: 291-92


Forbes, Robert James: 563 n. 103


Form: and abstract machine, 511; and 

articulation, 41; and becoming-animal, 

252-53; and classicism, 338; and content 

and expression, 89; and intensity, 253; 

and language, 85-86; and matter, 407-9; 

of State, 448-60 passim; and 

stratification, 43, 51-52, 54, 59-60, 60-73


passim; and variation, 95. See also


Content; Matter Fort-Da: and refrain, 

299. See also Freud,


Sigmund; Psychoanalysis Fortes, Meyer: 

535 n. 3, 536 n. 9 Foucault, Michel: xi, 

xviii, 517 n. 8, 518 n.


20, 528 n. 5, 530-31 n. 39, 536-37 n. 16,


538 n. 1, 556 n. 44; and language, 66-67;


and nomad thought, xiii; and


order-word, 87; and power, xvii, 224; and


regime of signs, 140 Fourquet, Francois: 

566 n. 16 Fractal: and multiplicity, 486-88. 

See also


Mathematics; Number Fradin, Jacques: 

566 n. 25 Francis, Saint: 178 Francis 

Bacon: 518 n. 21 Francois I: 221-22 

"Franglais": 102 Freud, Sigmund: 5, 14, 

18, 29-30, 125,127,


241, 284, 519 n. 9, 541 n. 41, 544 n. 78;


and becoming-animal, 259; and body


without organs, 164; and multiplicity, 31;


and Wolf-Man, 26-38 passim. See also


Psychoanalysis Fried, Michael: 546 

n. 89, 575 n. 38 Friendship theorem: 

17 Fuller, J. F. C: 560


Gaelic: as minor language, 102


Galbraith, John Kenneth: 461, 524 n. 12


Galileo: 511


Galois, Evariste: 142


Game theory: and State apparatus, 352-53


Gardiner, Alan Henderson: 541 n. 40


Gaulle, Charles de: and May 1968, 216;


and State apparatus, 424-25 Gautier, 

Emile Felix: 537 n. 23, 557 n. 57 Gavi, 

Philippe: 274 Gay rights movement: and 



xi Genesis, Book of: 87. See also Bible, 

the Genetics: and stratification, 53; and


language, 62-63 Genghis Khan: 226; and 

war machine, 354,


392-93,417-19 Genseric: 226 Geoffrey 

Saint-Hilaire, Etienne: 45-48, 55,


254-55, 542 n. 52 Geology: 

and stratification, 40


INDEX □ 597


Geometry: and nomad science, 367; and 

State apparatus, 212, 362-65. See also 

Mathematics; Number; Space


Geroudet, Paul: 548 n. 22


Giotto: 178


Girard, Claude: 544 n. 78


Giscard d'Estaing, Valery: 216, 468


Glass, Philip: 542 n. 46


Glossalalie (Speaking in tongues): 96


Gluckman, Max: 558 n. 61


God: and body without organs, 150, 

158-59; and book, 127; as cause, 3; in 

East and West, 18; and prophetism, 

123-24; and stratification, 40, 43-44, 58; 

and subjectification, 128, 130. See also 



Godard, Jean-Luc: 25, 97-98, 267; and 

faciality, 172


Godelier, Maurice: 530 n. 33


Goethe, Johann von: 269, 540 n. 22, 542 n. 

52; and Kleist, 268-69, 356; and smooth 

and striated space, 482; and State 

apparatus, 378; and war machine, 24


Golea, Antoine: 548 n. 11


Gordon, Pierre: 539 n. 21


Gorz, Andre: 215-16


Gould, Glenn: 8


Grammar: and language instruction, 75-76. 

See also Language; Linguistics


Grammaticality: and homogeneity, 93-94; 

and power, 101; and variation, 99


Gravity: and striated space, 370


Greimas, A. J.: 528 n. 6


Griaule, Marcel: 415, 521 ch. 3 n. 2


Griaznov, Mikhail: 430, 560 n. 73


Griffith, D. W.: and faciality, 175, 183, 184


Grohman, Will: 546 n. 92


Grousset, Rene: 394, 563 n. 105, 574 n. 30, 

575 n. 37


Guattari, Felix: x-xi; and Deleuze, xi-xv


Guerin, Daniel: 214, 537 n. 24


Gueroult, Martial: 560 n. 77


Guerrero, Margarita: 539 n. 10


Guillaume, Gustave: 349, 541 n. 39


Guillerm, Alain: 571 n. 66


Guillerm, Daniele: 571 n. 66


Gulik, Robert van: 532 n. 14


Habermas, Jiirgen: 518 n. 18 Haeccity: and 

assemblage, 262-63; and


becoming, 276-77, 280; and individual, 

253; and linguistics, 263-65; and plane of 

consistency, 266-72, 507; and 

psychoanalysis, 264; and science, 369; 

and subjectivity, 261-65. See also 

Individual; Molecule


Haptic space: and nomad art, 492-99


Hardy, Thomas: 186-87, 332


Harmand, Jacques: 564 n. 8


Haudricourt, Andre: 18, 533 n. 12


Hegel, G. W E: 269, 556 n. 42; and 

Deleuze's philosophy, x; and Kleist, 268, 

356; and State, 385, 460


Heidegger, Martin: 125, 561 n. 85


Helioglobale: 158


Helmholtz, Hermann von: 573 n. 14


Herbert, Frank: 559-60 n. 70


Herzog, Werner: 110, 126


Hess, W. R.: 549 n. 29


Heterogeneity: and becoming, 250; and 

consistency, 328-31; of language, 

100-101; and nomad thought, xiii, 24, 

361; and rhizome, 7-8; of social 

formation, 435-37. See also Assemblage; 

Consistency; Multiplicity; Plane of 



Heusch, Luc de: 353, 528 n. 4, 543-44 n. 75


Heyting, A.: 570 n. 71


Hierarchy: and rhizome, 21


Hilbert, David: and diagrammatic, 143


Hincker, Francois: 569 n. 45


History: and memory, 295-96; natural, and 

evolutionism, 233-34; and nomads, 

23-24, 393-94; and segmentarity, 221-22; 

and State apparatus, 23


Hitchcock, Alfred: 305


Hitler, Adolf: 214, 231


Hjelmslev, Louis: 523 n. 28, 526 n. 22, 531 

n. 40; and content and expression, 108; 

and double articulation, 45, 402; and 

stratification, 43; and variation, 99


Hobbes, Thomas: and State apparatus, 357


Hocquenghem, Guy: 273


Hofmannsthal, Hugo von: and abstract 

machine, 512; and becoming-animal, 

240, 258, 275; and order-word, 110


Holderlin, Friedrich: 125, 268, 332, 507, 

550 n. 47


Hoist, E. von: 549 n. 29


Holstein, Jonathan: 572 n. 3


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