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600 □ INDEX


Lenin, V. I.: 83, 100, 563 n. 108


Lenz, Friedrich Walther: 25, 378


Leroi-Gourhan, Andre: 60, 64, 302, 395, 

407,475, 574 n. 33


Letter to Hitler: 163-64


Levi-Strauss, Claude: 112, 113, 209, 210, 

236-37, 433, 539 n. 11, 541 n. 40


Lewin.Kurt: 152-53, 169


Libidinal economy: of West, xiv


Libido: and body without organs, 37; and 

flow, 31; and machinic assemblage, 36; 

and multiplicity, 31; and unconscious, 

35. See also Desire; Psychoanalysis; 



Lied von der Erde, Das (The song of the 

earth): 339


Life of Saint Francis, The: 178


Ligers, Z: 539-40 n. 21


Limet, Henri: 561 n. 89


Lindon, Jerome: 529 n. 17


Lindqvist, N.: 527 n. 36


Line: and arborescent schema, 293-94; and 

becoming, 279-80; and 

becoming-animal, 245; and body without 

organs, 203; and deterritorialization, 

203-5; and diagrammatic, 144-45; and 

language, 202-3; and map, 202-3; and 

nomad art, 496-98; and novella, 

195-202; and rhizome, 8, 21, 203, 505-6; 

and schizoanalysis, 202-3; and 

segmentarity, 9, 202-7, 209, 211-12, 217, 

222-26; and smooth space, 478-79; and 

State apparatus, 204; and 

subjectification, 131-32. See also 

Geometry; Line of flight; Plane; Space


Lineage: and organization, 388, 391-92; 

and phylum, 406-7; State apparatus, 393


Line of flight: and assemblage, 88-89; and 

becoming, 277; and book, 3-4; and 

deterritorialization, 510; and faciality, 

188; and map tracing, 14-15; and 

multiplicity, 9, 32; and plane of 

consistency, 270; and point, 298; and 

rhizome, 9, 11,21; and signifying 

regime, 116, 121-22; and stratification, 

55; and subjectification, 133-34; and war 

machine, 422-23; and writing, 24-25. See 

also Deterritorialization; Line


Linguistics: 75-110 passim; and abstract 

machine, 511-12; and arborescent


schema, 5; and content and expression,


90-91; and incorporeal transformation,


82; and power, 7-8, 18; and pragmatics,


85, 90-91, 97-98; and rhizome, 6-7; as


science, 100-110. See also Coding;


Language; Semiotic; Sign; Signifiance 

Liszt, Franz: 319 Little Hans: 14, 256-59. 

See also Freud,


Sigmund Lizot, Jacques: 176, 209, 

535-36 n. 5 Logique du sens: x, 541 

Logos: and nomos, 369-73; and State


apparatus, xiii Lombard, Maurice: 558 n. 

60, 562 n. 97 Lorca, Federico: 261 Lorenz, 

Konrad: 34, 239, 315-16, 547 n.


46, 548 nn. 9, 12,17,23 Lory, G. M.: 527 

n. 38 Losey, Joseph: 291-92 Louis XIV: 

558 n. 59 Love: and body without organs, 

151; and


marginalism, 438-39; and


subjectification, 131-32, 134. See also


Desire; Sexuality Lovecraft, H. P.: 240, 

245, 248, 251, 523 n.


32 Lowie, Robert: 113 Lowry, 

Malcolm: 533 n. 8 Loyola, Ignacio 

de: 533 n. 7 Luca, Gherasim: 

97-98, 530 n. 32 Lucretius: x, 361, 

489-90. See also


Democritus; Molecule Ludendorff, 

Erich: 563 n. 108 Luke, Gospel according 

to: 124. See also


Bible, the 

Lulu: 184


Luther, Martin: 126 Luxemburg, Rosa: 

537 n. 20 Lyotard, Jean-Francois: 518 n. 

17,532 n. 14


Macciochi, Maria-Antonietta: 538 n. 32 

Machine: and assemblage, 4, 343-44, 

346-47; and capitalism, 456-59; and 

consistency, 330-31; and diagrammatic, 

141-48; and multiplicity, 34; and music

343; and organ, 256; and segmentarity, 

212-13; and social formation, 435-36; and 

voice, 303-4, 307-8. See also Assemblage; 

Multiplicity Machinic assemblage: and 

body, 88-90; and




diagrammatic, 145; and enunciation, 7, 

36-37; and multiplicity, 34; and 

nomadology, 23; and plane of 

consistency, 71-73; and power, 17; and 

rhizome, 22; and stratification, 41-42, 

56-57, 68. See also Assemblage; 



McLuhan, Marshall: 360


Mahler, Gustav: 339


Maldiney, Henri: 547 n. 32, 574 n. 31; and 

nomad art, 493, 495


Mallarme, Stephane: 127, 346


Malmberg, Bertil: 101, 518 n. 2


Man: as molar entity, 292-93; white, and 

faciality, 176-79. See also Human beings


Mandelbrot, Benoit: 486-87


Mann, Daniel: 233


Mann, Klaus: 230-31


Mann, Thomas: and music, 97


Mannerism: and territory, 320. See also 



Manual de zoologiafantastica: 241


Mao Tse-tung: 5, 20, 226


Map: and body without organs, 163-64; 

and line, 202-3; and regime of signs, 119; 

and representation, 12; and rhizome, 

12-15, 19-20; and segmentarity, 222; and 

tracing, 12-15. See also Cartography; 



Marcel, Gabriel: 362


Mark, Gospel according to: 124. See also 

Bible, the


Marshall, Alexander James: 550 n. 34


Marshall Plan: and capitalist axiomatic, 



Martinet, Andre: 64, 528 n. 46, 530 n. 30


Martino, Ernesto de: 546 n. 97


Marx, Karl: 558 n. 61, 567 nn. 27-28, 

31-32, 568 n. 34, 568-69 n. 41, 570 n. 59; 

and book, 127; and capitalist axiomatic, 

454, 463; and capture, 443; and State 

apparatus, 427-28, 447-48; and 

subjectivity, 453; and surplus value

491-92. See also Capitalism; State 



Marxism: and major language, 105; and 

State apparatus, xi


Masochism: and becoming-animal, 155-56, 

260; and body without organs, 150, 152, 



Mathematics: nomadic nature of, 24; and


smooth and striated space, xiii, 482-88.


See also Geometry; Number; Science 

Matheson, Richard: 279, 540 n. 23 Matter: 

and abstract machine, 511; and


body without organs, 43, 153; of book, 3;


and flow, 409-10; and form, 407-9; and


plane of consistency, 43, 45; and


stratification, 43. See also Form;


Substance Matthew, Gospel according to: 

124. See


also Bible, the Maupassant, 

Guy de: 193 Maurel, Christian: 

543 n. 58 May 1968: and 

philosophy, x; and


psychoanalysis, xi; and segmentarity, 216 

Mayani, Zacharia: 529 n. 14 Mazaheri, A.: 

561 n. 88 Mechanosphere: and 

stratification, 71, 74 Meinong, A.: on 

multiplicity, 32-33, 483 Mellaart, James: 

565 n. 11 Melville, Herman: 186-89, 199, 

205, 539 n.


15 Memory: and becoming, 291-98; 



deterritorialization, 293-94; and line and


point, 293-98; and music, 295-98; and


rhizome, 15-16; and tracing, 16. See also


Epistemology; Thought Menaechmus: 

and State science, 363 Meneur de loups: 

250 Mephisto: 230-31 Mercier, Jacques: 

533-34 n. 14 Messiaen, Olivier: 94, 300, 

301, 304, 309,


316-17,320,551 nn. 51,57-58 

Metallurgy: and flow, 410-11; and nomads,


404-15 passim. See also Flow; Science;


Technology Meunier, Jacques: 358 

Meyer, Francois: 550 n. 40 Michaux, 

Henri: 283, 285, 286 Michelet, Jules: 

221-22 Micropolitics: 208-31 passim. 

See also


Axiomatic; Molecule; Segmentarity;


State apparatus Milieu: definition of, 

xvii; of rhizome, 21;


and rhythm, 313-16; of stratification,


49-52, 54-55; and territory, 317-18,


321-23 Miller, Arthur: 291-92 Miller, 

Henry: 18-19, 147, 166, 186-87,


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