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604 □ INDEX


Penthesilea: 355


Perrier, Edmond: 46, 255, 522 n. 8


Perronet, Jean: and State science, 363, 365


Petitot, Jean: 16-18, 544 n. 82


Phallogocentrism: as model of identity, xii


Phantasy: and body without organs, 151; 

and psychoanalysis, 154-55


Philebus: 306


Philosophy: modern, 128, 342-43; and 

nomad thought, x, xiii; and State 

apparatus, ix-x, 375-76. See also Thought


Phylum: machinic, 409-10; and weapon, 



Physics: and smooth and striated space, 

488-92. See also Science


Pingaud, Bernard: 544 n. 79


Pinhas, Richard: 551 n. 53, 562 n. 94


Pink Panther. 11,25


Pirenne, Henri: 222


Pirou, Gaetan: 566 n. 24


Plane: definition of, xvii; and haeccity, 

265-72 passim; of organization, 265-66. 

See also Geometry; Line; Point; Space


Plane of consistency: and abstract machine, 

70-73, 513-14; and becoming, 251-52; 

and becoming-animal, 258-59; and body 

without organs, 154-55, 158, 159, 

165-66, 270, 506-8; and book, 4; of brain, 

15; and deterritorialization, 70-71, 270, 

272; and diagrammatic, 144-45; and 

haeccity, 266-72; and intensity, 70; and 

language, 65, 91, 109; and line of flight

270; and map, 12; and machinic 

assemblage, 71-73; and multiplicity, 9; 

and music, 270-71; and regime of signs, 

141-42; and rhizome, 21; and 

stratification, 40, 49-50, 56-57, 69-73, 

269-70; and subjectification, 134; and 

war machine, 422-23; and writing, 

268-69. See also Assemblage; 

Consistency; Heterogeneity; Line; 



Planomenon: and stratification, 50, 56, 73. 

See also Ecumenon


Plateau: and body without organs, 158; and 

book, ix; and chapter, 22; and rhizome, 

21-22; and smooth space, xiv-xv. See also 

Intensity; Nomads; Rhizome


Plato: xi, xii, 559 n. 66; and royal science, 



Point: and arborescent schema, 293-94; and 

line of flight, 298; and nomads, 380; and 

rhizome, 8; of subjectification, 129. See 

also Geometry; Line; Plane; Space


Politics: and axiomatics, 461; and language, 

82-83, 100-110; and line, 204; and war, 

419-21, 467. See also Axiomatic; 

Capitalism; State apparatus


Pollock, Jackson: 546 n. 89, 575 n. 38


Polyvocality: and faciality, 179-81


Pompidou, Georges: and May 1968, 216; 

and State apparatus, 424-25


Poncelet, Jean: 363, 554 n. 23


Pontalis, J.-B.: 541 n. 41, 544 n. 79


Popelin, Claude: 522 n. 18


Population: and deterritorialization, 

345-46; and stratification, 52-53. See also 

Crowd; Multiplicity


Portes du paradis, Les: 23-24


Poststructuralism: and State philosophy, 



Potemkin: 184


Pottier, Rene: 560 n. 72


Pound, Ezra: 105, 176, 200, 520 n. 18


Power (pouvoir): arborescent structure, of, 

17; definition of, xvii; and faciality, 175; 

and language, 7, 75-76, 95, 101, 105-6; 

and minor philosophy, x; and 

psychoanalysis, x-xi; and segmentarity, 

224-27; and State apparatus, 227, 

431-32. See also State apparatus


Power (puissance): and capitalist axiomatic, 

466-67; definition of, xvii; and faciality, 

175; and language, 95, 106; and war 

machine, 392. See also Consistency; War 



Pragmatics: and becoming, 251; generative 

and transformational, 139-40; and 

incorporeal transformation, 82-83; and 

language, 77-78, 92; and linguistics, 85, 

90-91, 97-98; and map, 15, 146-47; and 

nomad thought, xiii; as schizoanalysis, 

146; and State philosophy, xv; and 

stratification, 43. See also Nomad 

science; Schizoanalysis


Preaux, Claire: 563 n. 106


Primitive society: and segmentarity, 

209-13; and State apparatus, 357-61, 

429-31, 433. See also Evolution


Princesse de Cleves, La: 173-74




Prison: and language, 66-67


Proclus: 554


Profit: as apparatus of capture, 441-42. See 

also Capitalism


Proper name: and abstract machine, 142; 

and body without organs, 35; and 

haeccity, 263-64; and intensity, 27-28; 

and multiplicity, 27-28, 37-38; and 

order-word, 84; and variation, 100; of 

Wolf-Man, 26-27. See also Subjectivity


Property: and deterritonalization, 388; and 

State apparatus, 428, 449. See also 



Propp, Vladimir: 194


Proust, Marcel: 196, 266, 358, 526 n. 27, 

541 n. 39, 542 n. 47, 545 n. 84, 548 nn. 

15, 19, 550 n. 46; and becoming-woman, 

277; and deterritonalization, 306; and 

faciality, 185-86; and haeccity, 271-72; 

and marginalism, 438-39; and music, 

319; and proper name, 37; and refrain, 

347; and secret, 290; and variation, 98


Proust and Signs: 518 n. 25, 526 n. 27


Psychanalyse et transversalit'e: 517 n. 10


Psychiatry: and delusion, 119-21, 128


Psychoanalysis: and arborescent schema, 

17-18; and becoming-animal, 259-60; and 

body without organs, 151, 165; and 

causality, 283-84; and haeccity, 264; and 

multiplicity, 34-35, 38; and phantasy, 

154-55; and politics, x-xi; as priesthood, 

154-55; and schizoanalysis, 17-18; and 

secret, 288-89; semioticof, 125; and 

subjectification, 130-31; as tracing, 

12-15. See also Freud, Sigmund; 

Schizoanalysis; Unconscious


Public sphere: and private property, 451-52


Quebecois: as minor language, 101-2, 104 

Querrien, Anne: 364-66,556 n. 36,573 n. 24 

Quinet, Edgar: 452


Race: and faciality, 178; and nomad


thought, 379-80. See also Man 

Ravel, Maurice: 270-71 Ray, Jean: 

29, 569 n. 50 Reality: and 

representation, 23; and


subjectification, 129-30. See also


Epistemology Reason: as law, 

xii-xiii; and State


apparatus, 375-76


Recherches: 517 n. 11


Refrain: 310-50 passim; and assemblage, 

312, 323-27; and becoming, 350; and 

deterritonalization, 300-302; and music, 

299-302; and plateau, xiv-xv; and 

territory, 317, 321. See also Music


Regime of signs: and abstract machine, 

141-42; and assemblage, 119, 121-22, 

140-41; authoritarian and despotic, 

121-22; and deterritonalization, 141-43, 

508; and enunciation, 7; and incorporeal 

transformation, 88; and map, 119; and 

order-word, 83-84; and plane of 

consistency, 141-42; and rhizome, 21; 

and semiotic, 11, 136; and stratification, 

63, 68; and subjectification, 130. See 

also Language; Linguistics; Semiotic; 



Regis, Emmanuel: 529 n. 11


Regnault, Francois: 526 n. 32


Reich, Steve: 542 n. 46


Reich, Wilhelm: 534 n. 22


Reinberg, A.: 549 n. 29


Religion: and State apparatus, 382-84; and 

territory, 321-22


Rent: as apparatus of capture, 440-41


Representation: and arborescent schema, 

12; and assemblage, 23; and body, 86; 

and book, 5-7; and heterogeneity, 10


Reterritorialization: see 



Reuleaux, Franz: 457


Revel, Jacques: 527 n. 36


Revolution moleculaire, La: 517-18 n. 12


Rhizome: as antigenealogy, 10-11, 21; and 

arboresent schema, xii, 6-7, 20, 34, 

328-29, 506; and becoming, 25, 238-39, 

294; and book, 6-7, 11, 22-23; and 

evolution, 10-11; and faciality, 190-91; 

and language, 109-10; and line, 203, 

505-6; and linguistics, 7-8, 91, 92; and 

map, 20; and multiplicity, 6-9, 30, 505-6; 

and nomads, 415; and novella, 199; and 

segmentarity, 211; and smooth and 

striated space, 371, 506; and 

stratification, 53, 74; and 

subjectification, 134; as unconscious, 18; 

and variation, 95-96; and writing, 24-25. 

See also Arborescent schema; Flow;


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