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602 □ INDEX


248, 260, 276, 286, 482, 530 nn. 25, 31, 

35, 533 n. 5, 546 n. 89, 551 n. 56


Millet, Jean Francois: 343


Millikan, Robert: 327


Milovanoff, Annie: 557 n. 49, 572 n. 6


Minority: and capitalist axiomatic, 469-73; 

and language, 105-6


Minor literature: 105


Minor science: 108-9, 361-74 passim, 



Moby-Dick: 243-45, 248-50, 304, 305


Mohammed: and nomads, 380, 383. See 

also Koran, the; Religion


Moiroux, Jacques: 537 n. 20


Molecule: and articulation, 34; and 

becoming, 248-50, 272-86 passim; and 

deterritorialization, 345-46; and music, 

308-9; and rhizome, 328-29; and 

stratification, 45, 52, 57-60. See also 



Mondrian, Piet: 295, 301, 305, 546 n. 89


Monet, Claude: 298


Money: and capture, 442-43; and flow, 

226-27. See also Capitalism


Monge, Gaspard: 363, 554 n. 28, 556 n. 36


Monod, Jacques: 49, 521 ch. 3 n. 3, 522 n. 

21, 549 n. 30, 550 n. 41


Monsieur Zero: 279


Montesquieu: 564 n. 9


Montmollin, Robert: 570 n. 56


Morand, Paul: 279


More, Marcel: 304, 552 n. 60


Morgenstern, Laura: 574 n. 34


Moritz, Karl Philipp: 240, 512


Morphogenesis: and double articulation, 

42. See also Form


Moses: 122-24, 226; and book, 127; and 

nomads, 118, 383; as subject, 128, 130; 

and taxation, 394; and war machine

388, 390, 392-93, 417. See also Bible, 

the; Religion


Moulier, Yann: 469, 527 n. 40, 571 n. 66


Movement: and becoming, 280-81; and 

deterritorialization, 282, 326-27; and 

nomads, 381; and plane of consistency, 

281-82; and smooth and striated space, 

498-99; and State apparatus, 386. See 

also Slowness; Speed


Mozart, Wolfgang: 297, 304, 309, 350, 546 

n. 92; and refrain, 300, 347


Mr. Klein: 291-292


Mrs. Dalloway: 263


Multiplicity: and arborescent schema, 

16-17, 33; and assemblage, 8, 22-23, 34; 

and becoming-animal, 239-52 passim; 

and body without organs, 30, 154; and 

book, 4-7; and crowd, 30, 33-34; and 

evolution, 48-49; and faciality, 182-83; 

and individual, 254; and intensity, 33; 

and language, 66-67; and map, 15; 

molecular, 27-28; and music, 11-12; and 

nomad thought, xiii; and proper name, 

37-38; and psychoanalysis, 34-35; and 

rhizome, 6-9, 22, 30, 33, 505-6; and 

smooth space and striated space, 371, 

482-88; and stratification, 43, 52-53; and 

unconscious, 35; and unity, 8-9, 32-33. 

See also Assemblage; Consistency; 

Machine; Plane of consistency


Mumford, Lewis: 428, 457, 570 n. 58


Murard, Lion: 566 n. 16


Music: and becoming, 299-309; and 

consistency, 329-33, 343; and 

deterritorialization, 296-97, 301-3; and 

faciality, 186; and line of flight, 11-12; 

and metallurgy, 411; and molecule, 

308-9; and painting, 300-303; and plane 

of consistency, 267, 270-72; and refrain, 

347-50; and rhizome, 11-12; and smooth 

and striated space, xiii, 477-78; and 

subjectification, 137; and territory, 

318-19; and variation, 95-97, 104. See 

also Refrain


Musset, Lucien: 558 n. 62, 561 n. 83


Mussorgsky, Modest: 342, 550 n. 48; and 

refrain, 300


M'uzan, Michel de: 531 n. 5


Myrdal, Gunnar: 571 n. 62


Myth: and becoming, 237


Napoleon: 47, 558 n. 59


NASA: and capitalism, 455


Nash, Paul: 546 n. 89


Nature: and multiplicity, 5, 254; and plane


of consistency, 266; and resemblance,


234-35. See also Spinoza, Baruch;


Substance Nef, John Ulric: 564 n. 109 

Negri, Antonio: and capitalist axiomatic,




INDEX □ 603


Nelli, Rene: 532 n. 13


Nicolai, J.: 550 n. 37


Nietzsche, Friedrich: 23, 125, 227, 257, 

296, 342-43, 345, 541 n. 44, 552 n. 5, 

555 n. 35; and book, 6; and 

deterritorialization, 510; and haeccity, 

268, 269; as minor philosopher, x; and 

nomad thought, xiii, 376-77; and power, 

xvii; and plane of consistency, 507; and 

refrain, 350


Nijinsky, Vaslav: 169,257


Noailles, Pierre: 565 n. 10


Nomadology: 315-423 passim; and history, 

23-34; and stratification, 43


Nomads: and art, 492-99; and 

deterritorialization, 53-54, 381-84; and 

evolutionism, 48-49; and flow, 404-15 

passim; and religion, 382-84; and 

semiotic, 118; and smooth space, 380-81, 

384-85, 410, 413-15, 474-500passim; 

and State apparatus, 384-85, 430-31; and 

war machine, 351-423passim. Seealso 

Deterritorialization; Smooth space; War 



Nomad science: and royal science, 367-69, 

373-74; and war machine, 361-74 

passim. See also Pragmatics; Science


Nomos: and logos, 369-73; and nomad, xiii, 

370-71, 380-81; and number, 388; and 

polis, 353


Noology: and war machine, 374-80. See 

also Thought


Novel: and faciality, 173-74; as literary 

genre, 192-93


Novella: as literary genre, 192-207 passim


Number: and measurement, 8; and 

multiplicity, 484-85; semiotic of, 118; and 

war machine, 387-94. See also 

Geometry; Mathematics


Numbers, Book of: 388. See also Bible, the


Object: and book, 3; in Western 

metaphysics, xi. See also Epistemology; 



Omnes, Roland: 521 ch. 3 n. 1


"On Slogans": 83


"On the Gradual Formation of Ideas in 

Speech" ("Uber die allmahliche 

Verfertigung der Gedanken beim 

Reden"): 378


Optical space: and nomad art, 493-99


Order-word: and content and expression, 

108-9; and death, 107-8, 110; and 

incorporeal transformation, 80-81, 

108-9; and indirect discourse, 84; and 

major and minor language, 106; and 

sign, 87; and speech acts, 79; and 

statement, 107; and variation, 94-95. See 

also Linguistics


Oresme, Nicholas: 540 n. 29


Organ: and becoming-animal, 258-59; and 

machine, 256. See also Body; Body 

without organs


Organism: and assemblage, 4; and body, 

41; and body without organs, 4, 30, 

158-63; and double articulation, 41-42; 

and faciality, 171-72; and nomad art, 

498-99; and State apparatus, 366-67; and 

stratification, 43-44, 50-54. See also 

Body; Body without organs


Organization: see Stratification


Orgasm: as orientation of Western thought, 

xiv, 22. See also Sexuality


Orient, the: as rhizome, 18-19; and State 

apparatus, 384-85; 450-51


Orlando: 294.


Ortigues, Edmond: 564 n. 2


Oury, Jean: x


Overcoding: and language, 62; and novella, 

200-201; and rhizome, 8-9; and 

stratification, 63. See also Coding; 

Language; Linguistics


Pacotte, Julien: 519 n. 13, 544 n. 82 

Painting: and deterritorialization, 301; and


faciality, 172-73, 178-79, 184-85; and


line and point, 298; and memory, 295;


and music, 300-303; and refrain, 347-48.


See also Faciality Parain, Brice: 523 n. 4 

Parain, Charles: 569 n. 43 Parant, 

Jean-Luc: 534 n. 16 Pareto, Vilfredo: 439 

Paris, Jean: 184-85 Parnet, Claire: 517 nn. 

1,4 Pasolini, Pier Paolo: 106,523 n. 5,527n. 

39 "Passionement" (Passionately): 98 

Peirce, C. S.: 531 n. 41 Pelleas et 

Melisande: 299 Pelliot, Paul: 561 n. 81


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