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606 □ INDEX


Nomads; Plane of consistency Rhythm." 

and consistency, 328-29; and


milieu, 313-16; and refrain, 313-14; and


territory, 318-20. See also Music 

Ricardo, David: 567 nn. 27-28, 30-31 

"Rideau cramoisi, Le": (The crimson


curtain): 193 Riegl, Alois: 574 n. 32; 

and nomad art,


492-93, 495 Riemann, Georg: 142, 

573 n. 16; and


multiplicity, 32, 482-83 Riemannian 

space: 476, 485-86. See also


Geometry; Space Rimbaud, Arthur: 

379 Riviere, Jacques: Artaud's 



with, 377-78 Robert, Jean: 565 n. 11, 

568 n. 40 Romanticism: and territory, 

338-42 Ronai, Maurice: 533 n. 13 

Rorschach test: and faciality, 180 Rose, 

Steven: 519 n. 12 Rosenstiehl, Pierre: 

16-18, 544 n. 82 Rossini, Gioacchino: 

307 Roth, Karl Heinz: 571 n. 66 Rouget, 

Gilbert: 526 n. 29 Rousseau, 

Jean-Jacques: 81-96 Roussel, Raymond: 

288-89 Rovini, Robert: on Holderlin, 268 

Royal science: and nomad science, 367-68,


373-74. See also Science; State


apparatus "Ruse, Une" (An 

artifice): 193 Rush, J. H.: 522 n. 12 

Russell, Bertrand: and logic, 148; and


multiplicity, 33, 483 Ruwet, Nicolas: 

99 Ruyer, Raymond: 332, 521 ch. 3 n. 3, 



n. 36 Ryan, Michael: 571 

n. 66


Sadock, J. M.: 525 n. 22 Sahlins, 

Marshall: 573 n. 25 Saint-Geours, 

Jean: 569-70 n. 52 Salle, J. B. de la: 

533 n. 7 Samson, Joseph: 547 n. 3 

Samuel, Claude: 548 n. 13 Sarraute, 

Nathalie: 196-97,267 Sartre, 

Jean-Paul: and faciality, 171 Saumjan, 

S. K.: 525-26 n. 22 Saussure

Ferdinand de: 524 n. 7


Scherer, Rene: 273


Schizoanalysis: and abstract machine, 513; 

and becoming, 251; and body without 

organs, 165; and faciality, 188; and line, 

202-3; and map, 13; and nomad thought, 

xiii; and pragmatics, 146; and 

psychoanalysis, 17-18; and stratification, 

43. See also Pragmatics; Psychoanalysis


Schleiermacher, August: xii


Schmitt, Bernard: 445-46, 536 n. 14, 567 n. 



Schnebel, Dieter: 96


Schoenberg, Arnold: and refrain, 350


Schopenhauer as Educator: 376


Schreber, Daniel Paul: 5, 120, 288-89, 531 

n. 3


Schumann, Robert: 270, 297-98, 304, 

307-8, 550 n. 47; and refrain, 300, 303, 

347, 350


Schwob, Marcel: 23-24


Science: and assemblage, 22-23; and 

axiomatic, 461; and deterritorialization, 

372; and diagrammatic, 143-44; major 

and minor, 108-9, 361-74; and nomads, 

24. See also Mathematics; Nomad 

science; Technology


Searle, John: 524 n. 9


Secret: and content and form, 286-89; and 

line, 205; and novella, 193-94, 196-97; 

and paranoia, 288-89; and perception, 

286-87; and sexuality, 289-90; and war 

machine, 287-88


Sedentary: and nomad, 414-15


Segmentarity: and coding, 222-24; and 

deterritorialization, 222-24; and line, 

206-7, 209, 211 -12, 217, 222-26; and line 

of flight, 216, 223-24; molar and 

molecular, 213, 215-17, 224-25, 228; and 

novella, 195-202; and rhizome, 211; 

rigid, 212; and State apparatus, 218, 

222-27; supple, 213. See also 

Consistency; State apparatus; 

Stratification; Striated space


Self (Moi): definition of, xvii-xviii; and 

order-word, 84; and subjedification, 

132, 133; and war machine, 356. See also 



Semantics: and speech acts, 77-78. See also 



Semiology: and regime of signs, 111-12.


INDEX □ 607


See also Language; Linguistics; Sign; 



Semiotic: and deterritorialization, 135; and 

faciality, 180-82; and regime of signs

136; and State apparatus, 135; 

transformation of, 136-39. See also 

Language; Linguistics; Regime of signs; 

Sign; Signifiance


Sephiha, Vidal: 527 n. 35


Serieux, Paul: 119-20


Serres, Michel: 361, 371-72, 489-90, 519 n. 

13, 554 n. 24, 555 n. 32


Sexuality: and becoming, 246, 275-79; and 

rhizome, 18. See also Desire; Love


Shakespeare, William: 125-26, 354


Shestov, Leon: 206, 376


Shrinking Man: 279


Sign: and assemblage, 504; and book, 4; 

and content and expression, 117; and 

deterritorialization, 67-68, 87, 112-13, 

115-17, 121; and faciality, 123; and 

order-word, 87; and signifiance, 112; 

signifying regime of, 112; and State 

apparatus, 118; and stratification, 64-69; 

and thing and word, 66-67; and tool, 

400-402. See also Language; Linguistics; 

Regime of signs; Semiotic; Signifiance


Signature: and territory, 316


Signifiance: and abstract machine, 91; and 

arborescent schema, 16; and body 

without organs, 159-61; definition of, 

xviii; and faciality, 179-82; and 

information, 79; and interpretation, 114; 

and regime of signs, 68; and 

subjectifi-cation, 167-68; and writing, 22. 

See also Language; Linguistics; Semiotic; 



Signified: see Sign


Signifier: see Sign


Simmel, Georg: 544 n. 76


Simondon, Gilbert: 408-10, 522 nn. 11, 19, 

523 n. 31, 555 n. 33


Simpson, George Gaylord: 522 n. 10


Sin: and segmentarity, 218


Sinacoeur, Hourya: 551 n. 54


Sirens: 308


Slepian, Vladimir: and becoming-animal, 

258-60, 274


Slowness: and form, 254; and science, 

371-72; and stratification, 56. See also 

Movement; Speed


Smith, Patti: 19


Smooth space: and aesthetics, 492-99; and 

body without organs, 479; and 

capitalism, 490-92; and minor science, 

361-62; and multiplicity, 482-88; and 

nomads, 380-81,384-85, 410,413-15; 

and number, 389; and thought, xiii, 

379-80; and plateau, xiv-xv; and 

rhizome, 506; and State apparatus, 

489-92; and striated space, 353, 369-73, 

387, 474-500 passim; and war machine, 

363-64, 422-23, 489-92. See also 

Consistency; Nomads; Plane of 

consistency; Rhizome; Space; Striated 



Society: and segmentarity, 208-31 passim. 

See also Politics; State apparatus


Solomon: 122, 123, 534 n. 14. See also 

Bible, the; Jewish people


Solon: 557 n. 51


Songs and Dances of Death: 300


"Son of Sam": 80


Sorcery: and becoming-animal, 239-52 



Space: and haeccity, 261-63; holey, 413-15; 

and refrain, 311-12; and State apparatus, 

388-89. See also Geometry; Smooth 

space; Striated space


Spaier, Albert: 573 n. 15


Speech: and action, 77-78; and language, 

78, 92. See also Language; Linguistics


Speed: and becoming-animal, 258-59; and 

body, 260-61; and book, 3-4; and form, 

254; and haeccity, 261-62; and nomads, 

381, 499; and plane of consistency, 

270-71; and science, 371-72; and State 

apparatus, 386; and stratification, 56. 

See also Movement; Slowness


Speed: 152


Spengler, Oswald: 76


Spinoza, Baruch: x, xiii, xvi, 123, 153-54, 

158, 253-54, 256-57, 260-61, 507


Spinozism: 253-60


Spirit: Hegelian, and Cosmos, 342


Spitz, Rene: 169-70


Ssu-ma Ch'ien: 559 n. 69


Stalin, Joseph: 525 n. 21


Stalinism: and segmentarity, 214-15. See 

also State apparatus; Totalitarianism


Starobinski, Jean: 552 n. 10


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