Million Dollar Habits

Million Dollar Habits – Page 16

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Million Dollar Habits – Page 16 
Over the past 22 years, in my work with more than 500 corporations, my entire 
focus has been on discovering the reasons for sales, revenues and profits in each 
business or industry, and then determining how those principles could be best 
utilized to achieve the results of the most successful companies. 
When people complimented me on my successes, I eagerly shared with them what 
I had learned in each area. I told them that they too could learn anything that they 
needed to learn to achieve any goal they could set for themselves. All they had to 
do was to find out the cause and effect relationships in any area of endeavor, and 
then apply them to their own activities. If they did this, they would soon get the 
same results that other successful people get.
Taking Control of Your Life 
But instead of taking this advice, they would nod, smile and agree, and then turn 
away and go about their day-to-day business. They would start work at the last 
possible moment, waste much of the day in idle conversation with co-workers and 
personal business, leave work at the earliest possible time, and then spend their 
evenings socializing or watching television. 
In frustration, I began to study psychology and metaphysics. I eventually learned 
that there are a series of universal principles and timeless truths that explain much 
of human success and failure. These principles explain happiness and unhappiness, 
riches and poverty, health and ill health, and good and poor relationships. These 
mental laws explain why some people have wonderful lives and why others do not. 

Million Dollar Habits – Page 17 
The Law of Control 
The first law that I discovered was the Law of Control. This law says that, 
feel happy to the degree to which you feel you are in control of your own life. You 
feel unhappy to the degree to which you feel you are not in control of your own 
Modern psychology calls this “Locus of Control Theory.” Psychologists 
differentiate between an 
locus of control and an 
locus of control. 
Your locus of control is where you feel the control exists in each area of your life. 
This location determines your happiness or unhappiness more than any other 
For example, if you feel that you are the 
primary creative force
in your own life, 
that you make your own decisions, and that everything that happens to you is a 
result of yourself and your own behaviors, you have a solid 
locus of 
control. As a result, you will feel strong, confident and happy. You will think with 
greater clarity and perform at higher levels than the average person. 
On the other hand, if you feel that your life is controlled by 
factors or people, 
by your job, your boss, your childhood experiences, your bills, your health, your 
family or anything else, you will have an 
locus of control. You will feel 
like a victim. You will feel like a pawn in the hands of fate. You will soon develop 
what Dr. Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania calls “learned 
helplessness.” You will feel helpless and unable to change or improve your 
situation. You will soon develop the habit of blaming others and making excuses 

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