Ministry of education and science of ukraine

The conclusions of the article

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The conclusions of the article. Analyzing the development of school biological education in these chronological limits we can claim that biological education in secondary schools has developed by strombuliform and this spiral gradually converges, because its turns become narrower in each new period. In each transition stage the appropriate "genotype" distinguished, which presented itself as the basic qualities of the previous period. Therefore, the large potential, accumulated by the school biological education during 1937 – 2001’s, should be used in the modernization of the educational process in biology in the modern school. The received results findings will help in further study the history of biology education in Ukrainian schools.


1. Вітвицька Г. С. Удосконалювати біологічну освіту школярів / Г. С. Вітвицька // Радянська школа. – 1986. – № 8. – С. 39 – 43.

2. Зверев И. Д. Биологическое образование в советской средней школе / И. Д. Зверев, Б. Д. Комиссаров // Биология в школе. – 1977. – № 5. – С. 40 – 47.

3. Концепція безперервної біологічної освіти в Україні (проект) // Інформаційний збірник Міністерства освіти України. – 1995. – № 8. – С. 24 – 35.

4. Навчальні плани восьмирічних шкіл і середніх шкіл з виробничим навчанням на 1962/63 н. р. : М-во освіти УРСР, Управління шкіл. – К.: Радянська школа, 1962. – 7 с.

5. Навчальні плани початкової, семирічної і середньої школи УРСР на 1955/56 н. р.: М-во освіти УРСР, Управління шкіл. – К. : Радянська школа:, 1955. – 3 с.

6. Програма середньої загальноосвітньої школи. Біологія (5 – 10 кл.): [М-во освіти СРСР, М-во освіти УРСР, Головне управління шкіл]. – К.: Радянська школа, 1988. – 54 с.

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UDC 372.894

V. Miroshnichenko,

Ph.D., Associate Professor

(Berdyansk State Pedagogical University)
Problem. Modern educational policy of Ukraine is aimed at the humanization, democratization, development of national pedagogics based on advanced conceptions, ideas and methods. The educational process should be focused on fully disclosing abilities and satisfaction of different educational needs of students, forming their whole world’s view, culture of personality and thinking, which would include various professional fields.

The process of professional self-determination and self-awareness is especially actual for the pupils of senior classes. Hey have an interest to the cognitive activity. This is due to some psychological peculiarities that are inherent to the pupils of this age group.

Today each graduate faces with the problem of finding its place in the competitive surroundings, so often there is a necessity in other quality’s personality of than those which forms the domestic traditional school based on dogmatic paradigm. Pedagogical practice for a long time is looking for an agreement between the formal functional component of training, which is built on the leading role of the teacher in providing ready-made knowledge, those are fixed mostly by exploiting the memory, and innovative methodology, that develops, characterized by the right of choice, autonomy, informal communication and self-expression. Nowadays the popular project technology is corresponded to the foregoing tasks in many ways.

The analysis of researches and publications. The issue of the using of project activity in upper classes of secondary school are occupied with many Ukrainian and Russian scientists such as K.Bahanov, V.Huzyeyev, I.Yermakov, H.Isayeva, Ya.Pahomova, O.Pehota, Ye.Polat, O.Pometun, G.Selevkо, I.Serhyeyev, S.Shevtsova and others. However, along with this, psychological and pedagogical aspects of this question, requires optional coverage, because there were significantly fewer researchers in this area (K.Bahanov, N.Matyash).

The aim of the article is to determine the psychological and pedagogical principles of project activity in high school.

The studding of project activity is a relatively new area of ​​researches in pedagogical psychology. However, today it is believed that one of the backbones of approaches that enhance the developmental effect of education programs and positive impacts on the disclosure of the potential possibilities of the personality is the project activity [6, 337].

In the structure of contemplating as one of the activities are distinguished the following components: subject, article, object, purpose, means, procedures, product, external and internal conditions of design.

The object of the design may be different training tasks, situations and processes. The subject of designing is a pupils or a group of pupils the cognitive activity of which is served the project as specific description of the future object.

The essence of the concept of the project activity is based on the general psychological understanding of the activity as such that is prevailed in our native psychology and related with works of L.Vygotsky, A.Leontiyev, S.Rubinshtein and others.

According to A. Leontiyev, the activity is a process which is organized by the subject and the environment. The subject, as a rule, serves only that aspect that can be incorporated into the structure of the activity at this stage of phylo- and ontogenesis [5, 21].

Today, the national psychology is divided into four main activities: learning, play, work, communication.

We know that the leading activity is peculiar to every age-specific period, the development of which leads to major changes in mental processes and characteristics of the child at a given stage.

The pupils of senior classes who are involved in project activity, more often showing the cognizing interest to the academic subjects than the pupils of secondary school. The necessity in important for vital success in knowledge is one of the features of modern senior pupil, which in its turn determines the development and functioning of the mental processes. The perception is characterized by dedication and the attention is characterized by the randomness and stability.

In the works of L. Bozhovich, L. Vygotsky, I. Kon, V. Krutetsky and others is stressed that the increase of intellectual ability, the mental activity of young pupils is characterized by a high level of generalization and abstraction, the desire for a causal explanation of phenomena, the ability to argue and prove ones or another positions, make a reasonable conclusions, bind the researching facts and phenomena’s in the system.

The American psychologists with a result of several studies concluded that in the teaching of senior pupils are the same patterns as in a working activity of adults: a relatively complex and more independent learning promotes to the creative thinking, reduces the likelihood of emotional disorders [9].

The prerequisite for effective and competent performance of educational activity is the possession of certain skills. For example, in the comprehensive skills are distinguished the designing, organizing, prognostic and some others.

The project activity is a creative process in which N. Matyash distinguishes the generating of project ideas, designs and perfect conversion of facility; the materialization of ideal constructs in a landmark able material of project, deployment of the project sign structure in action, the materializes of design [6, 337-339].

The difference of the structure of the project activity from the other is only in the specific and content of needs and motives that cause and direct this work in adequate goals, objectives, actions and operations. The targeted project activity considers its direct and main result the changing of subject itself.

The project activity of seniors is based on the researching in cognitive and practical activity, in a result of it the pupil creates a product that is characterized by subjective and in some cases objective novelty that is by creative approach.

The analysis content of the pupils’ activity during the project task allows to make a conclusion about the participation in the project activity brings greater opportunities especially for the development of creative abilities. The educational and creative activity by the method of projects is aimed at the solving of educational problems and creative tasks. It is logical to assume, that the whole process of creative activity of schoolchildren consists of the following stages: a) the rising of idea or creative task, b) guessing, c) solving the problem, d) implementation of solutions in practice. An important component of the success of project creativity is the ability of pupils to arbitrary regulation of their mental states.

Thus, the role of project activity for high school is determined by several factors. Firstly, in adolescence the aspiration for his or her identity is an internal necessity, and the need in self-assertion is displayed in the appearance of a new dominant integrative desire to "live to work". Secondly, the mental activity becomes more active and independent, the senior more interested in something that requires the independent thinking, analysis, comparison, proof, substantiation, generating of ideas, nomination of hypotheses. They are inherited the desire to communication, search of common principles and laws, these are behind some facts [4].

According to G. Vaschenko the adolescence is characterized not only by the increasing of knowledge, expanding the horizons of senior pupils, but the advent of the pupils’ theoretical interests and the need to build a variety of specific facts to a few common regulatory principles. For adolescents the logical forms of synthesizing thinking are inherited [3]. According to the researching of modern psychologists, for example, a senior can remember 10% of the information by reading with eyes, listening – 20%, considering – 30% listening and considering – 50%, discussing – 70%, through the personal experience – 80% joint activity with discussion – 90%, teaching the others – 95% [7, 12-15].

In high school age the motivation of learning varies greatly "self-actualization and self-improvement; interest in theoretical methods and creative thinking, broad social motives of civic duty, social and positional motives, improving its training activities, interest in the rational organization of mental labor motivation and professional self-determination" become the leading motives [2, 52].

At the age of about 14 years, a period that was in psychology called "Designing the Future" comes. The one area where such considerations can go beyond the category of "dreams" is learning. At this time, it is important to take the pupil through learning situations to the residence of social situations, especially as an ideal image of the future is formed in early adolescence. More over "Academic present" senior pupil should receive the experience of real activity within the broader professional directions in order to try on over a particular social role [10].

There are some differences between teaching in 9, 10 and 11 forms. So, K. Bahanov notes that the educational process in the 10th grade compared with other classes has significant features. Firstly the circumstances have altered: itself some of the pupils left school after the 9th grade, making a professional choice, and the remaining convinced in the necessity to continue schooling for themselves.

Secondly, the intellectual level of ten formers is greatly increasing. The actual process of analysis, finding the clues is attracted, the pupils they like to choose between different views, justify their opinions and defend it in debate. It’s under the power to determine the nature and structure of information for ten-formers, to analyze complex methods of teaching and learning activities (modeling, systematic and structural approach, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, etc.) to understand the dependence of the results on the allocation from the main purpose and point of view; use all forms of comparison; apply various methods of cognitive activity to the formulation and solution of new problems [1, 61].

In connection with the introduction of specialized education in high school of Ukraine, the role of mandatory consideration psychological and educational characteristics of pupils’ the 10-11 classes, their educational needs, aptitudes and abilities, creating conditions for the pupils’ education in accordance with their professional self determination increases. It is achieved through the changes in the objectives, content, structure and methods of the organization of training. The method of projects in conjunction with profiling fully implements the principle of studding, which greatly enhances the pupil’s opportunities to choose their own educational path [8, 3].

The project activity of senior pupil can be regarded as a social practice. In high school, the educational interests of pupils are clearly manifested, associated with plans for further education and employment. Therefore, the projects can be carried out on the basis of an extended informational base within specific subjects. Thus, the implementation of project technology in high school is the most organic.

Conclusions. Based on the fact that the project activity is based on creative and practical, researching activity, the study has shown that the psychological and pedagogical principles of this activity in senior school include: optimal features of adolescence for application design technology – an independent, active and creative style of mental activity, the pursuit to his or her identity, the need in self-assertion, the desire to communication, the opening of his inner world, the ability to immerse themselves in the emergence of valuable relationships, favorable pedagogical process in 9-11 grades of secondary school – profiling changes in the objectives, content, structure and methods of training, the passivity of using various educational technologies.

The future prospect of research is to determine the psychological and pedagogical principles of project activity in secondary and elementary classes of secondary school. Also, there is a need in studding the prerequisites application of project technology in high education.

  1. Баханов К.О. Життєтворчі проекти в навчанні історії України. Посіб. для вчителя / К.О.Баханов, В.А. Нищета. – Х.: Вид. група "Основа", 2008. – 109с. (Б-ка журн. "Історія та правознавство")

  2. Бухлова Н. Навчаємо вчитися: діагностика і формування самоосвітньої компетентності учнів / Н. Бухлова. – К.: Вид. дім "Шкіл. світ": Вид. Л. Галіцина, 2006. – 128с.

  3. Ващенко Г. Загальні методи навчання: [підручник для педагогів] / Г.Ващенко. – К.: Українська Видавнича Спілка, 1997. – 441с.

  4. Кон И.С. Психология старшеклассника / И.С. Кон – М.: Просвещение, 1982. – 202 с.

  5. Леонтьев А.Н. Проблемы развития психики / А.Н. Леонтьев. – М.: МГУ, 1972. – 262с.

  6. Матяш Н.В. Проектная деятельность в работе практического психолога / Н.В. Матяш // Ежегодник Российского психологического общества: Материалы 3-го Всероссийского съезда психологов 25-28 июня 2003 г.: В 8 Т. — СПб.: Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2003. – Т.5. – С.337-339

  7. Порохня Л. Метод проектів у навчальному процесі / Л.Порохня // Директор школи. – 2006. – №42. – С.12–15

  8. Профільне навчання в старшій школі: шляхи розвитку: [Наук.-доп. бібліогр. покажч. Вип.1 / Уклад.: Л.О. Пономаренко, Л.І. Ніколюк, Л.І.Самчук, І.М. Каневська; Наук. консультант і автор вступ. ст. В.І.Кизенко; Наук. ред. і відп. за вип. Т.Ф. Букшина; реценз. Н.М. Бібік ]. – К.: АПН України. ДНПБ України ім. В.О.Сухомлинського, 2004. – 163с.

  9. Хьелл Л. Теории личности / Л.Хьелл, Д.Зиглер. – СПб.: Питер Пресс, 1997. – 608с.

  10. Шумилин Е.О. Психологические особенности личности старшеклассника / Е.О. Шумилин – М.: Педагогика, 1979. − 152с.

UDC 37,018,262

Yu. Mosayev,

PhD in Sociology, Assistant Professor

(Classic Private University)
Problem. Gaming method of education is a necessary part of the educational process within the educational work among the various categories of children and adolescents. We believe these techniques with the use of sports to work with maladjusted youth who is prone to deviant behavior are not investigated in the framework of national pedagogy.

State of research problems. This problem was partially explored in the works of Russian explorer Vladimir Kabachkov. At the same time we think that the possibility of sports techniques in the social centers that work with socially maladjusted youth is poorly explored.

The purpose of the article. Explore the features of gaming techniques in teaching activities on the example of the social center "Prominnya".

The main part. Experimental data and practical experience have shown that the process of adolescent maladjustment is a process that can be neutralized through pedagogical and psychological methods. Under certain means and methods of pedagogical influence variations in physical and psychophysical state teenagers that partly contributes to crime prevention are equalized. To restore the social status of adolescent antisocial orientation it’s necessary to reorient its handling requires of special measures aimed at early detection, diagnosis and correction of behavior, which are prone to deviation.

According to V. Kabachkov: "one of the most important places in the system of crime prevention, educational and social neglect belongs to physical culture and sports. Using the tools and techniques of physical training in working with children of social risk is important due to the fact that the structure of their interests and needs in physical exercise occupy a leadership position, and 80% of adolescents have an advantage [1, p.21].

Accordingly, for working with adolescents special cognitive and educational programs are required in which physical exercise should be viewed from three basic positions: firstly, as a means of recovery, and secondly, as a means of entertainment and distraction of teens from the street and, thirdly, as a means of correcting their physical and emotional state. Zaporizhia social center "Prominnya" is engaged in such activities, too.

Social center "Prominnya" - Foundation, which works on general Christian principles, promotes the spiritual, moral and cultural revival of Zaporizhzhya, supports the development of children and youth education and creativity.

Activities of the social center "Prominnya":

Organization and conduct educational and developmental, consultative care and sports programs for children and youth in orphanages of Zaporizhzhya and the region.

Objective: To help children in orphanages to improve their knowledge of academic disciplines to promote their full development, the formation of identity and consciousness. Nurturing Orphans of spiritual, moral and cultural values.

Programs in orphanages are divided into four areas, namely:

- Education and development;

- Consulting and prevention;

- Vocational Training;

- Sports.

Today, teachers and volunteers of the "Prominnya" regularly work with children deprived of parental care in six schools of the city and the region, namely in Zaporizhzhya and Orikhivske regional centers for small towns of Vilnyansk, Molochansk, Novomykolaivsk and Matviivsk schools boarding.

There are more than 340 children of all ages who are participants in our programs in these institutions every week.

Help and support for children and young people from disadvantaged groups (children and young people of the streets of Kiev)

Object: To help children and young people from socially disadvantaged circles to find their way in life, to promote their identity, fostering in them the spiritual, moral and cultural values, as well as better knowledge of academic disciplines.

This activity combines a number of measures, including:

- Medical advice and support;

- Legal assistance: assistance in making or restoring personal documents, protection of the courts and upholding the rights of public authorities;

- Training with a psychologist: group and individual therapy;

- Educational development and sports.

The main application area of gaming techniques in the framework of the social center "Prominnya" is the eponymous football club, formed by representatives of socially disadvantaged young people of the city of Zaporizhia. This football club is on a regular basis over a year. During this time over twenty guys who belong to socially disadvantaged youth went through the club. The basis of the football club "Prominnya" consists of 15 boys from the age 16 to 20. Most of them were homeless and are now living in specialized shelters as part of their leisure time and increase their own fitness by engaging in football training and friendlies football matches as part of the preparatory structure of football club "Prominnya."

Participation of guys in this project includes one workout per week, which lasts three hours. As part of training players receive mandatory exercise that help them to maintain good physical shape. This is achieved through the introduction of traditional exercise (lifting of knees high, the load on leg, various options for acceleration, etc.) and specific players (circular movements of the knee and others). In training the factor of "cardiac" exercises and speed training of guys is not bypassed. At each training guys run at least 3-4 miles. The second phase consists of training specifically football and exercises to increase interaction between players. These exercises should be allocated to relay exercise content which is reduced to running speed with a ball in hand, running at speed with a ball in legs, speed passing, working in parallel, straight, short and long programs. After these exercises guys work with "standard position", which simulate their play at certain game situations: corner kicks, different variations of passes, penalty kicks, penalties and other situations where through testing algorithms of behavior one can get a victory over rivals.

After these guys hold bilateral exercises of football match. Within these bilateral football matches guys get the experience of joint cooperation within the group. This form of interaction has a good educational content which combines certain corrective technologies that contribute to the harmonious development of individuals belonging to socially disadvantaged youth.

Once a month the boys have a meeting with coaches and management of Social center "Prominnya." As part of this meeting there is a discussion of plans about the future of the club. Also guys can ask them questions relevant to the management of the social center "Prominnya." Meetings take place in the "home" atmosphere with elements of "sweet table". As part of these meetings the team determines the plans for the upcoming month and share the problems and caution in the area of football and own life. All these mentioned issues and problems are brought to brainstorm. Also, once a week there is a meeting with the leadership of the coach of the Social center "Prominnya" who summarizes club sports performances, educational activities which are implemented to work with members of the football club "Prominnya."

Once a month, the football club "Prominnya" conducts training matches with other football clubs of charity and some educational establishment teams of Zaporizhzhya. The plans of the football team to participate in amateur tournaments and championships and beach football.

Other jobsite gaming techniques of Matviivska school. Within this school there is a football section, which operates through social center "Prominnya." At the boarding there’s a Weekly workout that lasts two hours. Training is carried out by the same method and the same exercises as in the football club "Prominnya." Within boarding sixteen boys train. A few guys that showed themselves from the good side during the football training in the group in Matviivska boarding school are involved in the training process of the football club "Prominnya."

The third place of game application methods and in particular football in Zaporizhia is distributing shelter for children who have no parents or their parents are left without parental rights. Once a week, the boys from with no reprimands and violations of the regime are admitted to a football training, which lasts two hours. Methods of training are different from those used in the basic structure of the football club "Prominnya" and football circle in Matviivska boarding. Guys with asylum don’t conduct training because there’s no stability of that team due to the nature of the institution.

Football is not the only kind of sports which is used in the charity fund "Prominnya." After football at the Regional school is a basketball circle for girls. Within this circle of girls specialized exercises for playing basketball are performed once a week on the background of a variety of exercises. Among the so-called exercises we single out work with a basketball ball, work at high speeds at different distances, practicing free throws, throws out of the middle and far distances. Difficulty in training girls in the basketball circles is that they are divided into two age groups. They do not have the opportunity to spend a full two-sided game. At the same time quantitative and qualitative composition of the circle allows for training with elements of streetball (street basketball). This gives them opportunities to develop their technical skills in an individual game against an opponent. These aspects of the game are the most problematic in too modern collectivized basketball.

Classes in all these circles of 8 months a year (March to October) are held outdoors, and 4 months (November to February) in specialized gyms. These variations are the result of climatic conditions in general in Ukraine and in Zaporizhzhya region in particular. They do not allow to hold regular classes in the form of constant area, which creates additional problems for adolescents adapt to the new environment of training. It is not only a physiological problem, but the problem of pedagogical and psychological character. At the same time, except for psychological help they need assistance and educational one.

Within the educational work we should provide advice on the history of the sport, in which teenagers are involved. This information should contain information about the rules, their uses, contain information about the identity formation of known athletes who are famous for doing sports, so teens can sometimes take examples from the lives of athletes involved in other sports and in the case when these Athletes are known to the public and they can be authoritative for teens. Similar conversations are constantly used by employees of social center "Prominnya" to maintain interest in the profile of the sport and enhance their motivation in the field of social studies of important activity. Another aspect of teaching in the training process is the distribution among the participants of sports clubs commercial and administrative duties. In practice it looks as follows. Several of the participants in groups that are the most responsible and have a high level of motivation are assigned the task to monitor the outlook of balls, check cleanliness of their mates and stuff. This technology promotes internal and collective control of motivation and responsibility in the field of adolescent sports.

This football club works on a regular basis over a year. During this time the club went through over twenty guys who belong to socially disadvantaged youth. The basic staff of the football club "Prominnya" consists of 15 boys from 16 to 20 years of age. Most of them were homeless and are now living in specialized institutions as part of their leisure time and increase their own fitness by engaging in football training and friendlies football matches as part of the preparatory structure of the football club "Prominnya."

Participation of the guys in this project includes one workout per week, which lasts three hours. As part of training players receive mandatory exercise that help them maintain good physical shape. This is achieved through the introduction of traditional exercises (lifting knees high, the load on leg, various options for acceleration, etc.) and specific player’s ones (circular movements of the knee and others). In training the factor of "cardiac" exercises and speed training of guys is not bypassed. At each training guys run at least 3-4 miles. The second phase consists of training of specifically football exercises and to increase interaction between players.

These exercises should be allocated to relay exercise content which is reduced to running speed with a ball in hand, running at speed with a ball in legs, speed passing, working in parallel, straight, short and long programs. After these exercises guys work with "standard position", which simulate their play at certain game situations: corner kicks, different variations of passes, penalty kicks, penalties and other situations where through testing algorithms of behavior one can get a victory over rivals.

Separate discussion require collective educational activities that take place in the framework of socially - vulnerable young people in the practice of social center "Prominnya." Guys once a month have the opportunity to visit a football match of the Ukrainian premier league F.C. "Metallurg" Zaporizhzhya. Boys during a football match are able to get free tickets for the match and the match is being watched by professional skill players simultaneously discussing among themselves and with coach the events of the match, and interaction of players. Girls involved in basketball are able to visit Ukrainian Basketball Super League championship with the participation of Zaporizhzhya basketball club "Ferro-ZNTU". These meetings take place once a month within which there is a chat with basketball players and coaches.

Conclusions and recommendations for further research. The use of sports techniques based on sports game is an effective way to keep deviant behavior in the framework of the social center "Prominnya", which helps to overcome social exclusion of vulnerable young people of Zaporizhzhya and Zaporizhzhya region.

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