Ministry of education and science of ukraine

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1. Методика навчання української мови в початковій школі: навчально-методичний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів / за наук. ред. М.С.Вашуленка. – К. : Літера ЛТД, 2010. – 364с.

2. Мороз В.Д. Самостійна навчальна робота студентів / Мороз В. Д. – Х. : ХМК, 2003. – 63с.

3. Організація і зміст самостійної роботи студентів з філологічних дисциплін: Навчально-методичний посібник для студентів / за наук. ред. І.А.Нагрибельної. – Херсон: ХМД, 2012. – 184с.

4. Пентилюк М.І. Актуальні проблеми сучасної лінгводидактики : збірник статей / М. І. Пентилюк. – К. : Ленвіт, 2011. – 256с.

UDC: 371:351.851

V. Nechyporenko,

Ph.D., Director of the municipal

establishment “Khortytsky

National Educational Rehabilitational

Multispecialized Centre” of Zaporizhzhya

regional council, Zaporizhzhya

Problem. Any reform of the educational establishment is perspective only if it is conducted systematically, if it covers the whole range of issues, if it works for the future that is aimed at innovative type of the development. That is why, it is the achievement of systematic education and rehabilitation process that was deemed as a strategic goal of the experimental work of “Khortytsky National Educational Rehabilitation Multidisciplinary Center” and, as experiment proves the achievement of this goal ensured facility upgrades to a new level that meets modern requirements for innovative educational establishments.

The basic material and research results. The concept “systematic development of the educational establishment” has no unambiguous interpretation. It should be considered as a logical, sequential process of progressive and irreversible changes in the educational institution as a whole thing, which includes the necessary and sufficient set of structural elements; their adjusted activity increases the level of educational process of the establishment and is its transition to a new state functioning [9, 57].

The concept “systematic development of educational and rehabilitation center” should be understood as a set of related changes to ensure the transition of educational and rehabilitation center into a new state, that is based on the idea of integrity. Systematic development involves targeting perspective development of the establishment, predictive vision of the necessary changes in order to implement them; on the one hand not to violate the stable functioning of the institution, and on the other hand to ensure the gradual transition from the present state to the desired one. In the systematic development the choice of any innovation is regarded from the standpoint “How it will help to improve the results of educational and recreational center as a whole rather than parts of it” [6, 261].

In 1993 a series of pedagogical experiments was started and teaching staff of the establishment has set a distinct conceptual problems:

  • To prevent a simplified model of rehabilitation pedagogy not to confine to the narrow limits of correctional-developing activities;

  • To transform boarding school № 8 into multidisciplinary educational and rehabilitation establishment of a new type, Educational and Rehabilitation Center, which would become a school of life-formation and of success for every child;

  • To invent such a pedagogical theory, that would make it possible to implement the principle of personal orientation of the education and rehabilitation process.

Pedagogical theory that turned out to be successful for the establishment for many years is the rehabilitation pedagogy theory that is based on the ideas of life-creation pedagogy. Ideas of this pedagogy inspired the staff of the establishment to develop a new philosophy of education, which is to create enriched educational space for making possible for a child to obtain the ability to self-determinate freely and consciously, the ability of mastering possible resources for successful overcoming their problems.

In the life-creation theory a person is considered as a subject of life that performs his or her own livelihood, has the talent to create life. The questions are raised before a child: how to live? How to build a personal lifestyle, how to choose an optimal mode of intellectual, emotional, physical activity, and how to react to difficulties and failures, how to choose type of work and forms of using free time? To teach how to live means to teach children to develop their active position in life, their outlook, attitude to the world, learn to understand themselves and the others; to set themselves tasks and act according to them. And that became possible only due to the educational and rehabilitation space that was created in the establishment.

Analysis of other educational establishments and Khortitsky Center’s experience creating educational and rehabilitation space for the students allowed the pedagogical school staff to determine ways of implementing the tasks outlined above:

 Comprehensive approach to the rehabilitation of a child, namely the unity of psychological, educational, medical and social rehabilitation;

 System management of the establishment using innovative management technologies;

 Monitoring the effectiveness of education and rehabilitation process.

Consider the content of every direction of system development of Khortytsky Center in more detail.

One of the aspects of complex rehabilitation (the first of these areas) is the psychological rehabilitation, which aims to: restore optimal functioning of mental sphere, development of communication skills and actualization of compensatory abilities of each child.

From the first moment of the child within the walls of “Khortytsky Center” the specialists of socio-psychological service monitor the stability of the emotional state of the child. The main condition of normal psychosocial development of the child, other than for a healthy nervous system, is a calm and friendly atmosphere in the school. Providing of such an atmosphere is one of the main tasks of socio-psychological service facility, which is the part of the rehabilitation component of the educational system of “Khortytsky Center”.

The team approach to the complex rehabilitation led to the involvement of the following professionals in the social and psychological service:

 Psychologist of preschool department and school department;

 Social educator and rehabilitologist;

 Defectologist;

Speech therapist;

 Sociologist.

One of the most effective forms of social and psychological service is holding medical and psycho-pedagogical consultation (MPPC).

Systematic activity of MMPC consists of 4 stages:

  1. Diagnostic phase.

Holding pre-diagnostic work.

1. Medical diagnosis. Defining a comprehensive diagnosis and making conclusions about the level of child’s somatic disability.

2. Psycho-pedagogical diagnosis. Analysis of the cognitive processes, determining the level of socialization, determining the features of family education and interpersonal communication.

II. Analytical and projective stage.

Working meetings of consultation.

The 1st meeting: discussing the child’s health state, definition of child’s physiological capacity and compensatory allowance.

The 2nd meeting: discussing the results of psycho-pedagogical observations and additional diagnostic tests to reveal the level of children’s educational opportunities, social adjustment and life-competence.

The 3rd meetings: preparation of the individual projects of general physical and educational rehabilitation of children.

ІІІ. Correcting stage.

The 4th session: adjustment of individual projects of rehabilitation of children while concilium meeting work (if required).

IV. Final stage.

1. Analysis of the effectiveness of the general physical aspect of rehabilitation for each child.

2. Analysis of the effectiveness of the psychological aspect of rehabilitation for each child.

The 5th meeting: conclusions about the mental and physical capacity, the level of life and social competence of the students. Summing up the work of MMPC for a period of academic year.

Effective implementation of psychological support in pedagogical process enables to plan and monitor the effectiveness of correctional and developing work.

Another aspect of the complex rehabilitation is medical rehabilitation.

Health improving function of “Khortytsky Center” is held through the implementation of the target program “Health Promoting School”, that is aimed to implement social and educational and health prophylactic initiatives that are aimed at developing, maintaining, enhancing and restoring the health of students and teaching staff by means of prioritizing healthy life. The Center implemented a mechanism of promoting healthy lifestyles through valeological knowledge, specialized medical knowledge and various forms and methods of treatment and rehabilitation of students.

Student’s health care is provided by therapeutic and diagnostic department of the establishment. Treatment and rehabilitation activities are provided by 15 physicians, including: 3 physicians of the highest category degree, 10 physicians of the first category degree and 2 specialists, 20 nurses of the highest category.

The following doctors work in the center: pediatrician, child neurologist, dentist, neuropsychiatrist, audiologist, ophthalmologist, podiatrist, physician functional diagnosis, a doctor of physical therapy and physical therapist.

The medical department has the following offices: physiotherapy, dental, reflexology, speleotherapy, hydrokinesitherapy, thermotherapy, functional diagnostics, electro diagnostic study, inhalation and physical therapy offices.

The third aspect of the comprehensive rehabilitation is educational rehabilitation, which includes the following activities:

 Development students’ life-competence through the use of life-giving technology of the educational process;

 Correctional and developing work with the children who have special needs;

 Helping children with learning difficulties;

 Preventive work with children at risk and correcting their behavior;

 Social and labor adaptation;

 Correction and prevention of psychosomatic disorders;

 Career oriented personality.

The fourth aspect of comprehensive rehabilitation is social rehabilitation that is aimed at developing student social competence, experience, full cooperation with other children and adults, the ability and readiness for productive interaction with society according to the model of subject-subject relationship. The main mechanisms of rehabilitation is to implement programs for the integration and inclusion of children with special educational needs, and to enrich the social experience of students by engaging them in active social practice in the development and implementation of various projects, to participate in a student-student government, to creative activities of children's National rehabilitation theater “Inclusive”. A combination of all these activities allows to achieve harmonizing relationship of each child to the social environment that ultimately provides the progressive socialization of students. An important condition for this is the openness of the educational system of Khortytsky Center to interact with the environment, because “school which interacts with society is a powerful means of student’s socialization itself” [6, 23].

Thus, the comprehensive nature of the rehabilitation process in “Khortytsky National Educational Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Center” is determined by the best combination of activities of psychological, medical, educational and social rehabilitation of children with special educational needs.

The next area of the development of the rehabilitation establishment of a new type is organization management system using innovative management technologies.

Due to the development of the innovative development strategy of “Khortytsky Center” the first priority task that the establishment faced is to develop a system of governance that would direct the staff’s efforts to the development of the pupil’s personnality, a system that would be open to innovation and stimulate creative exploration of subjects of educational process. During the creation of an innovative educational establishment the restructuring management system became possible through a new management style, where scientific-research, organizational and incentive functions are interconnected. It is a systematic approach to the management that made decision-making mechanism of transfer of one type of school into another one, transform administrative leadership in science possible [7, 303].

Management is the internal mechanism of the system; it regulates “Khortytsky Center” ’s activity and directs it to create favorable conditions for comprehensive rehabilitation, self-realization and self-expression of personality. Management system of training and rehabilitation facilities is presented on Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Structural and functional model of system management of educational and rehabilitation establishment of a new type
According to the model (Fig. 1), system management involves relationships and, consequently, the mutual responsibility of both horizontally and vertically. Thus, at the administrative level the Administrative Council, the Center Council and Board of Trustees decide general problems of educational and rehabilitation process. They delegate some of the powers to Deputy Directors in various areas of work, and they, in turn, have their own governing bodies (Councils), that solve the problem of certain type of activity and periodically gather at the level of deputy directors to discuss the contribution of each to the center development as an integrated system, adjust certain aspects of activities amend the plans of departments’ work as in the operation, and in the mode of development and delegate them to implement in certain areas of the center. Services of each area have their own independent powers, but other than that gather to meetings for publicizing the results of work, determining the direction of development in general. Following the reports and introspection of each department and the establishment as a whole made the necessary adjustments to administrative and executive activities are made.

System management includes the development of the future establishment project and program for its implementation, in which a single innovation leads to changes in the educational process. In system management the choice of innovations is made from a position of improving the performance of the establishment as a whole rather than its individual parts [6, 261].

Systemic transfer of school into the new functional quality as Educational and Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Center was contributed due to the implementation of such contents, technological and organizational innovations.

The most important organizational innovations:

- Enriched rehabilitation space of the educational establishment;

- Integrated classes (involving children with special needs);

- Clubs and studio system of extracurricular educational work;

- Socio-psychological service;

- Students government;

- National rehabilitation theater “Inclusive”;

- Scientific-methodical department and others.

The main contents of innovations include:

- Development of life-competence programs of trainees on the basic of human activity areas;

- Putting correctional and developing subjects into the schedule;

- The development and publication of textbooks and teaching aids for inclusive education in elementary school classes and educational support based on rehabilitation component;

- Development and application of the methodologies of general physical rehabilitation, social and labor adaptation, personality-oriented guidance and others into the educational process.

Among the technological innovations should be highlighted:

- Projective-reflexive technology of training;

- Educational technology of projective life-implementation;

- Rehabilitation technology by means of the art;

- Technology of rehabilitation through communication with nature;

- Technology of student self-government, of individualized monitoring of education and rehabilitation process; of medical, psychological and educational consultation and others that were developed by teaching staff of the establishment during the experimental activity work.

Systematic implementation of these innovations was provided by a dynamic balance of the whole control system. This balance is achieved by a clear functional distribution of labor, i.e. specifying the contents of each employee, as well as activities to encourage the search for effective forms and methods of solving tasks and responsible implementation of assigned work.

The purpose of managerial incentives is creating a positive emotional and psychological mood to the creative work of the professional growth of employees, elimination of depersonalization of work. Moral and material incentives of teachers made on the basis of certification, and in accordance with the Regulations on the financial incentives for employees of the Center. Rating evaluation cards of work quality of employees of all departments are developed and used.

An essential condition for effective system management is the organization of managerial monitoring. Managerial monitoring begins with the Director’s order of the introduction of monitoring the professional institution activity of the establishment. Further the relevant items in the annual plan are set, namely: development and methodology of professiogram and methodological passport of pedagogical employee, job descriptions of employees of all structural departments considering rehabilitation component of the educational establishment on monitoring activities. Further systemic pedagogical expertise of school staff is developed, it includes: Rating Card monitoring the effectiveness of teachers’ work (sample of those cards for teachers’ department “High School” is presented in Fig. 2); algorithm analysis (self-analysis) of teaching activities, monitoring innovation in educational, social-educational, medical and rehabilitation special expert groups are created; events publicizing the achievements of pedagogical and medical professionals to highlight and discuss problems that were found during monitoring activities.



  1. Functional responsibilities

Final rating

  1. Effectiveness of work

Final rating

  1. Creative attitude to work

Final rating

IV. Personal contribution to the effective vital functions of the institution, initiative and enthusiasm in the work

Defects in the work

Remarks, penalty, punishment


Implementation of internal regulations

Executive discipline

Compliance with safety

Medical examination

Pedagogical ethics compliance, the general level of culture

The quality of classes

Complete set training and methodological complex

Timely and quality logging the academic groups journals and replacement journals

Timely submission of required reports, self-analysis

Results of administrative knowledge tests

Scientific activities (participation in the scientific departments of the Center, writing and printing articles, efforts to achieve academic degrees)

Participation in methodological work

Using innovative technologies

Alternative forms of work

Extra work

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