Nabs bibliography 2008

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Meier, K.L.; Picquelle, S.J. 2008. Estimating abundance of spatially aggregated populations: comparing adaptive sampling with other survey designs. Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65: 176-197.

Newman, N.C. 2008. "What exactly are you inferring?" A closer look at hypothesis testing. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 27: 1013-1020.

Novak, M.; Wootton, T. 2008. Estimating nonlinear interaction strengths: an observation-based method for species-rich food webs. Ecology 89: 2083-2089.

Palmer, M.W.; McGlinn, D.J.; Westerberg, L.; Milberg, P. 2008. Indices for detecting differences in species composition: some simplifications of RDA and CCA. Ecology 89: 1769-1770.

Pautasso, M.; Weisberg, P.J. 2008. Negative density-area relationships: the importance of the zeros. Global Ecol. Biogeog. 17: 203-210.

Phillips, S.J.; Dudík, M. 2008. Modeling of species distributions with Maxent: New extensions and a comprehensive evaluation. Ecography 31(2): 161-175.

Pineiro, G.; Perelman, S.; Guerschman, J.P.; Paruelo, J.M. 2008. How to evaluate models: Observed vs. predicted or predicted vs. observed? Ecol. Model. 216(3-4): 316-322.

Ricotta, C.; Moretti, M. 2008. Quantifying functional diversity with graph-theoretical measures: advantages and pitfalls. Comm. Ecol. 9: 11-16.

Richter, O.; Suhling, F.; Muller, O.; Kern, D. 2008. A model for predicting the emergence of dragonflies in a changing climate. Fresh. Biol. 53: 1868-1880.

Rio Doce, A.P.C.; Almeida, R.C.; Costa, M.I.S. 2008. A finite element method to solve a population dynamics stage-structured model of intertidal barnacles. Ecol. Model. 214(1): 26-38.

Schiffers, K.; Schurr, F.M.; Tielbörger, K.; Urbach, C.; Moloney, K.; Jeltsch, F. 2008. Dealing with virtual aggregation-a new index for analyzing heterogeneous point patterns. Ecography 31(5): 545-555.

Solymos, P. 2008. Mefa: an R package for handling and reporting count data. Comm. Ecol. 9: 125-128.

Subbey, S.; Michalsen, K.; Nilsen, G.K. 2008. A tool for analyzing information from data storage tags: The continuous wavelet transform (CWT). Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 18(3): 301-312.

Tang, G. 2008. A new metric for evaluating the correspondence of spatial patterns in vegetation models. Global Ecol. Biogeog. 17(4): 465-478.

Tsung-Jen, S.; He, F. 2008. An incidence-based richness estimator for quadrats sampled without replacement. Ecology 89: 2052-2060.

Surette, T.; Allard, J.A. 2008. Regression mixture with logistic weights for modeling heterogeneous crustacean growth data when the maturity phase is unknown. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65: 1003-1011.

Tang, G. 2008. A new metric for evaluating the correspondence of spatial patterns in vegetation models. Global Ecol. Biogeog. 17: 465-478.

Ter Horst, C.; Munguia, P. 2008. Measuring ecosystem function: consequences arising from variation in biomass-productivity relationships. Comm. Ecol. 9: 39-44.

Tjorve, K.M.; Tjorv, C. 2008. The species-area relationship, self similarity, and the true meaning of the z-value even. Ecology 89: 3528-3533.

Tsirtsis, G.; Spatharis, S.; Karydis, M. 2008. Application of the lognormal equation to assess phytoplankton community structural changes induced by marine eutrophication. Hydrobiol. 605: 89-98.

Van Sickle, J. 2008. An index of compositional dissimilarity between observed and expected assemblages. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 27: 227-235.

Villéger, S.; Mason, N.W.H.; Mouillot, D. 2008. New multidimensional functional diversity indices for a multifaceted framework in functional diversity. Ecology 2290-2301.

Wade, A.J.; Jackson, B.M.; Butterfield, D. 2008. Over-parameterised, uncertain 'mathematical marionettes'-How can we best use catchment water quality models? An example of an 80-year catchment-scale nutrient balance. The Sci. Total Environ. 400: 52-74.

Ward, E.J. 2008. A review and comparison of four commonly used Bayesian and maximum likelihood model selection tools. Ecol. Model. 211(1-2): 1-10.

Warton, D.I. 2008. Raw data graphing: An informative but under-utilized tool for the analysis of multivariate abundances. Austral Ecol. 33(3): 290-300.

Weilhoefer, C.L.; Pan, Y. 2008. Using change-point analysis and weighted averaging approaches to explore the relationships between common benthic diatoms and in-stream environmental variables in mid-Atlantic highlands streams, USA. Hydrobiol. 614(1): 259-274.

White, E.P.; Enquist, B.J.; Green, J.L. 2008. On estimating the exponent of power-law frequency distributions. Ecology 89: 905-913.

White, J.W.; Standish, J.D.; Thorrold, S.R.; Warner, R.R. 2008. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for assigning larvae to natal sites using natural geochemical tags. Ecol. Appl. 18: 1901-1914.

Wilson, P.D. 2008. The pervasive influence of sampling and methodological artifacts on a macroecological pattern: the abundance-occupancy relationship. Global Ecol. Biogeog. 17: 457-464.

Zhao J.; Ramin M.; Cheng V.; Arhonditsis G.B. 2008. Competition patterns among phytoplankton functional groups: How useful are the complex mathematical models? Acta Oecol. 33(3): 324-344.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Ahn, C.; Joung, S.; Park, C.; Kim, H.; Yoon, B.; Oh, H. 2008. Comparison of sampling and analytical methods for monitoring of cyanobacteria-dominated surface waters. Hydrobiol. 596: 413-421.

Andrén, C.; Jarlman, A. 2008. Benthic diatoms as indicators of acidity in streams. Archiv. fur Hydrobiol. 173: 237-253.

Aroviita, J.; Koskenniemi, E.; Kotanen, J.; Hämäläinen, H. 2008. A priori typology-based prediction of benthic macroinvertebrate fauna for ecological classification of rivers. Environ. Manage. 42: 894-906.

Beauger, A.; Lair, N. 2008. Keeping it simple: Benefits of targeting riffle-pool macroinvertebrate communities over multi-substratum sampling protocols in the preparation of a new European biotic index. Ecol. Indicat. 8: 555-563.

Beketov, M.A.; Liess M. 2008. An indicator for effects of organic toxicants on lotic invertebrate communities: Independence of confounding environmental factors over an extensive river continuum. Environ. Pollut. 156: 980-987.

Benejam, L.; Aparicio, E.; Vargas, M. J.; Vila-Gispert, A.; García-Berthou, E. 2008. Assessing fish metrics and biotic indices in a Mediterranean stream: effects of uncertain native status of fish. Hydrobiol. 603: 197-210.

Best, E.P.; Teeter, A.M.; Landwher, K.J.; James, W.F.; Nair, S.K. 2008. Restoration options for potential persistence of submersed aquatic vegetation: combining ecological, hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling. Fresh. Biol. 53: 814-826.

Blanchet, H.; Lavesque, N.; Ruellet, T.; et al. 2008. Use of biotic indices in semi-enclosed coastal ecosystems and transitional waters habitats-implications for the implementation of the European water framework directive. Ecol. Indicat. 8: 360-372.

Blocksom, K.A.; Autrey, B.C.; Passmore, M.; Reynolds, L. 2008. A Comparison of Single and Multiple Habitat Protocols for Collecting Macroinvertebrates in Wadeable Streams. J. Am. Water Res. Assoc. 44: 577-593.

Borja, A.; Dauer, D.M. 2008. Assessing the environmental quality status in estuarine and coastal systems: Comparing methodologies and indices. Ecol. Indicat. 8: 331-337.

Borja, A.; Dauer, D.M.; Diaz, R.; et al. 2008. Assessing estuarine benthic quality conditions in Chesapeake Bay: A comparison of three indices. Ecol. Indicat. 8: 395-403.

Branco,P.; Costa, J.L.; Raposo de Almeida, P. 2008. Conservation priority index for estuarine fish (COPIEF). Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 80: 581-588.

Brenden, T.O.; Wang, L.; Seelbach, P.W. 2008. A River Valley Segment Classification of Michigan Streams Based on Fish and Physical Attributes. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 137: 1621-1636.

Collins, C.L.; Mullen, M.W.; Stewart, P.M.; Webber. E.C. 2008. Validation of an Invertebrate Community Index for Urban Streams for an Alabama Coastal Plains Watershed. J. Am. Water Res. Assoc. 44: 663-669.

De Jonge, M.; Van de Vijver, B.; Blust, R.; Bervoets, L. 2008.Responses of aquatic organisms to metal pollution in a lowland river in Flanders: A comparison of diatoms and macroinvertebrates. The Sci. Total Environ. 407: 615-629.

Delgado, J.A.; Shaffer, M.; Hu, C.; et al. 2008. An index approach to assess nitrogen losses to the environment. Ecol. Engin. 32(2): 108-120.

Doledec, S.; Statzner, B. 2008. Invertebrate traits for the biomonitoring of large European rivers: an assessment of specific types of human impact. Fresh Biol. 53: 617-634.

Everard, M. 2008. Selection of taxa as indicators of river and freshwater wetland quality in the UK. Aquatic Conserv. Mar. Fresh. Ecosyst. 18(6): 1052-1061.

Ferreol, M.; Dohet, A.; Cauchie, H.M.; Hoffmann, L. 2008. An environmental typology of freshwater sites in Luxembourg as a tool for predicting macroinvertebrate fauna under non-polluted conditions. Ecol. Model. 212(1-2): 99-108.

Fishar, M. R.; Williams, W. P. 2008. The development of a Biotic Pollution Index for the River Nile in Egypt. Hydrobiol. 598: 17-34.

Flinders, C.A.; Horwitz, R.J.; Belton T. 2008. Relationship of fish and macroinvertebrate communities in the mid-atlantic uplands: Implications for integrated assessments. Ecol. Indicat. 8(5): 588-598.

Gray, N.F.; Delaney, E. 2008. Comparison of benthic macroinvertebrate indices for the assessment of the impact of acid mine drainage on an Irish river below an abandoned Cu mine. Environ. Poll. 155(1): 31-40.

Growns, I.; West G. 2008. Classification of aquatic bioregions through the use of distributional modelling of freshwater fish. Ecol. Model. 217(1-2): 79-86.

Guinda, X.; Juanes, J.A.; Puente, A.; Revilla, J.A. 2008. Comparison of two methods for quality assessment of macroalgae assemblages, under different pollution types. Ecol. Indicat. 8(5): 743-753.

Haase, R.; Nolte, U. 2008. The invertebrate species index (ISI) for streams in southeast Queensland, Australia. Ecol. Indicat. 8(5): 599-613.

Hale, S.S.; Heltshe, J.F. 2008. Signals from the benthos: Development and evaluation of a benthic index for the nearshore Gulf of Maine. Ecol. Indicat. 8(4): 338-350.

Hargiss, C.L.M.; DeKeyser, E.S.; Kirby, D.R.; Ell, M.J. 2008. Regional assessment of wetland plant communities using the index of plant community integrity. Ecol. Indicat. 8(3): 303-307.

Herlihy, A.T.; Sifneos, J.C. 2008. Developing nutrient criteria and classification schemes for wadeable streams in the conterminous US. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 27: 932-948.

Herlihy, A.T.; Paulsen, S.G.; Van Sickle, J.; Stoddard, J.L.; Hawkins, C.P.; Yuan, L.L. 2008. Striving for consistency in a national assessment: the challenges of applying a reference-condition approach at a continental scale. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 27: 860-877.

Hitt, N.P.; Angermeier, P.L. 2008. River-stream connectivity affects fish bioassessment performance. Environ. Manage. 42(1): 132-150.

Hughes, R.N.; Peck, D.V. 2008. Acquiring data for large aquatic resource surveys: the art of compromise among science, logistics, and reality. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 27: 837-859.

Jian, F.; Jayas, D.S.; White, N.D.G.; Smith, E.A. 2008. Numerical analysis and parameter estimation technique for insect population redistribution models. Ecol. Model. 211(1-2): 47-56.

Johns, C.J.; Mandel, J. 2008. A two-stage ensemble Kalman filter for smooth data assimilation. Environ. Ecol. Stat. 15(1): 101-110.

Johnson, R.L.; Perez, K.T.; Rocha, K.J.; Davey, E.W.; Cardin, J.A. 2008. Detecting benthic community differences: Influence of statistical index and season. Ecol. Indicat. 8(5): 582-587.

Juanes, J.A.; Guinda, X.; Puente, A.; Revilla, J.A. 2008. Macroalgae, a suitable indicator of the ecological status of coastal rocky communities in the NE Atlantic. Ecol. Indicat. 8(4): 351-359.

Lamon, E.C.; Malve, O.; Pietilainen, O.P. 2008. Lake classification to enhance prediction of eutrophication endpoints in Finnish lakes. Environ. Model. Software 23(7): 938-947.

Lampadariou, N.; Akoumianaki, I.; Karakassis, I. 2008. Use of the size fractionation of the macrobenthic biomass for the rapid assessment of benthic organic enrichment. Ecol. Indicat. 8(5): 729-742.

Lavoie, I.; Campeau, S.; Darchambeau, F.; Cabana, G. et al. 2008. Are diatoms good integrators of temporal variability in stream water quality? Fresh Biol 53: 827-841.

Martyn, K.; Juggins, S.; Guthrie, R.; Pritchard, S.; Jamieson, J.; Rippey, B. et al. 2008. Assessment of ecological status in U.K. rivers using diatoms. Fresh. Biol. 53: 403-422.

Markina, Z.V. 2008. Application of the microalga Plagioselmis prolonga for the assessment of water quality in the Amursky and Nakhodka Bays (Sea of Japan). Russ. J. Mar. Biol. 34(1): 38-44.

Marshall, M.M.; Amos, R.N.; Henrich, V.C.; Rublee P.A. 2008. Developing SSU rDNA metagenomic profiles of aquatic microbial communities for environmental assessments. Ecol. Indicat. 8(5): 442-453.

Marsili-Libelli S.; Giusti E. 2008. Water quality modelling for small river basins. Environ. Model. Software 23(4): 451-463.

Mason, N.W.H.; Lanoiselée C.; Mouillot D.; Wilson J.B.; Argillier C. 2008. Does niche overlap control relative abundance in French lacustrine fish communities? A new method incorporating functional traits. J. Animal Ecol. 77(4): 661-669.

Mazaris, A.D.; Kallimanis, A.S.; Sgardelis S.P.; Pantis J.D. 2008. Does higher taxon diversity reflect richness of conservation interest species? Ecol. Indicat. 8(5): 664-671.

Meador, M.R.; Whittier, T.R.; Goldstein, R.M.; Hughes, R.M.; Peck, D.V. 2008. Evaluation of an Index of Biotic Integrity Approach Used to Assess Biological Condition in Western U.S. Streams and Rivers at Varying Spatial Scales. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 137: 13-22.

Mendes, R.S.; Evangelista, L.R.; Thomaz, S.M.; Agostinho, A.A.; Gomes, L.C. 2008. A unified index to measure ecological diversity and species rarity. Ecography 31(4): 450-456.

Morlon, H.; Chuyong, G.; Condit, R.; et al. 2008 A general framework for the distance-decay of similarity in ecological communities. Ecol. Lett. 11(9): 904-917.

Moshchenko, A.V.; Belan, T.A. 2008 Method for the appraisal of anthropogenic disturbance of macrozoobenthic communities of soft substrata. Russ. J. Mar. Biol. 34(4): 235-248.

Niemeijer, D.; de Groot, R.S. 2008. A conceptual framework for selecting environmental indicator sets. Ecol. Indicat. 8(1): 14-25.

Ode, P.R.; Hawkins, C.P.; Mazor, R.D. 2008. Comparability of biological assessments derived from predictive models and multimetric indices of increasing geographic scope. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 27: 967-985.

Olarinmoye, O.M.; Clarke, E.O.; Kumolu-Johnson, C.A.; Aderinola, O.J. 2008. A preliminary assessment of the health status of feral populations of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus in Lagos lagoon complex, Nigeria, using a modified Health Assessment Index protocol. African J. Aquat. Biol. 33: 77-82.

Olsen, A.R.; Peck, D.V. 2008. Survey design and extent estimates for the Wadeable Streams Assessment. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 27: 822-836.

Pesch, R.; Pehlke, H.; Jerosch, K.; Schröder, W.; Schlüter, M. 2008. Using decision trees to predict benthic communities within and near the German exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the North Sea. Environ. Monit. Assess. 136(1-3): 313-325.

Ponti, M.; Pinna, M.; Basset, A.; et al. 2008. Quality assessment of mediterranean and black sea transitional waters: Comparing responses of benthic biotic indices. Aquatic Conserv. Mar. Fresh. Ecosyst. 18(S1): S62-S75.

Porter, S.D.; Mueller, D.K.; Spahr, N.E.; Munn, M.D.; Dubrovsky, N.M. 2008. Efficacy of algal metrics for assessing nutrient and organic enrichment in flowing waters. Fresh. Biol. 53: 1036-1054.

Puente, A.; Juanes, J.A. 2008. Testing taxonomic resolution, data transformation and selection of species for monitoring macroalgae communities. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 78(2): 327-340.

Reavie, E.D.; Kireta, A.R.; Kingston, J.C.; et al. 2008. Comparison of simple and multimetric diatom-based indicies for Great Lakes coastline disturbance. J. Phycol. 44: 787-802.

Rose, P.; Metzeling, L.; Catziris, S. 2008. Can macroinvertebrate rapid bioassessment methods be used to assess river health during drought in south eastern Australian streams? Fresh. Biol. 53: 2626-2638.

Rothrock, P.E.; Simon, T.P.; Stewart, P.M. 2008. Development, calibration, and validation of a littoral zone plant index of biotic integrity (PIBI) for lacustrine wetlands. Ecol. Indicat. 8(1): 79-88.

Sardo, A.; Accornero, A.; Giovinazzi, F. 2008. Luminescent bacteria as indicators of marine water quality: Preliminary results from the Campania coastal waters. Chem. Ecol. 24: 19-26.

Schindler, S.; Poirazidis, K.; Wrbka, T. 2008. Toward a core set of landscape metrics for biodiversity assessments: A case study from Dadia National park, Greece. Ecol. Indicat. 8(5): 502-514.

Shrestha, S.; Kazama, F.; Newham, L.T.H. 2008. A framework for estimating pollutant export coefficients from long-term in-stream water quality monitoring data. Environ. Model. Software 23(2): 182-194.

Simoes, F.d.S.; Moreira, A.B.; Bisinoti, M.C.; Gimenez, S.M.N.; Yabe, M.J.S. 2008. Water quality index as a simple indicator of aquaculture effects on aquatic bodies. Ecol. Indicat. 8(5): 476-484.

Smith, K.L.; Jones, M.L. 2008. Allocation of Sampling Effort to Optimize Efficiency of Watershed-Level Ichthyofaunal Inventories. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 137: 1500-1506.

Solimini, A. G.; Bazzanti, M.; Ruggiero, A.; Carchini, G. 2008. Developing a multimetric index of ecological integrity based on macroinvertebrates of mountain ponds in central Italy. Hydrobiol. 597: 109-123.

Stein, H.; Springer, M.; Kohlmann, B. 2008 Comparison of two sampling methods for biomonitoring using aquatic macroinvertebrates in the dos Novillos River, Costa Rica. Ecol. Engin. 34(4): 267-275.

Stepenuck, K.F.; Crunkilton, R.L.; Bozek, M.A.; Wang, L. 2008. Comparison of Macroinvertebrate-Derived Stream Quality Metrics between Snag and Riffle Habitats. J. Am. Water Res. Assoc. 44: 670-678.

Stevenson, R,J.; Pan, Y.; Manoylov, K.M.; Parker, C.A.; Larsen, D.P.; Herlihy, A.T. 2008. Development of diatom indicators of ecological conditions for streams of the western US. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 27: 1000-1016.

Stoddard, J.L.; Herlihy, A.T.; Peck, D.V.; Hughes, R.M.; Whittier, T.R.; Tarquinio, E. 2008. A process for creating multimetric indices for large-scale aquatic surveys. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 27: 878-891.

Tuttle, C.L.; Zhang, L.; Mitsch, W.J. 2008. Aquatic metabolism as an indicator of the ecological effects of hydrologic pulsing in flow-through wetlands. Ecol. Indicat. 8(6): 795-806.

Tison, J.; Giraudel, J.L.; Coste, M. 2008. Evaluating the ecological status of rivers using an index of ecological distance: An application to diatom communities. Ecol. Indicat. 8(3): 285-291.

Tran, LT.; O'Neill, R.V.; Smith, E.R.; Wagner, P.F.; Mehaffey, M. 2008. Watershed-based self- and peer-appraisal indices for integrated environmental assessment with a case study of the mid-Atlantic region. Ecol. Indicat. 8(3): 308-315.

Tropek, R.; Spitzzer, L.; Konvicka, M. 2008. Two groups of epigeic arthropods differ in colonising of piedmont quarries: the necessity of multi-taxa and life-history traits approaches in the monitoring studies. Comm. Ecol. 9: 177-184.

Ugland, K.I.; Bjorgesaeter, A.; Bakke, T.; Fredheim, B.; Gray, J.S. 2008. Assessment of environmental stress with a biological index based on opportunistic species. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 366: 169-174.

Welsh, J.R.; Hartwell, H.; Hodgson, G.R. 2008. Amphibians as metrics of critical biological thresholds in forested headwater streams of the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. Fresh. Biol. 53: 1470-1488.

Weilhoefer, C.L.; Pan, Y. 2008. Using change-point analysis and weighted averaging approaches to explore the relationships between common benthic diatoms and in-stream environmental variables in mid-Atlantic highlands streams, USA. Hydrobiol. 614: 259-274.

Williams, C.F.; Adamsen, F.J. 2008. A low-cost three-dimensional sample collection array to evaluate and monitor constructed wetlands. Ecol. Engin. 33(1): 83-90.

Williamson, C.E.; Dodds, W.; Kratz, T.K.; Palmer, M.A. 2008. Lakes and streams as sentinels of environmental change in terrestrial and atmospheric processes. Front. Ecol. Environ. 6: 247-254.

Xie, J.; Hu, W.; Pei, H.; Dun, M.; Qi, F. 2008. Detection of amount and activity of living algae in fresh water by dehydrogenase activity (DHA). Environ. Monit. Assess. 146(1-3): 473-478.

Yuanj, L.L.; Hawkins, C.P.; Van Sickle, J. 2008. Effects of regionalization decisions on an O/E index for the US national assessment. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 27: 892-905.

Zhu, D.; Chang, J. 2008. Annual variations of biotic integrity in the upper Yangtze River using an adapted index of biotic integrity (IBI). Ecol. Indicat. 8(5): 564-572.

Environmental Management, Habitat Restoration, and Conservation Techniques

Abell, R.; Thieme, M.L.; Revenga, C.; Bryer, M.; Kottelat, M.; Bogutskaya, N.; Coad, B.; Mandrak, N.; Balderas, S.C.; Bussing, W.; Stiassny, M.L.J.; Skelton, P.; Allen, G.R.; Unmack, P.; Naseka, A.; Ng, R.; Sindorf, N.; Robertson, J,; Armijo, E.; Higgins, J.V.; Heibel, T.J.; Wikramanayake, E.; Olson, D.; López, H.L.; Reis, R.E.; Lundberg, J.G.; Sabaj Pérez, M.H.; Petry, P. 2008. Freshwater Ecoregions of the World: A New Map of Biogeographic Units for Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation. BioScience 58: 403-414.

Abrahamas, C. 2008. Climate change and lakeshore conservation: a model and review of management techniques. Hydrobiol. 613: 33-43.

Alessa, L.; Kliskey, A.; Lammers, R.; et al. 2008. The arctic water resource vulnerability index: An integrated assessment tool for community resilience and vulnerability with respect to freshwater. Environ Manage. 42: 523-541.

Ascough, J.C.; Maier H.R.; Ravalico, J.K.; Strudley, M.W. 2008. Future research challenges for incorporation of uncertainty in environmental and ecological decision-making. Ecol. Model. 219:383-399.

Bhattarai, G.; Srivastava, P.; Marzen, L.; Hite, D.; Hatch, U. 2008. Assessment of economic and water quality impacts of land use change using a simple bioeconomic model. Environ. Manage. 42: 122-131.

Brown, K.M.; Lang, B.; Perez, K.E. 2008. The conservation ecology of North American pleurocerid and hydrobiid gastropods. J. N. Am. Bentol. Soc. 27: 484-495.

Brunetta, G.; Voghera, A. 2008. Evaluating Landscape for Shared Values: Tools, Principles, and Methods. Land. Res. 33: 71-87.

Carey, M.P.; Mather, M.E. 2008. Tracking change in a human-dominated landscape: Developing conservation guidelines using freshwater fish. Aquatic Conserv. Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 18(6):877-890.

Cheruvelil, K.S.; Soranno P.A.; Bremigan, M.T.; Wagner T.; Martin, S.L. 2008. Grouping lakes for water quality assessment and monitoring: The roles of regionalization and spatial scale. Environ. Manage. 41(3): 425-440.

Chin, A.; Daniels, M.D.; Urban, M.A.; et al. 2008. Perceptions of wood in rivers and challenges for stream restoration in the United States. Environ. Manage. 41(6): 893-903.

Cowley, D.E. 2008. Estimating required habitat size for fish conservation in streams. Aquatic Conserv. Mar. Fresh. Ecosyst. 18(4): 418-431.

Davies, B. R.; Biggs, J.; Williams, P. J.; Lee, J. T.; Thompson, S. 2008. A comparison of the catchment sizes of rivers, streams, ponds, ditches and lakes: implications for protecting aquatic biodiversity in an agricultural landscape. Hydrobiol. 597: 7-17.

De Laender, F.; De Schamphelaere, K.A.C.; Vanrolleghem, P.A.; Janssen, C.R. 2008. Validation of an ecosystem modelling approach as a tool for ecological effect assessments. Chemosphere 71(3): 529-545.

De Laender, F.; De Schamphelaere, K.A.C.; Vanrolleghem, P.A.; Janssen, C.R. 2008. Comparison of different toxic effect sub-models in ecosystem modelling used for ecological effect assessments and water quality standard setting. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 69(1):13-23.

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