New south wales industrial gazette

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1. Arrangement
Clause No. Subject Matter
1. Arrangement

2. Title

3. Definitions

4. Application

5. Coverage

6. Statement of Intent

7. Availability of Award

8. Determinations and Approvals

9. Consultative Arrangements

10. Local Award Conditions Arrangements

11. Association Activities

12. Terms of Employment and Termination

13. Appointment of Staff

14. Categories of Employment

15. Creating Positions and Filling

16. Probation

17. Working Hours

18. Flexible Working Hours Arrangements

19. Salaries

20. Salary Increments

21. Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation

22. Overtime

23. Shift Work

24. Meal Allowance

25. Meal Allowance - Journey Not Requiring Temporary Residence

26. Travelling Allowance - On Official Duty

27. Travelling Allowance - Compensation

28. Excess Travelling Time Allowance

29. Higher Duties Allowance

30. Semi-Official Telephones Allowance

31. First-Aid Allowance

32. On Call (Stand-By) Allowance

33. Recruitment and Retention Allowance

34. Annualised Allowance

35. Review of Allowances Payable in terms of this Award

36. Out-of-Pocket Expenses

37. Compensation for Damage to or Loss of Staff Member’s Personal Property

38. Compensation for Official Use of Private Motor Vehicle

39. Transferred Employees Compensation

40. General Leave Provisions

41. Application for Leave

42. Adoption Leave

43. Annual Leave

44. Annual Leave Loading

45. Long Service (Extended) Leave

46. Leave Without Pay

47. Maternity Leave

48. Parental Leave

49. Military Leave

50. Family and Community Service Leave

51. Sick Leave

52. Special Leave

53. Notification of Absence from Duty

54. Public Holidays

55. Study Time

56. Reimbursement of Fees

57. Training and Development

58. Motor Vehicles

59. Flexible Work Practices

60. Working from Home

61. Part-time Work and Job-Share Arrangements

62. Secondary (Private) Employment

63. Performance Management and Appraisal

64. Conduct and Discipline of Employees

65. Managing Displaced Staff and Redundancy

66. Anti-Discrimination

67. Transitional Arrangements

68. Grievance and Dispute Settling Procedures

69. Relationship to Other Awards

70. Deduction of Union Membership Fees

71. Secure Employment

72. Additional Maternity, Adoption and Parental Leave Entitlements

73. Casual Personal Carers and Bereavement Leave Entitlements

74. No Extra Claims

75. Area, Incidence and Duration
Table 1 - Allowances

Table 2 - Salaries

Table 3 - Settlement Periods for Work Hours System
2. Title
This Award shall be known as the Superannuation Administration Corporation (Salaries and Conditions) Award 2007.

3. Definitions
"Accelerated progression" means the justified movement of staff salaries through the years in a level, without having to increment one year at a time.
"Act" means the Superannuation Administration Authority Corporatisation Act 1999.
"Association" means the Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales.
"Broadband" means the ability of the Corporation to combine more than one level of salaries together to form a broad-banded level for a position.
"Chief Executive Officer" or "CEO" means the Chief Executive Officer of the Superannuation Administration Corporation who has been delegated particular powers under the Act or a person authorised by the Chief Executive Officer.
"Contract staff" means staff not covered by this Award, but engaged by the Corporation through a contract of employment for a specific period of time.
"Corporation" means the Superannuation Administration Corporation as established by the Superannuation Administration Authority Corporatisation Act 1999.
"Family" means a family as defined in the Sick Leave to Care for a Family Member subclause of this Award.
"Local working arrangement" is an agreement arrived at between the staff member and their Manager to have time off in addition to or separately from the agreed flex day each settlement period. This is on the basis that work has been completed in a timely manner as per agreed outcomes. This local working arrangement merely changes the work patterns of a staff member; it is not an extra entitlement and remains at the discretion of the Manager by agreement with the staff member.
"Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)" means the document signed as an adjunct to this Award between the Corporation and the Association. It sets out agreements reached and commitments made after bargaining in good faith by the parties in the making of this Award and identifies key areas to be addressed during the life of the Award. It is to be read in conjunction with the Award as made by the NSW Industrial Relations Commission.
The intent of the MOU is to facilitate the establishment and maintenance of improved and flexible workplace conditions that recognise the professionalism, dedication and commitment of management and staff in achieving the Corporation’s goals, objectives and services to the public of NSW and premised on the basis that there will be no new salaries, condition or other claims arising from negotiation of productivity and efficiency improvements covered by this MOU.
"Staff member" or "Employee" means and includes all persons who are permanently or temporarily employed by the Corporation under the Superannuation Administration Authority Corporatisation Act 1999, and covered by this Award.
"Workplace" means the whole of the Corporation or, as the case may be, a branch or section of the Corporation in which the staff member is employed.
"Workplace Management" means the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or any other person authorised by the CEO to assume responsibility for the conduct and effective, efficient and economical management of the functions and activities of the Corporation or part of the Corporation.
4. Application
The parties to this Award are the Superannuation Administration Corporation and Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales.
5. Coverage
The provisions of this Award shall apply to staff employed by the Corporation but not to staff employed under a Senior Executive Service or other type of written contract of employment.
6. Statement of Intent
6.1 This Award aims to consolidate in one document all the salaries and common conditions of employment of staff employed in the Corporation and to encourage consultative processes to facilitate greater workplace flexibility, productivity, continuous improvement and reforms.
6.2 The Award also acknowledges the agreement made by the NSW Government and Peak Public Sector Unions in a Memorandum of Understanding that provides a co-operative and productive partnership to achieve a co-ordinated, whole-of-Government approach to improving service delivery to the people of NSW and enhancing the quality of life of staff members. This includes taking a balanced approach to economic, social and environmental impacts of these initiatives.
The agreement is premised on the basis that there will be no new salaries or condition claims arising from negotiation of productivity and efficiency improvements covered by this agreement.
7. Availability of Award
The CEO shall cause a copy of the Award and any such other information relating to employees of the Corporation, as the Corporation considers appropriate, to be kept in each Division or Branch of the Corporation for the use of the employees therein.
8. Determinations and Approvals
8.1 Any determination or approval required to be given by the CEO or the Corporation under this Award shall be made, wherever possible, after discussion with the Association.
8.2 The forum for such discussions shall be formally conducted through the Corporation’s regular Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meetings or in special circumstances, directly with the Association or affected employee.
8.3 In the case where the determination or approval affects an individual employee, the prior and appropriate discussion shall be made with that employee. If the employee is a member of the Association, the discussions shall, at the request of the employee, be conducted in the presence of an Association representative.
8.4 A determination or an approval of the CEO of the Corporation under this award may apply to the whole Corporation, parts of the Corporation, or individual staff in circumstances that warrant it.
9. Consultative Arrangements
The parties to this Award shall through the established Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) on matters of mutual interest and concern, both formal and informal, encourage and facilitate workplace reform and equitable, innovative and productive workplace relations.
10. Local Award Conditions Arrangements
10.1 Local award conditions arrangements may be negotiated between the CEO and the Association in respect of the whole Corporation or part of the Corporation.
10.2 All local award conditions arrangements or variations negotiated between the CEO and the Association must be contained in a formal document, such as a co-lateral agreement, a memorandum of understanding, variation to this award, enterprise agreement or other industrial instrument.
10.3 Subject to the provisions of subclause 10.2, nothing in this clause shall prevent the negotiation of local award conditions arrangements between the CEO and the Association in respect of the provisions contained in the Flexible Work Practices clause of this Award, where the conditions of employment of any group are such that the application of the work hours arrangements would not be practicable.
11. Association Activities
11.1 Association Activities regarded as On Duty
An Association delegate will be released from the performance of normal Corporation duty in respect of activities specified below. While undertaking such activities, the Association delegate will be regarded as being on duty and will not be required to apply for leave:
(a) Attendance at meetings of the workplace's Occupational Health and Safety Committee and participation in all official activities relating to the functions and responsibilities of elected Occupational Health and Safety Committee members at a place of work as provided for in the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001;
(b) Attendance at meetings with workplace management or workplace management representatives;
(c) Where operational requirements allow the taking of such time, a reasonable period of preparation time, as approved by management, before -
(i) Meetings with management;
(ii) Disciplinary or grievance meetings when an Association member requires the presence of a Association delegate; and
(iii) Any other meeting with management;
(iv) Giving evidence in court on behalf of the Corporation;
(v) Giving evidence before an Industrial Tribunal as a witness for the Association;
(vi) Distributing official Association publications or other authorised material at the workplace, provided that a minimum of 24 hours' notice is given to workplace management, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. Distribution time is to be kept to a minimum and is to be undertaken at a time convenient to the workplace.
11.2 Association Training Courses
The following training courses will attract the grant of approved leave as specified below:
(a) Accredited Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) courses and any other accredited OH&S training for OH&S Committee members.
The provider(s) of accredited OH&S training courses and the conditions on which special leave for such courses will be granted shall be negotiated between the CEO and the Association under a local award conditions arrangement pursuant to the Local Award Conditions Arrangements clause of this Award.
11.3 Period of Notice for Association Activities
The Association must notify the CEO in writing or, where appropriate, by the accredited delegate as soon as the date and/or time of the meeting, conference or other accredited activity is known.

11.4 Access to Facilities by Association Delegates

The workplace shall provide accredited delegates with reasonable access to the following facilities for authorised Association activities:
(a) Telephone, facsimile and, where available, e-mail facilities;
(b) A notice board for material authorised by the Association or access to staff notice boards for material authorised by the Association;
(c) Workplace conference or meeting facilities, where available, for meetings with member(s), as negotiated between local management and the Association.
11.5 Responsibilities of the Association Delegate
Responsibilities of the Association delegate are to:
(a) Establish accreditation as a delegate with the Association and provide proof of accreditation to the workplace;
(b) Participate in the workplace consultative processes, as appropriate;
(c) Follow the dispute settling procedure applicable in the workplace;
(d) Provide sufficient notice to the immediate Supervisor of any proposed absence on authorised Association business;
(e) Account for all time spent on authorised Association business;
(f) Distribute Association literature/membership forms, under local award conditions arrangements negotiated between the CEO and the Association; and
(g) Use any facilities provided by the workplace properly and reasonably as negotiated at organisational level.
11.6 Responsibilities of the Association
Responsibilities of the Association are to:
(a) Provide written advice to the CEO about an Association activity to be undertaken by an accredited delegate and, if requested, to provide written confirmation to the workplace management of the delegate's attendance/participation in the activity;
(b) Meet all travelling, accommodation and any other costs incurred by the accredited delegate, except as provided in the Responsibilities of Workplace Management subclause of this Award;
(c) Provide proof of identity when visiting a workplace in an official capacity, if requested to do so by management;
(d) Apply to the CEO well in advance of any proposed extension to the "on loan" arrangement;
(e) Assist the workplace management in ensuring that time taken by the Association delegate is accounted for and any facilities provided by the employer are used reasonably and properly; and
(f) Advise employer of any leave taken by the Association delegate during the on loan arrangement.

11.7 Responsibilities of Workplace Management

Where time is required for Association activities in accordance with this clause, the responsibilities of the workplace management are to:
(a) Release the accredited delegate from duty for the duration of the Association activity, as appropriate and, where necessary, to allow for sufficient travelling time during the ordinary working hours;
(b) Meet the travel and/or accommodation costs properly and reasonably incurred in respect of meetings called by the workplace management;
(c) Verify with the Association the time spent by a Association delegate or delegates on Association business, if required; and
(d) If the time and/or the facilities allowed for Association activities are thought to be used unreasonably and/or improperly, consult with the Association before taking any remedial action.
11.8 Right of Entry
The right of entry provisions shall be as prescribed under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000, the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 and the Industrial Relations Act 1996.
11.9 Travelling and Other Costs of Association Delegates
In respect of meetings called by the workplace management in terms of the Responsibilities of Workplace Management subclause of this Award, the payment of travel and/or accommodation costs, properly and reasonably incurred, is to be made, as appropriate, on the same conditions as apply under the Travelling Allowances - General, Meal Expenses on One-Day Journeys, Travelling Allowances when Staying in Non-Government Accommodation, Travelling Allowances when Staying in Government Accommodation, or Restrictions on Payment of Travelling Allowances clauses of this Award.
11.10 Industrial Action
(a) Provisions of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 shall apply to the right of Association members to take lawful industrial action.
(b) There will be no victimisation of staff members prior to, during or following such industrial action.
11.11 Deduction of Association Membership Fees
(a) At the staff member’s election, the CEO shall provide for the staff member’s Association membership fees to be deducted from the staff member’s pay and ensure that such fees are transmitted to the staff member’s Association at regular intervals.
(b) Alternative arrangements for the deduction of Association membership fees may be negotiated between the CEO and the Association in accordance with the Local Award Conditions Arrangements clause of this Award.
12. Terms of Employment and Termination
12.1 Staff offered employment with the Corporation shall be advised of the terms and conditions of employment and the availability of this Award.
12.2 An employee shall give to the Corporation and the Corporation shall give to an employee, in writing, 2 weeks’ notice of termination of employment.
12.3 The Corporation shall be entitled to deduct out of the employee’s salary, such sums as the employee authorises in writing.
13. Appointment of Staff
13.1 Staff may be employed by the Corporation on a permanent, temporary or casual basis.
13.2 The provisions of this Award apply to permanent full-time, part-time and temporary staff, except for the employment of casual employees whose conditions will be covered by other clauses as specified in this Award.
13.3 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) principles apply when recruiting and selecting employees, regardless of the category of employment used.
14. Categories of Employment
The Corporation may employ staff in any one of the following ways:
14.1 Permanent employment;
14.2 Temporary employment; or
14.3 Casual employment.
(a) Casual employment is for situations where there is a need for additional staff for irregular or intermittent work.
(b) Casual employees are paid hourly rates, which carry a loading of 20% to offset the fact that they receive no leave entitlements.
(c) Casual employees are employed by the hour and may be terminated with one hour's notice.
(d) Casual employees are entitled to be paid overtime and/or penalty rates if the relevant award requirements in relation to such benefits are satisfied.
(e) If the hours the casual staff member is working become regular and if there is ongoing work available and the staff member’s work performance is satisfactory, then the Corporation shall review the employment arrangement and, where approved by the CEO, may appoint the casual as a permanent employee on either a part time or full time basis depending on the need.
(f) Casuals have access to unpaid parental leave in accordance with clause 72, Additional Maternity, Adoption and Parental Leave Entitlements of this Award.
(g) Casuals shall also receive Personal Carers and Bereavement entitlements in accordance with clause 73, Casual Personal Carers and Bereavement Leave Entitlements of this Award.
15. Creating Positions and Filling
15.1 The CEO may classify and grade positions using an accredited job evaluation methodology.
15.2 The advertising and filling of positions shall be in accordance with the principles of Merit Selection and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).
15.3 All vacant positions to be filled shall have an up-to-date position description completed.
15.4 Where the work has changed substantially in any review of the position description, the Corporation may, through job evaluation, change the grade of the position.
15.5 Non-discriminatory and related selection criteria shall be developed for vacant positions.

15.6 Selection Committees shall be established as required to determine eligibility of applicants for vacant positions and make appropriate recommendations to the CEO.

15.7 All appointments are subject to the approval of the CEO.
16. Probation
16.1 All new staff appointed to positions with the Corporation shall, in the first instance, be appointed on a probationary basis for a period up to 3 months.
16.2 The probation period may be varied, extended for a further period to a total of 6 months, or waived at the discretion of the CEO.
17. General Working Hours
17.1 The ordinary working hours for all employees shall be 35 per week, to be worked 7 hours per day in continuous periods (except for a meal break of one hour) between the hours of 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. and subject only to variations to working hours as may be authorised under clause 18, Flexible Working Hours Arrangements of this Award.
17.2 The person for the time being in charge of a Division, Branch or Section of the Corporation shall be responsible to the appropriate Divisional Head or Manager for the due observance of the hours of attendance and the proper recording of attendance of employees in that Division, Branch or Section.
17.3 The Corporation may require a staff member to perform duties beyond the hours determined under this clause but only if it is reasonable for the staff member to do so. A staff member may refuse to work additional hours in circumstances where the working of such hours would result in the staff member working unreasonable hours. In determining what is unreasonable, the following factors shall be taken into account:
(a) the staff member's prior commitments outside the workplace, particularly the staff member’s family and carer responsibilities, community obligations or study arrangements;
(b) any risk to staff member health and safety;
(c) the urgency of the work required to be performed during additional hours, the impact on the operational commitments of the Corporation and the effect on client services;
(d) the notice (if any) given by the Corporation regarding the working of the additional hours, and by the staff member of their intention to refuse the working of additional hours; or
(e) any other relevant matter.
18. Flexible Working Hours Arrangements
The arrangements set out in this clause are those that apply to all categories of staff covered by this Award unless otherwise determined by the CEO.
18.1 Attendance and Working Arrangements
(a) There are no fixed rules regarding attendance times or days and subsequently there is no requirement upon individuals to maintain any formal record of hours worked, unless otherwise required by the Corporation.
(b) Attendance at work for auditing purposes can be recorded either on flex sheets that record hours worked, or attendance sheets that record days, or part thereof, worked.
(c) Where staff are only required to formally keep an attendance sheet, they shall keep their own personal record of hours worked (such as a flex sheet or diary) to ensure provisions of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 as defined in this clause are complied with.
(d) Within the parameters of this clause, staff covered by this arrangement may reach mutual agreement with their Supervisor regarding hours of work and attendance patterns.
(e) Such working hours need to be sufficient to satisfy the working requirements of the Business Unit in accordance with agreed performance criteria and service delivery standards to both internal and external clients and stakeholders of the Corporation.
(f) On a Business Unit basis, a daily register of staff attendance or a flex sheet is to be maintained. These will serve as the Leave Return Records required for auditing purposes to confirm attendance of staff at work.
(g) Managers shall keep a staff roster to record flex leave identifiable in advance in a calendar year for workforce planning and co-ordination of service delivery purposes.
(h) At all times, in regard to flex leave, work schedules shall be agreed to in advance with a reasonable period of time being given by staff and managers.
18.2 Hours of Work
(a) Notionally staff will work a 35-hour week worked any time from Monday to Sunday.
(b) The normal working week shall continue to be Monday to Friday with work on weekends and after hours to be agreed and authorised beforehand.
(c) Work outside of normal time that is approved or directed to be worked on the weekend or during the week shall be paid at overtime rates in accordance with this Award.
(d) Whilst the bandwidth is negotiated at the local level, staff will normally work the 35 hours between 7.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. subject to the requirements in paragraph 18.2(e) being complied with.
(e) In the absence of negotiated local level core time arrangements taking into consideration the business needs of the Corporation and its internal and external clients, the notional times of 9.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. for core time shall apply.
(f) The Corporation shall take reasonable steps to support staff to comply with the provisions of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 which require that the ordinary hours of employment not exceed a maximum of 35 hours per week, averaged over a 12-week period.
(g) Under this clause, staff shall attend their place of employment for sufficient hours to perform their duties and to service Business Unit clients.
(h) The duties are those as defined in the approved position description for the job and the agreed performance management criteria for the position staff are appointed to or in which they are acting.
(i) Flex leave arrangements between staff and Team Leaders will be aimed at achieving the key result areas for each position in compliance with the Corporation’s Strategic Corporate Plan and the corresponding Business Plans for each Unit.
18.3 Flex Leave
(a) Staff may accrue up to a minimum of one day each settlement period to be taken as a flex day during that settlement period, or banked for later use.
(b) Staff covered by this clause shall be entitled to an accrued or granted day off every settlement period in a calendar year to be taken as a flex day (except staff on standard hours).
(c) The day to be absent from work shall be referred to as a "flex day" and shall be taken by agreement between the staff member and their Team Leader. The taking of a flex day is subject to approval of management who shall not unreasonably withhold approval, having regard to the workload of the staff member and the business requirements of the Corporation.
(d) A flex day in a settlement period will not be granted where the performance of a staff member is not considered to be at least satisfactory or above by the Team Leader, for those keeping attendance sheets. For those staff using flex sheets, evidence of sufficient hours worked to accrue the day off will be required.
(e) By agreement, and at the convenience of the Corporation, more flexible arrangements in relation to additional flex day (or parts thereof) may be made between staff and Team Leaders on a local basis to meet personal and business requirements.
(f) Where a flex sheet is not used to record accrued time for the purposes of taking a flex day, then the agreed work output or performance shall be used to justify the taking or accrual or the flex day for that settlement period. This is arrived at between the staff member and their Manager/Team Leader to have time off on the basis that work has been completed in a timely manner as per agreed outcomes.
(g) To meet either unforeseen circumstances or regular deadlines, staff and Team Leaders may agree that staff may postpone or "bank" an accrued flex day for a settlement period for one or more months to a maximum of five days in a Calendar year.
(h) Subject to agreement, between 3 and 5 flex days may be conserved by a staff member during any one calendar year, during which time:
(i) Conserved days may be taken in one block for the year, subject to arrangement with the Team Leader (where this is requested, approval shall be sought in advance for the between 3 and 5 day block of additional leave prior to the end of the calendar year); or
(ii) Where no less than 5 flex days have been banked throughout a calendar year, a staff member may apply to have those 5 days "cashed in" at the staff member’s ordinary rate of pay. Where the cashing in option is requested, this application must be made prior to 11 November of the calendar year.
(iii) Any conserved or banked days not taken or approved to be cashed in by the end of a calendar year (i.e. 31 December) will be automatically forfeited.
(i) Where the Corporation does not grant the conditions in paragraphs 18.3(h)(i) and 18.3(h)(ii) due to last minute work requirements, a block of between 3 and 5 days may be granted in each case.
(j) Local working arrangements taken in addition to the accrued day off every settlement period merely change the work patterns of a staff member; it is not an extra entitlement and remains at the discretion of the Manager/Team Leader.
18.4 Morning and Afternoon Tea Breaks
(a) Staff members may take a 10-minute morning break, provided that the discharge of public business is not affected and, where practicable, they do so out of the view of the public contact areas. The taking of such a break shall not disrupt normal work and shall be taken at the normal place of work.
(b) Staff members may also take a 10-minute afternoon break, subject to the same conditions that apply to the morning break.
18.5 Meal Breaks
(a) Meal breaks must be given to and taken by staff members.
(b) No staff member shall be required to work continuously for more than 5 hours without a meal break, provided that:
(i) Where the prescribed break is more than 30 minutes, the break may be reduced to not less than 30 minutes if the staff member agrees. If the staff member requests to reduce the break to not less than 30 minutes, the reduction must be operationally convenient; and
(ii) Where the nature of the work of a staff member or a group of staff members is such that it is not possible for a meal break to be taken after not more than 5 hours, local working arrangements may be negotiated between the CEO and the Association to provide for payment of a penalty.
18.6 Standard Working Hours
Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause, the CEO may determine or direct that standard hours or restrictions to the work hours’ scheme be worked in particular circumstances. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to:
(a) Where the work to be done cannot accommodate the flexibilities of this clause due to the operational requirements of the Corporation or a particular section of the Corporation; or
(b) Remedial action in respect of a staff member is being taken where the staff member has been found to have deliberately and persistently breached or abused the operation of the flexible work hours’ arrangements.
18.7 Non-Compliance and Debit Hours
(a) For staff using flex sheets to record attendance:
At the end of each settlement period, debits in excess of 10 hours shall be made up from either annual leave credits or leave without pay.
(b) For staff using attendance sheets to record attendance:
Where poor or unsatisfactory performance is identified, then, in addition to dealing with the matter in terms of the performance and discipline clauses in this Award to correct the under achievement, Managers/Team Leaders may also direct staff to complete flex sheets until further advised.
(c) In the event of any persistent failure by a staff member to comply with work hours arrangements, the CEO shall investigate such non-compliance as soon as it comes to notice and shall take appropriate remedial action.
18.8 Flexible working hours’ credit
(a) Staff may carry over a maximum of 10 hours credit into the next settlement period. Local arrangements in terms of clause 10 Local Award Conditions Arrangements of this Award may be negotiated in respect of the carry over of additional flexible hours credit than permitted in this clause, the length of the settlement period and the banking of any accumulated credit hours for time worked.
18.9 Transport Disruptions
(a) Where there are major disruptions to normal transport arrangements caused by a transport strike or major transport delay, provided adequate service is maintained to the public, staff and managers shall use the local arrangement provisions in this Award.
(b) In this situation, the local arrangement provisions in relation to agreement between staff and managers on starting and finishing times shall apply to staff on standard hours.
18.10 Punctuality
(a) An employee who reports for duty after the commencement of core time (or core time as varied by local arrangement) can elect to take either annual leave to credit or leave without pay. In such circumstances, the employee may commence duty on arrival but shall not be required to commence duty until a period equal to the leave debited has expired.
(b) An employee who consistently reports for duty after the commencement of core time (or core time as varied by local arrangement) may have the option of annual leave withdrawn or have leave without pay imposed as a disciplinary measure.
18.11 Breaches
An employee who:
(a) deliberately falsifies flexitime records;
(b) records incorrect times of commencement and/or cessation of duty;
(c) habitually commences duty after the commencement of core time (or core time as varied by local arrangement). This excludes an employee on approved leave;
(d) habitually resumes duty after the cessation of the luncheon period;
(e) ceases duty without authority before the finish of core time (or core time as varied by local arrangement); or
(f) breaches the flexitime rules in any other way,
may be directed by the CEO to work standard hours in addition to any other penalty that may be imposed.
18.12 Leaving the Corporation’s Employment
(a) An employee using the flex sheet system of recording attendance who leaves the Corporation’s employment with hours in debit in relation to contract hours at the effective date of ceasing duty, shall have annual leave or money owing adjusted accordingly.
(b) On separation from the Corporation before the end of a calendar year, staff who have conserved the maximum amount of 5 days shall be paid those days with final monies.
(c) Except as specified in paragraph 18.3(h), at the time of separation, conserved days between one and 4 shall not be paid in accordance with the provisions in subclause 18.3
18.13 Pro Rata Provisions for Part-time Staff
Where appropriate, the provisions of this clause shall apply to part-time staff on a pro rata basis.

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