Preface to the lecture, 1

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From subjectivity to objectivity



Fig. 28.8: Physical standpoints


Objectivity versus relativity


28.8 From subjectivity to objectivity


With the field lines interpretation, which by the way already preferably was used by 

Faraday, the gravitation proves to be an until now neglected influence of the 

electromagnetic field. With that for the first time also the grand unification of the 

interactions was successful. The long sought-for unified theory with that for the first time 

comes within reach.


The derivation has made it possible to mathematically secure the theoretical working 

model of Boscovich. Already 1755 Boscovich points out the optical deception, which our 

observation underlies, if absolute orders of magnitude in our neighbourhood should 

change and our perception would change along. Then also all metric and optical 

measurement results would underlie this change. Following the idea of Boscovich I 

distinguish between subjectivity and objectivity.


The relativity is a compromise lying between both points of view, where a neutral 

standpoint is strived for, which lies outside the events. And from this standpoint the 

objectively taking place events are being observed. The theory of relativity consequently 

is a pure observer theory with strongly restricted scope on the basis of the Lorentz- 



Theories of classic physics, like e.g. Newtonian mechanics, fall in the domain of 

subjectivity. The results and regularities are won in a terrestrial laboratory if possible 

isolated from the environment, where they have absolute validity. Here the Galilei- 

transformation is valid.


But if these subjectively won laws are applied to the microcosm in quantum physics or to 

the calculation of cosmic observations, one fast hits limits. The better the resolution of the 

microscopes and telescopes gets, the clearer the ,,outside" observer realizes, how much the 

laws of classic physics lose their validity.


Astrophysics successfully reaches for the theory of relativity, which with the curvature of 

space in the vicinity of mass centres delivers useful explanations. Here the dependence of 

the spatial dimensions on the field already could be established. In contradiction to that 

this fundamental relation is said to play no role whatsoever in quantum physics, or in all 

terrestrial laboratory experiments. But with which right may physical regularities from one 

domain be ignored in others? There only can exist one physics and that should be sought 



What we need is objectivity! Behind all the apparently disconnected phenomena of 

physics work quite simple laws, which can't be observed and are until now not recognized 

by us. Objective physics in the words of Goethe is the one, which holds the world together 

in the heart of hearts. I call this, already by Boscovich suggested point of view, theory of 

objectivity. The access to the model domain of objectivity must be made mathematically 

by means of a transformation, since it is blocked for us by means of measurements or 

observations (see chapters 6.15-6.19). The transformation back into the observation 

domain must be made according to the same mathematical relations (fig. 28.9). In this way 

the quantum properties of the elementary particles can be calculated with high accuracy 

and agreement with the values, which until now only could be measured (chapter 7).




The objective standpoint



Fig. 28.9:____ Theory of relativity and theory of objectivity


and the model transformation between both 

physical standpoints


:     Repetition of part 1, fig. 6.16


Objectivity versus relativity _____________________________________________ 589


28.9 The objective standpoint


The question is asked how one gets to an objective physical standpoint, which in addition


evades every observation? The way leads over a transformation, to which all perceptible


and measurable relations must be submitted.


If we for instance measure the distance r to a point light source, then the propagation of


the light c and the propagation time t determine the distance measure  r = c*t


If there occurs a little change of the distance, then two causes should be considered: Either


the propagation time or the speed of light have changed somewhat. With that the two


possible standpoints already would have been found.


The relativistic standpoint, which proceeds from the assumption of the speed of light 

being constant, says: the propagation time varies and we are dealing with a clock problem. 

If namely for relativistic velocities a length contraction occurs, then from that necessarily 

follows a time dilatation.


But actually no specific statement can be made about the constancy of the speed of light, 

besides that we look at, measure and scan everything with c and hence only observe the 

constancy. With that the theory of relativity remains a pure observer theory, exactly as 

Einstein originally called it into existence. This standpoint follows the motto: What can't 

be observed also doesn't need to interest the physicist.


The objective standpoint strives for more, for a description of the actually taking place 

processes. This time we proceed from the assumption of a universal and constant time 

with the argument: The time measure is an immutable definition and the physicist, who 

dictates this, himself determines what is simultaneousness. Then there also is no place for 

time travel and for clocks going wrong.


Therefore the speed of light can take all possible values always in strict proportionality to 

the length measures. Thus the measured length and distance measures should be 

transformed and that in the end is the unit ,,meter", which should be replaced by an 

objective measure.


With that the necessary transformation for variable c would be outlined. This 

transformation will be enqueued in the file of the big transformations. From it the Lorentz- 

transformation for c = constant emerges as a special case, like already from that 

transformation the Galilei-transformation follows for c =  How now the relation of the 

subjective to the objective ,,meter" should be determined; by means of the relation of the 

relevant fields (eq. 28.17) or by means of the square root of Lorentz (eq. 28.16), over that 

should be worked and spoken. We already have successfully gone through it in a concrete 

example (chapter 7).


Every theory is judged according to its expressiveness. Ending this chapter the statements 

and derivations hence again are compared. On the one hand the Maxwell theory and from 

that the theory of relativity can be derived from the new approach, on the other hand a 

long list follows, which can't be connected with the Maxwell equations, like e.g. the 

gravitation. For instance the neutrino and all other elementary particles with all their 

specific quantum properties are derived (chapter 7), free and easy fundamental laws result, 

like the law of conservation of energy, and even the temperature spills its until now kept 

secret (chapter 8.3). Remains the conclusion: With no other approach according to the 

textbooks until now the efficiency of the new approach could be obtained.


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