Preface to the lecture, 1

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Vortices, an overlap of the overlap


The equations of transformation say:


 (27.3) and    




Experience/observation depends on the relative velocity v! 


The field takes over the function of the aether (determines c) and 


an aetherwind v x H is measured as a resting aether E and vice versa! 


for  v = c the equations of transformation turn into each 

other and are identical  [v = v




for v < c a motion field E


 depending on v is resulting 




for v = 0   also   E


  =   0  . 


the motion field overlaps the E-field 


in the case of vortex fields the effect overlaps the cause and 

itself is the cause for a new effect. 


The overlap reaches to infinity, where each time is valid: 




•  the field Eo overlaps the motion field E





•  for infinite overlap:




•  results in the power series:



Fig. 28.2: Power series as a result of a vortex overlap.


:     Grimsehl: Lehrbuch der Physik, 2.Bd., 17.Aufl. Teubner Verl. 1967, S. 130.


:    R.W.Pohl:    Einfuhrung   in   die    Physik,    Bd.2    Elektrizitatslehre,    21.Aufl. 

Springer-Verlag 1975, Seite 72 und 76, bzw. 130.


:   K. Simonyi: Theoretische Elektrotechnik, 7.Aufl. VEB Berlin 1979, Seite 924.


:   E.   Friebe:   Die  Vektorprodukte   der  Maxwell'schen  Elektrodynamik,   DPG- 

Didaktik-Tagungsband 1995, S.396


Objectivity versus relativity




28.2 Vortices, an overlap of the overlap


Not with any approach until now the question concerning the aether could be solved. Only 

the new field-theoretical approach proves with the unambiguous and free of contradiction 

clarification of the question concerning the aether its unmatched superiority. We hence 

without exception work with this approach, which is anchored tightly in textbook physics. 

The two equations of transformation on the one hand are the law concerning the unipolar 

induction according to Faraday (27.1) and on the other hand the dual formulation (27.2), 

which Grimsehl

 calls convection equation. Grimsehl goes around the question for the 

correct sign by means of forming a modulus. Pohl draws detailed distinctions of cases and 

dictates the each time relevant formulation of the dual law

. The sign eventually should 

be chosen according to the definition of the orientation of the field pointers. Also Simonyi 

gives both equations and the each time appropriate experiments



If we assume the carrier of an electric field is moving with the not accelerated relative 

velocity v with regard to the reference system used by the observer, then a magnetic H- 

field is observed, which stands perpendicular both to the direction of the E-field and to the 

direction of v. If the motion takes place perpendicular to the area stretched by E- and H- 

field, then the H-field again is observed and measured as an E-field. There will occur an 

overlap of the fields.


In spite of that we first consider the theoretical case, that no overlap is present, and the 

observer as it were sees himself. The result is trivial: the relative velocity v must be the 

speed of light v = c . (28.5) If considered at the speed of light, the two equations of 

transformation turn into each other. They now are identical both mathematically and in 

their physical expressiveness. For this case it actually is possible, to derive the dual law 

straight from the Faraday law. For a wave propagating with the speed of light, to name an 

example, the field strength propagating along is always equal to the causing field strength, 

which depends on position.


If besides the evaluation of the values also the circumstance is considered that it concerns 

vectors, then at this place a problem as a matter of principle of the Maxwell theory gets 

visible, to which has been pointed occasionally, e.g. at the German Physical Society

The derivation of the speed of light from two vector equations requires, that c also has to 

be a vector. The question is: How the velocity vector v suddenly becomes the scalar and 

not pointing, in all directions of space constant factor c? Is therefore for mathematical and 

physical reasons "the Maxwell theory in essential parts erroneous", according to a 

statement of the German Patent Office



Now, the constancy of the speed of light is a fact, which even can be derived. We at first 

will be content with the clue that for every observation with the speed of light, with the 

eyes or a gauge constructed corresponding to our perception, the vector in all its 

components each time is correlated to itself, by what actually the orientation of direction 

gets lost. Under these for c and with equal rights also for v relevant circumstances we are 

entitled to calculate further with the values.


An observer, who is moving with v slower than c, will besides the original E-field also 

observe a motion field E


 depending on the velocity v, which disappears, if v becomes 

zero. What he catches sight of and is able to register with gauges in the end is the overlap 

of both field components.


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