Preface to the lecture, 1

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Faraday versus Maxwell_________________________________________________571


27.14 The new field approach in synopsis


Proof could be furnished that an approximation is buried in Maxwell's field equations and 

that they merely represent the special case of a new, dually formulated and more universal 

approach. The mathematical derivations of the Maxwell field and the wave equation 

disclose, of what the Maxwell approximation consists. The anti-vortex dual to the 

expanding eddy current with its skin effect is neglected. This contracting anti-vortex is 

called potential vortex. It is capable of forming structures and propagates as a scalar wave 

in longitudinal manner in badly conducting media like air or vacuum.


At relativistic velocities the potential vortices are subject to the Lorentz contraction. Since 

for scalar waves the propagation occurs longitudinally in the direction of an oscillating 

field pointer, the potential vortices experience a constant oscillation of size as a result of 

the oscillating propagation. If one imagines the field vortex as a planar but rolled up 

transverse wave, then from the oscillation of size and with that of wavelength at constant 

swirl velocity with c follows a continual change in frequency, which is measured as a 

noise signal.


The noise proves to be the in the Maxwell equations neglected potential vortex term, 

which founds scalar waves. If at biological or technical systems, e.g. at antennas a noise 

signal is being measured, then that proves the existence of potential vortices, but it then 

also means that the scope of the Maxwell theory has been exceeded and erroneous 

concepts can be the result.


As an answer to the question about possible new technologies is pointed to two special 





 potential vortices for reason of their particle nature carry momentum and energy. Since 

we are surrounded by noise vortices, an energy technical use of scalar waves would be 

feasible, where the noise power is withdrawn of the surroundings. There is evidence that 

biological systems in nature cover their need for energy in this way. But at least an energy 

transmission with scalar waves already would be a significant progress with regard to the 

alternating current technology of today.




 the wavelength multiplied with the frequency results in the velocity of propagation v of 

a wave 

 and that for scalar waves by no means is constant. With that wavelength


and frequency aren't coupled anymore; they can be modulated separately, for which 

reason for scalar waves a whole dimension can be modulated additionally compared to the 

Hertzian wave. In that the reason can be seen, why the human brain with just 10 Hz clock 

frequency is considerably more efficient than modern computers with more than 1 GHz 

clock frequency. Nature always works with the best technology, even if we haven't yet 

understood it.


If we would try to learn of nature and an energy technical or an information technical use 

of scalar waves would occur, then probably nobody wanted to have our today still highly 

praised technology anymore. In the course of the greenhouse gases and the electrosmog 

we have no other choice than to scientifically occupy us with scalar waves and their 

technical use.




The question concerning the aether


Equations of transformation


of the electric and of the magnetic field


 (27.1) and   




      (28.1) and      


 (27.3) and   


Experience/observation is dependent on the relative velocity v ! 


Fig. 28.1: The equations of transformation,

< i >


:     see part 1, chap. 6.5, eq. 60


:    R.  W.  Pohl:  Einfuhrung in die  Physik,  Bd.  2 Elektrizitatslehre,  21.  Aufl.


Springer-Verlag 1975, Seite 77, s.a. Kommentar auf Tafel 27.8 

:   chapter 28 is a repetition of chapter 6


Objectivity versus relativity _____________________________________________ 573


28. Objectivity versus relativity


The new and field-theoretical approach contains the Maxwell-equations, but goes over and 

above these in one point. It describes potential vortices and their propagation in space as a 

scalar wave. With that can also a conclusive answer be given to the often-asked question 

for the medium and the mediated particles, which is a prerequisite for every longitudinal 

wave. Mediated are vortex structures with particle nature and the field itself functions as a 

medium. Is with that also answered the question concerning the aether?


28.1 The question concerning the aether


Do you know the Maxwell-experiment? No, you wouldn't be able to, since the intellectual 

father fast did make a backdown, after it didn't work out. Today one speaks of the 

Michelson-experiment and it may be connected with any other names (Morley, etc.). 

Remember: In his light theory Maxwell had determined a particular and constant value for 

the speed of light and for that there should be a physical reason, which should have its 

cause in the aether. By means of proving this aether Maxwell wanted to prove his theory, 

but this enterprise thoroughly went wrong.


The consideration was as follows: If the Earth is spinning and is moving through the 

cosmos, then one should be able to detect an aetherwind and different values for c in the 

different points of the compass. Maxwell found support for his project at the observatory, 

since with the aberration of the stars Bradley previously had described an observation, 

which could be considered as evidence for an aether. The director of the observatory 

charged his assistant Dr. Michelson with the task, to carry out a corresponding proof of an 

aether this time in a terrestrial experiment. But such an aether couldn't be proven, what 

Maxwell had to accept as a severe strike against his light theory. Seven years later 

Maxwell got the acknowledgement, however from a completely other corner by means of 

the experiments concerning the radio transmission of Heinrich Hertz.


Until today the question has remained open why astrophysics can prove the aether, 

whereas the detection in a terrestrial laboratory fails and it looks like there doesn't exist an 

aether. But as definition for the cause of c the aether can't be abolished as long as it is 

unsettled why the light is propagating with c of all possible velocities. The question is 

asked, what determines the propagation of light from today's point of view? Now, by 

means of outside fields the light can be slowed down. At present the world record lies at 

less than 65 kilometers per hour in a Bose-Einstein condensate. If electromagnetic fields 

determine the speed of light, if in addition field or gravitational lenses should confirm this, 

then the field takes over the task of the aether!


At this place the new field-theoretical approach shows its capabilities. The equations of 

transformation say nothing but that a moving H-field transforms to a resting E-field and 

vice versa, that thus in the place of a moving aether, the aetherwind, a resting aether is 

found. Doing so the dual field partners merely exchange their places. Therefore it is a 

wild-goose chase, wanting to measure an aetherwind with gauges, which underlie the 

same field (fig. 28.2). 

Michelson had to fail.


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