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In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman
this policy. 
I am sure that your Congress will have wide and fruitful discussions, develop 
recommendations for the solution of problems, worrying our society, and increase 
the activity of women, inspire them for new accomplishments. 
Sincerely yours, 
Ilham Aliyev,
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Baku, March 7, 2009
Dear women!
On the occasion of the International Woman`s Day, I congratulate you, all the 
Azerbaijani women cordially and wish you good health, happiness and success at 
We all are proud of the progress of our dynamically developing country as a 
participant in the large-scale economic projects.
The signs of this progress are clearly evident in every corner of our republic. The 
great role of the Azerbaijani women in these achievements is indisputable.
Our women, who, since the ancient times, have distinguished themselves with 
devotion to their homeland, today, continue to make their valuable contributions to 
the cause of strengthening the sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Diligence, wisdom, high internal culture and devotion to centuries-old national 
and moral values are the characteristics, defi ning the image and place of the present-
day Azerbaijani woman in our public life.
The Azerbaijani woman, who has won the right to elect and be elected in 1918, 
for a short period of time in the 20th century, followed the path of development, 
which normally takes a few centuries.
Women have always demonstrated high professionalism and selfl essness in the  
enlightenment of our people, development of  our culture and building our modern 
The high respect to women in our society has created a favorable basis for them 
to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in culture, science, education, health care 
and other fi elds.
Today, our women are realizing their intellectual potential in many spheres of 
life, including in civil society building and forming an intercultural dialogues.
I  hope that in 2009, which was declared the Year of  Children, our women will 
make efforts for bringing up next generations in the spirit of respect to our national 
and cultural heritage, customs and traditions, and will worthily contribute to the 
process of fl ourishment of our ever-renewing country.
Happy Woman`s Day!
Ilham Aliyev,
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman
May 23, 2009
Question: As the French say, «Style is the man himself». You prefer elegance, 
calm patterns and clear lines on your outfi ts. How much does your style refl ect your 
Mehriban Aliyeva: Perhaps elegance, mystery and clear lines refl ect  my 
personality somehow. However, I have never thought about this relationship. Style 
may be refl ected in details, nuances, behavior and other elements of personality. I 
think that it is hard to explain it from rational point of view. Style may be the sum 
of emotional impressions of a person. 
Question: Millions of people observe the President and his spouse. Is it hard to 
be the First Lady? 
Mehriban Aliyeva: It is not easy. But openness doesn’t play the main role here. I 
have got used to cameras and eyes looking at me. I admit it as attributes of my life. 
Being the spouse of the President is a hard and responsible job. Because I represent 
not only myself and my family, but the whole country as well. Words, actions, 
behavior must be shaped duly. Fortunately, since my childhood I have put strict 
requirements for myself and tried to be worthy for my family. Today our children 
have the same responsibility. I am proud that they carry out this duty accurately. 
Question: What does family happiness depend on? Do you have any special 
Mehriban Aliyeva: There is no recipe. Each person has his or her own way to 
perceive happiness. There are a lot of factors for the family happiness. However, the 
main factor is the solidarity of thoughts and values. Attitude towards each other is of 
great importance. If someone understands his or her importance, feels protected and 
loved within the family, it may be a strong impetus not only for family happiness, 
but for achieving any goal as well. 
Question: Do your views coincide on the views of your spouse? Or do you have 
any argument?
Mehriban Aliyeva: We never have an argument. The experience I have earned 
in my family life shows that Ilham can assess any problem correctly and foresee 

the result. I listen to his advice, but I rely on my own intuition at the same time. Of 
course, sometimes we have different points of view. But they can not result in any 
argument. We have learned to respect and appreciate each other`s views. 
Question: You named your son after his grandfather Heydar Aliyev. Does his 
personality have any qualities similar to those of the national leader? 
Mehriban Aliyeva: Ambitiousness and self-control. Emotional calmness and deep 
honesty. I hope that my son will have a strong will and spirit like his grandfather. 
Question: Who would you like to see him as? 
Mehriban Aliyeva: As a worthy citizen of his country. Professional of his sphere. 
Happy father and spouse. 
Question: Women in politics are admired. But some think that it is not the right 
fi eld for women. What is the reason of this view in your opinion? 
Mehriban Aliyeva: There are a lot of reasons. It is necessary to analyze the gender 
problem in order to explain all of them. Shortly, it seems that politics demands a 
person to devote his or her life to this sphere. Such devotion is natural for women in 
emotional fi eld, such as love, family, and motherhood. 
Question: What qualities should a female politician have in your opinion? Does 
she have any advantages over male politicians?
Mehriban Aliyeva: First of all, she has to understand her goals in politics and 
assess her capability and means correctly. She has to have enough power and right 
ambitions in order to achieve the goals. In my opinion, there can be no advantage 
in politics. 
Question: You come from a family, which has rich l traditions in literature. What 
is your own taste in literature? Do you have favorite books? 
Mehriban Aliyeva: I don’t have any favorite book. But I like reading some books 
again. My grandfather Nasir Imamguliyev had a big library at home. I and my sister 
read a lot. I still love reading. Neither cinema, nor contemporary computer stuff can 
replace an interesting book for me. Unfortunately, the tempo of life is so rapid that 
there is no time for reading a book in peace. 
Question: You are considered an etalon of beauty and style. Does a beauty 
guarantee successes to a woman? 
Mehriban Aliyeva: If beauty and intellect make up harmony, chances of success 
are very high. Beauty is a kind of gift. However, each of us receives a look that 
refl ects our interior. Thus, the look plays a decisive role in successes and beauty of 
the person. 
Question: You are ophthalmologist by profession. You worked at the Research 
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

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