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today, without analyzing the reasons of this reality. Let us try to understand what is 
making it diffi cult for civilizations, nations and individuals to listen to and understand 
one another, and how we can help. From this perspective, the fi rst thing I wish to 
draw your attention to is the fact that we talk about the dialogue between cultures 
and civilizations in different languages. Here, the term «different languages» does 
not mean foreign languages. Dialogue is talked about by scientists, by politicians, by 
public fi gures and men-of-culture. We discuss different political or scientifi c doctrines 
relating to the dialogue or confl ict among civilizations. Each of them is underpinned 
by a particular point of view, particular political motivation, and by history. But often 
it is even diffi cult for experts and professionals, let alone the people outside the world 
of politics, to understand each other with regard to this issue. 
Obviously, today everyone, irrespective of their faith or nationality, political 
allegiance or their level of education, cultural development or prosperity, is affected 
by this issue to some extent. Whether he wants to or not, each of us asks himself: 
«Where are we heading? What lies ahead for us?» 
The purpose of our conference is to consider this issue from another point of view: 
the point of view of women, the female perspective. I think that the strength and the 
uniqueness of this point of view stem from the fact that it can be perceived as being 
universal, uniting us all and accessible to everyone. The reason is extremely simple. 
The overriding principle of this point of view, as well as the fundamental motivation 
of women in life, is love. Love for one`s child, love for one`s neighbors, love for the 
whole world, and the love for God. Life of women is unimaginable without love. 
Only this love can stop hatred, xenophobia, and racial and religious resentment. 
I would now like to draw your attention to some statistical data. Just last year 
in Iraq, nearly 25,000 civilians died in the course of military hostilities. Barely a 
day goes by without women and children losing their lives in the Israeli-Palestinian 
confl ict. In the Khojaly massacre, over one night more than 600 civilians, including 
women, children and elderly people were killed, with more than 1,200 people being 
injured. According to expert forecasts, unless signifi cant efforts are made, over 150 
million women and children will die in confl icts in the twenty-fi rst century. These 
are matter-of-fact statistical fi gures. The most horrible thing is that we have become 
used to hearing such facts. We have even become accustomed to thinking of them as 
nothing, as events which do not concern us and are happening to someone else as far 
I will give you a concrete example. Try to imagine the feelings of a mother who 
has kissed her child and taken him out into a yard on a neighboring street to play with 
In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman

In the Name of the Azerba  ani Woman
friends, and who within just fi ve minutes fi nds herself standing over the lifeless body 
of her child who has been hit by shrapnel from a mine. I am sure that no one could 
remain indifferent to such a tragedy. 
It is high time for us to stop regarding the issue of the dialogue between civilizations 
as an abstract matter. We must realize that the lives of a huge number of people are 
behind of this problem. Of course, fi rst of all we need to reject the policy of double 
standards and false stereotypes. It is unacceptable to speak of a common civilization 
of mankind as a civilization created by just some chosen peoples. 
In society there are always forces at work, which pull us towards commercial 
values and weaken our inclination towards the values of altruism. At its current stage 
of development, now more than ever before the mankind is in need of a new spiritual 
Throughout its history, as a country located on the Great Silk Road, Azerbaijan 
has contributed to the creation of the atmosphere of the highest tolerance. This has 
left its imprint on both our culture and society, and can still be seen in our society 
even today. Baku is a unique city. Its Muslim mosque and Fire-Worshipers’ Temple, 
Catholic church and synagogue, Orthodox and Protestant churchs have stood side 
by side here for many years. By virtue of their geographical proximity alone they 
continue to show that it is possible for them to co-exist amid a high level of tolerance 
and fellowship of the fundamental values of all religions with common human 
values. These are not merely individual episodes in history. This year we opened a 
new Catholic church. Along with the restoration of mosques and churches, which are 
historical monuments, we continue building new ones. 
I want to draw your attention to a small fact. The Orthodox Church in Baku was built 
on the money donated by the Azerbaijani oil magnate Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev, and 
was restored a few years ago on money given by another Azerbaijani businessman. 
Baku has been visited by the Pope John Paul II and the Patriarch of All Russia, 
Alexei II. At the same time, there took place the meetings of the countries, which 
are the members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. All this confi rms a 
simple truth. 
All great religions have one goal and one motivation. We may call God by different 
names, pray to Him in different languages and build different buildings devoted to 
Him, but we do so for one reason. God is one for all of us. And however trite it 
may sound, the common human values which are enshrined in every religion are 
also the same. These are the values which aim to unite and reconcile people. In 
this case it is inadmissible for a religion to be used as a tool to stir up confl icts and 

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