Review of the eu biodiversity strategy to 2020

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EU Target or Action

EU Target 1
(Please note that information from Member States in relation to Action 1a is supplied to the European Commission via other reports. To avoid duplication of reporting, information relating to Action 1a has not been included in this report)

Actions 1: Natura 2000 (and other protected areas)

The National System of Classified Areas (SNAC) consists of the National Network of Protected Areas (RNAP), the Classified Areas of Natura 2000 and other Classified Areas under international commitments.
In mainland Portugal the total area classified under the RNAP and Natura 2000, in late 2013, was about 22% of the land territory. About 190,000 ha of marine area are also classified.
Between 2010 and 2014 three new Ramsar sites were classified. In March 2014 there were 31 Ramsar sites in Portugal with an area of 132,487.7 ha.
Two new protected areas with 214.67 ha and 24,767.46 ha were included in the RNAP.
Until May 2014, Portugal has designated 97 Natura 2000 SCI/SAC, with a total area of 16844 km², amounting to 17.4% of the land area of the country. 30 sites have marine areas; amounting to 1173 km² of marine area of SCI. 59 SPAs are designated with a total area of 11486 km², amounting to 10.7% of the land area of the country. 10 SPAs are marine, with an area of 762 km².
The insufficient SCI designation is being addressed through technical proposals for the terrestrial and marine environments.
In the marine and coastal environment the main action was the extension of the SPA Ilhas Berlengas in 2012, covering a wide marine area around the archipelago as a result of new data on the distribution in the sea of breeding population of Cory's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) and including important feeding and resting areas for the species. To improve management, non-extractive areas were identified or marked as required. The project LIFE+ Berlengas - Conservation of endangered habitats and species in the SPA Berlengas through sustainable management (2014-2018) is ongoing. Further evaluation of three new SPAs on the mainland coast of Portugal is taking place. Their focus is the migratory and wintering population, very threatened, of the Balearic-shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus). This process is based on several of projects co-financed by the LIFE programme and European Economic Area (EEA) Grants.
Projects oriented for acquisition of knowledge in support of the enlargement of Natura 2000 to the marine environment:

  • Project FAME - Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment (2010-2012). It has among its objectives: to develop recommendations on the designation and management of marine protected areas; to map areas essential for the survival of endangered/protected seabirds; to assess the impact of human activities (including fisheries and renewables) in areas of high ecological importance; to produce recommendations on the management of these areas for the benefit of endangered/protected seabirds; to recommend marine areas for future protection;

  • Project Interreg MESH Atlantic (2010-2012).

  • Projeto LIFE+ MarPro (2011-2015) for the acquisition of knowledge on the interaction between fisheries and marine natural values and to contribute to the definition of offshore Natura 2000 sites (contiguous to mainland Portugal).

In Madeira Autonomous Region, the Natura 2000 consists of 11 SACs and 5 SPAs. SACs have an area of 47,000 ha, about 30% of the terrestrial part of the Region. During 2014 the SPAs were classified, the integration of Garajau Partial Natural Reserve in the SAC Pináculo and the integration of Marine Protected Areas Network of Porto Santo in the SAC “Ilhéus do Porto Santo” were proposed. It was proposed to include areas of occurrence of cetaceans in the Natura 2000.

The project LIFE IBAS marinhas identified 2 marine IBAs in surrounding areas of Ilhas Desertas (PTM16) and of Ilhas Selvagens (PTM17) used by important colonies of pelagic seabirds of the North Atlantic.
In the Azores Autonomous Region the Regional Network of Protected Areas (RFCN) promotes an integrated view of protected natural heritage and integrates the Natura 2000, the protected areas of regional importance, the Ecological Reserve and the Regional Agricultural Reserve. The Protected Areas network integrates the management units Island Natural Park, the Azores Marine Park and local Protected Areas. The 9 island parks integrate Natura 2000 areas and areas classified under international conventions. The island parks and marine park include respectively 123 and 11 Classified Areas.
Strategies, Action Plans and Projects

  • Action Plan for the Conservation of the Iberian Lynx (2008). Its implementation is ongoing. In 2014 reintroduction actions were initiated and several measures of habitat management and promotion of prey were taken.

Portugal takes part on PCESLI - Ex Situ Conservation Programme of Iberian Lynx, to ensure the conservation of 85% of its genetic variability and providing individuals for reintroduction in previously selected areas

  • Programme for the conservation of Spanish imperial eagle. In place since 2008. In 2011 a multiyear plan of activities was elaborated. A monitoring plan is obtaining detailed information on the breeding success of each pair, as well on the main threats on the population. The Portuguese and Spanish working groups have produced a draft Iberian Strategy for the Imperial Eagle;

  • Action Plan for the Conservation and Monitoring of the resident population of bottlenose dolphins in the Sado Estuary. Published in 2009;

  • Regional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus);

  • Regional plan to mitigate the use of poison in the regions of Mourão/Moura/Barrancos and Vale do Guadiana (under LIFE project “Promoting Iberian lynx and black vulture habitat in southeastern Portugal” (2010-2013);

  • Action Plan” (Action Plan for the Conservation of tree-nesting populations of Bonelli's Eagle Aquila fasciata of Portugal - Strategic Lines under LIFE Nature Project “Conservation of tree-nesting Bonelli's Eagle populations in Portugal” (2006-2011);

  • Action plan for jarabujo (Anaecypris hispanica) 2012-2016. Concluded in September 2011;

  • Strategy for the conservation of scavenger birds in Portugal (in prep.).

The following projects should be noted:

  • LIFE+ Promoting Iberian lynx and black vulture habitat in southeastern Portugal (2010-2013);

  • LIFE+ Iberlince - Recovering the historic distribution range of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) in Spain and Portugal(2011 a 2016);

  • LIFE+ IMPERIAL – Conservation of Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti) in Portugal (2014 a 2018);

  • LIFE+ Saramugo – Conservation of jarabujo (Anaecypris hispanica) in Guadiana basin (Portugal) (2014 a 2018);

  • LIFE+ Berlengas – Conservation of threatened habitats and species in SPA Berlengas through a sustainable management (2014 a 2018);

  • LIFE+ ECOTONE - Management of riverine habitats for the of invertebrates threatened with extinction (2012 a 2016);

  • Reintroduction of the Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) in Portugal (2011-2015)

  • LIFE+ Steppic Birds - Great Bustard, Little Bustard and Lesser Kestrel conservation in cereal steppes in Alentejo (2009-2012) (2009-2012);

  • LIFE+ Conservation of tree-nesting Bonelli's Eagle populations (Aquila fasciata) in Portugal (2006-2011);

  • Kestrel’s colony recovery project in the Special Protection Area of S. Vicente.

Measures were also taken to mitigate o the illegal use of poisons and mortality caused by infrastructures of distribution and transmission of energy:

  • Project LIFE+ Innovative actions against illegal poisoning in EU Mediterranean pilot areas (2010-2015), focusing on the poisoning of wild species considered as harmful for game species management;

  • Antídoto Portugal Programme: a public and private platform aiming to combat the illegal use of poison and to contribute to a better understanding of its consequences on the wildlife;

  • Cooperation Protocols between an electric energy company, NGOs and the Environmental Authorities has provided the technical knowledge and institutional basis for the company commitment to implement mitigation measures in new lines, especially within the Natura 2000, Important Bird Areas and Protected Areas. Guidelines on Good Environmental Practices were produced.

  • LIFE Ilhéus do Porto Santo (LIFE09 NAT/PT/000041) - Halting the loss of European biodiversity through restoration of habitats and species of islets of Porto Santo and surrounding marine area;

  • LIFE Maciço Montanhoso (LIFE11/NAT/PT/327) - Restoration and conservation of species and habitats in Maciço Montanhoso Central da Madeira;

  • LIFE RECOVER NATURA (LIFE12 NAT/PT/000195) - Restoration and conservation of terrestrial species and habitats in the Natura 2000 sites of Ponta de São Lourenço and Ilhas Desertas;

  • LIFE Fura-bardos - Conservation of Fura-bardos (Accipiter nisus granti) e Laurissilva habitat on Madeira Island;

  • LIFE Cetáceos - Madeira II (LIFE07 NAT/P/000646) - Identification of critical marine areas for the bottlenose dolphin and surveillance of cetacean conservation status in Madeira Archipelago;

  • LIFE IBAS marinhas (LIFE04 NAT/PT/00023) – Important areas for seabirds in Portugal.

  • LIFE12 NAT/PT/000527 Terras do Priolo (Pyrrhula murina) (2013 a 2018) intends to contribute to the management of the SPA Pico da Vara/Ribeira do Guilherme.

  • Species Action Plan for the Azores Bullfinch (Pyrrhula murina) in the European Union (2009 – 2019).

  • LIFE07 NAT/P/000649 Sanctuary Islands for Seabirds (2009 a 2013), oriented to the conservation of seabird colonies in the Azores (habitat restoration and control and eradication of invasive alien species).

For the period 2014-2020 the partnership agreement for the implementation of the European a Structural Investment Funds adopted in 2014 integrates major priorities related to Birds and Habitats Directives and Natura 2000, according to the Prioritized Action Framework approved in 2013. An in-depth integration of nature (and biodiversity) in the reformed Common Agriculture and Fisheries Policies took place in order to ensure the most adequate programming of rural development and fisheries funding of the investment and recurrent management needs of Natura 2000.

Action 2: Adequate financing of Natura 2000

In January 24, 2014, the WWF and the ICNF, IP, promoted a workshop on "Financing Natura 2000 Network - More and better opportunities from EU funds for 2014-2020", where the Portuguese Priority Action Framework (PAF) was presented.

PAF identifies priority conservation measures to be implemented until 2020, consisting of a concise, objective and realistic action plan, rather than a comprehensive set of measures, which may be relevant, but beyond the administrative, technical and scientific and financial implementation capacity of the country in coming years.

The identified priority measures are general but structural (e.g. mapping of natural habitats and the assessment and monitoring of protected natural values) and strategic (e.g. agricultural and forest management of RN2000 and the valuation of ecosystem services), aiming to integrate at the appropriate levels of programming of EU funds, access to finance by public and private entities, with a view to implement key measures of biodiversity policy and to pursuit the goals and commitments and legal and political obligations of Portugal, at all levels, national, EU and global.
In order to mobilize funding for the Autonomous Regions, PAF were developed for the RN2000 of Azores and Madeira, for the period 2014-2020.
In addition to regional funds, other European funds, such as LIFE, the EAFRD, ERDF and ESF, contribute to finance biodiversity conservation actions. The European Fisheries Fund (EFF) and Horizon 2020, for research and development are also relevant.

Also on Action 2 of the EU Strategy, for the period 2014-2020 the partnership agreement for the implementation of the European an Structural Investment Funds adopted in 2014 integrates major priorities related to Birds and Habitats Directives and Natura 2000, according to the Prioritized Action Framework approved in 2013. An in-depth integration of nature (and biodiversity) in the reformed Common Agriculture and Fisheries Policies took place in order to ensure the most adequate programming of rural development, fisheries and Cohesion funding of the investment and recurrent management needs of Natura 2000.

Action 3a: Stakeholder awareness and enforcement

The evaluation from 2013 (Eurobarometer) contains the results of a survey to citizens with answers to the following questions:

  • importance and seriousness of biodiversity loss

  • personal efforts to tackle biodiversity loss

  • Natura 2000 and the importance of nature protection areas

  • measures the EU should take to protect biodiversity

The 3rd International Environmental Education Congress of Portuguese Speaking Countries and Communities will be held in July 2015. Under the guidance of the Treaty of Environmental Education for Sustainable Societies and Global Responsibility and the Earth Charter, it is organized around 10 Main Themes.

The LIFE+ project BIO+SINTRA Enhancing Biodiversity in Sintra, Europe's First Cultural Landscape (2010-2013) to promote active public participation in the conservation of key natural values of the Serra de Sintra and dissemination of causal relationships between daily activities, carbon emissions, climate change and biodiversity loss, to promote the adoption of environmentally friendly behavior. The LIFE+ project ECOCOMPATÍVEL (LIFE09 INF/EN/00045) intends to establish links among the socio-economic, human recreational activities and biodiversity in RN2000 sites in Madeira.
The Regional Plan for Education and Environmental Awareness of Azores (PRESAA) is in force since 2011 and combines all the campaigns, projects and actions promoted in this issue by the regional government. Authorities, businesses, NGOs and local associations also contribute to its implementation. The "Azorean Biodiversity Kit", was published in 2012 under this Plan and it was distributed in 1st cycle schools.
Every year the program “Parque Escolar” is held In the Azores. It is a set of activities in the a class-room context with field trips to protected areas, with biodiversity, geodiversity, waste prevention, climate change and good practices of environmental citizenship as main themes.
The Partner Program for Sustainable Development promotes a nature oriented culture in order to raise awareness on appreciation biodiversity among the public.
The portal “Sentir e Interpretar o Ambiente dos Açores - SIARAM”, created in the International Year of Biodiversity (2010), is regularly updated. Its content (multimedia, texts, videos, photos and audio, with testimonials from researchers form the University of the Azores and other experts) can be freely used for educational and non commercial purposes.
The Nature Conservation and Natural Parks portals of the Azores contain the description of the natural values that can be found in each protected area. Relevant information can also be accessed in the Environmental Monitoring Portal – AzMoniAmb.
Relevant internet sites, created or maintained by the Biodiversity Group of the University of Azores in the last 6 years:

  • Grupo da Biodiversidade dos Açores;

  • Portal da Biodiversidade dos Açores;

  • Galeria da Biodiversidade dos Açores;

  • Base de dados ATLANTIS;

  • Aranhas dos Açores;

  • Térmitas dos Açores;

  • E.D.E.N – Habitats dos Açores.

Biological and genetic material banks

A protocol between ICNF, I.P., and the Botanical Garden of the National Museum of Natural History (at Lisbon University) aims to the ex situ conservation of threatened native flora.

Until the end of 2013, the seeds of 53% of plant taxa legally protected by the Habitats Directive were already conserved on a long-term in a germplasm bank, with 23% of these species included in a DNA bank. These actions contribute to the fulfillment of the target 8 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation.

Action 4: Monitoring and reporting

The implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives requires a periodic review of the conservation status of many relevant species and habitats.
The Spatial Plans and Management Plans of Protected Areas and Classified Areas of Natura 2000 may integrate a monitoring program to regularly evaluate the implementation of the proposed measures and actions. Also EIA processes involve monitoring key environmental indicators (including fauna, flora and vegetation) potentially affected by the project implementation.
In mainland Portugal biodiversity monitoring is among the priorities in the Priority Action Framework 2014-2020 for Natura 2000. Essential biodiversity indicators are not identified, but various monitoring programs have been implemented for certain species of high nature value or regarded as representatives of a given taxonomic group, which may integrate the set of progress indicators towards significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss. National biodiversity indicators should be defined (based on SEBI) and approaches and methodologies for monitoring of species and habitats should be identified and operationalized.
Long-term monitoring programs for various species and groups of birds are implemented:

  • National Monitoring Programme of Wintering Waterfowl, oriented to species highly dependent of wetland areas. This programme is ongoing since 1976 and it involves the yearly evaluation of population abundance and distribution of species of Anseriforms and Gruiforms;

  • Constant Effort Sites ringing scheme. It aims to monitor the population changes of widespread passerine and near-passerine species, through a programme of systematic summer mist-netting in specific habitats.

Specific monitoring action are implemented at regional level:

  • Monitoring scheme of rupicolous birds (Gyps fulvus, Neophron percnopetrus, Hieraaetus fasciatus, Aquila chrysaetos, Ciconia nigra, Bubo bubo, Oenanthe leucura) breeding at the Parque Natural da Serra de S. Mamede;

  • Annual monitoring scheme of birds of prey at the Reserva Natural das Lagoas de Santo André e Sancha;

  • Monitoring scheme of Collared Pratincole (Glareola pratincola) and Little Tern (Sterna albifrons) breeding at the Reserva Natural do Estuário do Tejo;

  • Monitoring scheme of Audouin's Gull (Larus audouinii) breeding at the Reserva Natural do Sapal de Castro Marim e Vila Real de Santo António;

  • Monitoring scheme of Bonelli's Eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus), Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), Alpine swift (Apus melba), European Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) and Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) at the Parque Natural de Sintra-Cascais;

  • Monitoring scheme of rupicolous birds (Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus), Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopetrus), Bonelli's Eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus), Golden Eagle( Aquila chrysaetos), Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) and Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)) breeding at the Parque Natural do Douro Internacional;

  • Monitoring scheme of Bonelli's Eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus) breeding at the Vale do Guadiana and Castro Verde SPAs and surrounding areas;-

  • Monitoring scheme of Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) breeding at the Vale do Guadiana SPA;

  • Autumn and spring counts of Black-bellied Sandgrouse (Pterocles orientalis) at the Vale do Guadiana and Castro Verde SPAs;

  • Monitoring scheme of Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) breeding at Costa Sudoeste SPA;

  • Monitoring scheme of Common Crane (Grus grus) wintering at the Vale do Guadiana and Castro Verde SPAs and surrounding areas;

  • Monitoring scheme of Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis), European Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) and Common Guillemot (Uria aalge) at Ilhas Berlengas SPA;

  • Monitoring scheme of sea birds at the Reserva Natural das Lagoas de Santo André e Sancha.

At national level, since 2010, monitoring projects were implemented focusing on several taxonomic groups:

  • A monitoring programme of the cave-dwelling bat species is in progress since 1987 and involves the estimation of bat numbers present in the most important wintering and maternity roosts. Annually surveys are carried out in most of the roosts. A recent analysis of the data collected between 1988 and 2012 includes population trends of seven species calculated with software TRIM. The use of updated criteria to evaluate roosts of national importance showed that currently there are 76 important roosts (3 important all-year round, 43 hibernacula and 40 maternities);

  • CAC (Censo de Aves Comuns): the Common Bird Census is a long term monitoring programme of common breeding birds and their habitats, in Portugal. It was launched by SPEA (NGO) in 2004 in mainland Portugal and Madeira and later in 2007 in the Azores. This census is integrated into the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme (PECBMS).

The Common Birds Indexes (IACZA, IACZF) are published until 2009;

  • CANAN (Contagens de Aves no Natal e Ano Novo): farmland’s wintering birds monitoring scheme;

  • NOCTUA-Portugal: night birds monitoring scheme;

  • RAM (Rede de observação de Aves e Mamíferos Marinhos): observation network of Marine Birds and Mammals;

  • Arenaria: distribution, abundance and population trends of the Portuguese coastal marine birds during winter;

  • Monitoring scheme of Great Bustard (Otis tarda);

  • Monitoring scheme of Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti).

  • Monitoring vertebrate mortality in Portuguese roads: since 2010, a joint project of the University of Lisbon and Estradas de Portugal, S.A aims to minimize road mortality and improve road permeability by mapping high mortality spots and improving drainage culverts for animal crossing;

  • As contributions to the establishment of a reference framework for natural species, we should refer the Atlas of Bats of Portugal (ICNF 2013), the Atlas of Wintering and Migratory Birds, the Atlas of Breeding Birds in Madeira Archipelago and the Atlas and the Atlas of Breeding and Passing Birds in Portugal (in prep.).

The Atlas of Portuguese Bats (mainland Portugal) project involved around 150 volunteers and the main goals were to map the present distribution of the 25 bats species known to occur in mainland Portugal, to populate a database to make available this information to all interested parts and, in conjunction with the campaign 2011-2012 Year of the Bat, to mobilize and stimulate bat professionals into educating human populations regarding the importance of bats in the ecosystems.

The implementation of management measures under the Rural Development Programme is evaluated through the following items:

  • Index of common farmland birds;

  • Agricultural area of high natural value;

  • Monitoring Programme of natural values in the Integrated Territorial Intervention of the Costa Sudoeste: the monitoring of bird communities and the characterization of flora and amphibians of temporary ponds took place in 2010. It covered the Natura 2000 areas Costa Sudoeste Site of Community Importance (SCI) and Costa Sudoeste Special Protection Area (SPA);

  • Monitoring of steppic birds, during spring of 2010 and winter 2010-11. It covered the Natura 2000 area Castro Verde Special Protection Area.

In Madeira Autonomous Region the following monitoring programmes should be referred:

  • Artropodofauna at vale da Castanheira, on Desertas islands;

  • Malacofauna at vale da Castanheira, on Desertas islands;

  • Conservation state of Monachus monachus, on Desertas islands;

  • Conservation state of Pterodroma deserta, on Desertas islands;

  • Population of Pelagodroma marina hypoleuca, on Selvagem Grande island;

  • Populations of Tarentola boettgeri bischoffi and of Teira dugesii selvagensis), on Selvagem Grande island;

  • Restauration of the population of Tarentola boettgeri bischoffi;

  • Flora and marine in Selvagens islands;

  • Restauration of terrestrial on Selvagem Grande island;

  • Population of Calonectris diomedea borealis, on Selvagem Grande island;

  • Conservation state of Columba trocaz;

  • Conservation state of Pterodroma madeira;

  • Monitoring and identification of entomofauna, on Desertas islands;

  • Monitoring and control of Larus michahellis.

In Azores Autonomous Region the following monitoring programmes are in place:

  • Common Bird Census (CAC) - since 2007;

  • Census of - Since 1990. The current methodology (158 points) started in 2008 and is held annually. Every 4 years is complemented by a simultaneous counting of more 149 points for a total of 307 points for the project Atlas do Priolo;

  • Pyrrhula murina Juveniles Recruitment Census - Held biannually in 2010 and 2012;

  • Census of Buteo buteo rothschildi and Buteo buteo harterti: seeks basic information on the populations in the Azores and Madeira. It is held annually, since 2006;

  • Monitoring of Scolopax rusticola populations. Since 2001, it is now held on most of the islands. It is based on a rooding census;

  • Monitoring of Coturnix c. conturbans populations - a) Census on São Miguel island, of birds per hectare before and after the hunting season with the aid of dogs (since 2002); b) Census of calling males per linear kilometer, along transects in June-July (since 2006);

  • Monitoring of Gallinago gallinago - Monitoring of abundance through census held during the reproduction season, recording birds in exhibition (drumming, vocalizing, etc.) at fixed observation points;

  • Monitoring of the abundance of hunting species during the hunting season - with information collection from hunters in hunting days, estimating an index of abundance (number of birds observed per hour per hunter) which complements the annual monitoring and the systematic surveillance of the conservation status.

  • Census of bats.

Red lists and books

The Atlas and Red Book of Threatened Bryophytes of Portugal was published in 2013. There are 704 bryophyte taxa (including species, subspecies and several varieties with taxonomical significance) in mainland Portugal, comprising about 40% of European species and almost 65% of all Iberian bryophytes.

In the Madeira Autonomous Region, the red list of bryophytes of Madeira was published in 2014.

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