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Chapter 9: A Ronin’s Path
Leaders of the Shadowlands Hordes
The following list of enemy leaders is intended to help you, the GM, 
provide the PCs with opposition during the battle. You don’t have 
to use all of these leaders; in fact, the best option is to use one for 
each player character acting as a leader, to give the PCs a sufficient 
challenge. If more enemy leaders than those listed are needed, or to 
replace those killed in battle, just reuse the profile for Teeth-Taker, as 
goblins are the most numerous of Shadowlands troops. All the enemy 
leaders have been marked by Kazanagan no Oni: the symbol for fire  
(火) can be seen somewhere on their body. A character facing one of 
the enemy leaders in single combat can notice this with a successful 
TN 3 Theology (Water) check.
•  Teeth-Taker: A brutal and intimidating goblin, Teeth-Taker has 
earned his name for the trophies he collects after fights. He wears 
most of them on strings of rope across his body, but some he uses to 
replace his own long-gone teeth. While strong for a goblin, he does 
not seem much of a threat to a trained samurai. Nevertheless, those 
who have underestimated him in the past now adorn his grisly rega-
lia. Teeth-Taker commands hordes of troops and is a vicious, clever 
fighter. (If needed, use the profile for a Shadowlands Goblin Chief-
tain, page 204, with the Assertive demeanor, page 192.)
•  Kazuyoshi: A good counterpoint to Keinosuke, Kazuyoshi was 
also a rōnin, but when he marched south, he didn’t stop at the Wall. 
Now one of the Lost, he strikes back at Rokugan with all the fury 
of a man who feels he has been cheated by the Celestial Order. Ka-
zuyoshi is a gifted duelist who still wears the katana of his ancestors 
in battle. The Shadowlands have made him into a much stronger 
warrior than he was before, and he commands a mix of Tainted 
humans and zombies in battle. (If needed, use the profile for a Lost 
Samurai, on page 205, with the Ambitious demeanor, page 192.)
•  Moto Morikazu: One of the fabled Dark Moto, Moto Morikazu 
is the closest thing to a samurai commander the Shadowlands 
army has, despite looking like little more than a skeleton in armor. 
He and his troops ride on onikage, the monstrous steeds of the 
Shadowlands, and they are some of the only troops equipped with 
bows. Morikazu would like to make a name for himself by defeat-
ing the Crab, but he won’t hesitate to retreat if his un-life is threat-
ened. (If needed, use the profile for a Dark Moto, on page 206, 
with the Shrewd demeanor, page 192.)
•  Sakae: A mahō-tsukai and oni summoner, Sakae lacks physical 
strength but has tremendous spiritual power. A commoner born 
with the ability to hear the kami, she was seduced by kansen with 
promises of power. She is closer to Kazanagan no Oni than any lead-
er and has helped it gather the other leaders under its command. 
Her troops are a mix of weak oni and other Shadowlands creatures, 
such as Trolls and ogres. (If needed, use the profile for a Mahō-
Tsukai, on page 199, with the Assertive demeanor, page 192.)
•  Old Prickly: One of the so-called “goblin shamans,” Old Prickly is 
a wizened little creature who has remained dangerous despite the 
years. He has only mastered a few mahō spells, but that is enough 
to command the respect of his fellow goblins. His troops are most-
ly goblins but include a few lesser Shadowlands creatures. He also 
has access to “magic mud,” a flammable paste that he uses to cover 
some goblins and send them forward as flaming, shrieking living 
weapons. (If needed, use the profile for a Shadowlands Goblin 
Shaman, on page 205, with the Shrewd demeanor, page 192.)
Officers During Battle
If the PCs have established good relationships with the officers they 
met in the previous scenes, they can receive their assistance at crucial 
moments, such as at the ends of the second and third rounds. The 
GM can use the officers as wild cards during the battle, particularly 
if the PCs are having trouble. This shouldn’t make the battle costless, 
however; if one of the officers comes to the rescue of the PCs, consider 
having the officer die in the process to showcase the dangers of fight-
ing against the Shadowlands. The effects listed below shouldn’t be 
used more than once, regardless of whether the NPC survives or not.
If the PCs have obtained the favor of Hida Tsukiko, she can lead a 
charge at the head of her unit of samurai to relieve pressure from one 
of the PCs’ cohorts. The first time a PC would otherwise suffer a criti-
cal strike during the battle, Tsukiko intervenes and suffers the critical 
strike instead.
If Kaiu Masae wishes to help the PCs, she can turn her siege weap-
ons in the direction of their closest enemies, increasing the attrition 
caused by one of the PCs’ Assault actions by 5. However, this will leave 
the Kaiu Siege Engineers dangerously exposed, costing them the ben-
efit of their Fortified Position until the end of the round.
Kuni Terumi, if she is participating in the battle instead of conducting 
the ritual and the PCs have made a positive impression on her, can use 
an invocation to heal the PCs. She can remove all wounds from all the 
PCs, but this will tire her and her shugenja, who won’t be able to use 
the same invocation again in this mass battle.
Hiruma Yukito can lead the PCs through the tunnels if they have 
established a good relationship with him and they need to retreat and 
recover for a bit. Prevent 5 casualties from being inflicted on one of 
the PCs’ cohorts, but keep in mind that there might be lost monsters 
or forgotten traps in the tunnels, which could claim the life of even an 
experienced Crab like Yukito.
Yasuki Hatsu is perhaps the most likely to help the PCs no matter 
what, as he understands the value of a favor (unless they have been 
discourteous to him such as by refusing his tea, in which case he will 
remain out of the PCs’ sight for the whole battle). At the same time, he 
is the most likely to perish should he show up on the battlefield. Still, 
he can resupply a cohort with water (or something more potent), ban-
dages, and weapons when they are most needed, allowing the army to 
remove 5 panic.

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