S e c o n d e d I t I o n 1 Reading for the Real World 1

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topnotchenglish Reading for the Real World 1

Here are six words that are related to the topic but are not in the reading. 
Fill in each blank with the best word from the list. Use each word only 
Where does the fox live? Its __________ is over there.
Is the Loch Ness monster real? I think it is just a(n) __________.
Long ago, people thought that rain was __________. They didn’t realize that it 
was a natural process.
“Do you think __________ exist?” “Well, I’ve never seen one.”
Bob had a(n) __________ experience. He still feels strange about it.
There are many __________ about ghosts.
believers say 
found or sighted 
are not aggressive
a bad odor 
came from Asia 
usually eat them
Fill in the blanks with the phrases from the list. Use each phrase only once.
Descriptions of Bigfoot indicate they are larger than men, have lots of hair, and 
usually have 

_________________. One theory says that Bigfoot 

_________________ originally, but it migrated to North America to find food. 
Some people wonder why more people have not 

_________________ a Bigfoot.
Bigfoot researchers say it is because these creatures 

_________________ and 
hide when humans come near them. Skeptics also point out that no one has ever 
found a dead body of a Bigfoot; however, 

_________________ that fact is not 
so strange. It is actually rare to find the remains of any dead animal because other 

lair monsters legends hoax uncanny supernatural


upplemental Reading

s Bigfoot dead? The answer is “yes” according to the 
family of Ray L. Wallace, who died November 26

2002 in Seattle, Washington. After the death of his 
father, Michael Wallace told a story that surprised many 
people who have been trying to solve the Bigfoot mystery. 
He claimed that his father thought of the idea of a Bigfoot 
creature; though he did not make the name, Bigfoot, he developed it as a 
practical joke to make money. According to Michael, Ray Wallace asked a friend 
to make a pair of 16-inch (40 cm) footprints out of wood. He then used these 
footprints for making fake Bigfoot tracks around the woods near his house. 
Mr. Wallace would use these footprints to support stories about Bigfoot that he 
would tell to newspapers. Some of these stories were quite strange. 
He once told a newspaper reporter, “Bigfooted creatures are people, they 
speak a language.” Mr. Wallace then used these stories to make money. He made 
tape recordings of strange sounds that he said were “Bigfoot conversations” and 
sold the tapes to tourists along with Bigfoot photos, posters, and pieces of 
animal hair that he said came from Bigfoot. 
Though his family claims that Bigfoot died with Ray Wallace, others are not 
so sure. Scientist Jeff Meldrum, a professor at Idaho State University, does not 
believe that Bigfoot was imaginary. Professor Meldrum claims to have copies of 
over forty footprints that he says belong to a very large, unknown creature
which he believes is Bigfoot.

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