S e c o n d e d I t I o n 1 Reading for the Real World 1

once. chronic throbbing placebo alleviate dehydration tablet 1

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topnotchenglish Reading for the Real World 1

chronic throbbing placebo alleviate dehydration tablet
__________, or lack of water, can cause headaches.
My headache is so painful right now. My head is really __________.
Aspirin can __________ pain.
A(n) __________ headache is a headache that occurs regularly.
As part of the research project, the doctor gave half the people a tablet with no 
aspirin; it was a(n) ________.
Most people take aspirin in __________ form, not in liquid form.
First Sentence:
Doctors have classified various kinds of primary headaches that 
people can suffer from.
Hippocrates was the first doctor to find a way to treat headaches. 
Tension headaches are when a person suffers a steady and dull pain on both sides 
of their head.
Aspirin has been used for hundreds of years to treat a headache, but doctors had 
almost no insight about the actual causes of the condition.
When there is a reduced flow of blood to certain parts of the brain, doctors 
believe this sets off a migraine headache.
A headache that occurs at the same time every day for weeks at a time and 
involves pain around one of a person’s eyes is called a cluster headache.
An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided 
below. Select THREE answer choices to complete the summary. 


upplemental Reading

spirin may work well for fighting minor headaches, but it may not be the 
best choice for dealing with migraines. Doctors have found that after 
treating a migraine sufferer with aspirin, the next migraine attack becomes 
stronger. Therefore, doctors have searched for other ways to treat migraines. 
From brain research, doctors have learned that certain cells in parts of the 
brain release proteins during a migraine attack. By using a drug which acts like 
the natural chemical serotonin in the brain, the cells can be stopped from 
releasing protein. This has the effect of blocking the migraine. Now drug 
companies are producing even better products developed from this idea. 
However, the most effective of these drugs must be taken as liquid and put 
directly into the bloodstream. The drug is not yet available as a pill.
The above example is only one kind of medicine doctors have found useful 
in fighting migraines. It also turns out that drugs used to fight depression work 
well to relieve migraines. And surprisingly, some migraine sufferers claim Botox 
has proven helpful for them. (Botox is a chemical injected into the face for the 
purpose of removing wrinkles.)
Not all migraine sufferers are turning to medicine for help with 
their problem. Some of them use alternative remedies to fight 
migraines. For example, many people use yoga or meditation to 
relieve stress and reduce the number of migraines they suffer. And 
in some cases, people know that certain foods or fluorescent lights 
trigger their migraines. These people simply try to avoid things 
that set off migraine attacks.

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