Simon and schuster

How This Book Was Written—And Why

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How This Book Was Written—And Why 
During the first thirty-five years of the twentieth century, the publishing houses of America printed 
more than a fifth of a million different books. Most of them were deadly dull, and many were financial failures. 
“Many,” did I say? The president of one of the largest publishing houses in the world confessed to me that his 
company, after seventy-five years of publishing experience, still lost money on seven out of every eight books it 
Why, then, did I have the temerity to write another book? And, after I had written it, why should you 
bother to read it? 
Fair questions, both; and I’ll try to answer them. 
I have, since 1912, been conducting educational courses for business and professional men and women 
in New York. At first, I conducted courses in public speaking only—courses designed to train adults, by actual 
experience, to think on their feet and express their ideas with more clarity, more effectiveness and more poise, 
both in business interviews and before groups. 
But gradually, as the seasons passed, I realized that as sorely as these adults needed training in effective 
speaking, they needed still more training in the fine art of getting along with people in everyday business and 
social contacts. 
I also gradually realized that I was sorely in need of such training myself. As I look back across the 
years, I am appalled at my own frequent lack of finesse and understanding. How I wish a book such as this had 
been placed in my hands twenty years ago! What a priceless boon it would have been. 
Dealing with people is probably the biggest problem you face, especially if you are in business. Yes, 
and that is also true if you are a housewife, architect or engineer. Research done a few years ago under the 
auspices of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching uncovered a most important and 
significant fact—a fact later confirmed by additional studies made at the Carnegie Institute of Technology. 
These investigations revealed that even in such technical lines as engineering, about 15 percent of one’s 
financial success is due to one’s technical knowledge and about 85 percent is due to skill in human engineering, 
to personality and the ability to lead people. 
For many years, I conducted courses each season at the Engineers’ Club of Philadelphia, and also 
courses for the New York Chapter of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. A total of probably more 
than fifteen hundred engineers have passed through my classes. They came to me because they had finally 
realized, after years of observation and experience, that the highest-paid personnel in engineering are frequently 
not those who know the most about engineering. One can for example, hire mere technical ability in 
engineering, accountancy, architecture or any other profession at nominal salaries. But the person who has 
technical knowledge plus the ability to express ideas, to assume leadership, and to arouse enthusiasm among 
people—that person is headed for higher earning power. 
In the heyday of his activity, John D. Rockefeller said that “the ability to deal with people is as 
purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee.” “And I will pay more for that ability,” said John D., “than for any 
other under the sun.” 
Wouldn’t you suppose that every college in the land would conduct courses to develop the highest-
priced ability under the sun? But if there is just one practical, commonsense course of that kind given for adults 
in even one college in the land, it has escaped my attention up to the present writing. 
The University of Chicago and the United Y.M.C.A. Schools conducted a survey to determine what 
adults want to study. 
That survey cost $25,000 and took two years. The last part of the survey was made in Meriden, 
Connecticut. It had been chosen as a typical American town. Every adult in Meriden was interviewed and 
requested to answer 156 questions—questions such as “What is your business or profession? Your education? 
How do you spend your spare time? What is your income? Your hobbies? Your ambitions? Your problems? 
What subjects are you most interested in studying?” And so on. That survey revealed that health is the prime 

interest of adults and that their second interest is people; how to understand and get along with people; how to 
make people like you; and how to win others to your way of thinking. 
So the committee conducting this survey resolved to conduct such a course for adults in Meriden. They 
searched diligently for a practical textbook on the subject and found not one. Finally they approached one of the 
world’s outstanding authorities on adult education and asked him if he knew of any book that met the needs of 
this group. “No,” he replied, "I know what those adults want. But the book they need has never been written.” 
I knew from experience that this statement was true, for I myself had been searching for years to 
discover a practical, working handbook on human relations. 
Since no such book existed, I have tried to write one for use in my own courses. And here it is. I hope 
you like it. 
In preparation for this book, I read everything that I could find on the subject—everything from 
newspaper columns, magazine articles, records of the family courts, the writings of the old philosophers and the 
new psychologists. In addition, I hired a trained researcher to spend one and a half years in various libraries 
reading everything I had missed, plowing through erudite tomes on psychology, poring over hundreds of 
magazine articles, searching through countless biographies, trying to ascertain how the great leaders of all ages 
had dealt with people. We read their biographies; we read the life stories of all great leaders from Julius Caesar 
to Thomas Edison. I recall that we read over one hundred biographies of Theodore Roosevelt alone. We were 
determined to spare no time, no expense, to discover every practical idea that anyone had ever used throughout 
the ages for winning friends and influencing people. 
I personally interviewed scores of successful people, some of them world-famous inventors like 
Marconi and Edison; political leaders like Franklin D. Roosevelt and James Farley; business leaders like Owen 
D. Young; movie stars like Clark Gable and Mary Pickford, and explorers like Martin Johnson, and tried to 
discover the techniques they used in human relations. 
From all this material, I prepared a short talk. I called it “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. I 
say “short.” It was short in the beginning, but it soon expanded to a lecture that consumed one hour and thirty 
minutes. For years, I gave this talk each season to the adults in the Carnegie Institute courses in New York. 
I gave the talk and urged the listeners to go out and test it in their business and social contacts, and then 
come back to class and speak about their experiences and the results they had achieved. What an interesting 
assignment! These men and women, hungry for self-improvement, were fascinated by the idea of working in a 
new kind of laboratory—the first and only laboratory of human relationships for adults that had ever existed. 
This book wasn’t written in the usual sense of the word. It grew as a child grows. It grew and 
developed out of that laboratory, out of the experiences of thousands of adults. 
Years ago, we started with a set of rules printed on a card no larger than a postcard. The next season we 
printed a larger card, then a leaflet, then a series of booklets, each one expanding in size and scope. After fifteen 
years of experiment and research came this book. 
The rules we have set down here are not mere theories or guesswork. They work like magic. Incredible 
as it sounds, I have seen the application of these principles literally revolutionize the lives of many people. 
To illustrate: A man with 314 employees joined one of these courses. For years, he had driven and 
criticized and condemned his employees without stint or discretion. Kindness, words of appreciation and 
encouragement were alien to his lips. After studying the principles discussed in this book, this employer sharply 
altered his philosophy of life. His organization is now inspired with a new loyalty, a new enthusiasm, a new 
spirit of teamwork. Three hundred and fourteen enemies have been turned into 314 friends. As he proudly said 
in a speech before the class: “When I used to walk through my establishment, no one greeted me. My employees 
actually looked the other way when they saw me approaching. But now they are all my friends and even the 
janitor calls me by my first name.” 
This employer gained more profit, more leisure and—what is infinitely more important—he found far 
more happiness in his business and in his home. 

Countless numbers of salespeople have sharply increased their sales by the use of these principles. 
Many have opened up new accounts—accounts that they had formerly solicited in vain. Executives have been 
given increased authority, increased pay. One executive reported a large increase in salary because he applied 
these truths. Another, an executive in the Philadelphia Gas Works Company, was slated for demotion when he 
was sixty-five because of his belligerence, because of his inability to lead people skillfully. This training not 
only saved him from the demotion but brought him a promotion with increased pay. 
On innumerable occasions, spouses attending the banquet given at the end of the course have told me 
that their homes have been much happier since their husbands or wives started this training. 
People are frequently astonished at the new results they achieve. It all seems like magic. In some cases
in their enthusiasm, they have telephoned me at my home on Sundays because they couldn’t wait forty-eight 
hours to report their achievements at the regular session of the course. 
One man was so stirred by a talk on these principles that he sat far into the night discussing them with 
other members of the class. At three o’clock in the morning, the others went home. But he was so shaken by a 
realization of his own mistakes, so inspired by the vista of a new and richer world opening before him, that he 
was unable to sleep. He didn’t sleep that night or the next day or the next night. 
Who was he? A naive, untrained individual ready to gush over any new theory that came along? No, far 
from it. He was a sophisticated, blasé dealer in art, very much the man about town, who spoke three languages 
fluently and was a graduate of two European universities. 
While writing this chapter, I received a letter from a German of the old school, an aristocrat whose 
forebears had served for generations as professional army officers under the Hohenzollerns. His letter, written 
from a transatlantic steamer, telling about the application of these principles, rose almost to a religious fervor. 
Another man, an old New Yorker, a Harvard graduate, a wealthy man, the owner of a large carpet 
factory, declared he had learned more in fourteen weeks through this system of training about the fine art of 
influencing people than he had learned about the same subject during his four years in college. Absurd? 
Laughable? Fantastic? Of course, you are privileged to dismiss this statement with whatever adjective you wish. 
I am merely reporting, without comment, a declaration made by a conservative and eminently successful 
Harvard graduate in a public address to approximately six hundred people at the Yale Club in New York on the 
evening of Thursday, February 23, 1933. 
“Compared to what we ought to be,” said the famous Professor William James of Harvard, “compared 
to what we ought to be, we are only half awake. We are making use of only a small part of our physical and 
mental resources. Stating the thing broadly, the human individual thus lives far within his limits. He possesses 
powers of various sorts which he habitually fails to use.” 
Those powers which you “habitually fail to use”! The sole purpose of this book is to help you discover, 
develop and profit by those dormant and unused assets. 
“Education,” said Dr. John G. Hibben, former president of Princeton University, “is the ability to meet 
life’s situations.” 
If by the time you have finished reading the first three chapters of this book, if you aren’t then a little 
better equipped to meet life’s situations, then I shall consider this book to be a total failure so far as you are 
“For the great aim of education,” said Herbert Spencer, “is not knowledge but action.” 
And this is an action book. 
– Dale 

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