Some people say that to prevent illness and disease, governments should focus more on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems

entire motive for most crimes disappears

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Teacher Muzaffar 1-10 Writing uchun (2)

entire motive for most crimes disappears reason for the majority of offenses goes away
The evidence for this is that in wealthy countries the support is that in rich nations
relatively even distribution of wealth comparatively equal earnings
low not high
require draconian punishment or surveillance techniques need old fashioned
Beyond income more than just what you earn
invest in improving mental health put money into making sure people are healthy
vulnerable weak
extremist views controversial opinions
still significant proportion still a lot of
eliminated gotten rid of
encouraging motivating
outdoors in their community outside in their neighborhood
greatly tremendously
embracing starting to do
holistic overall, combining everything
societal approach way of addressing all people
The complete eradication of crime getting rid of crime 100%
impossible can’t happen
a need to make progress have to continue advancing

Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra responsibilities (for example, helping at home or at work). Others believe that, outside of school, children should be free to enjoy their lives. 
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Many today have argued for the importance of children having greater responsibility in the home. I am generally in agreement with this position, though it should naturally not be taken to extremes.
Critics of such an approach maintain that it can overburden young children. In many societies around the world today, children are under immense pressure at school to perform well academically. In many Asian countries, for example, young children must study at school until the late afternoon, have dinner, and then take additional classes before doing their homework each night. If these students were also tasked with cleaning the house or washing their own clothes, they simply would not have enough time to complete all their responsibilities and rest for the next day.
However, increased responsibility encourages greater maturity and self-reliance. A child who must ensure their room is clean and takes part in either cooking or cleaning up afterwards better understands the importance of time management and how to run a household. In contrast, some parents are overly protective of their children and do not instill traits related to independence. If a child grows up and attends university without a variety of life skills or the maturity that comes from looking after themselves, then they will likely struggle to adjust and may be viewed as childish by their peers.
In conclusion, though there must be logical limits to the amount of work that children should do in the home, it is an advisable approach overall to increase a child’s sense of responsibility. The benefits later in life justify any potential fatigue.

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