Study started since 2011年10月17日 素性测试算法,素性测定(11Y11) primality testing

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14.21.Euler Test


  • Fermat’s little theorem:

If n is prime and doesn’t divide a, then

The Fermat primality test is a probabilistic test to determine if a number is probable prime.


  • 1 Concept

  • 2 Example

  • 3 Algorithm and running time

  • 4 Flaw

  • 5 Applications

  • 6 References


Fermat's little theorem states that if p is prime and , then

If we want to test if p is prime, then we can pick random a's in the interval and see if the equality holds. If the equality does not hold for a value of a, then p is composite. If the equality does hold for many values of a, then we can say that p is probable prime.

It might be in our tests that we do not pick any value for a such that the equality fails. Any a such that

when n is composite is known as a Fermat liar. Vice versa, in this case n is called Fermat pseudoprime to base a.

If we do pick an a such that

then a is known as a Fermat witness for the compositeness of n.


Suppose we wish to determine if n = 221 is prime. Randomly pick 1 ≤ a < 221, say a = 38. Check the above equality:

Either 221 is prime, or 38 is a Fermat liar, so we take another a, say 26:

So 221 is composite and 38 was indeed a Fermat liar.

14.22.4.Algorithm and running time

The algorithm can be written as follows:

Inputs: n: a value to test for primality; k: a parameter that determines the number of times to test for primality

Output: composite if n is composite, otherwise probably prime

repeat k times:

pick a randomly in the range [1, n − 1]

if , then return composite

return probably prime

Using fast algorithms for modular exponentiation, the running time of this algorithm is O(k × log2n × log log n × log log log n), where k is the number of times we test a random a, and n is the value we want to test for primality.


There are infinitely many values of n (known as Carmichael numbers) for which all values of a for which gcd(a,n) = 1 are Fermat liars. While Carmichael numbers are substantially rarer than prime numbers, there are enough of them that Fermat's primality test is often not used in favor of other primality tests such as Miller-Rabin and Solovay-Strassen.

In general, if n is not a Carmichael number then at least half of all

are Fermat witnesses. For proof of this, let a be a Fermat witness and a1, a2, ..., as be Fermat liars. Then

and so all for i = 1,2,...,s are Fermat witnesses.


The encryption program PGP uses this primality test in its algorithms. The chance of PGP generating a Carmichael number is less than 1 in 1050, which is more than adequate for practical purposes.


14.24.Frobenius pseudoprimality test

14.25.Goldwasser Kilian Algorithm

14.26.Gordon‟s algorithm


14.28.Konyagin – Pomerance n-1 Test



(1) 选择一个小于p的随机数a。

(2) 计算a^(p-1)/2 mod p

(3) 如果a^(p-1)/2<>1或-1(mod p),那么p肯定不是素数。

(4) 如果a^(p-1)/2=1或-1(mod p),那麽p不是素数的可能性值多是50%


14.30.Maurer‟s algorithm

14.31.Miller-Rabin / Rabin-Miller素性测试算法Miller-Rabin Compositeness Test

Verification of the Miller–Rabin probabilistic primality test

This primality test is also called the Selfridge-Miller-Rabin test or the strong prime test. It is a

refinement of the Fermat test which works very well in practice.


说Miller-Rabin.这是个很容易且广泛使用的简单算法,它基于Gary Miller的部分象法,有Michael Rabin发展。事实上,这是在NIST的DSS建议中推荐的算法的一个简化版。 更多的人叫它“测试”,因为通过Miller-Rabin测试的并不一定就是素数,非素数通过测试的概率是1/4。它的原理无论如何都会让人想起“费马小定理“

费马小定理 如果P是一个素数,且0
a^(p-1)≡1(mod p)
例如,67是一个素数,则2^66mod 67=1。
利用费马小定理,对于给定的整数n,可以设计一个素数判定算法。通过计算d=2^(n-1)mod n来判定整数n的素性。当d不等于1时,n肯定不是素数;当d等于1时,n则很可能是素数。但也存在合数n使得2^(n-1)≡1(mod n)。例如,满足此条件的最小合数是n=341。为了提高测试的准确性,我们可以随机地选取整数1

则方程x^2≡1(mod p)的解为x=1,p-1


2、计算v=b^m mod n





7、v=v^2 mod n,i=i+1


14.31.2.Miller-Rabin Algorithm

We now describe one final RP alg for compositeness. This is along the

lines of using a^{n-1} =? 1 (mod n) as a test.

* Let n = 2^r * B, where B is odd.

* pick a in {1,...,n-1} at random.

* Compute a^B, a^{2B}, ..., a^{n-1} (mod n).

* If a^{n-1} != 1 (mod n), then output COMPOSITE

* If we found a non {-1,+1} root of 1 in the above list, then


* else output POSSIBLY PRIME.

Note that we only have to worry about Carmichael numbers (composite n

such that all a in Z_n^* satisfy a^{n-1} = 1 (mod n)). For all other

composite numbers, at least half of the a's don't have this property

(since {a : a^{n-1} = 1 (mod n)} is a group).

Here's how we can argue for Carmichael numbers:
Suppose there exists a in Z_n^* satisfying a^{(n-1)/2} != 1 (mod n).

Then our "Key Lemma" implies that with probability at least 1/2, we

will find a non {-1,+1} root of 1 in computing a^{(n-1)/2} and output

COMPOSITE. If no such a exists, but there exists b in Z_n^* such that

b^{(n-1)/4} != 1 (mod n) then similarly we're OK (assuming n-1 is

divisible by 4). Going down the line from right-to-left, we can now

assume w.l.o.g. that all a in z_n^* satisfy a^B = 1 (mod n).

We now show a contradiction: let n=p1^e1 * r, where e1 is odd and p1

and r are relatively prime. Let g be a generator mod p1^e1 (we didn't

prove it, but the prime power groups are cyclic too; actually,

Carmichael numbers must be products of distinct primes, but we didn't

prove that either). Let a = (g,1) using CRT notation. If a^B = 1 (mod n)

then g^B = 1 (mod p1^e1), which means that B must be a multiple of

phi(p1^e1) since g is a generator. But B is odd and phi(p1^e1) is

even, a contradiction. QED


2010-03-20 21:04
今天校赛的一道题:[ZJUT1517],一看就知道是大素数验证,所以自然而然想到了出错率为(1/4)^s的RP算法-Miller-Rabbin素性测试,但是网上找到的模板都是wa,只有过PKU1811的少数几个不wa,后来才发现是在算快速幂取模的时候用到的long long乘法超出long long范围了,于是加上long long乘法后就可以了。
Miller-Rabbin算法:如果a^(n-1)≡1 (mod n)(a为任意取多个底进行试验,次数越多概率越大。如取2 3 5 7 11 是在2^31内只有一组解不能通过。2.5*10^13以内也只有3215031751这一个合数。
算法基于费马小定理:设p是素数,a与p互素,则 a^(p-1) ≡1(mod p)
当n>1时, 1<=a<=n-1, 如果a^(n-1)!≡1(mod n), 则n必然是合数
但是当n是合数时,不一定满足上式, 也就是当a^(n-1)≡1(mod n)时, n不一定是素数
例如当a取2, n取341时, 满足式子a^(n-1)≡1(mod n),但是341是合数,此时称341为基2的伪素数.



using namespace std;

inline long long mul(long long a,long long b,long long m)//a * b % m


long long ret = 0;

while (b > 0)


if (b & 1)

ret = (ret + a) % m;

b >>= 1;

a = (a << 1) % m;


return ret;

inline long long mod(long long a,long long b,long long m)//a^b % m


long long res,t;

res = 1;

t = a;

while (b > 0)


if (b & 1)

res = mul(res,t,m);//res = res * t % m;

t = mul(t,t,m);//t = t * t % m;

b >>= 1;


return res;

inline bool Miller_Rabbin(long long n)


long long a;

for (int i = 0;i < 5;i++)


a = (long long)rand()*rand()*rand() % (n-2) +2;

if (mod(a,n-1,n) != 1)

return false;


return true;

int main()


long long n;


while (scanf("%I64d",&n) != EOF)


if (n == 2 || Miller_Rabbin(n))





return 0;



这是个很容易且广泛使用的简单算法,它基于Gary Miller的部分象法,有Michael Rabin发展。事实上,这是在NIST的DSS建议中推荐的算法的一个简化版。
(1) 选择一个小于p的随机数a。

(2) 设j=0且z=a^m mod p

(3) 如果z=1或z=p-1,那麽p通过测试,可能使素数

(4) 如果j>0且z=1, 那麽p不是素数

(5) 设j=j+1。如果jp-1,设z=z^2 mod p,然后回到(4)。如果z=p-1,那麽p通过测试,可能为素数。

(6) 如果j=b 且z<>p-1,不是素数



(1) 产生一个n-位的随机数p

(2) 设高位和低位为1(设高位是为了保证位数,设低位是为了保证位奇数)

(3) 检查以确保p不能被任何小素数整除:如3,5,7,11等等。有效的方法是测试小于2000的素数。使用字轮方法更快

(4) 对某随机数a运行Rabin-Miller检测,如果p通过,则另外产生一个随机数a,在测试。选取较小的a值,以保证速度。做5次 Rabin-Miller测试如果p在其中失败,从新产生p,再测试。

在Sparc II上实现: 2 .8秒产生一个256位的素数




The Miller–Rabin primality test or Rabin–Miller primality test is a primality test: an algorithm which determines whether a given number is prime, similar to the Fermat primality test and the Solovay–Strassen primality test. Its original version, due to Gary L. Miller, is deterministic, but the determinism relies on the unproven generalized Riemann hypothesis; Michael O. Rabin modified it to obtain an unconditional probabilistic algorithm.


  • 1 Concepts

  • 2 Example

  • 3 Algorithm and running time

  • 4 Accuracy of the test

  • 5 Deterministic variants of the test

  • 6 Notes

  • 7 External links


Just like the Fermat and Solovay–Strassen tests, the Miller–Rabin test relies on an equality or set of equalities that hold true for prime values, then checks whether or not they hold for a number that we want to test for primality.

First, a lemma about square roots of unity in the finite field , where p is prime and p > 2. Certainly 1 and −1 always yield 1 when squared mod p; call these trivial square roots of 1. There are no nontrivial square roots of 1 mod p (a special case of the result that, in a field, a polynomial has no more zeroes than its degree). To show this, suppose that x is a square root of 1 mod p. Then:

In other words, p divides the product (x − 1)(x + 1). It thus divides one of the factors and it follows that x is either congruent to 1 or −1 mod p.

Now, let n be an odd prime. Then n−1 is even and we can write it as 2s·d, where s and d are positive integers (d is odd). For each , either


for some

To show that one of these must be true, recall Fermat's little theorem:

By the lemma above, if we keep taking square roots of an 1, we will get either 1 or −1. If we get −1 then the second equality holds and we are done. If we never get −1, then when we have taken out every power of 2, we are left with the first equality.

The Miller–Rabin primality test is based on the contrapositive of the above claim. That is, if we can find an a such that


for all

then n is not prime. We call a a witness for the compositeness of n (sometimes misleadingly called a strong witness, although it is a certain proof of this fact). Otherwise a is called a strong liar, and n is a strong probable prime to base a. The term "strong liar" refers to the case where n is composite but nevertheless the equations hold as they would for a prime.

For every odd composite n, there are many witnesses a. However, no simple way of generating such an a is known. The solution is to make the test probabilistic: we choose nonzero randomly, and check whether or not it is a witness for the compositeness of n. If n is composite, most of the choices for a will be witnesses, and the test will detect n as composite with high probability. There is, nevertheless, a small chance that we are unlucky and hit an a which is a strong liar for n. We may reduce the probability of such error by repeating the test for several independently chosen a.


Suppose we wish to determine if n = 221 is prime. We write n − 1 = 220 as 22·55, so that we have s = 2 and d = 55. We randomly select a number a such that a < n, say a = 174. We proceed to compute:

  • a20·d mod n = 17455 mod 221 = 47 ≠ 1, n − 1

  • a21·d mod n = 174110 mod 221 = 220 = n − 1.

Since 220 ≡ −1 mod n, either 221 is prime, or 174 is a strong liar for 221. We try another random a, this time choosing a=137:

  • a20·d mod n = 13755 mod 221 = 188 ≠ 1, n − 1

  • a21·d mod n = 137110 mod 221 = 205 ≠ n − 1.

Hence 137 is a witness for the compositeness of 221, and 174 was in fact a strong liar. Note that this tells us nothing about the factors of 221 (which are 13 and 17).

14.31.8.Algorithm and running time

The algorithm can be written in pseudocode as follows:

Input: n > 3, an odd integer to be tested for primality;

Input: k, a parameter that determines the accuracy of the test

Output: composite if n is composite, otherwise probably prime

write n − 1 as 2s·d with d odd by factoring powers of 2 from n − 1

LOOP: repeat k times:

pick a random integer a in the range [2, n − 2]

xad mod n

if x = 1 or x = n − 1 then do next LOOP

for r = 1 .. s − 1

xx2 mod n

if x = 1 then return composite

if x = n − 1 then do next LOOP

return composite

return probably prime

Using modular exponentiation by repeated squaring, the running time of this algorithm is O(k log3 n), where k is the number of different values of a we test; thus this is an efficient, polynomial-time algorithm. FFT-based multiplication can push the running time down to O(k log2 n log log n log log log n) = Õ(k log2 n).

In the case that the algorithm returns "composite" because x = 1, it has also discovered that d2r is (an odd multiple of) the order of a — a fact which can (as in Shor's algorithm) be used to factorize n, since n then divides but not either factor by itself. The reason Miller–Rabin does not yield a probabilistic factorization algorithm is that if (i.e., n is not a pseudoprime to base a) then no such information is obtained about the period of a, and the second "return composite" is taken.

14.31.9.Accuracy of the test

The more bases a we test, the better the accuracy of the test. It can be shown that for any odd composite n, at least ¾ of the bases a are witnesses for the compositeness of n. The Miller–Rabin test is strictly stronger than the Solovay–Strassen primality test in the sense that for every composite n, the set of strong liars for n is a subset of the set of Euler liars for n, and for many n, the subset is proper. If n is composite then the Miller–Rabin primality test declares n probably prime with a probability at most 4k. On the other hand, the Solovay–Strassen primality test declares n probably prime with a probability at most 2k.

On average the probability that a composite number is declared probably prime is significantly smaller than 4k. Damgård, Landrock and Pomerance compute some explicit bounds. Such bounds can, for example, be used to generate primes; however, they should not be used to verify primes with unknown origin, since in cryptographic applications an adversary might try to send you a pseudoprime in a place where a prime number is required. In such cases, only the error bound of 4k can be relied upon.

14.31.10.Deterministic variants of the test

The Miller–Rabin algorithm can be made deterministic by trying all possible a below a certain limit. The problem in general is to set the limit so that the test is still reliable.

If the tested number n is composite, the strong liars a coprime to n are contained in a proper subgroup of the group , which means that if we test all a from a set which generates , one of them must be a witness for the compositeness of n. Assuming the truth of the generalized Riemann hypothesis (GRH), it is known that the group is generated by its elements smaller than O((log n)2), which was already noted by Miller. The constant involved in the Big O notation was reduced to 2 by Eric Bach. This leads to the following conditional primality testing algorithm:

Input: n > 1, an odd integer to test for primality.

Output: composite if n is composite, otherwise prime

write n−1 as 2s·d by factoring powers of 2 from n−1

repeat for all :

then return composite

return prime

The running time of the algorithm is Õ((log n)4). The full power of the generalized Riemann hypothesis is not needed to ensure the correctness of the test: as we deal with subgroups of even index, it suffices to assume the validity of GRH for quadratic Dirichlet characters.

This algorithm is not used in practice, as it is much slower than the randomized version of the Miller-Rabin test. For theoretical purposes, it was superseded by the AKS primality test, which does not rely on unproven assumptions.

When the number n to be tested is small, trying all a < 2(ln n)2 is not necessary, as much smaller sets of potential witnesses are known to suffice. For example, Pomerance, Selfridge and Wagstaff and Jaeschke have verified that

  • if n < 1,373,653, it is enough to test a = 2 and 3;

  • if n < 9,080,191, it is enough to test a = 31 and 73;

  • if n < 4,759,123,141, it is enough to test a = 2, 7, and 61;

  • if n < 2,152,302,898,747, it is enough to test a = 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11;

  • if n < 3,474,749,660,383, it is enough to test a = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13;

  • if n < 341,550,071,728,321, it is enough to test a = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17.

See The Primes Page, Zhang and Tang, SPRP records and sequence  A014233 in OEIS for other criteria of this sort. These results give very fast deterministic primality tests for numbers in the appropriate range, without any assumptions.

There is a small list of potential witnesses for every possible input size (at most n values for n-bit numbers). However, no finite set of bases is sufficient for all composite numbers. Alford, Granville, and Pomerance have shown that there exist infinitely many composite numbers n whose smallest compositeness witness is at least (ln n)1/(3ln ln ln n). They also argue heuristically that the smallest number w such that every composite number below n has a compositeness witness less than w should be of order Θ(log n log log n).


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