The Ten Times Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

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8. Be Unreasonable
No, that is not an error; it does say 
reasonable. In my book 
Sell to Survive
, I
introduced the notion that the successful salesperson must be unreasonable with
his or her client in order to consummate the sale. This clearly flies in the face of
what most of us are taught—that is, to be reasonable and logical. Being
unreasonable requires that you act without rational consideration and not in
accordance with practical realities. And, yes—that's what I want you to do!
When most people see this definition, they get confused and think that I'm telling
them to be crazy. But successful people recognize how vital it is to act without
reason. They know they cannot afford to act in accordance with the agreed-upon
realities. If they do, the supposed “impossible” can never become possible for
them. Being a 10X-er requires thinking and acting unreasonably. Otherwise, you
will end up the same way everyone else does—forced to survive on successful
people's leftovers. Unreasonable doesn't mean being mentally unstable—and let's
face it, who isn't just a little off the rocker—but that you refuse to validate the
alleged “sanity” of reasonable actions that will never get you what you want.
Most of the world is playing in accordance with some set of stupid, useless,
reasonable rules that only ensure that you continue trudging along in bondage as

a mere slave. Think about it: Would we have cars, airplanes, space travel,
telephones, and the Internet—in addition to thousands of other things we take for
granted—if someone hadn't done something that another person had labeled
“unreasonable”? Man would do nothing exceptional if it were not for the
willingness to be unreasonable. So be one of the unreasonable ones. They are
usually the people who make a huge difference in our world.
9. Be Dangerous
Since you were a child, someone has been trying to keep you from danger. “Be
careful” is the mantra that parents repeat to their children while buying products
from entire industries that have been created just to “safe proof” a home in order
to protect a child. Unfortunately, many people get to the point where they're so
intent upon avoiding danger that they cease to truly live life! If you look back
over your life, you'll probably see that you have done yourself just as much—or
even more—harm by being “careful” than by being dangerous. Think about the
last time you got hurt. You were probably trying to protect something right
before it happened. Being careful requires you to take actions cautiously—and
there is no way that you will 
hit 10X activity levels by being cautious.
Massive action demands that you throw caution to the wind, even if it puts you
in the path of danger. Working with powerful people is dangerous in and of
itself. Do you want to get investment dollars from a billionaire? A salary that
pays you a million dollars a year? Take your company public? If so, you have to
be willing to be dangerous because more will be expected of you with each of
those situations. To do something big, you have to embrace danger. The way to
ensure that danger doesn't kill you is to be sufficiently trained so that you can get
into the ring and come out the victor.

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