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13. Macauliffe, The Sikh Religion, VI, p. 413.

14. W. G. Orr, A Sixteenth-Century Indian Mystic, pp. 44-58.

15. A. J. Alston, The Devotional Poems of Mirabai, pp. 1-8, No. 116.

16. R. S. McGregor, Nanddds, the Round Dance of Krishna and Uddhav's Message, London, 1973, pp. 29-54.



Note: Delhi and India have not been included

Aaron, 170 'Abbas, bin 'Abdu'l- Muttalib, Prophet Muhammad's uncle, 5, 154

Abbasids (750-1258); successors of the Umayyads, 5; Sanskrit works introduced to, 11; Turkic slaves of, 1-2, 8, 11, 27, 154-8, 167, 170, 202, 231, 272

Abdal, 358 'Abdu'l-Ahad, Shaykh, The father of the Mujaddid, 269

'Abdu'l-'Aziz, Shah (d. 1824), 276

'Abdu'l-'Aziz Shams Baha-i Nuri, 254

'Abdu'l-Hakim, Mulla, ruling against Aurangzib's usurpation of Shanti Das' temple, 228

'Abdu'l-Haqq Muhaddis Dihlawi, Shaykh (1551- 1642), 161, 264, 269, 270

'Abdu'l-Hayy (d. 1551-52), son of Shaykh Jamali, 241

'Abdu'l-K.haliq, Khwaja, of Ghujduwan (d. 1220), 268

' Abdu 'l-LatifAkbar's tutor, 104

'Abdu'l-Malik I (954-61), the Samanid ruler, 12

'Abdu'l-Muttalib, 5 'Abdu'l-Qadir, the Roshana'i leader 123

'Abdu'l-Qadir, Shaykh (d. 1553), disseminator of the Qadiriyya order in the Panjab and Sind, 263

'Abdu'l-Qadir, Shaykh, son of Shaykh Hamid, 263

'Abdu'l-Qadir Jilani, Shaykh Muhyiu'd-Din (d. 1166), the founder of the Qadiriyya order, 263

'Abdu'l-Wahid, Mir (d. 1608) of Bilgram, 257

'Abdu'llah, the father of the Prophet Muhammad, 2

'Abdu'llah, a prince of Ahmadnagar, 82

'Abdu'llah, Sayid, of Barha, 149

'Abdu'llah, Shattari, Shah (d. 1485), 262

'Abdu'llah Khan Uzbek (1583-98), of Transoxiana, 111, 112

'Abdu'llah Tulambi (d. 1516), Shaykh, a philosopher, 234

'Abdu'n-Nabi, Shaykh, Akbar's sadru's-sudur, 107; executes the brahman of Mathura, 108; strangled to death, 109, 274

'Abdu'n-Nabi, the fawjdar of Mathura, 134

'Abdu'r-Rahim, see Khan-i Khanan

'Abdu'r-Rahim, Shaykh, of Avadh, 201

'Abdu'r-Razzaq, Kamalu'd- Din, ambassador to the Raja of Vijayanagara, xxviii, 86

'Abdu'r-Razzaq, Shah, of Jhanjhana (d. 1542), 264

'Abdu's Sumad, Mulla, the Iranian painter, 298

abhang, hymn, 258, 259

Abohar, 46

Abraham, 1

Absolute One, identified with Allah, 232

Absolute Truth, 256

Abu, 19, 100, 137

Abu'All Lawik, 12

Abu 'All Qalandar, see Bu 'Ali Qalandar

Abu'Ali Sindi, 238

Abu Bakr (632-4), the first Caliph, 3

Abu Bakr Tusi Haydari, a qalandar, 249

Abu Hanifa (699-767), the founder of the Hanafiyya law, 7; jizya on Hindus permitted by, 164, 182; Allah's promise to, 196; on marriages, 200

Abu Raja, Malik, 305

Abu Said bin Abu 'l-Khayr (d. 1049), 236, 245

Abu Talib, uncle of the Prophet Muhammad, 2

Abu Taulib Alhusseini, xxii

Abu 'Ubaydah, Prophet Muhammad's companion, 237

Abu Yazid Tayfur of Bistam (d. 874 or 877-8), 237, 242, 245, 261

Abu Yusuf (d.798), Qazi, 7

Abu Zar Ghifari, Prophet Muhammad's companion, 237

Abu'l-Fath bin Dawud, 13

Abu'l-Fath Gilani, Hakim, 275

Abu 'l-Fazl 'Allami (d. 1602), the historian and Akbar's secretary, enters Akbar's court, 107; appointed a commander of the Deccan expedition, 113; killed by Bir Singh Deva Bundela, 113; synthesizes Ghazalian orthodoxy with Nasirian philosophy, 161; on Akbar's social reforms, 166; code of education, 218; on Akbar's Translation Bureau, 254; xxiii, xxv, xxvi, 104-7, 121, 167, 178-80, 182, 199, 209, 210, 216, 234, 263, 269, 291, 299, 306

Abu'l-Fazl Gaziruni, 234

Abu'l-Hasan, a seventeenth-century painter, 300


Abu'l-Hasan Qutb Shah (1672-87), of Golkonda, 140, 141

Achyata Raya (1530-42) of Vijayanagara, 87

Acquaviva, Father Rudolph, of the first Jesuit Mission to Akbar's court, xxix, 110

'ada, customary law, 163, 168, 188

Adab-i 'Alamgiri, a collection of Aurangzib's correspondence, 124

Adabu 'l-harb wa'sh shuja'a, a manual on military organization and statecraft, 170, 173

Adam, 238

Adam Banuri, Shaykh, banished by Shahjahan to Mecca, 271

Adam Gakkhar, 103

Aden, 73, 87, 221

Adhyatma-Ramayana, by Ramananda, 360

Adi Granth, also known as Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh scripture, 361, 365

'adil, just, 162

'Adil Khan (d. 1441) of Khandesh, 69, 70

'Adil Khan II (d. 1501) of Khandesh, 69

'Adil Khan, elder brother of Islam Shah, 102

'Adil Shah II (1656-72), 140

'Adil Shah, Ibrahim II (1580-1627) of Bijapur, 355

'Adil Shah, Muhammad (1627-56), Bijapur kingdom expanded tremendously, 127; Gol Gumbad on his mausoleum, 287; xxxi, 124, 126

'Adil Shahi, rulers of Bljapur, 71, 81-4, monuments, 287

'Adilabad, built by Muhammad bin Tughluq, 212

Adina mosque, in Pandua, Bengal, 283

advaita, allowing no second, i.e. monism, 355

Afaqis, foreigners under the Bahmani Sultans, 77-80, 82

Afghan, xix, 34, 35, 60, 89-93, 96-101, 109, 129, 131, 136, 140, 144, 151, 152, 174, 185, 196, 197, 199, 205, 215, 219, 242, 261, 281, 282

Afghanistan, xxiv, 34, 68, 69, 246, 259, 260

Afghanpur, village, 45

'Alif, Shams Siraj, Sultan Firuz Tughluq's contemporary historian, 203; on the affluence of villagers, 207

Afrasiyab, The Turanian monarch, 158

Africa, 196, 221, 224

Afridis, 136

afwaj-i qalb, see hasham-i qalb

Afzal Khan, Shahjahan's diwan-i kull (q.v.), 118, 172

agam, inscrutable, 365

Agra, xxvii, xxviii-xxxiii, 90, 93, 95, 97, 99, 106, 109, 114, 116, 118, 120, 129-31, 135, 149, 187, 188, 191, 206, 209, 210, 219, 220, 224-6, 233, 262, 264

ahadis, plural of hadis, the Prophet Muhammad's traditions, 164

ahadis, crack troops directly under the control of the Mughal emperors, 177

Ahadiyya, the Essence of The Primal One, 236

Ahdad, the Roshana'i leader, 123

ahl al-ra'y, Muslim religious elite, 154

Ahmad, the father of Shaykh Hamidu'd-Din, Nagauri, 242

Ahmad I (1422-36), the Bahmanid sultan, 77

Ahmad Bihari, executed by Firuz Tughluq at the instigation of the 'ulama', 241

Ahmad Chap, Malik, 34

Ahmad-i Khattu, Maghribi, Shakyh (d. 1446), 285

Ahmad Shah (1748-54), the Mughal emperor, 151

Ahmad Shah I (1411-42), the Sultan of Gujarat, 69-70, 213, 240, 284, 285

Ahmad Shah I Wali (1422-36), the Bahmanid sultan, 77, 78, 287

Ahmad Shah II (1451-9), Sultan Qutbu'd-Din of Gujarat, 70

Ahmad Shah, Shamsu'd-Din (1431-5), the Sultan of Bengal, 58

Ahmad Sirhindi, Shaykh, see Mujaddid

Ahmadabad, xxxii - xxxiv, 14, 61, 72, 96, 131, 207, 224, 228, 240, 259, 261, 283-6

Ahmadnagar, xxii, 80-82, 87, 88, 112, 116, 117, 120, 121, 123, 124, 127, 128, 141, 142, 144, 191, 196, 274, 287

Ahoms, 59, 134

Ahrar, Khwaja 'Ubaydu'llah (d. 1490), 95, 268

Ahsan Shah, Sayyid, of Ma'bar, 46, 76

a'imma, see madad-i ma'ash

A 'in-i Akbari, by Abu'l-Fazl, the institutes of Akbar's reign, xxiii, xxv, 167, 176, 179, 188, 189, 254

a 'in-i dahsala, annual demand rates in cash per area unit, 185

A'isha Siddiqa, the Prophet's wife, 273

Ajit Singh, the son of Maharaja Jaswanth Singh, 136, 137

Ajmir, xxxi, xxxii, 20, 23, 27, 61, 101, 104-6, 107, 116, 136, 137, 191, 206, 224, 242, 279, 285

Ajodhan (Pak Patan), 243, 244

akal, beyond time, 365

Akanna, the Qutb Shalhi vizier, 142

Akbar (1556-1605), a contemporary of Queen Elizabeth I, xviii; vision of the government, xviii; interest in religion and


culture, xxviii; Jesuit Missions in the court of, xxix; the jeweller Leeds in the service of, xxx; the reign of, 104—16; justification by Abu'l-Fazl of the policies of, 160, 161; regulations introduced by, 165-7; guns invented by, 179; educational reforms of, 218; monuments of, 290-3; painting under, 297-300; xix, xxv, 56, 64, 73, 90, 122, 144, 148, 150, 161, 171, 178, 180, 185-205, 208, 212, 213, 216, 229, 233, 241, 242, 246, 248, 254, 257, 261-3, 268-270, 308, 366, 369

Akbar, prince, the fourth son of Aurangzib, rebels against the Emperor, 137, 148; obtains refuge in Shambhaji's court, 141; leaves for Iran, 142

Akbar and the Jesuits, tr. and ed. by C.H. Payne, xxix

Akbar-nama by Abu'l-Fazl 'Allami, xxv, 175

Akhbaru 'l-akhydr by Shaykh 'Abdu'l-Haqq Muhaddis Dihlawi, 264

Akhbaru 's-Sind wa 'l-Hind by Sulayman Tajir, xxvi

akhi, a movement for the promotion of brotherhood among the sufis, 247

Akhlaq-i Jalali, by Jalalu'd-Din Dawwani, 160

Akhlaq-i Nasiri, by Khwaja Nasiru'd-Din Tusi, 160

'Ala'i, Shaykh, a Mahdawi revolutionary, 261

Alakh, Imperceptible, 256, 365

Alakh Niranjan, Imperceptible Lord, 389

'Alam Khan, Bahlul Lodi's son, 92

'Alamgir, Conqueror of the Universe, Aurangzib's title, 130

'Alamgir II (1754-60), the Mughal emperor,

'Ala'u'd-Din (1436-58), the Bahmanid sultan, 78

'Alau'd-Din (1343-54), the Sultan of Kashmir, 62

'Ala'u'd-Din 'Alam Shah (1443-76), the Sayyid sultan, 56

'Ala'u'd-Din 'Ali Shah (1339-45), the Sultan of Bengal, 57

'Ala'u'd-Din Hasan Bahman Shah, 76

'Ala'u'd-Din Husayn Jahan Suz (d. 1161), 17, 18

'Ala'u'd-Din Husayn Shah (1493-1518), of Bengal, 65

Ala'u'd-Din 'Imad Shah of Berar, 81

'Ala'u'd-Din Khalji (1296-1316), mint of, xxi; as governor of Kara, conquers Devagiri, 35; sultan 36-44; prayers at the grave of, 111; addressed as khalifa, 158; conversation on political policies with Qazi Mughis of Bayana, 163-5; revenue reforms, 184; 44, 51, 57, 60, 77, 101, 165, 171, 174, 190, 191, 198, 201, 207, 212, 213, 226, 229, 240, 278, 280, 304, 358

'Ala'u'd-Din Mas'ud Shah (1242-6), 29

'Ala'u'd-Din-pur (Srinagar), 62

'Ala'u'l-Haqq (d. 1398) founder of the Chishtiyya khanqahs in Bengal, 246

'Ala'u'l-Mulk, the historian, Barani's uncle, kotwal, 36, 38, 190

'Ala'u'l-Mulk Husayni, Qazi Nuru'llah, Shustari's son and Shah Shuja"s tutor, 275

Alberuni's India tr. by E. Sachau, xxvii Albuquerque, Alfonso d', 74, 87, 221

alchemy, Muslim, 252

Aleppo, Bayana indigo in, 206

Alexandria, 221, 240

'All, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, 2; Shi'as of, 3; fourth caliph from 656 to 661, 4; wars against 'A'isha and Mu'awiya, 5; source of Shiilaw, 8; the leader of the sufis, 237; basis of Ismaili proselytization, 272

'Ali 'Adil Shah (1558-80), of Bijapur, 82

'Ali 'Adil Shah II (1656-72) of Bijapur, 127

'Ali Beg, Mongol invader, 190

'Ali Gawhar, Prince, see Shah 'Alam II 'Ali Gurshasp, see 'Ala'u'd-Din Khalji 'Ali Hamadani, Mir Sayyid,

Islamic missionary in

Kashmir, 62, 286

'Ali Mardan Khan, (d. 1657), surrenders Qandahar, 123; death, 167

'Ali Muttaqi, Shaykh (d. 1567), 261

'Ali Wardi (1740-56), 152, 153

'Aligarh, see Kol

'alim, singular of 'ulama', religious scholar, 8, 28, 265

Allah, God, mansabs according to the value of the letters in, 176; movements surrounding the attributes and decrees of, 231; proteges of, 236; in Kabir's hymns, 361; 1, 196, 259, 262, 293

Allahabad, xxx, 114, 130, 132, 179, 191, 213

Almeida, Francisco de, 74

Alp Khan, 'Ala'u'd-Din Khalji's brother, 37, 42

Alp Khan, see Hushang Shah Alptigin, 12

Altunia, 28

Alvar, Tamil Vaishnavite saints, 355

Alwar, 66

amalguzar, pargana (q.v.) revenue collector, 186

Aman Panipati, Shaykh, ((d. 1550), 264

Amar Singh, Maharana


Pratap's successor, 116

Amarkot, Akbar born in, 103

Ambala, 212

Ambassadors, authors of the memoirs, xxvi; reception of, 168, 169

Amber, 106, 149, 191

America, xx

'amils, officials for the collection of revenue from iqta's (q.v.), 27; head of the revenue administration of the parganas, 184, 194

Amin, Muhammad, Mir Jumla's son, 125

Amin Khan, 31, 32

Amina, the Prophet Muhammad's mother, 2

amins, supervised the cultivation of arable land, 194

amir-i dad, secular judge under the Delhi sultans, 187

amir-i hajib, master of ceremonies, see barbak, 168 Amir Hasan (d. 1336 or 1337), 33, 42, 158

Amir Husayn (d. after 1320), 240

Amir Khan, Aurangzib's governor of Kabul, 136, 145

Amir Khusraw, (d. 1325) sufi and poet, on Hinduism, 253; 33, 42, 158, 173, 214

amiran-i soda, controller of one hundred villages, 49

amirs, noblemen, 29

amlak, see madad-i ma' ash

'Ammar bin Yasir, Prophet Muhammad's companion, 237

Amrgaon, 224

Amrita-Kunda, the Hatha-yogic treatise in Sanskrit, 256

Amritsar, 135

Amroha, 32, 37, 204, 249

amulets, written by Aurangzib for victory over Satnamis, 135

Ana'l-Haqq, I am the creative Truth or God, 230

Anandpala, 13

Anandpur, 222

Anangpal, 211

anarchy, worse than the rule oftyrants, 157

Anatolia, 247

Andhra, 134

Andhrade s' adhis'vara, supreme lord of Andhra countries 84

Andhui, 22

Anhilwara (Patan), 14, 19, 21, 23, 37

animal motifs, on the Delhi Gate of Agra fort, 290; in the carvings of Jahangiri Mahal in Agra fort, 291; in the pietra dura of I'timadu'd-Dawla's tomb, 294

animal slaughter, restrictions by Akbar and Jahangir, 166

Ansars, the helpers, Prophet Muhammad's hosts in Medina, 2

Antal, a female Alvar, 355

anthropomorphism, 251

Antichrist, 258

Antyaja, casteless, 252

Anuk, see Abu 'Alt Lawick

Anup Chitr, seventeenth-century painter, 301

Anup Talao, the peerless pool, 292

apabhramsa, the traditional vernacular, xxi, 359

apar, boundless, 365

Apostles, 300

Appar, Tamil poet, 355

'aqiqah, ceremony of the shaving of an infant's hair, 215

Aquinas, St Thomas, 355

arabesque, 278, 279

Arabia, commercial relations with India, xxvi, 75, 206, 240

Arabian Peninsula, Islamicization of, 8

Arabic, travelogues in, xxvii; spoken by urban population of Sind, 11; translation of the Mirror for Princes in, 152; literature, 217; printing in the West in, 218; translation of the late Hellenistic schools in, 232

Arabs, geographical works and travelogues by xxvi; conquest of Sind by, 8-12; conquest of Transoxiana by, 12; in Bengal, 58; limitations of the ships of, 73; trade, 74; 154, 182, 183, 198, 222, 227

Arakan, xxx, 122, 134, 204, 205

Aral Sea, 15, 16

Aram Bagh, The Garden of Repose, built by Babur in Agra, 297

Aram Shah (1210), Qutbu'd-Din Aybak's son, 24

archaeology, xx

archers, Muslim, recruited by Devaraya II (q.v.), 86

arches, corbelled in the Quwwatu 'l-Islam mosque, 278; cusped in the mihrab (q.v.) of Arha 'i Din ka jhunpra, 279; unusual in Balban's tomb, 280; horse-shoe in ' Ala 'i Darwaza, 280; arrangements in Jami' mosque Ahmadabad, 285

architraves, 281

architecture, Muslim symbols, xviii; Mahmud of Ghazni's, 15; Pre-Mughal, the first phase, 277-82; of the regional kingdoms, 282-9; of the Lodis and Surs, 289; of the Mughals, 290-7

Arha'i din ka jhunpra, mosque in Ajmir, 279, 283, 285

aristocracy, mansions built by, 213-15; extravagance of, 214, 215; debt ridden, 215; private schools of, 217; demand for European novelties by, 225

Aristotle, 232

'ariz-i mamalik, head of the diwan-i 'arz (q.v.), 173

Arjumand Banu Begum,


117, see Mumtaz Mahal

Arjuna, 354, 357

Arkali Khan, 36

Armenia, 53, 220

army, Hindus in Mahmud of Ghazni's, 15; reorganization by Balban, 32; regulations framed by 'Alau 'd-Din, 38; of the Mughals, 175-9

Aror, near modern Rohri, 9

Arthasastra, 156, 191

artillery, of Gujarat, 72; of Islam Shah, 102; not introduced by Delhi Sultans, 178; use of gunpowder by the Mughals, 225

artisans, left alone by Muhammad bin Qasim, 9; taken to Samarqand by Timur, 55; embrace Sikhismin the Panjab, 135; opposition to the payment of jizya (q.v.) by, 183; abused by Barani, 198; in the karkhanas (q.v.), 170, 203; converted to the Mahdawi faith, 260

Arwah, the sphere of infinite forms, 236

Aryan, class distinctions, 253

Asad Khan, Aurangzib's minister, 143; made wakil (q.v.) by Bahadur Shah I, 171

Asaf Jahi, the independent dynasty of the Deccan, 150

Asaf Khan, (Mirza Abu'l Hasan), visited by Manrique, xxx; indifferent to the British, xxxiii; role under Jahangir, 117, 118; wakil (q.v.), 119, 171; success in raising Shahjahan to the throne, 120;uzuk (q.v.) kept by, 202

al-Ash'ari, Abu'l Hasan (873-936), 232

Ashrafi Mahal, Gold Mohar Palace, 284

ashi chap, Hindu sages of eight seals or insignia, 368

Asia, 223, 224

Asiatic Miscellany, xxviii

Asiatic Soceity of Bengal, xxiii, xxv

Asirgarh, the impregnable fort of Khandesh, 69; seized by Akbar, 113

Askari, Humayun's half brother, 96, 98, 102

Asoka, frontier of 112; greatness of, 308

Asokan pillar, 212, 281

Assam, independent sultans of, 58, 59; in Shahjahan's reign, 172; xxvi, 22, 220

astrologer, predicts Babur's defeat, 94

astronomy, Sanskrit works in, 11; truth of 252; Persian translation of works on, 253

Atala mosque, 282

Atkah Khail, 'foster-father battalion', 105

'Attar, Shaykh Faidu'd-Din (d. 1220), 241, 246

Attack, 119, 153

Aurangabad, xxxiv, 124, 128, 141, 206, 273

Aurangzib (1658-1707), reversed the policy of toleration, xviii; Shaykh Muhammad Murad's history of, xxii; the compilation of the Fatawa al- 'Alamgiriyya commissioned by, 8; war against Bundelas, 122; viceroyalty of the Deccan, 124, 125; wins over Mir Jumla, the Shi'i prime minister of Golkonda, 125; efforts to seize Golkonda, 125; pledges to Prince Murad, 128; war of succession, 127-32; reign of, 133-48; views on kingship, 162; retains Raghunath Ra'i as diwan, 173; sawar (q.v.) rank higher than the zal (q.v.) in the reign of, 176; changes in custom duties, 180; reimposition of jizya (q.v.) 183; (q.v.) under, 188; muhtasibs (q.v.) under, 189; makes madad-i ma'dsh (q.v.) hereditary with reservations, 190; complaints of the merchants, 228; Mulla 'Abdu'l Hakim's fatwa (q.v.) against, 228; the teachings of Mujaddid's letters banned by, 271; 197, 202, 204, 209, 210, 224, 226, 234, 235, 261, 267, 268, 271, 275, 291, 297, 301, 303, 306

Autobiographical memoirs of Timur, 55

Avadh, 21, 28, 29-31, 34, 49, 64, 109, 150-52, 191, 201, 211, 213, 225, 255

avatars, incarnations, 355, 357, 367

Avesta, 155

Avicenna (980-1037), avoided Mahmud of Ghazni, 15; Mughal thinkers assimilate the political philosophy of, 160, 161; books written by, 218; cosmological doctrines of, 233; Shaykh Nizamu'd-Din' Awliya's enmity to, 245

Awirifu l-ma'arif, the classical sufi manual by Shaykh Shihabu 'd-Din Suhrawardi, 238

awliya' [God's] proteges, 362

awliya Allah, God's proteges, 236

Aws, a Yemenite tribe, 2

Aybak, Qutbu 'd-Din (1206-10), 20, 21, 24, 173, 191, 211, 278

Adya-Parichaya, a book on yoga in Bengali, 257

'Aynu'l-Mulk Multani, 48

Ayodhya, 34

A'zam, the prince, Aurangzib's son, 138

A'zam Shah (1390-1410) Ghijasu'd-Din, Sultan of Bengal, 57

Azerbayjan, 80

'Aziz Khammar ('the Vintner'), 49, 250

'Aziz Koka, Mirza, Akbar's foster brother, 114, 115, 261


'Azizu'llah Tulambi, Shaykh (d. 1516), a philosopher, 234

Baba Dawud, the disciple of Shaykh Hamza of Kashmir, 248

Baba Farid ((d. 1265), Ganj-i Shakar, 214, 243, 244, 249

Baba Fighani (d. 1516 or 1519), mystic and poet, 258

Babur, Zahiru 'd-Din Muhammad (1526-30), the reign of, 91-97; cannons used by, 170; control over nobles, 199; on villages, 204; on Indian wells and Persian wheels, 205; introduction of Central Asian fruits into India by, 207; acceptance of Shi'ism for political expediency, 274; monuments erected by, 290; xxiii, xxv, 61, 64, 91, 178, 198, 213, 268, 299, 364

Bibur-nama, The Babur's memoirs, xxiv, xxv, 120

Babur-Vani, 364

Bach, music, 303

Bachgotis, 65

Badakhshan, 95, 96, 99, 266

Bada'un, 21, 24, 25, 30, 32, 56, 69, 191

Bada'un gate, in Delhi, 39

Bada'uni, Mulla 'Abdu'l-Qadir, Akbar's inveterate enemy, assessment of Bayram Khan's services to the Mughal empire, 105; enters Akbar's court, 107; in Raja Man Singh's army against Maharana Pratap, 107; comments on the impact of 'Ibadat Khana debates on Akbar's mind, 108; on Akbar's reforms, 165; as a mansabdar (q.v.), 176; eulogies on Qazi Nuru'llah Shustari, 187; on number of wives, 200; on the Mahdawis, 260; on Islamicization by Shaykh Dawud, 263; on Shi'ism of the Iranis, 275

Badr Hunayn, Meccans defeated by the Prophet Muhammad at, 3 Badshahi mosque, in Lahore, 296

Bagalkot, 82 Baghdad, xxxi, 5, 11, 158, 239

Bahadur, son of Raja 'Ali Khan, 113

Bahadur Shah, the Mughal emperor (1707-12), see Mu'azzam

Bahadur Shah (1526-37) of Gujarat, 68, 72, 74, 96, 273, 274

Bahaduri, a musical melody, 306

Bahadurpur, near Banaras, 128

Baharistan by Mulla Jami, 301

Baha'u'd-Din, Naqshband, Khwaja (d. 1389), 268

Baha'u'd-Din, Shaykh (d. 1628), of Barnawa, 307

Baha'u'd-Din Tughril, Malik, 52

Bahlul Lodi, (1451-89), 65; the first ruler of the Lodi dynasty, 89, 90, 97, 245

Bahman Isfandar, 76

Bahmanid, kingdom of the Deccan, Nicolo de' Conti's account of the, xxviii; foundation of the sultanate, 49; the rule of the, 76-81; architecture, 286, 287; 60, 66, 67, 85, 86, 197

Bahraich, 30

Bahrain Ayba, 43

Bahram Gur (421-39), the Sasanid monarch, 304

Bahram Shah (1118-52), the Ghaznavid Yaminu'd-Dawla, 16

Bahram Shah, Mu'izzu'd-Din (1240-2), 29, 30

Bahrayn, 9

Bahru 'l-hayat, on yoga in Arabic and Persian, 262

Baiju Baora, 306

Bajaur, 92, 111

Baji Rao Maratha peshwa, 150

bakhshi, assistants of bakhshiu 'l-mamalik mir bakhshi, 174, 175, 178; provincial, 158

bakhshiu 'l-mamalik, controller of the recruitment of mansabdars and their administration, 149, 175; controller of fawjdars (q.v.), 194

Bakhtiyar Kaki, Khwaja Qutbu'd-Din (d. 1235), 243, 250

Baksar, 94

Balaghat, 125

balahars, ordinary peasants, 184

Balarwan fort, 19

Balasore, 146, 224

Balban, Ghiyasu'd-Din, (1266-87), regent, 29-31; sultan, 31-4; considered himself a vicegerent of God, 157; sijda (q.v.) rules introduced by, 168; resumption of iqta's granted by Illutmish abandoned, 174; 191, 197, 249, 278

Balkh, 12, 53, 133, 246

Ballahras (Vallabh-rajas), xxvii Ballala III, of Dvarasamudra, 84

ballistae, against Dabul in Sind, 9; against Warangal fort, 41

Baltistan, 63, 112, 274

Baluch, 100, 152

Baluchistan, 9, 15, 111

bamboo poles, land measured with, 185

Banaras, cloth industry in, xxx; Shah Shuja' defeated near, 128; Vishwanath temple destroyed by Aurangzib at, 138; xvii, 20, 27, 64, 96, 97, 98, 213, 250

Banbhina, 52

Banda, 121

Banda (Acheh), 221

Banda Bahadur, 149

Bandar 'Abbas, xxxiv, 206, 224

Bangalore, 41

Bangladesh, 59, 146

Bani, inspired utterances or oracles, 360

banians, Hindu merchants, xxxii

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