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toilet paper presented to him by a nasty harlot, stimulated 

by gingerbread and a postal order? 

BELLO:  (Whistles loudly) Say! What was the most 

revolting piece of obscenity in all your career of crime? 

Go the whole hog. Puke it out! Be candid for once. 

(Mute inhuman faces throng forward, leering, vanishing, 

gibbering, Booloohoom. Poldy Kock, Bootlaces a penny 

Cassidy’s hag, blind stripling, Larry Rhinoceros, the girl, the 

woman, the whore, the other, the ...) 

BLOOM: Don’t ask me! Our mutual faith. Pleasants 

street. I only thought the half of the ... I swear on my 

sacred oath ... 

BELLO:  (Peremptorily) Answer. Repugnant wretch! I 

insist on knowing. Tell me something to amuse me, smut 

or a bloody good ghoststory or a line of poetry, quick, 

quick, quick! Where? How? What time? With how many? 

I give you just three seconds. One! Two! Thr ... 

BLOOM:  (Docile, gurgles) I rererepugnosed in 


BELLO:  (Imperiously) O, get out, you skunk! Hold 

your tongue! Speak when you’re spoken to. 

BLOOM: (Bows) Master! Mistress! Mantamer! 

(He lifts his arms. His bangle bracelets fill.) 





BELLO: (Satirically) By day you will souse and bat our 

smelling underclothes also when we ladies are unwell, and 

swab out our latrines with dress pinned up and a dishclout 

tied to your tail. Won’t that be nice? (He places a ruby ring 

on her finger) And there now! With this ring I thee own. 

Say, thank you, mistress. 

BLOOM: Thank you, mistress. 

BELLO: You will make the beds, get my tub ready, 

empty the pisspots in the different rooms, including old 

Mrs Keogh’s the cook’s, a sandy one. Ay, and rinse the 

seven of them well, mind, or lap it up like champagne. 

Drink me piping hot. Hop! You will dance attendance or 

I’ll lecture you on your misdeeds, Miss Ruby, and spank 

your bare bot right well, miss, with the hairbrush. You’ll 

be taught the error of your ways. At night your 

wellcreamed braceletted hands will wear fortythreebutton 

gloves newpowdered with talc and having delicately 

scented fingertips. For such favours knights of old laid 

down their lives. (He chuckles) My boys will be no end 

charmed to see you so ladylike, the colonel, above all, 

when they come here the night before the wedding to 

fondle my new attraction in gilded heels. First I’ll have a 

go at you myself. A man I know on the turf named 

Charles Alberta Marsh (I was in bed with him just now 





and another gentleman out of the Hanaper and Petty Bag 

office) is on the lookout for a maid of all work at a short 

knock. Swell the bust. Smile. Droop shoulders. What 

offers? (He points) For that lot. Trained by owner to fetch 

and carry, basket in mouth. (He bares his arm and plunges it 

elbowdeep in Bloom’s vulva) There’s fine depth for you! 

What, boys? That give you a hardon? (He shoves his arm in 

a bidder’s face) Here wet the deck and wipe it round! 

A BIDDER: A florin. 

(Dillon’s lacquey rings his handbell.) 


A VOICE: One and eightpence too much. 


Good breath. Clean. 

BELLO:  (Gives a rap with his gavel) Two bar. 

Rockbottom figure and cheap at the price. Fourteen hands 

high. Touch and examine his points. Handle him. This 

downy skin, these soft muscles, this tender flesh. If I had 

only my gold piercer here! And quite easy to milk. Three 

newlaid gallons a day. A pure stockgetter, due to lay 

within the hour. His sire’s milk record was a thousand 

gallons of whole milk in forty weeks. Whoa my jewel! 

Beg up! Whoa! (He brands his initial C on Bloom’s croup) So! 

Warranted Cohen! What advance on two bob, gentlemen? 





A DARKVISAGED MAN: (In disguised accent) 

Hoondert punt sterlink. 

VOICES:  (Subdued) For the Caliph. Haroun Al 


BELLO: (Gaily) Right. Let them all come. The scanty, 

daringly short skirt, riding up at the knee to show a peep 

of white pantalette, is a potent weapon and transparent 

stockings, emeraldgartered, with the long straight seam 

trailing up beyond the knee, appeal to the better instincts 

of the blasé man about town. Learn the smooth mincing 

walk on four inch Louis Quinze heels, the Grecian bend 

with provoking croup, the thighs fluescent, knees 

modestly kissing. Bring all your powers of fascination to 

bear on them. Pander to their Gomorrahan vices. 

BLOOM:  (Bends his blushing face into his armpit and 

simpers with forefinger in mouth) O, I know what you’re 

hinting at now! 

BELLO: What else are you good for, an impotent 

thing like you? (He stoops and, peering, pokes with his fan 

rudely under the fat suet folds of Bloom’s haunches) Up! Up! 

Manx cat! What have we here? Where’s your curly teapot 

gone to or who docked it on you, cockyolly? Sing, birdy, 

sing. It’s as limp as a boy of six’s doing his pooly behind a 

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