Uzbek folk proverbs and the educational significance of english folk proverbs

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Jumaboeva Sarvinoz

DISCUSSION. No matter what language or ethnic group we come across, we can see similarities and significant differences between them. The similarities are that the issue of upbringing is very similar to each other, regardless of religion or nationality. Upbringing is almost the same in every family. But the differences in religions, the differences in the will of the nation, make a difference. Below we analyze a number of English and Uzbek articles: “Early to bed and early to rise” God gives to those who get up early. In both nations, the day of the one who wakes up early is blessed. You have made bed, and you must lie on it. “Har kim ekkanini o’rar” As a man sows, so shall he reap. “O’z pishirgan oshingni aylanib ham, o’rgilib ham o’zing ye” English: “The nearer the Church, the farther from God” translates into Uzbek - the closer you get to the church, the farther you are from God. This is expressed in the Uzbek proverb: “Besh vaqt namozini tark etmas, Harom-xarishni farq etmas”.[5.] The role of folklore, proverbs, sayings, sayings and others in the transmission of such things is invaluable.
Proverbs, which are one of these sources, also help us to make the right decisions and get out of different situations.
With the development of linguistics in the last century, a new direction called cognitive linguistics was born. Concept is at the heart of this doctrine, which has attracted linguists around the world. Scientists have different approaches and definitions to the concept, but we have Sh. We agree with Safarov: “A concept is a unity of thought and is based on a generalization of concepts, images and linguistic meanings”.
The concept of "friendship" that we want to discuss with you is one of those concepts that exists in these languages. From many genres of folk art, including proverbs, various objects (animals, plants, their fruits, bodies, household items, clothes) that correspond to their nature in order to express the relations, events and situations in folk society in a simpler and clearer way, tools, labor products). Each of these things symbolizes the image of people who have certain qualities (whether positive or negative).[6.] In fact, the word proverb is derived from Arabic and is translated as the word for wisdom, the word for horses.
In proverbs, all ideas are focused on a common meaning, and each article has a hidden meaning. Proverbs are often used figuratively, not literally. Because it hides criticism of people, encourages them to do good behind animals, birds and plants. This is called allegorical means in the language of science. But another aspect of allegorical means is that they represent people in some sense through other means. Proverbs can also vary in subject matter. These include homeland, friendship, love, loyalty, respect, and more. Such topics are common in both English and Uzbek. There are many examples of friendship, especially in Uzbek; “Do‘stsiz oshing tuzsiz boshing”. “Do‘st yomon kunda bilinadi”. “Yolg`iz otning changi chiqmas, changi chiqsa ham dong`i chiqmas”.
The word friendship in the narrow sense refers to the relationship between two people, while in the broad sense it also refers to the warm relationship between families, villages, relatives and countries. One of the most important virtues of friendship is sincerity, honesty, fidelity and, of course, loyalty. There are many examples of this in our language. Only A. Navoi wrote many poems in honor of friendship. A friendless person is like a dead tree, like dead soil. Friendship is a blessing that leads to spiritual and physical maturity.
In particular; 1. Mutual respect 2. Honesty 3. Being able to point out a friend's shortcomings 4. Being with a friend in any situation 5. Mutual respect for dreams and hopes 6. Never withhold material and spiritual things Another is that friendship is synonymous with the words brotherhood, brotherhood, and in some cases is used interchangeably with them. Friendship comes in two forms; one is true friendship and the other is false friendship, which is a bond built on some kind of interest. Articles about friendship can be found in English and Uzbek proverbs that are close to each other.[7.] These two languages are not related at all in terms of field or origin, and even linguistically, English belongs to the group of analytical languages and Uzbek to the group of agglutinative languages. But in proverbs and sayings, you can see similarities and commonalities. A good friend is my nearest relationship - a good friend is better than a distant relative. This article is not the same, but it has the same meaning. This proverb implies that only one loyal friend is better than unloving relatives. The best mirror is my old friend. In fact, friends are a mirror to each other.
Hiding flaws, correcting them, being happy on a good day is definitely a sign of true friendship. There are many more English friendship articles. - Old friend and old wine are best. - Only your real friends tell you when your face is dirty. -Friendship is one mind in two bodies. -Faithful friend is better than gold. - Friendship that flames goes out in a flash. Some articles do not explicitly state the concept of friendship. These traits are difficult to find in this case.[8.] For example: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. (Dushmanimning dushmani mening do‘stimdir.) Here, the meaning is expressed in an antonymic way, and the relationship between the two non-negatives leads to a positive one, just like the law of mathematical arithmetic. There are many such examples in both languages and they have always been widely used. The above analysis shows that English and Uzbek are also very rich in proverbs.[9.] Although each language is unique, its educational value is the same. An important aspect of the experiments of comparative linguistics, history, and other disciplines is the search for similarities and differences.

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