What is a friendship?
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| Ismatullayev Sarvar What is a friendship? 201-B group Sarvar Ismatullyev
What is Friendship?
A friend is a person who you know, like and enjoy spending time with. A friend may help you when you are in trouble or need help. The relationship between friends is what we call a friendship.
Activities that people do with their friends include:
- Playing
- Sharing
- Working with each other and supporting each other with tasks that need doing
- Compliment each other, and help them to feel good about themselves
- Listen to each other
- Make each other laugh
How can we be good friends with each other?
There are lots of different ways that you can be a good friend to other people including:
Being a good listener:
There are lots of different ways that you can show your friends that you are listening to them, such as asking them positive and encouraging questions whilst they are talking to you to show them that you understand what they are saying to you. Your body language can also tell people that you are listening to them for example, nodding your head, looking interested, maintaining eye contact with the speaker and keeping still are all great ways of showing that you are listening to your friend.
Giving Compliments:
We all feel good after receiving compliments, which means that giving compliments is another great way of being a good friend and cheering your friends up. If you notice that a friend is feeling down, giving them a compliment can go a long way in boosting their mood. The way that you receive compliments can also show that you are a good friend. When you give a compliment and someone shrugs off or denies it, it can make you feel embarrassed, so always saying “thank you” to the compliments you receive shows that you are grateful for your friends and their kind words.
Make time for your friends: You won’t always have the same interests and hobbies as your friends, and this may mean that you’re busy at different times, and it won’t always be easy to make plans and see them. This means that when you go out of your way to spend time with your friends, it can mean a lot to them. Plans to see friends don’t always have to be extravagant, just getting a coffee or going for a walk can lead to really special memories.
Talk about your feelings:
No matter how you are feeling, you should always talk to your friends about it, they will be able to support you no matter what. If you feel like you are missing your friends, it is a good idea to reach out, you may find out that they are feeling the same way. Being open and honest with your friends keeps the communication in your friendship flowing in a healthy way and lets your friends know that you care about them. This also allows you both to be open with each other about what is worrying you, which is something that is vital for a healthy friendship.
Understand that Friendships can change:
This can sometimes give you the chance to make new friends and create a wide and wonderful social circle. Making new friends doesn’t always mean that you have to let go of your old friends, just be ready to adapt as time changes.
Problem-Solving in Friendships:
- It is likely in any relationship that you will encounter some form of conflict, but knowing how to deal with this conflict is the most important part. Here are three steps for resolving conflicts with a friend:
- Make sure that you’re ready to solve the conflict before you begin. Entering a conversation while you are still upset or angry can lead to even bigger problems.
- Be honest. When you start talking to your friend be honest about how you feel, using sentences that begin with “I…” and listen to their side of the story the way that you would want them to listen to you.
- Find a solution. Discuss as many solutions as possible before deciding what route you would like to take, and ensure that everyone is comfortable with it.
Thank you
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