Writings in the margin of notebook

The importance of O'tkir Hoshimov's works in Uzbek literature

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“Writings in the margin of notebook” by Utkir Khoshimov

1.2. The importance of O'tkir Hoshimov's works in Uzbek literature
Otkir Hashimov has a worthy place in the development of Uzbek literature, or rather prose, of the second half of the 20th century. In the conditions of the established regime, he gained attention among the people with his honest words. The writer always tried to say the right thing in his works. Perhaps there are superficial places in his stories, plays, stories, but the writer never told a lie, did not sell his conscience by playing the drum of authoritarianism, ideology, politics, and did not enter the path of compromise. He was interested in the age-old problem of the art of words - the puzzle of personality, the expression of the sense of social justice. In the world of literature There are terms "poet in prose" and "poet in prose". In the new Uzbek literature, Abdulla Qadiri and Said Ahmed are rightfully called poets of prose those who received In modern Uzbek literature, Otkir Hashimov can also be called a prose poet, and his mature works can be called prose songs and taronas.
From the first story "Desert air" to the book "Inscriptions on the edge of the notebook" - the common feature of all his works is that they are mixed with a unique, unique and mysterious musical tone. The pen in the author's hand does not seem to write, but the words flow from the end of the pen like music, his stories are read like poems and epics, they sound like a melodious melody played in single words, his stories remind of a polyphonic symphony, even When reading his literary works and journalistic articles, one can see the various shades of the treasure of the human heart and emotions, from simple everyday experiences to huge social observations, intense spiritual dramas, tragedies, and sorrows. echoes. This is one of the secrets of the charm of Otkir Hashimov's prose. Literary critic Abdugafir Rasulov wrote in his work "Otkir Hashimov is a person, a talented writer, an official in office. A smart, wise person... He is a well-known writer who created many unique literary heroes"(Rasulov A. 2001: 76). - he says.
By the 1980s, new principles of great importance for the perspective of our national literature appeared in Otkir Hoshimov's work. The writer, on the one hand, made serious appearances on radio and television, the TV show "Bahs", which he conducted on television, "brought the whole Republic to its feet". He also published one after another sharp journalistic articles in the press. In particular, "The white notebook of the heart", "What do we say to the generations", "The secret of the state",
"Where's the logic?" each of his articles is considered to be equal to mature works of art in terms of the scope, weight, and influence of the spiritual, social and political problems raised in them.
At the moment, the best works created by the writer, unlike the previous ones, are free of overt journalistic interpretation. By this time, there was a certain separation between journalistic activity and pure art in the work of the writer. The author is more interested in eternal and spiritual problems, the fate of man, the riddles of the human heart. The writer writes that the Second World War was a great test for our people, that during this test, the unique qualities of the Uzbek people emerged with an extraordinary force, and that the feelings of fiery patriotism, boundless kindness, and loyalty in our people came to the fore with inspiration and passion. takes In those trying times, some people who think only of their own lives and interests, who entered the street of hypocrisy and betrayal, condemn their actions with anger and anger, reveal their moral crisis, tragedy, the meaning of living as a writer through the fate of heroes. , raises issues of human dignity, duty, responsibility, faith, invites the reader to think about them and discuss them. The question of how to live and not to live rises to the level of the leading philosophy of the work.
This is one of the secrets of the charm of Otikr Hoshimov's prose. Literary critic Abdugafir Rasulov wrote in his work "Otkir Hashimov is a person, a talented writer, an official in office. A smart, wise person... He is a well-known writer who created many unique literary heroes"(Rasulov A. 2001: 76).
Taking into account these views, since the first years of our independence, serious attention has been paid to the education and upbringing of the young generation. From this day on, as our First President I.A. Karimov emphasized: "On the basis of restoring and further improving our great spirituality, improving the national education system, strengthening its national ground, harmonizing it with the requirements of the times, to the level of world standards and skills "(Karimov A. 1997:5).
Indeed, we will not be mistaken if we say that the writer who has his rightful place in Uzbek literature has shown it during his creative activity. For this reason, in 1991, the writer was awarded the title of "People's Writer of Uzbekistan" and in 2001, he was awarded the "For Great Services" order.

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