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Multinational Organisations and Culture Essay

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@thompson english IELTS Model Essays

Multinational Organisations and Culture Essay
This Essay is about the extent to which working for a multinational
organisation help you to understand other cultures.
The best way to understand other cultures is to work for a
multinational organisation.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? 
This is an agree / disagree style essay.
So you need to decide what your opinion is and make sure that the essay
you write is consistent with this opinion. 
You should also make sure whatever you do you end up discussing at some
point how cultures can (or cannot) be learned from working in such an
In other words, if you disagree, don't write a whole essay about other ways
to understand cultures. Make sure you also address the issue of learning
about cultures through a multinational organisation.
In this particular essay, the writer thinks it's not the necessarily the best
So to ensure the question is fully answered, the first part gives the reasons
why culture can be learned by working in a multinational organisation. 
The next gives the reasons why it's not necessarily the best way. 
Model Answer

The best way to understand other cultures is to work for a
multinational organisation.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? 
Multinational organisations can be found in most major cities around the
world these days. Although working for such a company provides the
opportunity to mix with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds, I
would argue that this is not necessarily the best way to learn about other
There is no doubt that for some people, working for a multinational
organisation will enhance their understanding of other cultures. The first
reason is that in a multinational organisation one can learn about the
customs and traditions of other countries through mixing with people from
different backgrounds who work in the company or in liaising with
colleagues abroad. Exposure to other languages is also likely, something
that gives a much greater depth of understanding of a culture. There may
also be the chance to relocate to work in another country, which would
mean complete immersion in that culture.
However, there are a number of reasons that it is not necessarily the best
way. Firstly, there is no guarantee that you will be a person who gets such
exposure to other cultures as it depends on your position within the
company. Not all employees have roles where they regularly mix with other
cultures. Also, there are also other excellent ways to achieve such a goal.
For example, many people these days travel the world, and this is an
opportunity to meet and spend time with people from other countries. It is
also possible to do voluntary work with organisations and charities that
work in other countries, something that would mean you meet a mix of
people rather than just those who work in companies. 
In conclusion, despite the potential ways in which working for a
multinational company can result in contact with people from other
cultures, I believe that it cannot be assumed it is the best way as there are
other options to do this.
(314 Words)

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