Preface to the lecture, 1

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interpretation to the transformation table



Fig. 6.19: Interpretation of the dependencies on radius


theory of objectivity




6.19 Interpretation of the transformation table


The transformation should tell us, what we would see if the variable speed of light would


be observable to us. Doing so highly interesting results come out.


The energy density of a field is as is known   

  . (6.37)


In the observation domain will, according to fig. 6.19, decrease the energy density w 

proportional to 1/r


. Multiplied with the respective volume we obtain for the energy itself 

the proportionality: 

W ~ 1/r   . 



If we make use of the Einstein relation 

W = m • c



with c = constant holds also for the mass m: 

m ~   1/r      . 



In this manner we finally find out, why the small nucleons (protons and neutrons) subjec- 

tively seen are heavier than the very much larger electrons. As a consequence does a rela- 

tivistic particle experience the increase of mass (with the length contraction according to 

equation 6.24*):





This result is experimentally secured. Our considerations therefore are entirely in accord


with the Lorentz-transformation. There at least is no reason to doubt the correctness.


In the model domain we with advantage assume a spherical symmetry. As easily can be


shown with equations 6.4 and 6.31, are the capacity and charge of a spherical capacitor 

independent of the radius (6.30 and 6.32). In that case also the from both values calculable 

energy (6.1) must be constant. We come to the same conclusion, if take we the above


equation 6.37 for the energy density of a field or if we carry out a verification of 



 W [VAs] = konst.       . 



This simple result is the physical basis for the law of conservation of energy! With that 

we have eliminated an axiom. 

The result states that the energy stays the same, even if the radius, the distance or the


speed of an object should change. To the subjectively observing person it shows itself


merely in various forms of expression. Consequently is the energy, as is dictated by the


here presented field theory, formed by binding in the inside of the quanta the same amount


of energy but of the opposite sign. The amount of energy therefore is bound to the number


of the present particles, as we already had derived.


Under the assumption of a constant time (6.35) there results for the electric conductivity


by   calculating   backwards   over   the   equation   of  the   relaxation   time   (5.3),   the


proportionality: (6.36)






Maybe the result surprises, because it can't be observed. Actually we know that the 

(microscopically observed conductivity in reality only represents an approximated 

averaged measure for the mobility of free charge carriers. In a particle-free vacuum 

however this well-known interpretation doesn't make sense anymore. Hence it is 

recommended, to only work with the relaxation time constants. Who nevertheless wants to 

eontinue to work with as a pure factor of description, can do this. But he mustn't be 

surprised, if in the model domain with decreasing radius the conductivity suddenly 

increases. But this is necessary, because otherwise the elementary particles would 

collapse. Only by the increase of the conductivity, which is produced by the spherical 

vortex itself, will the expanding eddy current build up in the inside of the particles, which 

counteract the from the outside concentrating potential vortex.


132 ________________________________________________________ Particle decay




a.The particles don't decay by themselves, but only by a 

corresponding disturbance from the outside. 

b.The decay time is the statistical average in which such a distur- 

bance can occur and take effect. 

c.The elementary particles consist of an integral and finite 

number of elementary vortices, which can't decay anymore for 

their part. 

d.If the compound particles get into the disturbing range of 

influence of high-frequency alternating fields, then they are 

stimulated to violent oscillations and in that way can be torn 

apart into individual parts. 

e.As disturbing factor the high-frequency fields of flying past 

neutrinos are considered primarily. 

f. Authoritative for the threshold of decay and with that also for 

the rate of decay is the distance, in which the neutrinos fly past 

the particle. 

g.The distance becomes the larger, the smaller the particle is. If 

the particle thus experiences a relativistic length contraction, 

then it will, statistically seen, to the same extent become more 


That has nothing to do at all with time dilatationl


We are entitled to demand a simultaneity, after all we are the ones, 

who tell what that is!


Fig.  6.20:     Proposal for an interpretation of the particle decay


:     Walter Theimer: Die Relativitatstheorie, Seite 106, 

Francke Verlag, Bern, 1977, ISBN 3-772O-126O-4


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