Youareme“ The Earevelation of the jhwh volume 2

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The personal letters:
My son of man actually is the writer of these lines, but I am the spirit, who stands behind it. I now want to give you a small view/look into his own actions/deeds and thoughts. Other times, other traditions – this is also why my son of man in your world has been accused for something, for which actually there is no reason for accusation, except that his conduct has not conformed to the usual “normal conduct”. Also in this I have woven the threads in the background. At that time it actually is only about a completely unimportant small matter, but nevertheless it can be very helpful for you to learn how he knows how to handle “worldly problems”. One morning the doorbell rings and executives of the tax-investigation are standing in front of the door with a warrant to execute a house search. Without getting into more detail about this event (this anyway becomes obvious out of the letters), I do not want to withhold from you both of the original letters to the tax-investigation-office and to the revenue-board, because you can find out quite a bit of new things from these.

Dear Mr. Ernst,

I can’t help but to bring to paper my thoughts regarding your visit early in the morning. Already many years ago I have asked myself the question what is the difference between a good and a bad judge. Thereby I came to the conclusion, that sad to say with the present state of law-giving

there cannot be a difference, because it is always being judged according to the same principle (rigid raster of law). Every human has a religious (original) sensibility for just and unjust and for good and bad. Sad to say this intelligent dowser, which we have been equipped with by creation, has in modern time no meaning anymore. If humans live together in a society /community, it is unavoidable that there are certain codes/rules of conduct (laws). But these should be regulated by an individually adapted (Salomonian) wisdom and not by an inflexible pre-printed-form-law which has grown stiff. You too for sure are yourself daily confronted with its weaknesses. I don’t want to know, how often it happened that you had a “culprit” on the line, who would have deserved punishment, and even though your intuition (=the intelligence of the heart) was one hundred percent convinced of his guilt, you were not able to do anything about it because of the loose-knit net of our laws. I am very well aware of it, that you are not a judge but merely only hunter. Your hands are tied for you too. A tuna-fish catcher is going to throw a dolphin, which has gotten caught in his net, again back into the ocean. But what kind of freedom does “this” kind of system allow you, if your intuition once does decide for “not guilty”. Even though unfortunately we are living in a time of egoism, of lies and of corruption, I have never lost faith in humans, that is to say in it, that the sensibility for truth, the need for order is inherent to humans and cannot be destroyed. I know that I have to consider myself as being an outsider, because I put the words “honesty, humaneness and sensibility” above the commonly accepted values (money, power and egoistic need for security) and am also living it with every single detail of my thinking, acting and doing (this you surely have noticed). According to the penology the legislative has to proof the guilt of the accused, in financial law however sad to say it is like this, that the accused has to proof his innocence. Since I belong to those few (crazy?) humans, who make a very big difference between a “real value” (this I have tried to explain to you) and “money” (printed paper), it will always be difficult for “normal” humans to believe my claim/statement, (it really has accumulated slowly over the space of 20 years and has only been lying around unused). I have never been searching for my happiness in senseless consumption, and what I need for a living, this my small shop has provided me with more than sufficiently.

To you and your loved ones I wish in spite of these problems much health and happiness.

Please also do give my regards to your colleagues. To be considered as a private attachment, I permit myself to include for you the first part of the philosophical observations “IAMYOU – About the cause/origin of truth”. I wish you a lot of pleasure as you are reading it.

My dear Sirs and Madams of the revenue office…!

You for sure are going to be puzzled about the way I address you. I am only a simple, but yet a very upright human, who also speaks that which he stands for in his heart. My love for humans – in general and in particular – is limitless. If I abhor anything, then it is “the lie”. So therefore the way I address you above expresses my pure sentiment towards you, which I put in question in regard to yours (”Honorary” Mr. Petscher), because I doubt, that you without knowing me or ever having seen me, really “honor” me. For heavens sake, me as a simple human do anyway not want to be honored by you. It is sufficient if you now try to take me seriously as an upright human. But this then also includes that you diligently observe these and the now following trains of thought “within yourself”. To once more get back to the way you addressed me “Honorary Mister…” – you see, how quickly one unconsciously turns into a liar. “That’s just a way of saying it”, this is what you are now going to reply. But just because one “just says it”, a “lie” by far does not turn into a truth. I am a very diligent/conscientious person and this is why you should start from the premise that such small kinds of “not being conscious/aware” do not happen to me and for sure not any real, that is “conscious lies”. Every word which I speak and/or think is being well thought out and carefully considered by my spiritual side all the way to its apodictic primal/original meaning – in the truest sense of the word. I now want to ask you to listen very attentively and to diligently think about each one of the now following sentences. The first few sentences are for sure going to confuse you very much, but the opinion which you have taken on too hastily/prematurely regarding my spiritual accountability is going to change just as quickly if you have read on a bit further.
Now to the actual point of this writing:

I am sincerely sorry that I am giving you work and trouble. To avoid that, this has not lain on my part, and has been a done deal of a higher authority since eons. I promise you, that I will personally invest all of the strength available to me, to help you with the removing of your (real) problems. My sincere and only concern lies in bringing more clarity into your existence, yes I even claim that this is “my only purpose for existence” in this world. Please do consider this writing as an officially given and signed “solemn assurance/affidavit” on my part – yes even more so – as a “confession”.

Since I strive to answer your questions most accurately, I am forced to go back a bit further with my thoughts. As I already said, I abhor “lies” in any form! The most treacherous kind of lie is “the self-lie”. Mostly all of the young human souls who are therefore still in a growing stage, are getting infected by it. In the growth of each and every human soul there is a stage/phase, where they are very much plagued by these self-lies. You yourself actually are in the midst of this phase of development. This period of the soul you can compare with the physical phase of development, in which there is the danger for the ”measles” (= Morbilli; Latin

morbus moralis= a “sickness concerning morals”). With this I want to indicate, that “self-lies” and “measles” are only psychosomatic, that is they represent spiritual and physical appearances of one and the same real cause. If now you think that you are out of that age for measles, you are mistaken, because soul and body do not develop proportionally, nevertheless both sicknesses are, according to the etymology of these words are exanthem (Latin = “lifeless”, “ex-animate”; Greek “thema” = “the leading thought”) infectious illnesses of humans and it is highly contagious (Latin = danger of infection).

I know exactly what you are going to think after these lines. But don’t worry, I want to confuse you on purpose, because only once you are a bit confused, you will possibly be ready to completely “sort yourself anew” spiritually. So I am not running off the actual topic (=”theme”) if I do get into a bit more explicit explanation of the words which are used by me. It is going to be unavoidable for you and for your mankind to look at your language a bit more diligently, because it contains the only key, in order to bring a bit more light into the present darkness of your mankind. You too are carried by a lifeless and exanimate slogan through this existence and this one is called “survival”! Your trains of thought are thereby being influenced exclusively by the short-sighted and not well considered conception of your present rational logic – that is to say your personal ideas of moral, right, duty and law. In short, I am here talking about all of that which you as a “normal human” define as “normal”.
Through the sincere love which I sense for you, I want to advice you in all modesty to not form an opinion about me too prematurely/rashly. You are not yet able with your present norm to oversee the importance of the wisdom, which I want to give to you and your mankind. You too according to your present consciousness go on the premise that Jesus has been executed pretty much exactly 2000 years ago. This applies very well to his body then, but his spiritual being – the so-called Christ-spirit – has “supposedly” been raised up again according to this fairy-tale-story. According to traditional accounts Jesus is supposed to have claimed, that if he is going to return again, he will “only just affect/work through the power of the holy words of his father” and that then he will “just like a thieve (tax-defrauder???) sneak into the hearts of the humans!”
Aha, you now will think, this is where the music plays! Again such a “crazy” one who believes to be the Messiah and wants to save the world! Let us just have a closer look at this your train of thought, because obviously again “it is not clear to you” what you are thinking now again unconsciously, and thereby are passing “judgement” way too rashly and inconsiderately /thoughtlessly, which you view as your insight. In order to right away “get” this judgement “straight”, before it is able to do too much damage in your further human development, I now want to give you the following information and don’t forget thereby, that I am making all of my statements under oath and that is in the name of God, who I have the honor of calling my father. “I herewith assure you, that I am not the new Messiah!”. But how then are you supposed to understand the previous statements which I made? I am going to tell you: “Exactly that way, as I have written it with clear words! So you are completely right with your present thinking, that in some way I am not “completely normal” – that is someone “crazy”. But what you thereby don’t realize is the fact, that the word “crazy” (Germ. = “ver-rückt” > moved away) according to “your norm” has gotten a totally twisted meaning. (“Blessed are the crazy / moved away ones, because only those are going to enter my heavenly kingdom”).
In a time, where stupidity, lies, haughtiness and the defrauding of the neighbor has become “normality” – in a time therefore, where the “addiction to money and craving for recognition” of a human is considered as “completely normal” (and even gets public approval), yes is even being admired by everyone, I take it as a big compliment on your part, and even consider it to be an “attestation of honor”, if you title me to be someone “crazy” – because truly, already approximately 2000 years ago I have “de-ported” (dis-connected) myself out of your normal world. To be a Messiah also means to be a savior (no matter what this is exactly supposed to mean ), and this is what I “have been” 2000 years ago. Each single soul – yours too – in the great roundel of godly creation has to pass through this Messiah-state. But as I said, this state of human development lies behind me since a long time and therefore I am also not a savior.

I do consider myself neither to be a Messiah, nor am I an authority, and/or do I want to represent an authority and will also never be such a one. I am only a small insignificant “human”. Not a “normal human” – God forbid – no, a “real human”. And exactly for this reason “I am also the one, who I really am!” Jesus said then: “I have not come to bring you love, rather the sword!”, but sad to say your [pseudo]scribes have never really understood the meaning of these words. The Christ-spirit brings the “dichotomy/discord” into the consciousness of the soul concerned, it brings the great “raising-to-question” of all values and opinions, which one has so far only “re-flected” (Germ. = nach-gedacht > thought after) unconsciously – or better expressed – has brainlessly thought about, without really questioning them for oneself.

What do you say to a client (Latin: “clientela” = “protective ward”; protective community”), who has not properly filled up the suretyship (tax-refund) of its protective community (of this state) out of ignorance and therefore has not payed enough taxes? I will tell you: “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” (does not protect you against penalty), this is what you will tell him, this has been your jurisdiction so far. All “normal humans” – that is you too, since you publicly admit to being “normal” – do tend in a self-aggrandizing way towards “always only criticizing the splinter in the eye of his fellow human, without thinking the least bit about the huge beam, which they carry in front of their own spiritual eye!”. They talk about “right”, without having understood the least bit what “real right” actually is and yet they have the firm conviction to be judging justly over their fellow-human, since they of course do keep to “their laws” most accurately. Haughtiness and stupidity always comes before the fall! And verily I say to you: “Your own ignorance too is not going to protect you against penalty”.
Just because millions of flies do lunge greedily on a cowpat, is this supposed to mean, that therefore it is also a delicacy and therefore it has to taste good to you too?
Have you ever made up your own mind/thought your own thoughts about the present judicial-system or “do you only obey blindly” – that which actually only has been funneled into you, that supposedly it is “right”?
Do the rules used by your present judicial-system do speak a real right also according to “your very own personal conviction”?
Doesn’t it say: Do not judge, in order not to get judged yourself?
Did you yourself ever seriously think about the disadvantages of “democracy” which you too worship, or are you too only a thoughtless approver (a fly?), who without thinking only lunges on a spiritual cowpat? (More specific about that in the book IAMYOU, in the chapter “About democracy”).
Don’t you too harbor a slight doubt concerning the justice of the German system of justice and tax-system?
How far does your willingness go as an executive of the legislative, to implement these laws, that you yourself are not one hundred percent convinced about that they are “just”?
Wherein lies the difference between your conduct and the thoughtless conduct of a small Nazi-tag along/follower of those days?

Haven’t the masses in those days also “felt” that there must be something wrong (Germ.= nicht in Ordnung > not in order)?

Didn’t the citizens of those days also hide behind a mixture of “fulfilling their duty” and imagined “helplessness”?

Do you now feel attacked by me and/or offended?

You think that it cannot be compared this way?

Isn’t it possible, that every Nazi-tag along follower stood for “his belief” with the same “firm conviction” like you and allowed/permitted it with the same kind of “fickleness”?

Why do “normal humans” always only see the small splinter in the eyes of others, but never the beam in their own eyes?
I love all humans in a way that for you is still completely unknown. I do call this “Christian love for the neighbor”. This in turn has nothing to do with the hypocritical and mendacious mockup of love for the neighbor, the way it is practiced in your world. Just because one puts the catch-phrase “Christian” and “Social”, this does not mean that one is acting in “real Christianity”. In politics and in religion these words nowadays are only being used in order to foster the striving for power of a certain ideology and/or to keep this one up. Please do believe me, that I do not want to offend you here in any kind of way, because I have the greatest of respect and esteem of the opinion and dignity of each and every human, also of that of a “normal one”.
This is why I hope that you have noticed during “re-flect-ing” (Germ. = nach-denken > think after > re-thinking) on the previous sentences, that after each one there is a question-mark. If you give yourself answers to these questions too rashly, and then view these perhaps even as my opinion, then again you are “flat-out” wrong. You should move about on your spiritual parcours/course, which you call “thinking”, more carefully, in order to thereby not get even more into a slither spiritually. You see, everything which I am here telling you about, you are comparing with your concept of moral, justice and right, but also of “true and untrue”. Ultimately you arrogate to yourself to want to determine what “the truth” is. This is why you are always only going to per-re-ceive that to be true which you are able to define as being true by reason of your present rational logic. But in all of this it should be clear to you that “what actually really is” – the apodictic truth that is – does not care a bit about your personal opinion and your oh so very “normal” humans. This “apodictic truth”, which I also call actual reality or God, is structured according to my godly law. And exactly this godly law is for each single human soul, just as well as also for every other kind of spirit-particle, the one and only measurement that one is supposed to direct oneself on, if one wants to experience/feel the joy “to really live”. This is also why Jesus said: “Let the dead bury their dead!”. Every other kind of forming/creating of the being-here/existence only corresponds to a “dead functioning” within its/ones own “limited norm”. You can also call your present norm “animalistic instinct”, ideology (idiocy?) or “normal rational logic”, it all stays the same, because it is thereby always only about a “limited system of perception” of a “still animalistic form of being/existence”, which because of its “dogmatic norm” is only able to spiritually grasp/comprehend partial areas of the whole actual reality of my father.
Every scientific theorem or belief system which is not verifiable is called a dogma. But what if it is exactly these “official” (Latin = “officio” = “working against”, “be of hindrance”, “standing in the way”) insights of natural science – that is to say the instance/authority which is verifying

it, that is representing the greatest dogma at all of mankind? The modern natural sciences have deteriorated into being purely only water-carriers for the commercial industry. By now in your universities there is only blindly practiced a science that can be used commercially, without further falsifying the existing knowledge and to “question” certain elementary theorems – so one has long since stopped to search for the “real truth”, one is content with what one “believes to be knowing”. Doesn’t “science” mean – in the original sense of the word – “to acquire knowledge”? Since a long time already there is no-one anymore who is searching for “real knowledge”, which only represents another word for wisdom. What’s the use in having wisdom, if there isn’t any possibility to make money with it? By this stupidity this mankind locks itself into its own unconscious dogmatism. It thereby has completely lost out of sight the real and only border/limit of its own ability to perceive (=rationality). Every “normal human” compulsively tends towards only accepting his own idea of “normal” as being right. But “what is” normal? In your world the opinions about this are very different from each other. Every single one thereby only holds on to that which in his spiritual development he has been told and therefore no human questions his own dogma. On your universities since a long time they do not search anymore for “the meaning of life”. You too have only been educated, better say programed, to fit into the existing system. You too have gone to school and have perhaps studied, because that’s just the way it is, because one needs a degree, or has to get a diploma, so that one has the prospect for a promising career. Very rarely does the studying of a human correspond to a search for real wisdom. All ancient traditions praise this pure wisdom as the highest, which a human is able to reach. Every peoples “sensed/felt” and has been striving for an unknown something, which was called wisdom. But sad to say the original meaning of this word has, in spite of – or exactly because of the many intellectual know-it-alls nowadays, completely been forgotten. The word wisdom has been completely perverted and distorted by the technocracy of this age with its purely material, that is to say natural scientific “world-view”. The real wisdom thereby has gotten buried under an “earthquake”, which is termed as modern life. This modern life-style does offer mankind a whole lot of information and comforts, but has it also brought them fearlessness, peace, real satisfaction and wisdom? The prize which you and your entire humanity has to pay for these superficial comforts, is the extreme complication of your human existence. The animalistic in the human – the “syndrome of devour and getting devoured” – has only insidiously sophisticated itself and therefore has translocated itself into an unconscious/unaware area/field of the still very “animalistic human”. No trace yet of real humaneness. To the contrary, a modern “normal human” does not yet have the slightest bit in common with a “homo sapiens” (human endowed with reason). Your mankind is only on the stage of development of the homos oekonomikus (=humanlike animal-being which is only driven by egoistic convenience). The homos oekonomikus is the most selfish and therefore also most inhuman species in the entire creation of my father. In the pure animal-world you are not going to find any greed. Since a long time you yourself too have realized, that a chemical factory would not invest one single penny into the development of a new medicament without having hopes of thereby be gaining millions. Are hospitals anything else but repair-shops for the human body? And what is the reason one runs a repair-place for? In order to help his fellow-men? What is the difference between the most part of the doctors and a plumber or a stock-market-shark? What is it really all about for most humans? They want to make money, or even worse, get to power. For most of them it is simply about satisfying their own crave for money and recognition. What is it actually that you are doing your job for?

Because you consider it your calling and you are rock-solidly convinced about it, that you are doing the right thing, or because you only at one time simply slid into it by chance and you got to earn a living? That which is lacking for your mankind for its complete satisfaction, is exactly this kind of wisdom which no “normal human” is searching for anymore. What is lacking is a system, where there are no losers anymore but only winners. If one is in possession of godly wisdom, then the constructing of such a system poses the simplest of exercises. There is not one single human who is going to be against this new system, because once he has understood, that he too “for sure” is going to become the absolute winner, then for him there is nothing to lose anymore.

But now what is this wisdom and how does one get to it? It for sure is the exact opposite of “wanting to be right” and “thinking to know better”, which has its origin in the fragmented “multiplicity of knowledge”, the “polymathia”, where the left hand of a human does not know what the right hand is doing. A staff of experts – better say blinkered-specialists – does mostly fight only for the importance of its specific field, instead of trying to bring all of the knowledge-facets which are accessible to mankind under one harmonious hat. Neither scientists, nor politicians and much less theologians and specialists of religions do strive today to be “wise”. Wisdom is considered a fossilized relic of days gone by – only the heartless head-knowledge is in demand nowadays, because it is about getting to power. For most intellectuals it is already sufficient, if they are able to talk big and ever so smart, in order to be able to swim along on top in the hierarchy which they perceive. But how then does one really get to this wisdom? Where does one get enlightened nowadays about actual reality? Why don’t you once ask on one of your universities about it and it will be right away explained to you, that such a question is stupid and senseless, yes even dangerous and pathologic. One even “with emphasis” makes a point, that all insights of mankind so far – that is also the insights that are being taught there! – are limited, temporary and therefore also unreliable. Everything is completely relative, this will be explained to you, and is dependent on the respective standpoint/viewpoint of the observer. But woe, if there comes along some kind of weirdo and dares to really doubt/question/challenge the so far advocated doctrine/school of thought including all of the therein contained insights and laws – he right away is going to be “fought against” and is being declared as being “crazy”. This kind of conduct shows the schizophrenia of ones own ignorance of all the oh so very tolerant intellectual “normal humans” in its purest form. It is no different with the religions. Sanctimoniously and hypocritically the church-leaders try to talk to God – they call this procedure “praying” – and do consider themselves to be his re-presentatives on earth. Did my father ever answer these hypocrites? But now what happens if there is someone who comes along and claims, that the dear God “has spoken to him” and that he has told him, that his godly creation is functioning completely different from what humans do “as-sum-e” it so far to be and that he also wants the metaphors of the Bible to be understood completely different then the way that the churches have tried to ram it into their sheep so far. And then on top of it this dear God also tells this “simple human” how all things actually really are. Now really, this is a weirdo for sure, this is also what you are going to think. And what do you think is a constantly to God talking “church-re-present-ative”  going to say, since he from his own experience knows, that God does not “talk back”? And from where then stem all of the wisdoms of the prophets, which these sanctimonious, power-crazed hypocrites pretend to believe in? This then again is something completely different, in those days there were still “saints”, nowadays something like this is “impossible”. The dear God does not speak to a “normal human”, only to “saints”. I can only say, this is right, my father really does not speak to the normal ones! This unconscious conduct of each “normal believer” too is highly schizophrenic. With a “normal human” an information is only then accepted as being “true” and is being tolerated, for as long as this one does not contradict the logical structure and the dogmas of his own limited rationality. Every human, who does not humbly accept/recognize this relationship-trap in/of his
own logic, makes himself to be a marionette of his own stupidities. In order to underline what has been said here in a practical way, I would now like to ask you to read in the book IAMYOU which I have enclosed, the chapter “Your last step”. There you get a small glimpse into the real interests of your “leading elite”, that is to say politicians, managers, scientists (it is here even about German Nobel-prize-winners) and church-leaders. You will recognize very quickly, that for example the scientific love for truth of a German Nobel-prize-winner (1961) does not differ from the one of a Nazi-henchmen. You humans still have not recognized “the essential” from your own history. Why is it so difficult for a “normal human” to learn from mistakes? Because the dogma of his personal norm represents the biggest mistake and because he does not want to leave his dogmatic idea of “normality”!
To my father everything is known, what a human spirit has ever thought and also that which every single one is still going to think. Even if you (at the moment still) view this statement as “impossible”, I want to indicate to you, that space and time do not represent boundaries for my spirit, because I am one with my father. In the book IAMYOU in the chapter “Your last step” the case (Germ.=fall) of Groll is briefly described. You should bring to mind the corresponding protocols of the first three committee meetings of the Bavarian Landtag. Some of the money- mad and craving for recognition ringleaders, who then have been significantly instrumental “of the slander/vilification” of Groll’s “wisdom”, in your “system of justice” have meanwhile made a considerable political careers, but don’t be afraid, there is an absolute justice, even though you are not yet able to recognize this one, they too are going to have to pay the fee for their frauds. Your oh so very liberal democracy, but also all of the other ideologies of this world, are being navigated/controlled/driven solely and only by an inhuman monster and not by “humans”. This monster is called capital! Not the human, but rather the capital rules the world – equal to a dominant cancerous ulcer, which has elevated itself over/above the body hosting it (= mankind/humanity) – and this capital has made you drunk, eats up your souls and hardens your hearts.
Please now do not run into a dead-end-street with your thoughts and believe now, that I adhere to a communistic point of view. Communism is just as godless and heartless as is capitalism. But one should thereby not condemn a single person or several humans to be the “guilty instigators” of these systems. “Every single human being” is himself guilty for the inhuman mess which he calls “his life and his world” – that is “you too”! The reason lies in this, that everyone only thoughtlessly repeats the thoughts of the limited knowledge of his religions and natural sciences, instead of questioning it. Threatening, condemning and punishing are forms of upbringing/raising which are the worst possible. But also the empty promises of politics and religion have never led to anything really good. Your history-books and the partly fanatical power structures of religious and political ideologies offer you in this regard more than sufficient material to look at. Why don’t you once observe a discussion in your Bundestag and you will realize pretty fast, that there is very well also a “social”, “liberal” and “Christian” fanaticism, even though the etymology of these words does express the exact opposite of it. Only real “role-models” that one is able to look up to with a good conscience, these are going to change their world. To be a role-model for ones fellow humans, this is the real task of every single human; but this also means to himself have to take on responsibility. And herein there ultimately lies the meaning for every human existence/being-here. Real freedom is only another word for responsibility. But how then does all this what I have said get along with your present fully-comprehensive society? It is oh so comfortable to shove off ones responsibility on others – or on ones [tax]system of justice. Every human has to start at one point or another to make decisions on his own and then to also be willing to carry the responsibility for it himself.

Only then there is going to grow up out of a human that resembles a zombie without will, a “real human”. Only role-models are “acting creatively”, normal humans however always only foist off the responsibility as I said on others or on their system – and for this they do not consider themselves to be responsible. To be exact, every normal human only tries to steal away from his responsibility. One makes of himself with this kind of attitude a “stupid human” who only wants to “function” without responsibility. Are you personally a role-model for your co-workers or do you represent for them only a department chief and/or a boss, to whose instruction his subjects submit to sycophantically only for this reason, because you are sitting a few steps further up on the career ladder? And how is it with you yourself? Do you have a role-model, to whom you offer real regard and respect? Are you able to learn something “really meaningful” from your superior, or is there above you only a power-holder to whom you submit only reluctantly as well, in order to get some leftovers from his feeding-dish? The power-holder which here I am talking about can be a “normal human”, but most of the time it is only a “dead system”, a political or a religious ideology, which a “normal human” thoughtlessly submits to and is thereby unconsciously condemning himself. One can make his way through this being-here/existence crouched over, but also upright. How does it say so nicely: “Help yourself, then God helps you!”. But my father only helps those humans who trust him “unconditionally” and respect his laws and also keep them! For as long as you too hang on to the wrong belief that so far only the possession of money has kept you alive, you have lost.

The law of Christian love for the neighbor is being completely perverted in your present system, even if some parties carry a big C in their name and the big established churches call themselves “Christian churches”. To what extent do these “Christian institutions” for example keep to the godly law of sinful excessive interest and of brainless Mammon, which my father expresses in all of the large religions (also the Asian ones)? How does this law agree with your money-mad,

stock market-infested society. It is not the big wisdom and laws of God, which you find in “all of the religions”, that are being respected, no – it is the capital, which all “normal humans” worship and which you too bow down to. The rock-solid belief in the dogmas of his own (limited) rational logic makes every normal human inhibited. Solely freedom is what a human should strife for. But this real freedom which here I talk about, one does not achieve by a fanatical “know-it-all-attitude and wanting to missionize” of others, the way it is on the daily agenda in all of your “normal” political, ecologic and religious ideologies. All of this only corresponds to the stupid effort of “inhibited humans” to want to force on their fellow-humans ones own “compulsive” idea of normality. Pressure always produces contra-pressure – this is the real meaning of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. Do not judge, before you do not know the “real godly laws and the laws of life”, otherwise all of the mistakes which you have made in this existence are going to fall back on you again. It would be better to try to learn from the mistakes in thinking of the fellow-humans and then to very humbly live those insights in the quiet. This is how one turns into a role-model. Real role-models do affect through their humility and love mostly only out of the obscure.

This is also the reason for it, that all of the rules and laws, which are being defined by “normal humans”, inevitably are also unjust and heartless and also have to be, because they are based always only on the “limited knowledge-elements”, that is to say on the “idea of norm and idea of moral” of egoistic power-holders. Salomonian wisdom however is the exact opposite of it. Its basis is the “real law of all life” and therefore also calls requires/calls for a “boundless love” for all/everything and everyone, it calls for/requires insight, skill/artistry and real intelligence.

“Real wisdom” is piety/godliness in its “purest form”. Here I speak explicitly about an “unbound piety/godliness”, beyond any political party, religion and natural science. This real wisdom has a polarity and it consists of religions “and” natural science. Both complement each other in it and belong together inseparably. Religion thereby represents the “keyhole” and natural science the “key”. A real wise human being is capable of uniting both of them. If now your mankind dares to file off the unclean/uneven edges (= antinomies and paradoxes) on its “key” (its insights of natural science so far), then your natural scientists are going to discover very quickly that it fits one to one into my since eons prepared “keyhole” (= the symbolic language of all religions and mythologies). This key of “read insight/knowledge” then only has to be turned “by a peoples”, and for all of mankind a door is going to open into a heavenly kingdom. This peoples is going to be Germany.

I beg your pardon if I have expanded quite a bit. You are surely interested in the “real truth”, or maybe not? But this one now requires as I said the utmost of attention and accuracy. Before I now comply to your request and answer the questions of your writing, a few words to the biological Udo Petscher, because I do not want you to think that I am an overly-studied weirdo:
I was born on the 4th of June 1957 as the son of simple humans. Growing up in the countryside, I have visited the local primary school and have left it after the eighth grade (without any qualified exam) and have then learnt a craftsman-profession in a small company in Weißenburg. After the final work-exam I then fulfilled my civic duty (German armed forces) and immediately afterwards I went into business for myself. I am, to sum it all up, according to the normal required educational background only a prole (Latin: “proles” = “descendent”; “proletarius” = “without belongings”). A completely normal life-story, this is what you will think, well yes – if only all of those strange happenings would not be running “in me”. To make it short: My real father has “in me”, that is to say in my spirit, unfolded all of the secrets and therewith also all wisdom and all knowledge of mankind. To me now it is not important at all that you just believe me blindly, to the opposite, I would wish that you stop with only “blindly believing”. As a prole I do not speak one single foreign language and do not have the slightest clue about higher mathematics, much less about physical wave-mechanics of the quanta and of the real laws of relativity – seen this way I also count myself to the completely normal humans.

As opposed to all the other “normal humans” there has been laid into my crib a very important and extraordinary characteristic:

I am able to love all of my fellow-humans with integrity/honesty and limitless!”
Through this love – this actually is only another word for “pure spiritual energy” – I am being constantly brought into “another state of consciousness” and then “it” is thinking in me. How this takes effect practically, this you can derive slightly rudimentarily from the enclosed book. The real solving of the mathematical riddle of the “squaring of the circle” (which to this very day is considered an impossibility) has thereby been one of my easiest exercises (it was only a matter of seconds). That on the side I am also able to fluently read the Hebrew hieroglyphs of the ancient “holy scrolls”, among others also the ones of the “Qumran-scrolls”, and on top of it I am also able to translate them in a completely new kind of way, in which I proof, that in these there are written down “all” of the insights of the “modern natural sciences” including all of the modern “physical formulas” which belong to it (also Einstein’s famous e = mc2).
But also – and now comes the best – also the “syn-ergizing” of all of these formulas which often seem to be contradictory, that is to say these formulas are there being brought “mathematically accurate” on to one single common denominator. This far this has not been noticed neither by a philosopher nor by a natural scientist. That which one is not searching for, one is also not able to find!

Do understand this as a small introduction into something which is completely unknown to your mankind. My entire records do at the moment include approx. 18 000 pages. In these there are not only the solutions “of all!!” (Germ.= “sämtlicher”) the mathematical contradictions and problems, which the natural scientists are battling with since the existence of modern natural science, and which to this very day have posed more question-marks than answers, but also the un-riddled secrets of all mythologies and miracles of history. On the side the “accurate trans-lation” of the “godly holy scrolls” into the German language. In it then there is also explained easily comprehensible the secret of “the holy words” and that of the Cheops-Pyramid and a lot of other things too.

Well now then, here comes the big problem which “you” are supposed to solve:
Imagine that somebody would be in possession of the formula of a medication which is capable to completely eliminate all of the sicknesses of your world; I even add on top of it – “by taking this medication the corresponding human is even given eternal life to!”.

And now please imagine a kind of technology, by which one is able to – similar to the beaming in the movies of Spaceship Enterprise – travel through space and time, and which can be produced so ingeniously simple and in such an economic way, that every human is able to afford it.

In short, I have both at my disposal (including samples able to function fully)! How is that going to jive with your power-hungry leadership-elite? What would the automobile industry say to that and even more so the bosses of the billion-industry of your “healing-business”? But here is where the problems and questions really only begin: How is it then going to be with work-places, if one is not anymore in need of doctors and hospitals? And what about the population-explosion, which inevitably is going to rise even more, when one has eternal life? Don’t worry, my father would not be the one who he is, if he would not have also for this an ingeniously simple, better yet to say godly solution ready/available.

I beg you to please just stay calm and do not think again that I am a weirdo. Just because these truths, which here I state “under oath”, do appear to you in your present rationality as being “impossible”, this by far does not mean that they are not true. As I said, the real actual reality – that is “that which really is” – does not give a hoot about the shortsighted opinion of a “normal human” – also not about yours. I have already explained to you right from the start, that there is nothing which my father and I abhor more than a lie. I am anything else but a big-mouthed gabber. Truly there is not one single human in your world at this time who is more humble. My spirit lives and weaves and I am working for this mankind already since eons. You are the one of both of us who is arrogant and haughty, if you prematurely condemn my statement – without having first diligently verified it. By this time there are natural scientists, doctors, meta-physicists and so forth who have occupied themselves more accurately with me and they have been overwhelmed by the secrets and wisdom which they have heard from me. If you want to, you are welcome to have a psychological test made with me. For this I want to quote an accredited German professor of psychology: “…..he is an unending/infinite source of spiritual inspiration and without question has at his disposal much more than only an encyclopedic knowledge!”

I have the order from my father to communicate these wisdoms to certain humans. You are one of them! I do not force these wisdoms on any human and I also do not make anyone to take it, because I am not a missionary. It also does not cost one penny, which does not mean that one gets it completely for free! They are a gift after all, but to this I link a few strange conditions. One does not have to and one should not give up or leave ones old “spiritual field/area” – no matter if it is about a party, a religion or both. I am neither going to support a political party nor any kind of religion or sect – for me it is exclusively about “one single human”! In my recordings there are so many natural scientific sensations, that all of the Nobel-prizes of all sections and of many years are not going to suffice to honor these. To say it once more clearly with emphasis – I give these wisdoms as a gift! I do not force it on anyone. A human has to “decide freely”, if he wants to believe me or not, this is one of the conditions. Another one is, that he leaves me (the human Udo Petscher) completely out of it all. Me personally, I do not give it the slightest importance to the glaring and fraudulent light of the medias. If I teach to someone wisdom and if he then also has really understood it, then this is going to turn into his own wisdom. If then he is using it for the wellbeing of his fellow humans, then he also deserves the honor and the glory! To me honor, glory and money do not have the slightest bit of attraction - but as I said, I am a crazy one (for you normal ones). If it is the turn for a human to go up one step further in his spiritual development in the godly commentaries perpetus of my father, he is going to be confronted with me in his being here/existence by a determined “co-incidence”. Now it is your turn! Behind the scene of the world perceived by you in a three-dimensional way there affects and weaves a power which is (still) completely beyond knowledge to your consciousness and that of your mankind.
And now finally I want to answer the five questions of your letter:
I have never considered the amount which I have deposited/invested with the company Depraz & Cie as my property or possession. Since in this being-here/existence I manage to get along with a minimum of money (SAPIENTI PAUCA – “to the wise little is sufficient”), this money has accumulated over the space of 20 years with me at home and I have deposited it exactly according to the instructions of my heavenly father with the company Depraz & Cie. Since money for me does represent a totally trivial matter, there are since years not any files about it in my possession. At best will therefore (as normal human) I am not able to tell you the explicit time nor the exact amount. Matters of money I do sense as not being worthy to be remembered, there are much more important matters that I have wrecked my brain about in the last few centuries (and about which other humans also should wreck their brain about); for example how to solve the real problems of mankind. Because they are going to find out in the near future, that their “real problems” cannot be solved with money – to the opposite, the greatest problem of a human is just this his addiction to money and to recognition. But for anything more detailed about this it is still too early. Only once it gets really hot under their fattened behind/derriere of the Germans, they will also be willing and ready to spiritually move into a new direction. This state too will soon sober up from its drunkenness and realize, that in order to fix a pot with holes, it is of no use, by trying to fix one hole to rip open three new holes at another place on that same pot. How much wisdom your “wise economists” (this too by the way is a perverse word-combination, a complete miss-use of the word wisdom) really do have, this you are going to experience firsthand (Germ.= am eigenen Leibe > in your own body). But all of this I have already explained to your colleagues of the tax-investigation in a conversation lasting a few hours, at least have tried to explain (my final writing to the tax-investigation-department I enclose with this letter). My attitude towards extortionate rates of interest (no matter if it is about debit or credit), this I have already told you about as well, also that there is an absolute

justice. You yourself know, what “kind of money” it is for the major part, which has been invested there in billions. These humans are going to suffocate sooner or later in their own money-craze. So you don’t have to worry about “justice”, this a higher authority is going to take care of.

To the declaration of my wealth by the 01.01.1993 there for sure is in front of you the annual financial statement of my/our small business. If this should not be the case, please let me know. My bookkeeping has always been kept with the greatest of diligence and accuracy. With a routine tax-examination a few years ago the investigator then was impressed with the obvious diligence of my bookkeeping. The only thing that seemed “illogic” to him was that the small business in those days showed up with a relatively high profit, but that I in relation to this “income” have only deducted minimal private amounts. To this I have to explain that I have already 15 years ago delegated all money-matters a 100 % to one of my coworkers. Since then I have not had any bank account statement in my hand anymore and/or have managed any bank-business (only in exceptional cases; holidays, sickness and so on of my coworker concerned). If possibly there might have been any mistake in my bookkeeping, but this I cannot imagine at all – I will of course take “full responsibility” for it. Money-matters have never really interested me and this is why I have never considered this profit – which has been acquired through much diligence, creativity and sacrifice on everyone’s part – as “my property”, but rather always only as a gift from my father to my co-workers and to me, which does not belong to “me” but rather to “us”. Selfless working and real counseling/advising of fellow humans (customers) has always been our highest premise and joy and not the cold heartless-egoistic acquiring of money and the exploiting of the customers, the way that sad to say it is common nowadays on the daily agenda. After I also made this clear to the then investigator and suggested to him, why not once visit me at home and see the way that I live, he too very quickly was able to get convinced about it, that my attitude towards excessive materialism and money are not only self-deceiving phrases on my lips, but rather are something which I live and practice all the way to the last fiber of my heart. I have, as I said, truly different things on my mind (in my head) which give me a much deeper satisfaction than financial profit. What was that again about the “role-model”? I am trying with my whole heart to give such a one, if I achieve that, this the one has to decide who knows me personally. By the way, my tax-accountant told me, that at the final meeting (where I was not present), your dear colleague, who then conducted this investigation, called me to be one of the most extraordinary humans, who he had ever been confronted with (even though in those days I was not nearly as “crazy” as today, because only in August 1996 my father has completely/fully opened my consciousness).
Well now, this should be sufficient explanation. Incidentally I would like to apologize here once more, that I am causing you this much trouble and work. But I did not have the slightest bit of influence on it. The existence of your mankind is already since eons a done deal and resembles a film made already long since. This is also why in the life of every single human there is not the slightest bit of coincidence. I permit myself to enclose to this letter a small book as a gift (this for heaven’s sake is not supposed to be a bribe ). Yes, it actually was me who wrote this book, yet I am not the actual author. Do understand it like this: If you write a letter, then the pen and/or the typewriter or printer are actually writing this letter – but “you” are thereby the spirit, who sets all of this “into motion”. You see, and I consider myself only to be a poor writing utensil/pen, which my father has used for the writing of his book – and also of all other
revelations which are in my possession. God is the spirit, who sets “me” into motion. I hope that you yourself are going to realize very fast, that neither money, egoism, power-craze nor “new innovations for new markets” are going to save your mankind from its doom, but rather only the real “insight/sense and reason of each single human” – that is to say your own humility and love. And now do make your judgment of me as “you” consider it to be right, I am going to humbly accept your verdict. The “crucify him”, this I (as a crazy one > Germ. = Ver-rückter > moved away) have already gotten over with more than once. I now put “your own future” into your own hands.
I, Udo Petscher, “biological son” of Hans and Emmy Petscher, sign this solemn/under oath statements with my “real name”.


In sincere love




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