A city (or county) is not an accident but the result of coherent visions and aims

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information or maps at a neighborhood level to better formulate appropriate policies and programs to address existing housing 
needs in the planning period. Items that must be included, as well as links to more information, are discussed below. The 
 includes detailed information on housing elements as well as examples, tools, and resources for updating the element. 
As with all elements of the general plan, the required items provide a base, and jurisdictions can add other considerations as 
appropriate for their community.
Population and Employment:
In order to understand and prepare for the housing needs of a community, population trends and demographics, including 
employment trends and needs, must be assessed. The analysis should include current population and employment industry 
using the most recent Census data
 available; comparisons in growth rates to countywide and regional rates; and analysis 
of population by age and other demographic characteristics. Employment analysis should examine shifts and anticipated shifts 
in employment and the potential impact on the housing market; identification of large employers, job types, and earnings; and 
analysis of potential methods for improving job-housing relationships. 
Existing Housing Needs, Including Extremely Low-income Households:
The element must include a description of existing households by income level, including a specific quantification and analysis 
of extremely low-income (ELI) households, defined as households with income at 30% or below of area median. Analysis of 
existing housing needs should include an estimate of existing and projected households with ELI, as well as proposed actions to 
address identified needs (
Gov. Code §65583(a)
The analysis should assess the resources available to address the housing need, such as the kind of housing available and 
suitable for ELI households (including Supportive Housing and Single-Room Occupancy [SROs] units) and whether existing 
zoning permits those housing types. 
ELI households often need additional assistance outside of market mechanisms, and may require specific housing solutions 
such as deeper income targeting for subsidies; housing with supportive services; single-room occupancy (SRO’s) and/or shared 
housing; and rent subsidies (vouchers).
Housing Data
Data for the housing needs assessment may be obtained from many sources. The 
US Census
 American Community Survey 
 the Department of Finance
Employment Development Department
 are the most common data sources for 
population and employment trends. These data sources can also be used to quantify the number of those living in overcrowded 
housing conditions, as well as those overpaying for housing. Overpayment data may also be found by utilizing HUD’s 
Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS)
 data. Data for at-risk housing can be found via the 
California Housing 
Partnership Corporation (CHPC)
, and data on housing stock conditions may be found by using local sources like a windshield 
survey or local building department. Many of these data sources are available in one comprehensive site via the 
General Plan 
Mapping Tool
. Jurisdictions should augment the tool with additional data available locally.

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Analysis of 
Projected Housing Needs
Requirement Description:
The housing element process begins with HCD allocating a region’s share of the statewide housing need to the appropriate 
Councils of Governments (COG) based on Department of Finance population projections and regional population forecasts 
used in preparing regional transportation plans (
Gov. Code §65583(a)(1)
). The COG develops a Regional Housing Need Plan 
(RHNP) allocating the region’s share of statewide need to the cities and counties within the region. The RHNP is generally 
required to promote objectives that align with the state’s priorities, including increasing the housing supply and the mix of 
housing types, tenure, and affordability in all cities and counties within the region in an equitable manner; promoting 
development and socioeconomic equity, the protection of environmental and agricultural resources, the encouragement of 
efficient development patterns; and promoting improved intraregional relationship between jobs and housing. The RHNP should 
align with the region’s Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS), utilizing infill development plans, development around transit 
and active transportation, and other policies to reduce GHG emissions and enhance sustainability. 
Analysis of Special Housing Needs 
Requirement Description:
Statutes require an analysis of specific categories of persons with special housing needs, including the 

persons with 
disabilities, including developmental disabilities

large families (households with 5 or more persons)


with female heads of households
; and 
families and persons in need of emergency shelters
. Each of these analyses must 
Housing and Household Characteristics
Housing and household characteristics must be assessed in line with population and employment to determine current and 
future needs for homes available to renters and owners (
Gov. Code §65583(a)
). A quantification and analysis of household 
characteristics addresses the number of households and trends and evaluates various factors such as tenure and the level of 
payment compared to their gross income or the ability to pay (overpayment). 
An analysis of 
 must identify and analyze the number of lower-income households, by tenure, paying more than 30 
percent of their gross income for housing and the number of households who pay 50 percent or more of their gross income for 
(Gov. Code §65583(a)
). Where possible, the analysis should also identify households most significantly impacted by cost 
burdens (large families, seniors, etc.). The analysis should also identify potential resources and programs to address the need.
A quantification and analysis of housing characteristics must address 
housing stock conditions
 to help 
determine housing need, potential health impacts, and possible reduction of affordable housing. The analysis can also address 
a variety of characteristics related to housing such as housing units by type (e.g., single family, multifamily, manufactured 
housing) and their conditions, housing units by age, vacancy rates, rent and sales prices, and the development patterns of the 
housing stock by various characteristics.

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