A city (or county) is not an accident but the result of coherent visions and aims

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C H A P T E R   4 :   R E Q U I R E D   E L E M E N T S
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Analysis of Assisted Housing At-risk of Converting to Market Rate Uses 
Requirement Description:
The element must include a project inventory of 
assisted housing
 that could be converted to market rate rents because of 
expiration of affordability restrictions in mortgage and/or rental subsidy contracts (
Government Code Section 65583(a)(9)
Thousands of publicly assisted housing units in California are eligible to change from low-income to market-rate housing during 
the next decade due to the termination of various government subsidy programs and/or restrictions on rental rates. These units, 
known as at-risk units, are a valuable source of affordable housing for families statewide and as a result, the housing element 
must include a detailed analysis and proactive policies and programs to preserve these at-risk units. The at-risk analysis must 
prepare an inventory of all units at-risk of conversion within 10 years of the beginning of the housing element planning period, 
assess the conversion risk, estimate and analyze the costs of replacement versus preservation for units at-risk in the current five-
year planning period, identify entities qualified to preserve at-risk units, and specify financing and subsidy resources. 
Quantified Objectives 
Requirement Description:
Quantified objectives
 must establish the maximum number of housing units by income category that can be constructed, 
rehabilitated, and conserved over a five-year time period (
Gov. Code §65583(b)
Housing Programs 
Requirement Description:
Local governments have the responsibility to adopt a program that implements the policies, goals and objectives of the 
housing element through their vested powers, particularly over land use and development controls, regulatory concessions and 
incentives, and the utilization of financial resources. 
SB 375
 amended sections of housing law to include specific requirements, 
including timelines and consequences, referenced in these guidelines and described 

Programs are the specific action steps the locality will take to implement its policies and achieve its goals and objectives. 
Programs must include a specific time frame for implementation to have a beneficial impact toward the goals and objectives 
during the planning period. Programs must also identify the agencies or officials responsible for implementation. Effective 
program descriptions also include immediate, short-term and long-term action steps, proposed measurable outcomes, objectives 
or performance measures, and specific funding sources, where appropriate (
Gov. Code §65583(c)
All housing elements must include programs to address the following six areas: 
Adequate Sites:
 The sites inventory must demonstrate adequate site capacity with appropriate zoning to accommodate the 
regional housing need for all income groups. Where the analysis of a local government’s sites inventory does not demonstrate 
sufficient suitable and appropriately zoned sites to accommodate the regional housing need by income level, the element 
must include a program to make sites available during the planning period with appropriate zoning and development 
standards including meeting specific statutory requirements such as permitting residential development without discretionary 

C H A P T E R   4 :   R E Q U I R E D   E L E M E N T S
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action and providing sites zoned for owner occupied and 
rental multifamily residential uses by right. In addition, sites 
shall be identified as needed to facilitate and encourage the 
development of a variety of types of housing for all income 
levels, including multifamily rental housing, factory-built 
housing, mobile homes, housing for agricultural employees, 
emergency shelters, and transitional and supportive housing. In 
coordination with other general plan elements, aligning siting 
of adequate sites with goals can help communities improve 
outcomes, such as promoting 
 development to address 
climate change
, and 
community health
Assist in the development of adequate housing to meet 
the Needs of Extremely Low-, Low- and Moderate-income 
 Having assessed and identified the housing 
needs of extremely low-, very low-, low-, and moderate-
income households, including special needs households
localities must employ a sufficient number of strategies to 
assist in developing adequate housing to meet those needs. 
To address this requirement, localities can utilize a variety 
of methods such as proactive outreach with the development 
community, assisting with funding and land acquisition, 
streamlining entitlement processes and providing concessions 
and incentives for development. Jurisdictions may also prioritize funding for certain income levels and special needs and focus 
efforts in priority growth areas. 
Address and Remove Governmental Constraints:
 For each policy, procedure or requirement identified as a governmental 
constraint, the element must include programs to address and remove or mitigate the constraint.
Conserve and Improve the Condition of the Existing Affordable Housing Stock:
 The existing affordable housing stock is 
a valuable resource and the element must include programs to conserve and improve the existing affordable housing stock. 
Improvement includes physical activities that improve the housing stock such as rehabilitation. Conservation includes both 
Beneficial Impact:
 Programs must have a schedule of actions, each with a timeline, to have a beneficial impact on the goals 
and objectives of the housing element within the planning period. The purpose of the clarification is to ensure program 
effectiveness in addressing housing needs in the planning period to better assist in meeting the housing objectives, including 
the objectives of SB 375. Programs must include a definitive date or deadline, or benchmarks for implementation early enough 
in the planning period to realize “beneficial impacts” and successful program implementation within the planning period.
Infill development and circulation improvements can create 
lively communities for all
Image by Urban Advantage, Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network

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