A city (or county) is not an accident but the result of coherent visions and aims

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C H A P T E R   4 :   R E Q U I R E D   E L E M E N T S
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Development patterns influence greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Siting housing near services, transportation options, and jobs 
increases the effectiveness of a multi-modal transportation system. Further, when affordable housing is not available near jobs, 
people may have to commute long distances, generating high rates of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and GHG emissions.
Denser forms of development can increase the effectiveness of these relationships, while reducing travel time, travel costs, and 
the GHG emissions responsible for elevating the risks of climate change. Smaller footprint and parking requirements, mixed 
uses, innovative ownership strategies and higher densities typical of affordable housing development, are strategies that can 
contribute to more efficient development patterns.
Transit accessibility is important for housing, jobs, and the environment. Transit hubs record highest levels of ridership within a 
quarter to half-mile radius. Studies reveal that public transit ridership drops off dramatically after a distance of four miles from 
transit stations, particularly for those commuting to and from places of employment, as ridership generally depends on variables 
including quality, frequency of stops and travel time. Lower income households account for nearly one third of all transit riders, 
and three quarters rely solely on public transportation. Preserving and increasing housing choice for communities that utilize 
public transit most will continue to contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions.
The housing element is a critical tool in implementing policies and programs that lower GHG emissions and promoting 
sustainable development. 
SB 375
. Through the housing element’s site’s inventory, jurisdictions must plan for where housing 
development will occur and adopt policies and programs to facilitate the development of housing. The jurisdiction can identify 
sites and adopt programs that direct growth in areas that promote efficient development patterns and transit use and alternative 
modes of transportation such as biking or walking. Programs to incentivize development such as mixed-use, affordable housing, 
and transit oriented development could include flexible development standards, fee reductions, expedited processing, and offer 
by-right permitting of projects that meet sustainability objectives. In addition, the housing element focuses on opportunities for 
rehabilitation and preservation of existing housing. This provides an important tool to target housing rehabilitation dollars to 
preserve older housing stock and achieve various objectives such as energy efficiency, health and transit options. 
Finally, the impacts of climate change on housing affordability, insurability and viability should be considered. 
Utilizing guidance included in the 
safety element

climate change chapter
 and the 
Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency 
Program (ICARP)
 can help guide the process of addressing climate change.
Housing affordability significantly impacts 
. Affordable housing can provide increased stability, which allows families 
more resources for other goods and services, health care needs, and basic necessities such as healthy food. Housing location also 
affects access to parks, recreation, and grocery stores with healthy food, jobs, schools, and other community necessities. Positive 
health benefits, including decreasing stress-related illnesses associated with long drive times and increased physical activity 
result from locating housing thoughtfully. Housing opportunities for all income levels should be incorporated throughout cities 
and counties, rather than concentrated in existing low income neighborhoods. Distribution of affordable housing opportunities, 
through land use and zoning decisions as well as other tools, can ensure a jurisdiction’s commitment to affirmatively furthering 
fair housing, maintaining equity, and improving health outcomes.

C H A P T E R   4 :   R E Q U I R E D   E L E M E N T S
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Neighborhoods designed to facilitate 
active transportation
 - walking, and biking - facilitate weight control and other 
benefits. Walkability is influenced by neighborhood design and accessibility to transit, employment, schools, services and 
recreational opportunities and amenities. “Safe routes to school,” for example, is an important benefit for parents and 
children. New housing development presents a significant opportunity to engage developers in enhancing the surrounding built 
environment to promote the health and well-being of residents. Construction and reconstruction efforts can coordinate with 
infrastructure upgrades, new transit and active transportation facilities, and open space facilities as part of the development 
project. Cities and counties should consider the needs of the existing community and projected new members and collaborate 
with developers and stakeholders throughout the process when possible. 
Multifamily housing developments are often used as platforms for integrating healthcare, especially for the elderly. A number 
of housing developments in major metropolitan areas include health clinics and community spaces, and tenant services for 
special needs populations such as elderly and disabled. Supportive services have multiple benefits, for both tenants and property 
management. Integrated service delivery plays a critical role with populations at risk of homelessness or institutionalization. 
The quality of housing available impacts the health of residents and community members. Factors such as indoor air 
quality, mold and moisture, pests, safe drinking water availability, lead, and second-hand smoke affect the safety and health 
of residents’ homes. Housing policies can direct housing quality by mitigating or preventing health impacts. For more 
information on relationships between housing and health, see the 
air quality
communities chapters. 
SB 1000
requires jurisdictions with disadvantaged communities to address promotion of safe and sanitary housing particularly for that 
population. See 
EJ section
 for more details. 
Economic Development
Stable housing (adequate, safe and affordable) is a foundation for family economic well-being and thriving communities. 
Families in stable housing have more income in their budget available for basic living necessities, such as food, utilities, 
transportation to and from work, school, day care, and healthcare. Planning housing connected to transit, employment centers, 
services, schools, and destinations reduces living costs and also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. 
As a communitywide asset, adequate, stable housing can boost the surrounding economy, through increased local spending, 
employment, and revenues for local governments. Cost of shelter is the largest, non-negotiable expense for most families. When 
this cost is excessive, families fall behind on rent or mortgage payments, have little or no disposable income, and often go 
without food, utilities, or healthcare. 
Employers and regional economies are at competitive disadvantages without a sufficient supply of affordable housing. A survey 
of 300 companies found that one in the three reported that the lack of affordable housing nearby impacts the ability to attract or 
retain qualified entry- and mid-level workers. 
The housing element is a jurisdiction’s primary tool to address issues of overcrowding, rehabilitation, and access to affordable 
housing opportunities. Through the housing element’s public participation process, the jurisdiction has an opportunity to identify 
those housing issues in the community that are of most concern and include policies and programs to address those concerns. 

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