Aa history Lovers 2010 moderators Nancy Olson and Glenn F. Chesnut page

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Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 17:53:57 -0500

Subject: [AAHistoryLovers] Re: Judge sentences man to get AA sponsor

As I recall, it was the latter part of 1934 when

a judge in effect sentenced one Ebby T. to attend

Oxford group meetings.
That's the first "court ordered" person I've heard


++++Message 6545. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: AAHistoryLovers get-together in

San Antonio

From: Glenn Chesnut . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/25/2010 5:25:00 PM
The original message was: 6534

From: "Arthur S" (arthur.s at live.com)

Date: Wed May 19, 2010 at 11:19 am
For the History Lovers going to San Antonio for

the A.A. International Convention, July 1-4, 2010.

Would it be possible to somehow take a poll and

pick a date, time and location to gather together

and see what we look like up close and personal?
- - - -
The follow-up message was: 6535

From: Glenn Chesnut (glennccc at sbcglobal.net)

Date: Date: Sun May 23, 2010 at 10:24 pm
Glenn said, "I think Arthur has a great idea. I plan to spend a lot of my


in the A.A. ONLINE HOSPITALITY SUITE which the Advance Program says will be

located in the Grand Hyatt Hotel (the main convention hotel) in Crockett



The AA Online hospitality room will be open on Thursday through Saturday and

would be the ideal place for members of the AAHistoryLovers to meet,


to the New York GSO. And it makes good sense to me too -- that's where all


AA online groups are going to be hanging out for at least part of the time.

I believe that it would be grossly unfair (this year) to schedule any AAHL

get-together on Thursday, since we have given no advance notice, and


will already have their travel plans set up. No official convention events


until the party and dance at 7 p.m. on Thursday evening, which means that a


of people will not be arriving until Thursday afternoon or evening.

Charles Grotts (see next message) also points out a possible conflict at


p.m. on Friday. But we need to remember that there are so many excellent


on the program, that it may not be possible to avoid all conflicts.
Since no one has sent in any alternate suggestions for a meeting time on


or Saturday, my suggestion therefore is that we schedule two get-togethers


the AA Online Hospitality Suite in the Grand Hyatt Hotel. That way, if


has to miss one of them because of a conflict, the other get-together will


provide opportunity to meet folks. If we wanted to, we could even designate


of these as the "primary get-together."

1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Friday afternoon
3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon
Perhaps at the next International we could start earlier -- at least ten


in advance at a minimum -- and schedule an AAHistoryLovers get-together to


held a day or two before the convention officially began.

From: Charles Grotts (chuckg052284 at yahoo.com)
Also there's a workshop on Friday, July 2 at 3:30 p.m.: "AA in Cyberspace:

Carrying the Message."

- - - -
From: paula (tgirl21791 at yahoo.com)
i'll be there!!
keep the group posted and i can't wait to meet you f2f!

area 93

southern california
- - - -
From: bevflk@aol.com (bevflk at aol.com)
That sounds good to me
- - - -
From: "Chuck Parkhurst" (ineedpage63 at cox.net)
I am VERY excited about this idea and meeting all of you

"heavy hitters." Please make sure that this gets posted

on AAHL so all can attend. Thanks!
In Service with Gratitude,
Chuck Parkhurst
- - - -
From: "gildell" (gildell at mac.com)
Great idea Arthur! (From one who has seldom posted, but who reads


I will arrive Wed. and can be flexible about times. I would love to meet up

with anyone who is there.

Michael G.

(former ICYPAA Archives Ch.)

- - - -
From: Shakey1aa@aol.com (Shakey1aa at aol.com)

Cc: jim.myers56@yahoo.com, the_archivist@excite.com, jaredlobdell@aol.com

I have been planning to meet with 20 or so AAHL members in San Antonio. It


be on Wednesday June 30 or Thursday July 1. This will be before the

International Convention actually begins (the convention starts with the


and dance at 7 p.m. that Thursday evening). It will be a location where we


sit down and meet for a couple hours.

I have a location and time but I was asked not to announce it until a couple

days (or maybe a week) before the event. I won't give the info out till then


that it won't jeopardize someone's job.

++++Message 6546. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Back issues of Markings and Box


From: M.J. Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/24/2010 6:22:00 PM
Point to note: Back issues of "Markings" on aa.org only go back to 1997,

which is volume 17 of that publication. Only volume 24 (2004) through

present are sequentially represented.
I'd be interested in getting electronic copies of any other Markings back

issues not hosted on aa.org that folks may be able to point me to.

Much obliged,
- M.J.
- - - -
On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Cindy Miller wrote:


> Every issue of "Markings" is on-line on the AA

> Website, and I believe, so are the last 10 years

> of Box 459....

++++Message 6547. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Historical definition of

substantial unanimity

From: Sober186@aol.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/15/2010 2:21:00 PM
From Sober186 (Jim in Central Ohio) and Roy Levin
- - - -
From: Sober186@aol.com (Sober186 at aol.com)
I apologize, I made a mistake. When I searched "AA substantial majority", I


not notice that I had been directed to e-AA.org, a site for electronic-AA

groups. The quote I forwarded is in the e-AA 'Groups' booklet. It has no

validity for AA as a whole.
The quote from Bill W. was accurate as printed in the October 1946 issue of


Jim in Central Ohio
- - - -
Original question from: Lonnie V.

(lvanderslice at gmail.com)

Our group is struggling with an issue that has split the group at a 50/50


and the question has been posed as to how we will define "substantial


- - - -
From: Roy Levin (royslev at yahoo.com)
One thing is for sure, a 50/50 vote is NOT substantial unanimity. Such a

motion which might be devisive is usally postponed or tabled. A group

conscience by the way, is not exactly the final vote, but the sounding of


opinions, making sure the "minority opinion" is heard. The vote is the final

result of sounding out the group conscience. In an important vote to the


or future of a group often a long time is taken to make sure most opinions


heard from almost all members. On trivial issues often we limit debate to

"three pros" "three cons" etc. each one has one minute in the interest of


++++Message 6548. . . . . . . . . . . . Bill W. quote on purpose of an AA


From: gbaa487 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/23/2010 7:11:00 PM
I found the following quote attributed to Bill W.

Where can it be found?

"Sobriety, freedom from alcohol through the teaching

and practicing of the 12 Steps, is the sole purpose

of an AA group."
++++Message 6549. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Bill W. quote on purpose of an

AA meeting

From: James Bliss . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/25/2010 9:10:00 PM
With 1 minute of additional research, IT is attributed to Bill W. in a

Grapevine article in 1958. I do not know which Grapevine issue.

On 5/23/2010 6:11 PM, gbaa487 wrote:


> I found the following quote attributed to Bill W.

> Where can it be found?


> "Sobriety, freedom from alcohol through the teaching

> and practicing of the 12 Steps, is the sole purpose

> of an AA group."




[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
++++Message 6550. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Bill W. quote on purpose of an

AA meeting

From: James Bliss . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/25/2010 9:08:00 PM
I am not sure about this quote being attributed to Bill W., but it is

contained in the pamphlet 'Problems Other Than Alcohol' on the 4th page,

including the front cover when counting. This pamphlet can be found at:


On 5/23/2010 6:11 PM, gbaa487 wrote:

> freedom from alcohol through the teaching

> and practicing of the 12 Steps
++++Message 6551. . . . . . . . . . . . Was Silkworth a religious man?

From: martinholmes76@ymail.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/24/2010 5:05:00 AM

Was Dr. Silkworth a religious man?
--from the Barking Big Book Study Saturday night
++++Message 6552. . . . . . . . . . . . Belladonna treatment and


From: martinholmes76@ymail.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/24/2010 5:02:00 AM
In Bill's story he mentions the Belladonna

treatment and Hydrotherapy.

What are these treatments?
++++Message 6553. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Searching for Letter to

Alcoholic Foundation by Bill McI., 1946

From: SONJA THOMASON . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/24/2010 6:33:00 PM
Searching for Letter to Alcoholic Foundation by Bill McI., 1946
Hi, all,
I wrote in a little while ago asking about a letter written back in 1946


the Toronto Secretary to Bobbie in New York. I would like to find a reliable

copy of the letter online - I shouldn't have used the word "original"!!


running a copy of it in our newsletter and there are a couple of things in


I'd like to check in it. Here's the letter below. But, I'd like to see it

from an online source (I think there are a couple of mistakes in this


below which I don't believe would be on the "original"). That was all I


when I used that word "original". Can anyone help me find this online. I

don't really know where to start. Many thanks.



Central Group


1170 Yonge St.

March 20, 1946

Phone MI-9951
Mrs. Margaret B.

National Headquarters

Alcoholics Anonymous

New York, NY

Dear Bobbie:
I realize that I am reporting in rather late but A.A. has been moving very

rapidly here since the first of the year and moving in the right direction.


started off with our New Year's party which was a grand success and quite

different from a year previous when four of us sat in a morgue like


drinking ginger ale and wondering if it was worth it. This year we had well


100 happy, laughing sober people. Truly a tribute to the way A.A. works.
A second group had formed before Christmas and their method of leaving had


rather a bitter taste. I am very glad to be able to say that most of that

bitterness and resentment has gone and die two groups are constantly

movingcloser together. Later we are going to have an East End Group and


I am sure, will have the hearty support of both groups and might be the weld

needed to join all Toronto groups in the proper A.A. spirit. As you already

know a small but solid group has started in Hamilton . A week ago, we


a bus and about 22 went over for their meeting. There was a member from

Dundas ,

Ontario and one from Simcoe, a good indication of how A.A. is getting into


the towns and villages around us. As you can see, we also modernized our

stationery. Another reason for the delay is I wanted to use the new letter


is that just another alibi). Also enclosed find our new pamphlet and


we are using for mailing and the

members to carry in their pockets. We have a number of other groups send us

their pamphlets on A.A. and are trying to have 6 or so different kinds on


to keep the new man interested and give him something to carry with him


appreciate it greatly if you could send us a list of books which we could

use as

suggested reading. At present "Remember September" and the "Glass

Crutch" is going the rounds but would like to get something with more meat


it. As the member progresses he is reaching for something more than


To meet this need, we would like to stock our library with those that have

proven help/al. This Sunday, March 24th we are holding our 3rd Anniversary

Meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall from 3 p.m.until midnight. A buffet

supper from 5-6 and the meeting to start at 7 p.m.with Clarence Snyder of

Cleveland, Ohioas guest speaker. I am enclosing a clipping of our


We had this in both evening papers

today and in the morning paper tomorrow the 21st. This get to-gether should

do a lot to unify the various groups and comes at a very opportune time as


are trying to obtain some hospitalized plan for alcoholics. There has been a

great deal of pressure put on the Provincial Government by the Temperance


(note clippings also our Dr. Little's name in connection with their cause).

This publicity and show of strength should help our appeal for a better deal


the alcoholic.

Could your office forward us any State legislation concerning methods of

hospitalizing alcoholics, such as Alabama and Connecticut ? Any information


definite form of procedure in use would help us greatly. Medicine is still


too interested in us here in Canada .

However; that too will come. We have a great many doctors who are


toward our work and several who are going all out for us. I am enclosing

various clippings pertaining to A.A. since the first of the year. We haven't

selected a reporter for the Grapevine but will in the near future. I might


our Women's Group under Mrs. P. is really doing a fine job. They run their


show but have the willing help of both men's groups if they need it. This is

all the news for the present. To date we have received n letter regarding


donation to the National Fund. Do we get that later? I wondered if it had


overlooked ill die turmoil caused by renovating the club rooms.

With very best regards to yourself and Bill and all New York AA from


Bill McI (Secretary)
++++Message 6554. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Akron honors Dr. Bob by

re-naming part of Olive Street

From: Cindy Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/24/2010 6:02:00 PM
From Cindy Miller, CloydG, Bob and Judy Schultz, and Laurie Andrews
- - - -
Message #6537 from "Arthur S" (arthur.s at live.com)

"I know this is being done with the best of intentions but if Dr Bob made

anything clear prior to his death it was that he did not want this kind of

recognition. It seems that more and more, the respect for AA's anonymity

Traditions are either dissolving or being trivialized (always with the best


intentions of course)."

- - - -
From: Cindy Miller (cm53 at earthlink.net)
Here, here!
cindy miller
- - - -
From: "CloydG" (cloydg449 at sbcglobal.net)
Isn't it a bit awkward to be a celebrity in an anonymous program? I mean, I


to a lot of meetings inside of and outside of my home town. I hear people

introduce themselves by first and last names. A lot say that we're only

anonymous outside of AA, but are we? The traditions do not mention that so I

guess my question is Author, have I missed something?
- - - -
From: bsdds@comcast.net (bsdds at comcast.net)
In my opinion, this is out of respect and reverence and posthumously. I am


for it or against it but to me, its more wothwhile than a "movie."
Bob and Judy Schultz

101A Melbourne Park Circle

Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-3924


- - - -
From: Jenny or Laurie Andrews (jennylaurie1 at


PS: And of course Bill W always declined honours for himself too.
++++Message 6555. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Bill W. quote on purpose of an

AA meeting

From: Tom Hickcox . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/25/2010 9:14:00 PM
From M.J. Johnson, Tom Hickcox, Laurence Holbrook, Rotax Steve, Bob


Jay Lawyer, Lester Gother, Byron Bateman, Jason Clemons, Jim Myers, Charles

Knapp, and glhughes227

- - - -
Original message #6548 from (gbaa487 at yahoo.com)

> I found the following quote attributed to Bill W.

> Where can it be found?


> "Sobriety, freedom from alcohol through the teaching

> and practicing of the 12 Steps, is the sole purpose

> of an AA group."

- - - -
From: "M.J. Johnson" (threeeyedtoad at gmail.com)
This seems to be inaccurate. Searching the Grapevine Digital Archive

just for the phrase "teaching and practicing" among all issues from the

1950s yields no results. Searching for the phrase "teaching and practicing

of the 12 Steps" (and "Twelve Steps") does not appear anywhere in the

Grapevine archives.
- - - -
From: Tom Hickcox (cometkazie1 at cox.net)
As Bill Sees It, p. 79, quoted from a letter dated 1966.
As given, the quote is slightly different, "This is why sobriety -

freedom from alcohol - through the teaching and practice of

A.A.'s 12 Steps, is the sole purpose of the group."
Hyphens rather than commas, and "practice" rather than

"practicing" make it not an exact quote.

Tommy H in Baton Rouge
- - - -
From: "Laurence Holbrook" (email at


Also from: From: "Rotax Steve" (gallery5 at


As Bill Sees It [The A.A. Way of Life], Article 79 "Whose Responsibility."

The reference listed is "letter 1966."

- - - -
From: "Robert Stonebraker" (rstonebraker212 at


also from "Jay Lawyer" (ejlawyer at midtel.net)
and "lester gother" (lgother at optonline.net)
Bill Wilson wrote this sentence in a small pamphlet titled, "Problems Other

Than Alcohol, (excerpts)," in 1958. The catalogue number is F-8. GSO

will send 50 of these free with an order, if requested.
Bob S.
- - - -
From: "Byron Bateman" (byronbateman at


At the start of the narrative, underneath the inside title, it says it is


Bill." Also, the small excerpt from that pamphlet credits Bill on the front

page. The copyright is February 1958.

- - - -
From: Jason Clemons (jasonrclemons at gmail.com)
*Problems Other Than Alcohol:

What Can Be Done About Them?*

by Bill W. -- A.A. Grapevine, February, 1958
One way to find the article is


- - - -
From: Jim Myers (jim.myers56 at yahoo.com)
Doing a quick search on silkworth.net, I was able to find the 1958 Grapevine

article written by Bill Wilson titled, "Problems Other Than Alcohol: What

Can Be

Done About Them?"

Here is the article in pdf format:


Look to the 4th column, 2nd paragraph.
Yours in service,

Jim M,

- - - -
From: Charles Knapp (cpknapp at yahoo.com)
"Sobriety -- freedom from alcohol -- through the teaching and practice of


Twelve Steps, is the sole purpose of an A.A. group," Bill wrote this in the

February 1958 issue of the A.A. Grapevine.

The AA Grapevine Digital Archives can find just about any quote of Bill W.
Charles from Wisconsin
- - - -
From: glhughes227@yahoo.com (glhughes227 at yahoo.com)
Also from: From: "planternva2000"



It in Language of the Heart, p. 223, in the article Problems Other Than

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