Azərbaycan Paris Sülh Konfransında (1918-1920)


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The Paris Peace Conference had commenced on January 18, 1919 - while the 
delegation of Azerbaijan was still in Istanbul. However, it was only after the lengthy 
and wearisome correspondence that the delegation of Azerbaijan had embarked upon 
the journey to the French capital on April 22, and had reached Paris on May 7. 
Nevertheless, the delegation in Istanbul had already commenced implementation of 
tasks set before them. There they had held talks with representatives of Georgia, 
Ukraine, Republic of Caucasian Mountaineers, etc. - newly independent states that 
had emerged after the collapse of Russian empire, and also with envoys from USA, 
United Kingdom, France, Germany and other states, putting forth first initiatives 
aimed at gaining international recognition for the Republic of Azerbaijan as an 
independent state. 
Upon arrival to Paris the delegation had immediately commenced its activity 
in several directions. Be it the head of the delegation A.Topchubashev or any other 
empowered member of the mission, they were holding active political talks, 
disseminating information about the history, culture, economic potential of their 
country and securing certain guarantees for Azerbaijan's independence in a complex 
system of international relations at the time. 
On the first anniversary of Azerbaijan's independence - May 28, 1919 the 
delegation had been received by the President of the United States Woodrow Wilson, 
author of famous principles underlying the new world order after World War I. 
Although during the meeting President Wilson had not taken any liability on behalf of 
the US concerning the future of Azerbaijan and any other state that had freed itself of 
Russian dependence, excluding Finland and Baltic states, and had stressed his 

reluctance of splitting up the world into small countries, in general meeting with the 
President of the United States, one of the superpowers at the time, was a successful 
Taking the responsibility for representing young Azerbaijan on the European 
arena the delegation members and Topchubashev as a person with greater experience 
in particular had proven to be diplomats, capable of evaluation of ongoing processes 
and proper decision-making. It is not by chance that information Topchubashev at 
that time was sending to Baku, to the Council of Ministers of Azerbaijan contained 
not only description of delegation's activity, but also valuable advices and 
recommendations to his country's leadership on state building, foreign and domestic 
policy, governing, international relations, etc., proceeding from the contemporary 
European experience. The environment of Paris Peace Conference was being used not 
only for the official recognition of Azerbaijan's independence, but also for the 
establishment of democratic and civilized state, meeting Western standards and 
democratic requirements. 
The delegation was conducting active and evolving policy in line with from 
political and economic interests of Azerbaijan. Fundamentals of this policy were the 
recognition of Azerbaijan's independence by large countries and gaining guarantees 
for its security. A significant amount of work had been done during the preparation 
phase to the Conference, in terms of establishment of mutual ties with the USA, Great 
Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Persia, Ottoman Empire and others. Realizing that 
guarantees for Azerbaijan's independence had laid not only in Europe, but also on the 
other side of the ocean, in the US, Topchubashev had soon managed to establish ties 
with the Americans. Relevant contracts had been signed and a lawyer named 
Chandler and a representative of Jewish community named Robinov had been 
empowered to represent Azerbaijan's interests in USA and Canada. Already in 1919 a 
number of significant booklets about Azerbaijan, published in Paris both in English 
and French had been shipped to the aforementioned countries. 
As a visionary politician Topchubashev had viewed the establishment of 
Azerbaijan's lobbies in Europe and USA as a guaranty of the country's introduction 
and wide recognition on the international scale and of reliable protection of its 
political and economic interests. The efforts of the delegation in 1919-1920 had 
ensured dissemination of objective information regarding Azerbaijan's historical past, 
rich natural resources, character and scale of a century-long Russian occupation of 
Azerbaijan, neighborhood policy in the Caucasus, factors causing Armenian-
Azerbaijani confrontation, Armenian brutality in Azerbaijan and generally in South 
Caucasus, appalling genocide committed by the Dashnaks and the Bolsheviks in Baku 
in 1918, etc. All of the aforementioned had contributed to introduction of Azerbaijan 
to Western public and at least slightly, to dispelling of false notions regarding our 
country and its people, formed under the influence exerted by notably preconceived 
Russian-Armenian sources. 

The delegation of Azerbaijan was struggling for independence and political 
and ideological unity of not only of their country, but also of that of the entire 
Caucasus. Be it in Istanbul or Paris, it was Azerbaijanis that adhered tenaciously to 
the idea of modern expression of the “Caucasus home”. During the adoption of vital 
documents, the delegation had performed in line with interests of the Caucasus in 
general, acting in a concerted manner with Georgia and Republic of Caucasian 
Mountaineers. Unfortunately, just like these days, due to the obstructive stand of 
Armenians of that period the idea of “The Caucasus home”, favorable to all the 
nations of the region, had gained no further development. 
The delegation's eight-month long intense, however fruitful activity in Paris 
produced its results. On January 11, 1920 Supreme Council of the Paris Peace 
Conference had adopted a decision on recognition of Azerbaijan and Georgia as 
newly- independent states. One of the witnesses of that historical moment Miryagub 
Mirmehdiyev later wrote: “The representatives of Azerbaijan and Georgia were 
invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France - 
V.G.). Later Monsieur Kambon expressed to them his gratitude on behalf of the 
conference. Monsieur Kambon stated that Republics of Azerbaijan and Georgia had 
been officially recognized as independent states based on the norms of international 
law. From this moment both countries will engage in official contacts with the 
Supreme Council, seek registration at the conference and saticfaction of their needs 
and being an equal member, claim legitimate rights during the conference. Moreover, 
Kambon stated that act of recognition of the governments of these states must be 
accompanied with the recognition of their secession from Russia. Therefore, 
proceeding from this one may say that the republics of Azerbaijan and Georgia will 
be considered from today on sovereign states.” 
The very decision had been reiterated once again, this time at a higher level, 
a week later on January 19, during a meeting of the Supreme Council held with 
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