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Early writing systems; manuscripts and
other forerunners of the typographic book;
the hand-produced book and related arts;
the impact of the steam press; new print-
ing processes growing out of twentieth-cen-
tury technology.
733. Fundamentals of Library Conserva-
tion and Preservation. 2 hr. plus super-
vised lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: GLIS
700, 701, 702, 703. This course surveys the
threats to unique materials in the library/
information center’s collection and introduces
the basic methods employed to ensure the
survival of these materials. The focus is on in-
house procedures and techniques. Adminis-
tration of the conservation/preservation
program and emerging technologies are
included. A materials fee will be charged.
735. History of Children’s Literature to
the Twentieth Century. 2 hr. plus super-
vised lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.:
GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703. The development
of literature for children in Great Britain
and North America, with major emphasis
on the period from 1700 to 1900.
737. Literature for Children and Adoles-
cents. 2 hr. plus supervised lab. and/or
conf. hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: GLIS 700, 701, 702,
703. Introduction to forms and types of lit-
erature; criteria for excellence; techniques
for analysis and evaluation; and identifica-
tion of appeal and suitability for different
types of readers.
739. Literature for the Young Adult. 2 hr.
plus supervised lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703. Survey of
literature written for young people ages
12-17, includes historical development of
the field, discussion of the specific genre,
and consideration of the reading interests
and needs of the young adult.
740. The Information Environment in
Contemporary Society. 2 hr. plus super-
vised lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.:
GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703. An introduction
to information products and services and
how they relate to societal issues. The fol-
lowing will be studied: the interdiscipli-
nary nature of research, industries that
generate information products, human
communication, information networks, the
economics of information, intellectual prop-
erty issues, and information policy.
741. Information Systems Analysis and
Design. 2 hr. plus supervised lab. and/or
conf. hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: GLIS 700, 701, 702,
703. This course is designed to provide stu-
dents with an understanding of the con-
cepts and methodology of systems analysis
both organizational and automated. The
course emphasizes problem solving and
decision making skills and developing cri-
teria for judgment. Current and developing
uses of automation in libraries and infor-
mation centers will be discussed and
743. Information Access Systems: Index-
ing, Abstracting, and Other Access Sys-
tems. 2 hr. plus supervised lab. and/or conf.
hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703.
Introduction to the theory, methodology, and
implementation of text-based access systems.
Identification, selection, and organization of
concept bearing terms to generate patterns
for document analysis, storage and informa-
tion retrieval. Both manual and electronic
information systems will be used to demon-
strate patterns of storage and retrieval
including graphics user interfaces, indexes,
abstracts, and thesauri.
745. Online and Optical Information Sys-
tems. 2 hr. plus supervised lab. and/or conf.
hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703.
The course will cover the structures, content,
acquisitions, and search methods of the fol-
lowing three types of databases: remote
online databases obtained through a vendor,
locally loaded databases available through
campus or organizational computer installa-
tions, and locally stored databases on stand
alone or networked optical devices. At least
three hours of supervised online searching. A
materials fee will be charged.
747. Selected Technology Applications in
Information Management. 2 hr. plus
supervised lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.:
GLIS 700, 701; prereq. or coreq.: GLIS 702,
703. The goals of this course are, first, to
introduce students to some of the latest devel-
opments in information technology of imme-
diate relevance to information professionals;
second, to provide students with hands on
laboratory experience of the systems selected.
Units and contents offered may be changed
from time to time to reflect new developments
to the information arena.
749. Libraries and the Internet. 2 hr. plus
supervised lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.:
GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703. This course will
introduce the student to the Internet on both
a conceptual and practical basis. Special
attention will be directed to the utilization of
the Internet in libraries and information cen-
ters and to its overall societal problems and
promise. A series of exercises will provide the
student with the rudiments of access to and
use of the Internet.
761. Organization and Management:
Media Centers. 2 hr. plus supervised lab.
and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: GLIS 700,
701, 702, 703. Organizational structure,
theory, and managerial practice of libraries
emphasizing nonbook materials; stan-
dards, personnel, budget, selection, infor-
mation, and technical service.
763. Nonbook Materials: Sources and
Service. 2 hr. plus supervised lab. and/or
conf. hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: GLIS 700, 701, 702,
703. Evaluation, selection, and utilization
of nonbook materials to serve various clien-
tele in school media centers, libraries, and
other information agencies.
765. Resources for the School Curricu-
lum. 2 hr. plus supervised lab. and/or conf.
hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703.
Selection, evaluation, and utilization of
instructional materials to support the cur-
riculum on all grade levels, with special
attention to current educational develop-
767. Reading Motivation Techniques for
Children and Adolescents. 2 hr. plus
supervised lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr. Pre-
req.: GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703. Development
of techniques and skills in reading guid-
ance, including individual performance
and group criticism of book talks, story-
telling, and poetry reading.
771. Organization and Management:
Public Libraries. 2 hr. plus supervised
lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: GLIS
700, 701, 702, 703. Introduction to key ele-
ments of organization and management,
including personnel, services, public rela-
tions, budgeting, and building construc-
773. Public Library Services for Chil-
dren and Young Adults. 2 hr. plus super-
vised lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.:
GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703, or permission of
instructor. Planning and applications of
public library services for children and
young adults. Topics include program plan-
ning, collection development, community
networking, management issues, and
775. Librarianship in a Multicultural
Society: Materials and Services. 2 hr.
plus supervised lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703. Evalua-
tion, selection, and utilization of book and
nonbook materials to serve minority and
ethnic clientele; traditional and innovative
approaches to programming. Spring
780. Organization and Management:
Academic and Research Libraries. 2 hr.
plus supervised lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703. Structure
of academic and research libraries in rela-
tion to their functions and clientele; stan-
dards, personnel, finance, buildings, and
equipment; services; networking and com-
munity relations; automation; reporting;
public relations.
781. Organization and Management:
Special Libraries and Information Cen-
ters. 2 hr. plus supervised lab. and/or conf.
hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703.
Organization and management of special
libraries and information centers in corpo-
rate, governmental, institutional, and aca-
demic settings; effect of the environment
on each library’s functions.
784. Health Sciences Librarianship. 2 hr.
plus supervised lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703, and per-
mission of the School. All phases of medical
and allied health sciences librarianship,
with emphasis on medical community rela-
tionships; use of reference materials; cur-
rent information-retrieval systems; and the
selection and control of serial, monograph-
ic, and non-print materials in biomedicine;
online experience with computerized bibli-
ographic retrieval.
786. Business Information Sources. 2 hr.
plus supervised lab. and/or conf. hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: GLIS 700, 701, 702, 703. Survey,
evaluation, and application of information
sources in business and finance; tech-
L I B R A R Y   &   I N F O R M A T I O N   S T U D I E S

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