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discussion of other new music. Required of
composition majors during each semester
of residence for a maximum of three cred-
its. Open to other graduate students with
permission of instructor. Graded on
Pass/Fail basis only.
726.1. Electronic Music Studio I. 3 hr.;
3 cr. Introduction to electronic music stu-
dio synthesis through lectures and studio
work. Emphasizes the operation of analog,
digital, and sampling synthesizers and
recording techniques.
726.2. Electronic Music Studio II. 3 hr.;
3 cr. Prereq.: Music 726.1 and permission
of instructor. A continuation of Electronic
Music Studio I, emphasizing the Musical
Instrument Digital Interface and the use of
personal computers for sequencing and
music publishing.
727. Electronic Music Composition. 3
lec. hr. plus lab.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Music 726
or 733.1, or permission of instructor. Com-
position of electronic music using analog or
digital methods.
728. Musical Systems and Speculative
Theory. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Analysis of the syntac-
tical systems of two musical languages
which have produced important work:
tonality and the 12-tone system; construc-
tion by analogy of new musical systems
which might be used as the foundations for
new music. Use of electronic media and the
729, 730. Techniques of Composition. 
3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Undergraduate study
in composition. 729–Fall; 730–Spring
731, 732. Composition Seminar. 3 hr.
plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Music 730. May be
repeated for credit with permission of
department. 731–Fall; 732–Spring
733.1. Computer Music I. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Pre-
req.: Music 726.1 or 726.2, or permission of
instructor. Introduction to computer music
synthesis emphasizing the basic concepts
of synthesis, score preparation, and the
study of computer music.
733.2. Computer Music II. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: Music 733.1 or permission of
instructor. A continuation of Computer
Music I. Survey of computer music synthe-
sis methods and computer composition.
734. Computer Techniques for Music
Research. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Applications of digi-
tal computers in the fields of music theory
and music history. No technical back-
ground in the use of the computer is
736. Acoustics. 3 hr.; 3 cr. The study of
sound generation, transmission, and repro-
737. Organology. 3 hr.; 3 cr. History and
classifications of music instruments in the
738. Musical Iconography. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Critical and historical interpretation of the
representation of music subjects from the 
arts of Ancient Egypt to the nineteenth
742. Proseminar in Analysis and Style
Criticism. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Analysis of style and
structure of works of various periods. Fall
745.1. Schenkerian Analysis I. 3 hr.; 3
cr. Prereq.: Passing of Theory Qualifying
Exam.  An introduction to the theories of
Heinrich Schenker, their relevance and
practical application to musical analysis.
(Required for all theory majors.)
745.2. Schenkerian Analysis II. 3 hr.; 3
cr. Prereq.: Music 745.1 or permission of
instructor. A continuation of Music 745.1,
focusing on more difficult repertoire, e.g.,
Baroque binary form, sonata, and rondo
forms. Weekly assignment in graphing.††
746. Introduction to Post-Tonal Theo-
ry. 3 hr.; 3 cr. An introduction to current
analytical approaches to 20th-century
music. Required of theory majors.
749. Seminar in Music Criticism. 3 hr.;
3 cr.
753. Style Criticism: Topical Lecture
Courses in Analysis and Criticism. 3
hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Matriculation for the
Master of Arts degree in Music, or permis-
sion of school. Analysis and criticism of
selected works. For announcement of spe-
cific topic, consult the School of Music or
see supplementary listing at registra-
754. Advanced Jazz Improvisation and
Theory. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Permission of
instructor. Advanced study of the theory,
practice, and styles of improvisation
designed to refine the technique and skills
of the performer in preparation for a pro-
fessional career.
755. Jazz Composition/Arranging. 3 hr.;
3 cr. Prereq.: Permission of instructor. The
development of skills and techniques in the
use of various jazz idioms and their applica-
tion to individual creative expression.
756. Problems in Jazz History and
Analysis. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Permission
of instructor. The first part of the semester
will introduce students to the methods and
problems of research in jazz history; the
second half will focus on a specific era or
on the work of a single jazz improviser or
759. Studies in Tonal Harmony and
Counterpoint. 3 hr.; 2 cr. An intensive
study of tonal harmony and counterpoint,
including chord prolongation and long-
range structure. Practical applications.
Open to interested students, but required
of those who fail the Theory Qualifying
760, 761. Seminar in Music History. 3
hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: For Music 760,
Music 700 and 742; for Music 761, Music
760. Consideration of special historical
problems in which techniques of research
and independent evaluation are stressed.
May be repeated for credit with permission
of School. 760–Fall; 761–Spring
762, 763. Seminar in Music Theory. 3
hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. Prereq.: For Music 762,
Music 700 and 742; for Music 763, Music
762. An examination of significant theoret-
ical and compositional concepts from the
Middle Ages to the present. May be repeat-
ed for credit with permission of School.
762–Fall; 763–Spring
764. Topical Courses in Applied Music
Theory. 3 hr.; 3 cr.  Prereq.: Permission of
instructor. Topic changes each time; past
topics have included advanced counter-
point, fugue writing, advanced orchestra-
tion, arranging, theory of pedagogy, etc.
765. Theory: Topical Lecture Courses. 
3 hr.; 3 cr. Study of special topic in music
theory such as chromaticism, form, struc-
tural analysis, comparative musical sys-
tems, etc.
768. Western Music History Survey. 
3 hr.; 2 cr. A survey of Western music cov-
ering the major periods through the 20th
century. Assigned readings and listening,
plus one individualized research project.
Final exam on: 1) historical information,
and 2) style recognition.
772. The Art of Keyboard Accompan-
iment. 2 hr.; 2 cr. Prereq.: Permission of
instructor. A course for advanced keyboard
players in the accompanist’s role in the
performance of the vocal and instrumental
repertory. Coaching in selected literature.
773. Topics in the History of Music. 
3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Matriculation for either
the M.A. degree in Music or the M.S. in
Education (Music) degree, or permission of
School. Lecture courses in the history of
music. For announcement of specific cours-
es, consult the School of Music or see sup-
plementary listing at registration. May be
repeated for credit if the topic changes.
774. Liturgical Chant. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Pre-
req.: A year of undergraduate study in
music history.††
775.1. Group Performance I. 1 hr.; 1 cr.
The study of music literature through par-
ticipation in a performance group. Fall,
775.2. Group Performance II. 1 hr.; 1 cr.
Fall, Spring
775.3. Group Performance III. 1 hr.; 1
cr. Fall, Spring
776. Performance Workshop for Con-
ductors. 2 hr.; 2 cr. Prereq.: Permission of
instructor. This course consists of assist-
antships to the directors of the Orchestra,
Opera Workshop, and Choir and leads to
public performances with one or more of
these large performing groups. May be
repeated for credit. (Required for all con-
ducting majors.)
777. Seminars in Performance Prac-
tice. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Study of the performance
practices of a particular historical period.
Musical analysis and examination of con-
temporaneous writings will serve as the

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