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Queens College Cooperative Education pro- gram. Courses in Mathematics

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Queens College Cooperative Education pro-
Courses in Mathematics
Note: One of these courses – Mathematics
509, 525, or 555 – is usually offered during
Summer Session.
503. Mathematics from an Algorithmic
Standpoint. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: One year
of calculus. An algorithmic approach to a
variety of problems in high school and col-
lege mathematics. Experience in program-
ming is not necessary. Topics may include
problems from number theory, geometry,
calculus and numerical analysis, combina-
torics and probability, and games and 
puzzles. This course aims at a better
understanding of mathematics by means 
of concrete, constructive examples of math-
ematical concepts and theorems. (This
course may not be credited toward the
degree of Master of Arts in Mathematics,
except with the special permission of the
Chair of the Mathematics Department.)
509. Set Theory and Logic. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: One year of calculus or permission
of instructor. May not be credited toward
the Master of Arts degree in Mathematics.
Propositional logic and truth tables. Basic
intuitive ideas of set theory: cardinals,
order types, and ordinals. (See above note.)
518. College Geometry. 3 hr.; 3 cr. 
Prereq.: One course in linear algebra.
Advanced topics in plane geometry, trans-
formation geometry. Not open to candi-
dates for the Master of Arts degree in
Mathematics. Fall
524. History of Mathematics. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq. or coreq.: Mathematics 201 (Inter-
mediate Calculus). Not open to candidates
for the Master of Arts degree in Mathemat-
ics. Fall
525. History of Modern Mathematics. 3
hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Mathematics 524 or per-
mission of instructor. May not be credited
toward the Master of Arts degree in Math-
ematics. Selected topics from the history of
nineteenth- and twentieth-century mathe-
matics, e.g., topology, measure theory,
paradoxes and mathematical logic, modern
algebra, non-Euclidean geometries, foun-
dations of analysis. (See above note.)
550. Studies in Mathematics. Prereq.:
Permission of the Mathematics Depart-
ment. Topics will be announced in advance.
May be repeated once for credit if topic is
not the same. Not open to candidates for
the Master of Arts degree in Mathe-
550.1.     1 hr.; 1 cr.
550.2.     2 hr.; 2 cr.
550.3.     3 hr.; 3 cr.
555. Mathematics of Games and Puz-
zles. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Two years of cal-
culus or permission of instructor. May not
be credited toward the Master of Arts
degree in Mathematics. Elements of game
theory. Analysis of puzzles such as weigh-
ing problems, mazes, Instant Insanity,
magic squares, paradoxes, etc. (See above
601. Discrete Mathematics for Com-
puter Science. 4 hr.; 3 cr. An introduction
to discrete mathematics for those incoming
Computer Science master’s degree stu-
dents who do not have an undergraduate
background in discrete mathematics. Top-
ics include elementary set theory, elements
of abstract algebra, propositional calculus,
and Boolean algebra, proofs, mathematical
induction, combinatorics, graphs, and dis-
crete probability theory. (Students may not
receive credit for both Mathematics 601
and either Mathematics 220 or Computer
Science 221, or an equivalent course in dis-
crete mathematics. Mathematics 601 can-
not be counted toward an undergraduate
major in mathematics or a master’s degree
in mathematics.)
609. Introduction to Set Theory. 3 hr.;
3 cr. Prereq.: Mathematics 201 (Intermedi-
ate Calculus) or permission of instructor.
Axiomatic development of set theory; rela-
tions, functions, ordinal and cardinal num-
bers, axiom of choice. Zorn’s lemma,
continuum hypothesis. Spring
611. Introduction to Mathematical
Probability. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Calculus,
including partial derivatives and multiple
integrals. A first course in probability at an
advanced level. Topics to be covered
include axioms of probability, combinatori-
al analysis, conditional probability, contin-
uous and discrete random variables,
binomial, Poisson, normal, exponential,
and other distributions, mathematical
expectation, generating functions, and
Markov chains. Not open to students who
have received credit for Mathematics 241
or 621. May not be counted toward the
Master of Arts degree in Mathematics.
612. Projective Geometry. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: A course in linear algebra. Study
of the projective plane.††
613. Algebraic Structures. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: A course in linear algebra. Not
open to students who have received under-
graduate credit for Mathematics 333 at
Queens College. Groups, rings, polynomi-
als, fields, Galois theory. Spring
614. Functions of Real Variables. 3 hr.;
3 cr. Prereq.: Course in Elementary Real
Analysis or Point Set Topology (equivalent
of Mathematics 310 or 320), or permission
of instructor. Provides a foundation for fur-
ther study in mathematical analysis. Top-
ics include: basic topology in metric spaces,
continuity, uniform convergence and
equicontinuity, introduction to Lebesgue
theory of integration. Fall
616. Ordinary Differential Equations.
3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Mathematics 614 or
permission of Chair. Existence and unique-
ness of solutions, linear systems, Liapunov
stability theory, eigenvalue and boundary
value problems. Spring 1998
617. Number Systems. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Pre-
req.: Three semesters of undergraduate
analytic geometry and calculus including
infinite series. Not open to students who
have received undergraduate credit for
Mathematics 317 at Queens College.
Axiomatic development of the integers,
rational numbers, real numbers, and com-
plex numbers. Fall
618. Foundations of Geometry. 3 hr.; 3
cr. Prereq.: One year of calculus. Historical
perspective. Axiomatics: models, consisten-
cy, and independence. Rigorous develop-
ment of both Euclidean geometry and the
non-Euclidean geometry of Bolyai and
Lobachevski. Spring
619. Theory of Numbers. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Pre-
req.: A course in linear algebra. The ele-
mentary theory of integers is considered,
with applications to many numerical prob-
lems. Spring
621. Probability. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.:
Undergraduate calculus and introductory
course in probability and statistics, or per-
mission of Chair. Binomial, Poisson, nor-
mal and other distributions. Random
variables. Laws of large numbers. Generat-
ing functions. Markov chains. Not open to
students who are taking or who have
received credit for Mathematics 611. Fall
623. Operations Research (Probability
Methods). 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Course in
probability theory (such as Mathematics
241). An introduction to probabilistic meth-
ods of operations research. Topics include
the general problem of decision making
under uncertainty, project scheduling,
probabilistic dynamic programming, inven-
tory models, queuing theory, simulation
models, and Monte Carlo methods. The
stress is on applications. Spring
624. Numerical Analysis I. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: Mathematics 130 (Applied Linear
Algebra) or Mathematics 135 (Linear Alge-
bra and Geometry I), or Mathematics 137
(Honors Linear Algebra), and either Math-
ematics 255 (Programming) or knowledge
of a programming language. Coreq.: Math-
ematics 201 (Intermediate Calculus). 
Numerical solution of nonlinear equations
by iteration. Interpolation and polynomial
approximation. Numerical differentiation
and integration. Fall
625. Numerical Analysis II. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: Mathematics 624 or its equivalent,
including knowledge of a programming
language. Numerical solution of systems of
linear equations. Iterative techniques in
linear algebra. Numerical solution of sys-
tems of nonlinear equations. Orthogonal
polynomials. Least square approximation.
Gaussian quadrature. Numerical solution
of differential equations. Spring
626. Mathematics and Logic. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
Prereq.: Intermediate calculus or permis-
sion of department. Propositional calculus,
†-Offered either Fall or Spring; see Class Schedule.
††-May be offered; see Class Schedule.

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