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ry/History program.
2. Composition majors complete 30
credits of course work and write a large
composition. Theory and Music History
majors complete 30 credits plus a thesis, or
complete 36 credits of course work. Perfor-
mance majors complete 33 credits, perform
a public recital, and write an essay on one
of the works thus performed. The composi-
tion, thesis, or essay is completed under
the supervision of an adviser approved by
the Graduate Adviser.
Master’s programs are planned for three
semesters of full-time work, but many stu-
dents take two years to complete all
requirements. Performance majors enroll
as full-time students; others may register
on a full- or part-time basis. Except for per-
formance ensembles, graduate courses are
usually offered in late afternoon or early
evening for the convenience of students.
3. The following examinations are re-
quired during the course of study. Students
will take each examination each semester
until a passing grade is achieved.
a) All students take a placement exami-
nation in theory and musicianship before
registering for their first semester. Those
who need work will be assigned appropri-
ate course work or individual study.
b) Students will be tested in history of
music during their first semester. Those
who need further work in this area will
consult the Graduate Adviser for course
work or other recommended study before
c) A reading proficiency examination in
French, German, or Italian is required of
all students majoring in Music History and
Theory, and Composition, and of perfor-
mance majors who are singers or pianists
specializing in vocal accompanying. All
others may substitute an examination in
foreign musical terms for the language
4. Orchestral instrument majors play in
Orchestra during each semester of resi-
dence. Voice majors participate in Opera
Workshop or Vocal Ensemble each semes-
Course of Study for Classical
Performance Majors
Performance majors are required to take
Music 775.1, 775.2, 775.3, 777 (any two
semesters), 778.1, 778.2, 778.3, 779, and
three electives. (Conducting majors take
776 for three semesters instead of 775.) The
entire course of study shall be under the
supervision of the Adviser for performance.
The preferred schedule of courses is:
Fall (Semester I)
Music 778.1
Music 775.1
One or two electives
Spring (Semester II)
Music 775.2
Music 777
Music 778.2
Music 779
One or two electives
Fall (Semester III)
Music 775.3
Music 777
Music 778.3
One or two electives
Course of Study for Jazz 
Performance Majors
Jazz performance majors are required to
take Music 775.1, 775.2, 775.3, 778.1,
778.2, and 778.3, and Advanced Jazz
Improvisation and Theory (754), Jazz Com-
position/Arranging (755), Problems in Jazz
History and Analysis (756), plus three elec-
tives. The preferred schedule of courses is:
Fall (Semester I)
Music 775.1
Music 754
Music 778.1
One or two electives
Spring (Semester II)
Music 775.2
Music 755
Music 778.2
One or two electives
Fall (Semester III)
Music 775.3
Music 756
Music 778.3
One or two electives
Course of Study for 
Composition Majors
Composition majors are required to take
Music 742, 729, 730, 731 or 732, and 784-
785. Remaining credits will be chosen from
electives in consultation with the Adviser.
The preferred schedule of courses is:
Fall (Semester I)
Music 742
Music 729
Music 784
One elective
Spring (Semester II)
Music 730
Music 785
One or two electives
Fall (Semester III)
Music 731 or 732
One or two electives
Courses of Study for Theory and His-
tory Majors
Since the fields of music theory and music
history are both branches of musicology,
their curricula have much in common.
They diverge in the content of their two
required seminars, as well as in the nota-
tion requirement. While most students
declare either theory or history as their
major area and take both seminars in that
one area, it is possible to declare a musicol-
ogy major and take one seminar in theory
and one in history.
Theory majors are required to take
Music 700, 742, 745, 746, and 762-763.
Remaining credits will be chosen from elec-
tives in consultation with the Adviser. The
preferred schedule of courses is:
Fall (Semester I)
Music 700
Music 742
One or two electives
Spring (Semester II)
Music 745 (when applicable)
Music 746
Music 762
Fall (Semester III)
Music 763
One or two electives
History majors are required to take Music
700, 705 or 706, 742, and 760-761. Remain-
ing credits will be chosen from electives in
consultation with the Adviser. The pre-
ferred schedule of courses is:
Fall (Semester I)
Music 700
Music 742
One or two electives
Spring (Semester II)
Music 705 or 706
Music 710 or 760
One or two electives
Fall (Semester III)
Music 711 or 761
One or two electives
Courses in Music
700. Bibliography and Research Tech-
niques. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Fall
705. Medieval Notation. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
706. Renaissance Notation. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
710, 711. Ethnomusicology Seminar. 3
hr. plus conf.; 3 cr.  Prereq.: For Music 710,
700 and 742; for Music 711, Music 710.
Ethnomusicological research of a special
culture area or particular group.††
712. Ethnomusicology. 3 hr.; 3 cr. An
introduction to the current theories and
methodology of ethnomusicology. The
study will include approaches to library
research, field work, notation, analysis,
instrument classification, and contextual
description of music as an integral part of
culture. Recorded sound examples from the
principal cultures of the world outside the
area of Western classical music will be
713. Topical Course in Ethnomusicolo-
gy. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Survey of a particular
aspect of ethnomusicology or of the music
of a particular area or group. (Recent offer-
ings have been in Asian Music, Music of
Japan, and Japanese Chamber Music.)††
725. Composers’ Workshop. 1 hr.; 1 cr. A
practicum for composers including perfor-
mance and discussion of student works and
†-Offered either Fall or Spring; see Class Schedule.
††-May be offered; see Class Schedule.

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