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Theory and Methodology II
Ling. 705. Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics
Ling. 706. Bilingualism
Ling. 740. Introduction to Second Lan-
guage Acquisition and Teaching
SEYS 700-720. Elective in Historical,
Philosophical, Social, or Psychological
Foundations of Education
SEYS 744. Methods and Materials in
TESOL in the Content Areas
SEYS 768. Measurement and Evaluation
(TESOL section)
SEYS 767. TESOL elective (e.g., Second
Language Academic Writing; Cross-
Cultural Communication; Classroom
Discourse Analysis in TESOL)
SEYS 786. Seminar in Research in TESOL
B. For students already possessing
undergraduate teacher certification, but in
an area other than TESOL: The above
courses, plus SEYS 573, Student Teaching
Internship in TESOL, Elementary and
Secondary: 6 credits
C. For students without undergraduate
teacher certification: The above courses,
plus SEYS 536, Educational Foundations,
SEYS 552, Educational Psychology, and
SEYS 573, Student Teaching Internship in
TESOL, Elementary and Secondary: 6
Any deviation from this listing must be
after consultation with the appropriate
Linguistics_701._Introduction_to_Linguistics.'>Courses in Linguistics
701. Introduction to Linguistics. 3 hr.;
3 cr. Structural aspects of language most
relevant to the ESL and/or literacy
702. The Structure of American Eng-
lish: Theory and Methodology I. 3 hr.; 3
cr. Introduction to the grammar of English
and applications to teaching ESL.
703. The Structure of American Eng-
lish: Theory and Methodology II. 3 hr.;
3 cr. Prereq.: Ling. 702. Continuation of
Ling. 702.
705. Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics.
3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Ling. 701. An introduc-
tion to sociolinguistics, the study of the
relationship between language and society.
Pragmatics, the study of conditions that
affect the use and understanding of lan-
guage in society, is introduced. The socio-
cultural factors that influence the way
people use different codes and dialects, and
the pragmatic factors that show how utter-
ances are actually conveyed and how com-
prehension is ultimately achieved are
706. Bilingualism. 3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.:
Ling. 701. Sociolinguistic and psycholin-
guistic properties of bilingualism, legal his-
tory, and educational foundations of
bilingual education. Bilingual education
will be compared to other approaches. An
emphasis is placed on the implications of
bilingualism for ESL or literacy teachers.
740. Introduction to Second Language
Acquisition and Teaching. 3 hr.; 3 cr.
An introduction to the linguistic and peda-
gogical theories and methods of ESL teach-
741. Methods and Materials in TESOL. 
3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: Ling. 740. This course
concentrates on the methods and materials
appropriate to teaching ESL to literate
743. Practicum in Adult TESOL. 5 hr.; 3
cr. Prereq.: Ling. 703, 705, 706, 741. Super-
vised teaching experience plus a weekly
two-hour seminar focused on classroom-
related issues in second language acquisi-
tion and instruction. This course does not
fulfill the State Education requirements
for certification in elementary or secondary
Courses in Reserve
704. Teaching Writing and Reading to
the Adult ESL or Basic Education Stu-
781. Survey of Adult Literacy Prac-
tices and Theory
782. Language, Literacy, and Society 
784. Practicum in Adult Literacy and
791. Seminar in Research in Applied

Master of 
Arts in 
Liberal Studies
Director: Martin L. Pine
MALS Advisory Committee: James N. Jor-
dan, Frederick Purnell
The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies pro-
gram makes possible a structured study of
issues and problems outside the usual
graduate school disciplines. Its interdisci-
plinary approach encourages students to
see a specific problem, theme, or topic from
a broad perspective by focusing on it
through more than one methodology. The
base of the 30-credit program is three
team-taught core seminars that provide an
intense examination of the sources and
development of Western values.
While completing the core seminars
(which comprise 9 credits), students, in
consultation with a faculty adviser, select
18 credits of elective courses from existing
College graduate offerings. This allows for
a focused yet interdisciplinary approach at
the Master’s level of study.
The core faculty is drawn primarily but not
exclusively from the Departments of Phi-
losophy, History, Economics, and Political
Science. Recent participants include:
Pine, Martin L., Director, Professor of His-
tory, Ph.D. 1965, Columbia University:
ancient, medieval, and renaissance his-
Cordero, Alberto, Professor of Philosophy,
Ph.D., University of Maryland: philoso-
phy of natural science; history of sci-
Hicks, Steven V., Associate Professor of
Philosophy, Ph.D. 1990, Columbia Uni-
versity: Kant and Post-Kantian conti-
nental philosophy
Jordan, James N., Professor of Philosophy,
Ph.D. 1966, University of Texas at
Austin: Kant studies, ethics
Purnell, Frederick, Associate Professor of
Philosophy, Ph.D. 1971, Columbia Uni-
versity: ancient, medieval, and renais-
sance philosophy
Students must satisfy the general require-
ments for admission to the Graduate Divi-
sion. The Graduate Record Exam is not
required. The MALS Advisory Committee
recommends candidates to the Dean.
Requirements for MALS Degree
These requirements are in addition to the
general requirements for the Master of
Arts degree.
1. Each student must complete the
three core seminars.
2. The course of study must be ap-
proved by a faculty adviser.
3. Of the six elective courses, no more
than three can be in the same department.
4. Thesis or project required (3 credits).
MALS Core Seminars
Liberal Studies 700. Western Values I. 
2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. An intensive exami-
nation of the philosophical, religious, and
political ideas of the ancient and Medieval
world in their historical context.
Liberal Studies 701. Western Values II. 
2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. A continuation of LS
700 from the Renaissance to the middle of
the twentieth century.
Liberal Studies 702. Western Values III.
2 hr. plus conf.; 3 cr. Topics in twentieth-
century philosophy, politics, and science.
L I B E R A L   S T U D I E S
†-Offered either Fall or Spring; see Class Schedule.
††-May be offered; see Class Schedule.

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