Evagrius on Psalms

d P8 8. ¸O Qeo\j e)la/lhsen e)n t%½ a(gi¿% au)tou=

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d P8

8. ¸O Qeo\j e)la/lhsen e)n t%½ a(gi¿% au)tou=.

d`. ¸O aÀgioj tou= Qeou= e)sti¿n.

e PG 10(1)


101. Mwa\b le/bhj th=j e)lpi¿doj mou, k. t. e(.

e`. Le/bhj e)stiìn o( t%½ pneu/mati ze/wn, kaiì e)lpi¿zwn e)piì to\n Ku/rion: hÀtij e)lpiìj ou) kataisxu/nei to\n e)lpi¿zonta.

j PG 10(2)


102. ¹Epiì th\n ¹Idoumai¿an e)pibalw½ to\ u(po/dhma/ mou, k. t. e(.

j`. ¸H sa/rc e)sti to\ u(po/dhma tou= Xristou=, v xrhsa/menoj o( Ku/rioj e)pedh/mhse t%½ bi¿% tw½n a)nqrw¯pwn.

z P10(2)

10. Mwa\b le/bhj th=j e)lpi¿doj mou, e)piì th\n ¹Idoumai¿an e)pibalw½ to\ u(po/dhma/ mou, e)moiì a)llo/fuloi u(peta/ghsan.

z`. Ei¹ o( aÃrxwn tou= ko/smou tou/tou e)chblh/qh a)po\ tou= Swth=roj eÃcw, po/s% ma=llon oi¸ a)rxo/menoi dai¿monej u(p' au)tou=.

h P13

13. Do\j h(miÍn boh/qeian e)k qli¿yewj, kaiì matai¿a swthri¿a a)nqrw¯pwn.

h`. ¸H swthri¿a th=j logikh=j fu/sewj pneumatikh\ gnw½si¿j e)sti, dio\ kalw½j ge/graptai oÀti para\ a)nqrw¯pwn swthri¿a matai¿a e)sti¿n.



a P3

3. Kaiì lo/goij mi¿souj e)ku/klwsa/n me, kaiì e)pole/mhsa/n me dwrea/n.

a`. Lo/gouj mi¿souj w©no/masen, hÃtoi tou\j a)po\ mi¿souj prosferome/nouj, hÄ tou\j mishtou\j h(ma=j poiou=ntaj para\ Qe%½.

b P4

4. ¹Antiì tou= a)gapa=n me, e)ndie/ballo/n me, e)gwÜ de\ proshuxo/mhn.

b`. ¹Enteu=qen ginw¯skomen oÀti, tino\j kathgoroume/nou h(ma=j, deiÍ proseu/xesqai u(pe\r tw½n e)xqrw½n, iàna mh/pote mnhsikaki¿# peripeso/ntej, e)kkrousqw½men a)po\ th=j gnw¯sewj.

g PG 12.1568

6. Kaiì dia/boloj sth/tw e)k deciw½n au)tou=, k. t. e(.

g`. âWn e)kko/ptei o( Satana=j ta\ eÃrga ta\ decia\, tou/twn eÀsthken e)k deciw½n. ¹En de\ t%½ Zaxari¿# fhsi¿: « Kaiì eÃdeice/ moi Ku/rioj ¹Ihsou=n to\n i¸ere/a to\n me/gan e(stw½ta pro\ prosw¯pou a)gge/lou Kuri¿ou, kaiì o( dia/boloj ei¸sth/kei e)k deciw½n au)tou=: » ou)x a(plw½j de\, a)lla\ « t%½ a)ntikeiÍsqai au)t%½: » ou)k a)nti¿keitai de\ t%½ ¹Iou/da.

d P7

7. Kaiì h( proseuxh\ au)tou= gene/sqw ei¹j a(marti¿an.

d`. àOtan ai¹tw½men e)pi¿geia, kaiì ou)k e)poura/nia, h( proseuxh\ h(mw½n gi¿netai ei¹j a(marti¿an.

e P8(1)

8. Genhqh/twsan ai¸ h(me/rai au)tou= o)li¿gai.

e`. Ai¸ u(po\ tou= nohtou= h(li¿ou th=j dikaiosu/nhj gino/menai [ou)k ei¹siìn o)li¿gai]: periì ga\r tou= ¸Abraa\m eÃxei oÀti a)pe/qane plh/rhj h(merw½n. Kaiì th\n e)piskoph\n au)tou= la/boi eÀteroj.

j P8(2)

j`. Tou=ton to\n sti¿xon e)piì tou= ¹Iou/da o( Pe/troj te/qeiken e)n taiÍj Pra/cesi tw½n a)posto/lwn.

z PG 12.1568

9. Genhqh/twsan ui¸oiì au)tou= o)rfanoiì, kaiì h( gunh\ au)tou= xh/ra, k. t. e(.

j`. Ou)k e)para=sqai o( di¿kaioj, a)lla\ proseu/xesqai¿ moi dokeiÍ. « Eu)logeiÍte ga\r tou\j e)xqrou\j u(mw½n, fhsiìn o( ¹Apo/stoloj, eu)logeiÍte kaiì mh\ katara=sqe. » ¹Orfanoiì toi¿nun ei¹siì logismoiì ponhroiì to\n e(autw½n qa/yantej pate/ra to\n Satana=n: xh/ra de\ yuxh\ h( mh\ e)pilabou=sa spe/rmata para\ tou= diabo/lou. EuÅ de\ kaiì h( ta/cij eÃxei. Pro/teron me\n ga\r periaireiÍ ta\j kat' e)ne/rgeian a(marti¿aj, eÃpeita de\ kaiì ta\ tou/twn fau=la noh/mata.

h P12

12. Mh\ u(parca/tw au)t%½ a)ntilh/ptwr, mhde\ genhqh/tw oi¹kti¿rmwn toiÍj o)rfanoiÍj au)tou=.

h`. Mhdeiìj e)leh/sv ta\ e)k tw½n e)pispeirome/nwn zizani¿wn gennh/mata.

q *


9 Matqai/ou tou= telw/nou kai\ eu)aggelistou= e)n gene#= mi#= e)chlei/fqh to\ ponhro\n o)/noma, o(/per th\n xeiri/sthn kata/stasin e)dh/lou: ou) ga\r e)/sxe te/kna dia/doxa th=j kaki/aj au)tou=.

i *


10. u(pe\r h(=j a(marti/aj meta\ to\n toketo\n prosfe/rei zeu=goj trugo/nwn h)\ du/o newssou\j periterw=n, th\n mi/an u(pe\r a(marti/aj kai\ th\n mi/an ei)j o(loka/rpwsin.

ia *


11. xrhste/on tou/t% t%= r(ht%= pro\j tou\j a)neleh/monaj.

ib P17(1-2)

17. Kaiì h)ga/phse kata/ran, kaiì hÀcei au)t%½, kaiì ou)k e)qe/lhsen eu)logi¿an, kaiì makrunqh/setai a)p' au)tou=.

ib`. Ei¹ t%½ a)gapw½nti th\n kata/ran eÃrxetai h( kata/ra, dhlono/ti kaiì t%½ a)gapw½nti th\n eu)logi¿an, eÃrxetai h( eu)logi¿a. Kaiì pa/lin, ei¹ t%½ mh\ qe/lonti th\n kata/ran, ou)k eÃrxetai h( eu)logi¿a, kaiì t%½ mh\ qe/lonti th\n kata/ran, ou)k eÃrxetai h( kata/ra. Kaiì ti¿j qe/lei e)lqeiÍn au)t%½ kata/ran; Ou)deiìj me\n t%½ lo/g%, plh\n de\ di' wÒn pra/ttousi, qe/lousi th\n kata/ran. Ei¹ ga\r kaiì mh\ eÃqelon, ou)k aÃn ti tw½n kata/raj a)ci¿wn kateirga/sainto. Kaiì w¨sau/twj kaiì e)piì tou= qe/lein th\n eu)logi¿an nohte/on: ou) ga\r o( lo/g% qe/lwn th\n eu)logi¿an, ouÂtoj eu)logeiÍtai, a)ll' o( pare/xwn e(auto\n aÃcion th=j eu)logi¿aj Kuri¿% di' eÃrgwn a)gaqw½n.

ig P19(2)

19. Kaiì e)nedu/sato kata/ran, w¨j i¸ma/tion.

ig`. ÀWsper tou\j Xristo\n e)ndusame/nouj dia\ tw½n kakw½n e)kdu/ei o( Satana=j, ouÀtwj kaiì tou\j kata/ran e)kdusame/nouj dia\ tw½n a)retw½n e)ndu/ei o( Xristo/j.

id PG 19


19. Genhqh/tw au)t%½ w¨j i¸ma/tion oÁ periba/lletai, kaiì w¨seiì zw¯nh hÁn dia\ panto\j perizw¯nnutai, k. t. e(.

id`. AuÀth h( zw¯nh shmai¿nei th\n tou= e)piqumhtikou= aÃlogon pu/rwsin.

108:20 tou=to to\ e)/rgon tw=n e)ndiaballo/ntwn me para\ kuri/ou
kai\ tw=n lalou/ntwn ponhra\ kata\ th=j yuxh=j mou.

15. ei¹ e)ndu/ontai kata/ran, w¨j i¸ma/tion oi¸ lalou=ntej ponhra\ kata\ th=j yuxh=j tou= swth=roj, oi¸ de\ ai¸retikoi¿ ei¹sin oi¸ lalou=ntej ponhra\ kata\ th=j yuxh=j tou= Xristou=, a)nairou=ntej au)to\n, ou(=toi aÃra e)ndu/sontai kata/ran w¨j i¸ma/tion, kaiì diploi¿+da ai¹sxu/nhn au)tw½n. (cf.Pitra 19(1))

15 If they put cursing like a garment - those who speak evil against the soul of the savior,

108:24. ta\ go/nata/ mou h)sqe/nhsan a)po\ nhstei¿aj, kai\ h( sa/rc mou h)lloiw/qh di )e)/laion.

16. xrhste/on t%½ r(ht%½ pro\j tou\j katafronou=ntaj th=j e)gkratei¿aj. [=PG 12-1568-1569] Ant 1.18

v. 24 My knees are weakened from fasting, and my fles is changed from [lack of] oil.

16. The saying is to be directed towards those who are contemptuous of temperance.

iz P25

25. Eiãdosa/n me, e)sa/leusan kefala\j au)tw½n.

iz’. Tou=to ge/gone kata\ to\n kairo\n tou= staurou=: e)ki¿noun ga\r oi¸ ¹IoudaiÍoi ta\j kefala\j au)tw½n le/gontej: ãAllouj eÃswsen, e(auto\n ou) du/natai sw½sai.

ih PG 28


28. Katara/sontai au)toiì, kaiì su\ eu)logh/seij, k. t. e(.

ih`. Tou=ton eu)logeiÍ Ku/rioj, oÁn a)ntikei¿menoi katarw½ntai.

29. e)ndusa/sqwsan oi¸ e)n diaba/llonte/j me e)ntroph\n, kaiì peribale/sqwsan w¨j diploi¿+da ai¹sxu/nhn au)tw½n.

19. o( me\n Samouh\l e)ndu/etai diploi¿+da, hÁn pepoi¿hken au)t%½ h( aÃnw ¸Ierousalh\m, hÀtij e)stiì mh/thr h(mw½n: oi¸ de\ a(martwloiì e)ndu/ontai diploi¿+da ai¹sxu/nhj au)tw½n. (cf. P 29-31(2))

29. Let those who falsely accuse me be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their shame as with a cloak.

19. While Samuel was clothed in a ‘cloak’ (1Sam 2:19) which ‘the Jerusalem above which is our mother’ (Gal 4:26) made for him, sinners are clothed in [the] cloak of their own shame [In Ps 8 on 118; 5 on 118]

31(1). oÀti pare/sth e)k deciw½n pe/nhtoj, tou= sw½sai e)k tw½n katadiwko/ntwn th\n yuxh/n mou.

20. ei)/ ti¿j e)sti decio\j, ouÂtoj pa/ntwj kaiì e)n deci#= pari¿statai t%½ dikai¿%: ei¹ de/ tij e)n deci#= pari¿statai¿ tini, ouÂtoj ou) pa/ntwj e)stiì kaiì decio/j: kaiì ga/r o( dia/boloj, fhsiì, sth/tw e)k deciw½n au)tou=. (=P29-31(5))




3(1). meta\ sou= h( a)rxh\ e)n h(me/r# th=j duna/mew¯j sou

1. ei¹ a)rxh\ tou= ui¸ou= o( path\r, h( de\ a)rxh\ hÅn meta\ tou= Xristou=, kalw½j le/gei e)n toiÍj eu)aggeli¿oij to/: « Ou)k ei¹miì mo/noj, a)ll' e)gwÜ kaiì o( pe/myaj me path/r. » h(me/ran de\ duna/mewj eiåpen th\n h(me/ran tou= staurou=, hÄ th=j e)nanqrwph/sewj. [= PG 12.1569]

3(1). With you is the beginning in the day of your strength.

1. If the beginning of the son is the father, while the beginning was with the Christ; then it is well said in the Gospels: “Not I alone, but I and the Father Who sent me.” (Jn 8:16) . Day of power means the day of the cross or [the day] of the Incarnation.

3(3). E)k gastro\j pro\ e(wsfo/rou e)cege/nnhsa/ se

2. a)ntiì tou=, pro\ pa/shj logikh=j fu/sewj e)ge/nnhsa/ se: to\ ga\r baqu/teron perierga/zesqai th\n ge/nnhsin tou= Xristou= kaiì tou= e(wsfo/rou ou) th=j h(mete/raj e)stiì duna/mewj: polu\j ga\r o( periì tou/tou lo/goj kaiì dusqew¯rhtoj. [= PG 12.1569]

3(3). from the womb before the daystar I begot you.

2. This is equivalent to: “before all reasoning natures I begot you”. For to expend much effort on the profound questions of the begetting of the Christ or of the daystar is not within our power. Indeed, much concerning this saying is hard to contemplate

6(1). krineiÍ e)n toiÍj eÃqnesin, plhrw¯sei ptw¯mata

3. PlhroiÍ ptw¯mata tou= palaiou= a)nqrw¯pou tou= fqeirome/nou kata\ th=j e)piqumi/aj th=j a)pa/thj. [= PG 12.1569]

6. He shall judge among nations, he shall fill ruins:

3. Filled ruins of “the old man corrupt through deceptive desires” (Eph 4:22).

7. e)k xeima/r)r(ou e)n o(d%½ pi¿etai: [dia\ tou=to u(yw¯sei kefalh/n].

4. Ei¹ dia\ tou=to u(yw¯sei th\n kefalh\n au(tou= o( Xristo\j, e)peidh\ e)k tou= xeima/r)r(ou tou= e)n tv= o(d%½ eÃpien uÀdwr, ta/xa o( xei¿mar)r(oj to\n e)n t%½ bi¿% tou/t% qa/naton au)tou= shmai¿nei, oÁn e)n eu)aggeli¿oij poth/rion o)noma/zei: pa/ter, le/gwn ei¹ du/nato/n e)sti parelqe/tw to\ poth/rion tou=to: kaiì pa/lin: o(/tan u(ywqw½, fhsiìn o( swth\r, ei¸lku/sw pa/ntaj pro\j e)mauto/n. [= Pitra 7(2)]

7. He shall drink from the torrent in the way: [therefore he shall lift up the head.]

4. If the Christ lifts up his head because he drank water from the torrent in the way, perhaps torrent signifies that death in this life that is called “cup”in the gospels, where he says, “Father if it is possible let this cup pass from me” (Mt 26:39). And the savior also says, when “I am lifted up I will draw all to myself” (Jn 12:32)




2(1) mega/la ta\ eÃrga kuri¿ou

1. mega/la ta\ eÃrga Kuri¿ou dia\ th\n a)pokeime/nhn e)n au)toiÍj sofi¿an w©no/masen. [= PG 12.1569]

2(1) Great are the works of the Lord

1. Great are the works of the Lord on account of what is stored up within them, which is called “wisdom”.

3(2) kaiì h( dikaiosu/nh au)tou= me/nei ei¹j to\n ai¹w½na tou= ai¹w½noj

2. Ei¹ h( dikaiosu/nh au)tou= me/nei ei¹j to\n ai¹w½na tou= ai¹w½noj, oi¸ de\ di¿kaioi dia\ th\n dikaiosu/nhn o)noma/zontai di¿kaioi, kaiì au)toiì aÃra me/nousin ei¹j to\n ai¹w½na tou= ai¹w½noj. kalw½j ouÅn kaiì o( Pau=loj eiåpen: h(meiÍj de\ pa/ntote su\n kuri¿% e)so/meqa. [= PG 12.1569]

3(2) and his justice remains for ever and ever.

2. If his justice remains for ever and ever, and if the just are called ”just” on account of justice, then they, too, remain for ever and ever. Thus Paul fittingly says, we “shall be always with the Lord” (1Th 4:17)

5(1) trofh\n eÃdwken toiÍj foboume/noij au)to\n

3. h( trofh\ tw½n foboume/nwn to\n ku/rion h( sofi¿a e)stiìn h( tou= Qeou=: « a)rxh \» ga\r « sofi¿aj fo/boj Kuri¿ou. » [= PG 12.1569]

5 he has given food to those who fear him.

3. The food of those who fear the Lord is the wisdom of God; for, “The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord” (Ps 110:10)

6(1) i)sxu\n eÃrgwn au)tou= a)nh/ggeile t%½ la%½ au)tou

4. th\n qewri¿an tw½n gegono/twn i¹sxu\n eÃrgwn au)tou= o)noma/zei: i¹sxu\j de\ eiãrhtai h( gnw½sij, dia\ to\ i¹sxu\n e)ntiqe/nai tv= fu/sei tv= logikv=. [= PG 12.1569]

6 he will show forth to his people the strength of his works.

4. The contemplation of beings is called the strength of his works, for strength is said to be knowledge, which strength is granted to reasoning nature.

7. e)/rga xeirw½n au)tou= a)lh/qeia kaiì kri¿sij: pistaiì pa=sai ai¸ e)ntolaiì au)tou=

5. h( me\n a)lh/qeia e)n toiÍj o)rqoiÍj do/gmasi qewreiÍtai, h( de\ kri¿sij e)n tv= praktikv=. pista\j eiåpe ta\j e)ntola\j, a)ntiì tou= pi¿stewj a)ci¿aj. oÁ ga\r u(pisxnou=ntai, tou=to kaiì poiou=sin: u(pisxnou=ntai de\ ka/qarsin yuxh=j logikh=j toiÍj fula/ttousin au)ta/j. [cf PG 12.1569]

7. the works of his hands are truth and judgment. Faithful are all his commands.

5. While truth is contemplated in correct teachings, judgment [is contemplated] in the praktike. It says faithful commandments and this is equivalent to “worthy of faith”. For one who makes a promise also performs it; and those who promise to purify the reasoning soul fulfill them [the commandments].

10(1) su/nesij a)gaqh\ pa=si toiÍj poiou=sin au)th/n.

6. su/nesij a)gaqh\ di¿dotai toiÍj poiou=si dhlono/ti th\n a)rxh\n th=j sofi¿aj. [Pitra 10(1)]

10. A good understanding to all who do it.

6. Good understanding given to those who do reveals “the beginning of wisdom” (Ps 110:10).




1[3] e)n taiÍj e)ntolaiÍj au)tou= qelh/sei sfo/dra

1. ouÂtoj qe/lei e)n taiÍj e)ntolaiÍj au)tou= sfo/dra o( meta\ pa/shj a)kribei¿aj fula/sswn au)ta/j. [=PG 12.1569]

1. in his commands he shall delight greatly.

1. He delights in his commands greatly - the one who keeps them with great care.

3[1]. do/ca kaiì plou=toj e)n t%½ oiãk% au)tou

2. h( sofi¿a tou= qeou=, kaqo\ me\n pare/xei a)fqoni¿an qewrhma/twn plou=toj kaleiÍtai, kaqo\ de\ paraskeua/zei doca/zein tou\j a)nqrw¯pouj: tw=n kekthme/nwn au)th\n o)noma/zetai do/ca. [cf PG 12.1569]

3. Glory and wealth in his house

2. The wisdom of God ... is called wealth :

it is designated glory of those who acquire it

4[1] e)cane/teilen e)n sko/tei fw½j toiÍj eu)qe/sin

3. o( swth\r e)n toiÍj eu)aggeli¿oij pro\j tou\j maqhta/j fhsin d h)kou/sate e)n tv= skoti¿#, eiãpate e)n t%½ fwti¿. [cf PG 12.1569]

4. arisen in darkness is a light is to the righteous

3. In the gospels the savior says to the disciples. “what you hear in the darkness, declare in the light” (Mt 10:27, Lk 12:3)

5. xrhsto\j a)nh\r o( oi)kti/rwn kai\ kixrw=n
oi¹konomh/sei tou\j lo/gouj au)tou= e)n kri¿sei

4. xrhste/on t%½ r(ht%½ pro\j tou\j a)periske/ptwj e)kfe/rontaj musth/ria th=j qei¿aj grafh=j a)diakri¿twj: kaiì ga\r o( Pau=lo/j fhsin: « ouÀtwj h(ma=j logize/sqw aÃnqrwpoj w¨j u(phre/taj Xristou= kaiì oi¹kono/mouj tw½n musthri¿wn Qeou=. » [=Pitra 111:5(2); cf PG 12.1572]

5. Kindly is the man who shows mercy and lends;
He will steward his words with judgment,

4. The saying is to be directed towards those who thoughtlessly disclose the mysteries of the sacred scriptures indiscriminately: and so Paul says, ‘Let a man thus account us as ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.’ (1Cor 4:1).

7[1]. a)po\ a)koh=j ponhra=j ou) fobhqh/setai

5 [~10~]. a)koh=j a)ntiì tou=, fh/mhj, w¨j kaiì e)n t%½ eu)aggeli¿% ge/graptai: ech=lqen h( a)koh\ au)tou= ei¹j oÀlhn th\n Suri¿an: kaiì pa/lin: me/llete a)kou/ein pole/mouj kaiì a)koa\j pole/mwn. [=PG 12.1569]

7.1. of evil report he shall not be afraid

5. For report read “speech”, as is written in the gospel, “his report spread through all of Syria (Mt 4:24), and again, “you shall hear of wars and reports of wars” (Mt 24:6)

9[3]. to\ ke/raj au)tou= u(ywqh/setai e)n do/cv

6 [~11~]. ou)de\n ouÀtw fobeiÍtai o( satana=j, w¨j nou=n u(ywqe/nta e)n gnw¯sei qeou=. [cf PG 12.1572]

9. his horn shall be exalted in glory

6. He has no fear whatever of Satan - one whose nous has been exalted in knowledge of God.

10[3] e)piqumi¿a a(martwlou= a)poleiÍtai

7. ei¹ h( e)piqumi¿a tw=n a(martwlw=n a)poleiÍtai, h( de\ tw=n a(martwlw=n e)piqumi¿a h( kaki¿a e)sti/n, h( kaki¿a aÃra a)poleiÍtai tw½n a(martwlw½n. [=PG 12.1572]

10. the desire of the sinner shall be destroyed

7. If the desire of the wicked shall be destroyed, and the desire of sinners is vice (wickedness), then shall not the vice of sinners be destroyed [?].



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