Final Assessment Questions on “Theoretical phonetics” Card-1 Connection of Phonetics with Other Sciences

Education, multiple number, nouns

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Final Theoretical Phonetics

2.Education, multiple number, nouns
Education: is a purposeful activity directed at achieving certain aims, such as transmitting knowledge or fostering skills and character traits. These aims may include the development of understanding, rationality, kindness, and honesty. Various researchers emphasize the role of critical thinking in order to distinguish education from indoctrination. Some theorists require that education results in an improvement of the student while others prefer a value-neutral definition of the term. In a slightly different sense, education may also refer, not to the process, but to the product of this process: the mental states and dispositions possessed by educated people. Education originated as the transmission of cultural heritage from one generation to the next. Today, educational goals increasingly encompass new ideas such as the liberation of learners, skills needed for modern society, empathy, and complex vocational skills. Multiple number: The basic definition of multiple is manifold. In math, the meaning of a multiple is the product result of one number multiplied by another number. A multiple in math are the numbers you get when you multiply a certain number by an integer. Multiples, in math, are numbers that we get when we multiply one whole number by another whole number. Noun: A noun is a word that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea. A noun is a word that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea. In a sentence, nouns can play the role of subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, or adjective.

1.Functions of intonation . Intonation performs the following threee basic functions: constitutive, distictive and identificatory. Each of these is a complex function, capable of being analysed in several different ways.The constitutive function of intonation is to form utterance communicative units on the basis of certain syntactical and lexical structures. Intonation unifies words into utterances, thus giving the latter the final form without which they cannot exit. Intonation, is therefore, the most common, the most elementary, the ever present constitutive factor of the utterance. It forms all communicative types of utterances – statements, questions, imperatives, exclamations and modal types: - e.g. categoric statements, non-categoric, perfunctory statements, quizzical statements, certainty and uncertainty questions, insistent questions, etc. In constituting an utterance, intonation at the same time performs the segmentative and delimitative function. It segments connected discourse and delimite utterance (and intonation groups) one from another and shows relations between them. 2. The distinctive function of intonation manifests itself in several particular functions, depending on the meanings differentiated. These are communicative-distinctive, modal-distinctive, culminative (“theme-rheme”) distinctive, syntactical-distinctive and stylistic-distinctive functions.The communicative-distinctive function is to differentiate the communicative types of utterance, i.e. statements, questions, exclamations, imperatives, and communicative subtypes, e.g. within statements, - statements proper informing statements , announcements, etc., within questions – first instance questions, repeated questions, echo questions; within imperatives – commands, requests, orders and so on.The modal-distinctive function of intonation consists in differentiating modal meanings of utterance, e.g. the speaker’s attitudes and emotions, for instance, a reserved, dispassionate versus involved, interested attitude, antagonistic versus friendly attitude and so on. This function is often defined as expressive, or emotional, attitudinal.The culminative-distinctive function of intonation manifests itself in differentiating the location of the semantic nuclei of utterances and other semantically important words. This function is often called logical (Artyomov), predicative (Vinogradov), accentual (Gimson).The syntactical-distinctive function of intonation is to differentiate syntactical types of sentences and syntactical relations in sentences.Stylistic-distinctive function of intonation manifests itself in that intonation differentiates pronunciation (phonetic) styles, determined by extralinguistic factors.3. The indemnificatory function of intonation is to provide a basis for the hearer’s identification of the communicative and modal type of an utterance, its semantic and syntactical structure in accordance with the situation of the discourse. All the functions of intonation are fulfilled simultaneously and cannot be separated one from another. They show that intonation is linguistically significant and meaningful.

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