History of the Christian Church, Volume II: Ante-Nicene Christianity. A. D. 100-325

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Montanism, on the other hand, was a democratic reaction against the episcopal hierarchy

in favor of the general priesthood, and the liberty of teaching and prophesying, but it was

excommunicated and died out, till it reappeared under a different form in Quakerism.

§ 49. Beginnings of the Metropolitan and Patriarchal Systems

Though the bishops were equal in their dignity and powers as successors of the apostles, they

gradually fell into different ranks, according to the ecclesiastical and political importance of their

several districts.

1. On the lowest level stood the bishops of the country churches, the chorepiscopi who,

though not mentioned before the beginning of the fourth century, probably originated at an earlier




 They stood between the presbyters and the city bishops, and met the wants of episcopal

supervision in the villages of large dioceses in Asia Minor and Syria, also in Gaul.

2. Among the city bishops the metropolitans rose above the rest, that is, the bishops of the

capital cities of the provinces.



 They presided in the provincial synods, and, as primi inter pares,

ordained the bishops of the province. The metropolitan system appears, from the Council of Nicaea

in 325, to have been already in operation at the time of Constantine and Eusebius, and was afterwards

more fully carried out in the East. In North Africa the oldest bishop, hence called senex, stood as

primas, at the head of his province; but the bishop of Carthage enjoyed the highest consideration,

and could summon general councils.

3. Still older and more important is the distinction of apostolic mother-churches,




as those at Jerusalem, Antioch) Alexandria, Ephesus, Corinth, and Rome. In the time of Irenaeus

and Tertullian they were held in the highest regard, as the chief bearers of the pure church tradition.

Among these Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome were most prominent, because they were the capitals

respectively of the three divisions (eparchiae) of the Roman empire, and centres of trade and

intercourse, combining with their apostolic origin the greatest political weight. To the bishop of

Antioch fell all Syria as his metropolitan district; to the bishop of Alexandria, all Egypt; to the

bishop of Rome, central and lower Italy, without definite boundaries.

4. Here we have the germs of the eparchal or patriarchal system, to which the Greek church

to this day adheres. The name patriarch was at first, particularly in the East, an honorary title for

all bishops, and was not till the fourth century exclusively appropriated to the bishops of the three

ecclesiastical and political capitals of the Roman empire, Antioch, Alexandria and Rome, and also

to the bishop of Jerusalem honoris causa, and the bishop of Constantinople or New Rome. So in

the West the term papa afterwards appropriated by the Roman bishop, as summus pontifex, vicarius

Christi, was current for a long time in a more general application.


The country bishops (

χωρεπίσκοποι) appear first in the councils of Ancyra and Neo-Caesarea, 314, and again in the Council

of Nicaea. They continued to exist in the East till the 9


 century, when they were superseded by the exarchs (

ἔξαρχοι) In the

West, the chorepiscopi performed regular episcopal functions, without proper subordination to the diocesans, and hence excited

jealousy and hostility till the office was abolished under Charlemagne, and continued only as a title of various cathedral dignitaries.

See Haddan in Smith & Cheetham Dict. Chr. Ant. I. 354, and the authorities quoted there







Sedes apostolicae, matrices ecclesiae.


Philip Schaff

History of the Christian Church, Volume II: Ante-Nicene

Christianity. A.D. 100-325.

§ 50. Germs of the Papacy.

Comp. the Lit. in vol. I. §25 (p. 245).

Blondel: Traité historique de la primauté en l’église. Genéve, 1641.

Salmasius: De Primatu Papae. Lugd. Bat. 1645.

Is. Barrow: The Pope’s Supremacy. Lond. 1680 (new ed. Oxf. 1836. N. York, 1845).

Rothensee (R.C.): 

Der Primal Des Papstes in allen Christlichen Jahrhunderten,

 3 vols. Mainz, 1836–38 (I. 1–98).

Kenrick (R.C., archbishop of Baltimore, d. 1853): The Primacy of the Apostolic See vindicated.

N. York, 4th ed. 1855.

R. I. Wilberforce (formerly archdeacon in the Anglican church; died in the Roman church, 1857):

An Inquiry into the Principles of Church Authority; or Reasons for Recalling my subscriptions

to the Royal Supremacy. Lond. 1854 (ch. vi.-x.).

J. E. Riddle: The History of the Papacy to the Period of the Reformation. Lond. 1856. 2 vols.

(Chapter 1, p. 2–113; chiefly taken from Schröckh and Planck).

Thomas Greenwood: Cathedra Petri. A Political History of the great Latin Patriarchate. Lond.

1856–1872. 6 vols. Vol. I. ch. I.-VI. (A work of independent and reliable learning.)

Joh. Friedrich (Old Cath.): 

Zur ältesten Geschichte des Primates in der Kirche.

 Bonn, 1879.

E Renan

: Conferences d’Angleterre. Rome et le christianisme.

 Paris 1880. The Hibbert Lectures delivered in Lond.

1880. English translation by Charles Beard, London (Williams & Norgate) 1880, another by

Erskine Clement (Boston, 1880). Consists mostly of extracts from his books on the Origin of

Christianity, skillfully put together.

H. Formby (R.C.): Ancient Rome and its connection with the Christian Religion. London 1880.

Jos. Langen (Old Cath.): 

Geschichte der römischen Kirche bis zum Pontificate Leo’s

 I. Bonn, 1881.

R. F. Littledale (Anglo-Cath.): The Petrine Claims, A Critical Inquiry London 1880. Controversial.

Among the great bishops of Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome, the Roman bishop combined all

the conditions for a primacy, which, from a purely honorary distinction, gradually became the basis

of a supremacy of jurisdiction. The same propension to monarchical unity, which created out of

the episcopate a centre, first for each congregation, then for each diocese, pressed on towards a

visible centre for the whole church. Primacy and episcopacy grew together. In the present period

we already find the faint beginnings of the papacy, in both its good and its evil features; and with

them, too, the first examples of earnest protest against the abuse of its power. In the Nicene age

the bishop of Jerusalem was made an honorary patriarch in view of the antiquity of that church,

though his diocese was limited; and from the middle of the fourth century the new patriarch of

Constantinople or New Rome, arose to the primacy among the eastern patriarchs, and became a

formidable rival of the bishop of old Rome.

The Roman church claims not only human but divine right for the papacy, and traces its

institution directly to Christ, when he assigned to Peter an eminent position in the work of founding

his church, against which even the gates of hades shall never prevail. This claim implies several

assumptions, viz. (1) that Peter by our Lord’s appointment had not simply a primacy of personal

excellency, or of honor and dignity (which must be conceded to him), but also a supremacy of

jurisdiction over the other apostles (which is contradicted by the fact that Peter himself never

claimed it, and that Paul maintained a position of perfect independence, and even openly rebuked

him at Antioch, Gal. 2:11); (2) that the privileges of this primacy and supremacy are not personal

only (as the peculiar gifts of Paul or John undoubtedly were), but official, hereditary and transferable;

(3) that they were actually transferred by Peter, not upon the bishop of Jerusalem, or Antioch (where


Philip Schaff

History of the Christian Church, Volume II: Ante-Nicene

Christianity. A.D. 100-325.

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