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the  whole  family.  May  your  example  guide  us  from  above  and  protect  our
children and us. The Lord who has already welcomed you in his side, shine upon
you the light of His face, always.
Thank you, father Giovanni.”
Signature not clear
The  character,  the  spirituality
“I  experienced  the  effectiveness  of  his  preaching  but,  above  all,  of  the
sacrament  of  penance.  He  was  real,  strong  and  firm  and  did  not  make  any
“discount”  for  the  sin.  He  touched  directly  the  heart  but  he  gave  no  time  for
guilty  feelings,  because  he  reassured  you  with  the  great  mercy  of  the  Father.  I
was always consoled.”
Anonymous witness
“He was of strong and austere character, always coherent and respectful in
his pastoral work.”
Father Mario Latini, SC
The  confessor
“Father  Giovanni  was  my  confessor.  He  was  more  than  that  in  reality. At
times,  the  confession  was  only  a  pretext  to  speak  with  him  a  little.  Almost  a
brother  and  Father,  he  succeeded  always  to  find  the  right  words  to  help  you,
precisely with those words, which you were in need of hearing at that moment.
Many times, he comforted me and gave hope, but, above all, he helped to find
faith  in  those  moments  in  which  I  felt  it  vanishing.  Coming  out  of  the
confessional  together  with  his  benediction,  I  carried  always  inside  myself  his
encouragement  and  a  new  confidence  to  face  the  difficulties,  the  fear  and  the
doubt  of  everyday  life  with  Christian  spirit.  Thank  you,  Father  Giovanni;  you
did so much for many, now rest in peace.”
Simonetta Corso
Close  to  the  Couples  and  the  Family
“I knew a girl by name Monica (today my wife) and her parents went to ask
information about me to father Giovanni knowing that I attended the parish. He
was full of praise for me. We married and had my son Andrea, who was baptized
at St. Joseph Cottolengo. I came to know that His Holiness John Paul II would
come for a visit to the Parish.

I  wanted  to  ask  Father  Giovanni  to  make  me  meet  the  Pope  and  get  his
blessing especially for my son but I did not dare. In the afternoon, I went with
my  child  and  wife  to  the  parish  gym,  where  the  Holy  Father  would  meet  the
We  reached  there  when  the  gym  was  still  empty.  We  decided  to  wait. An
hour later, the gym was full of youth and I found myself in the first row.
Some moments later His Holiness arrived. Andrea, who until that moment
had never clapped the hands, seeing the Pope, clapped vigorously (he was nine
months old).
Passing before us His Holiness stopped. He took Andrea in his hands, under
the  beloved  look  of  Father  Giovanni,  and  blessed  us.  The  following  day,  the
Osservatore  Romano’s  article  about  the  visit  of  the  Pope  to  St.  Joseph
Cottolengo  Parish  in  Valle  Aurelia  carried  the  photo  which  showed  the  Pope
with my family, as requested by Father Giovanni.”
Giorgio Sportello
“I shared the important moments of my life with him. First, as priest during
my  adolescence  at  the  Oratory  of  St.  Joseph  al  Trionfale  (about  seven  years).
Then, as parish priest of my new parish, St. Joseph Cottolengo church, and God
made himself present through him when he blessed my marriage.
Finally, coming back to St. Joseph al Trionfale parish, father Giovanni saw
the  growth  of  the  new  ‘oratory  for  boys’,  among  whom  three  of  my  children
were present.
He came to Valle Aurelia also to concelebrate at the funeral of my mother
in law.
The  presence  of  father  Giovanni  in  every  occasion  gave  me  serenity  and
long lasting certitude.
Notwithstanding  the  long  intervals  between  one  meeting  and  the  next,  it
seems  to  me  of  having  him  near  everyday  as  a  great  friend  of  my  family.  His
relationship was attentive and he called me for every anniversary of my marriage
assuring  that  joy  and  love  reign  in  my  family,  but  also  in  the  families  of  my
relatives, whom he knew.
But the extraordinary thing was that he enquired about the news of all the
persons  with  whom  we  were  connected  from  the  Oratory‘s  days.  Even  though
many  years  had  passed  by  now,  he  remembered  the  personal  situations,  the
names and the surnames!
I received a last call from father Giovanni on February 9, 2007 (anniversary
of  my  marriage),  During  which,  speaking  also  about  the  recent  death  of  my
mother in law, assured me that certain spiritual persons like her, are still present
among us, even after their death.”
Marcello Parsi

At  the  side  of  the  poor
“Dear Father Giovanni,
I  am  one  of  the  many  persons  you  always  cared  for!  I  also  would  like  to
offer my witness. As you know well, I came from very far and that I work in this
church together with my husband for many years. I would like to thank you for
all  the  encouragement,  your  advice  and  the  strength  to  go  ahead  always.  How
much we will miss that affectionate look every morning and that smile and your
hand on our shoulder, which transmitted serenity and the strength to do our daily
We  thank  God  for  having  known  you  and  spent  together  many  beautiful
moments. In this moment, we unite ourselves to your family, your confreres and
the  whole  community  of  this  church  to  pray  for  you  and  I  am  sure  that  you
would remember from above these humble persons, as your heart was humble.”
Maruca, Samuel and Lucia
That  missing  button
“I have in the heart a memory of you... Father Giovanni!
Often,  on  Saturdays,  I  met  you  in  the  sacristy  when,  after  attending  about
some parish works you hurried to begin your most important task... of confessor.
Many say that you heard them with kindness, deep simplicity
and transparent openness in words and actions.
When you were wearing the ‘cassock’ I always noticed that a black button
was  missing...  “Father  Giovanni”  I  said,  “why  don’t  you  stitch  that  button?
Perhaps you don’t know how to do it?” “I can,” you answered quietly, “I can.”
“Then  why  do  not  you  do  that?”  You  said,  “Because  my  ailing  heart  breaths
through that missing button.” I have a special place for you in the depth of my
heart, father Giovanni. Bye.”
A friend
Gratitude,  the  presence  and  the  smile  beyond  death
“Thank you Father Giovanni, for all the good things you said to me.”
“Thank you! Thank you for welcoming me, thank you for making me feel
at home, thank you for being there. I love you.”

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