Grades English Teacher

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Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organizing moment: - Greeting.

  • Checking register

  • Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.
  1. Pre-activity

Your pupils check their knowledge on grammar. Check your grammar: Every, all.

  1. Main part

Activity 1. Underline the correct word.
Answer key: 1. I have written to all my friends.

  1. I have written to every friend I have.

  2. All my family members work in education.

  3. Not all birds can sing.

  4. Every person made his or her own travel arrangements.

  5. There is a meeting every week.

  6. I have cleaned all the rooms except the bathroom.

  7. You don’t see tigers every day.

Activity 2 Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps with / all / every /.

Answer key:
1. all

7. all

13. all

2. all

8. all

14. every

3. every

9. all

15. all

  1. every

  2. every

  3. all

  1. every

  2. every

  3. all

Activity 3 Look at the “Leadership and Teamwork Vocabulary” in the box and fi ll in the gaps in the sentences with appropriate one/ones.

Answer key:

  1. participated, share

  2. supportive, effective

  3. responsible

  4. sharing, supportive

  5. support,

  1. respect

  2. peer support

  3. collaborate

  4. contest

  1. Post-activity

Activity 4 Discuss this quotation.
If You Want To Walk Fast, Walk Alone.
If You Want To Walk Far, Walk Together.

  • Do you agree? Why/why not?

  • Give examples and reasons for your answer.

  1. Homework

Make a list of vocabulary you have learned today.

  1. Evaluation

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature


English Teacher:


Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Study with others. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:
Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to learn cooperate; to study together and its benefits
Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.
Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect them
Competence: SC6, FLCC and SC in talking about studying
Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about importance of cooperation, about team-work, to socialize and be an effective team member
Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed
Method of the lesson: group work, pair work, individual
Equipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


Part of the lesson




Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.
- to motivate pupils to learn

3 min


Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson.

5 min


Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.



Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.

8 min



- To mark pupils.

2 min



- Giving homework.

2 min

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organizing moment: - Greeting.

  • Checking register

  • Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.
  1. Pre-activity

Activity 5 Discuss with your peers.
Do you feel more energized when you are working alone or when you are working as part of a team? Support you answers with the examples.

  1. Main part

Activity 6 Read the sentences below and identify if they are true or false.

Answer key:

    1. The man was walking to the country. false

    2. His car was broken down. true

    3. There was nobody except a farmer to ask for a help. true

    4. Warwick managed to help the man. true

    5. Warwick had additional names like Fred, Jack, Ted. true

    6. The story is about how to make animals work. false
  1. Post-activity

Activity 7 Discussion

  1. Look at the picture. Discuss with your friends the quality of an effective team member.

  2. Who is the most effective member in your class?

  3. Which one is better, to a leader or to an effective member?

  1. Homework Make a list of your classmates and put the tick in suitable boxes.

  1. Evaluation

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature


English Teacher:


Abdulatipov Abdurauf


The aim of the lesson:
Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to improve pupils’ knowledge; to revise and consolidate all learnt materilas from previous lessons
Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose is to develop grammar skills, listening skills; reading skills
Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect them
Competence: SC3, FLCC and PC in answering questions
Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about all topics learnt in previous lessons; use vocabulary properly
Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed, traditional
Method of the lesson: group work, pair work
Equipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


Part of the lesson




Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.
- to motivate pupils to learn

3 min


Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson.

5 min


Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.



Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.

8 min



- To mark pupils.

2 min



- Giving homework.

2 min

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organizing moment: - Greeting.

  • Checking register

  • Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

  1. Pre-activity

Work in a group of four. Look at these pictures and discuss the following questions:

  1. Main part

Sort out the words into the following parts of speech. Some words might be both.

Complete the sentences using words from the box.

  1. Post-activity. Discuss this quotation.

  • Do you agree? Why/Why not?

  • Give examples and reasons for your answer.

  1. Homework

Make a list of vocabulary you have learned today.

  1. Evaluation

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature


English Teacher:


Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Final Test 2

  1. It is hot and I don’t like it.

A) such B) too C) so D) enough

  1. You walk fast. I can’t catch you

A) enough B) too C) so D) such

  1. It’s hot! I love the summer!

A) so B) suchC) too D) enough

  1. Do we have sugar?

A) such B) too C) so D) enough

  1. They are nice children.

A) enough B) too C) so D) such

  1. Find the definition of together

  1. to do something with someone or a group of people

  2. something you wish for; what you see when you are asleep

  3. the natural and distinctive tone of the speech sounds

  4. think about and then understand something

Find the word.

7 - something that stops someone/something getting better or bigger
A) dream B) Figure out C) limitation D) prohibit

  1. - not the same

A) similar B) different C) identical D) familiar

  1. - a source of enjoyment, amusement

A) enjoy B) fun C) boredom D) dull

  1. - to finish something successfully or to achieve something

A) accomplish B) success C) intend D) regret

  1. Are you going to stay in the bath day?

A) all B) every C) each

  1. My brother and my sister have got one child.

A) all B) every C) each

  1. parent wants the best for his or her children

A) all B) every C) each

  1. truth is not good to be told.

A) all B) every C) each

  1. hotel in the town was full.

A) all B) every C) each

  1. I haven't had any sleep at all. The baby hasn't stopped crying night.

A) all B) every C) each

  1. there are three types of bullying: physical, verbal and social.

A) Certainly B) Obviously C) Basically D) Unfortunately

  1. , bullying is quite common in many schools.

A) Personally B) Obviously C) Basically D) Unfortunately

  1. , I think teachers could do more to stop bullying.

A) SurprisinglyB) Personally C) Certainly D) Basically

  1. , people who are being bullied often feel really upset by it.

A) Logically B) Obviously C) Basically D) Unfortunately

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