Grades English Teacher

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Main part

Activity 6 Ask your pupils to discuss the following questions..

  1. Post activity

Activity 7 Ask your pupils to complete the gaps with a word from the box.

Answer key:

  1. Unfortunately

  2. Basically

  3. Obviously

  4. Surprisingly

  5. Personally

  1. Homework

    1. What is bullying?

    2. What are the effects when someone consistently causes someone injury?

    3. How can a parent recognize if their child is being victimized?

    4. What should you do if you see someone getting picked on?

    5. What are some ways that students are being harassed in school?

    6. Are there less bullies in schools that require a school uniform?

    7. What forms of harassment are the worst?

    8. What can be done to prevent bullying?

Write you own ideas on the topic “Bullying at schools” by answering the following questions.

  1. Evaluation

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature


English Teacher:


Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Study with others

The aim of the lesson:
Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to learn cooperate; to study together and its benefits
Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.
Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect them
Competence: SC6, FLCC and SC in studying
Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about importance of cooperation, about team-work, to socialize and be an effective team member
Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed
Method of the lesson: group work, pair work, individual
Equipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


Part of the lesson




Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.
- to motivate pupils to learn

3 min


Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson.

5 min


Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.



Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.

8 min



- To mark pupils.

2 min



- Giving homework.

2 min

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organizing moment: - Greeting. - Checking register

  • Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.
  1. Pre-activity

Activity 1 Work with your partner. Look at these photos and answer the questions.

  1. Why do people study together?

  2. What do people have in common when they study together?

  3. Do the results of the project depend on each member?
  1. Main part

Activity 2 Match words 1– 9 with definitions a – h.

Answer key:

1-c, 2-a, 3-g, 4-d, 5-h, 6-b, 7-e, 8-f

Activity 3 Listen to the song and Ask your pupils to fill in the gaps.

Answer key:

    1. figured out

    2. limitation

    3. different

    4. together

    5. together

    6. voice

    7. champions

    8. inside

    9. chance

    10. sing along

    11. sing along

  1. Post-activity

Activity 4 Ask your pupils to discuss in small groups. What is the song about?

  1. This song is about students’ problems.

  2. This song is about students’ friendship.

  3. This song is about students’ exams.

  • Can you give a title to this song?

  • Why do you think your title is the best?

  1. Homework

Make a list of vocabulary you have learned today.

  1. Evaluation

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature


English Teacher:


Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.A. Study with others. Consolidation

The aim of the lesson:
Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to learn cooperate; to study together and its benefits
Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.
Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect them
Competence: SC6, FLCC and SC in talking about studying
Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about importance of cooperation, about team-work, to socialize and be an effective team member
Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed
Method of the lesson: group work, pair work, individual
Equipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


Part of the lesson




Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.
- to motivate pupils to learn

3 min


Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson.

5 min


Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.



Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.

8 min



- To mark pupils.

2 min



- Giving homework.

2 min

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organizing moment: - Greeting.

  • Checking register

  • Check for homework given on past lesson. Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.
  1. Pre-activity

Activity 5 Ask your pupils to read the text about hedgehogs and being together
  1. Main part

Activity 6 Continue the sentences below.

    1. The leader is ...

    2. An effective team member ...

    3. A wonderful team is ...

Activity 7 Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of working in a group.




too much noise


different workloads

different ideas

depends on others

  1. Post-activity

Activity 8 Ask your pupils to Ask your pupils to match the words below to the pictures.

Answer key:

1. resolve 2. zero in on chalenge
3. compete 4. enhance
5. conflict 6. accomplish
7. team-building interfere 8. effective

  1. Homework

Make a list of vocabulary you have learned today.

  1. Evaluation

Deputy director on educational affairs: Signature


English Teacher:


Abdulatipov Abdurauf

Lesson 2.B. Study with others

The aim of the lesson:
Educational: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to learn cooperate; to study together and its benefits
Developing: - According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.
Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other cultures, teaching to respect them
Competence: SC6, FLCC and SC in talking about studying
Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about importance of cooperation, about team-work, to socialize and be an effective team member
Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed
Method of the lesson: group work, pair work, individual
Equipment: English 10 Pupil’s book, the DVD, piece of chalk, blackboard


Part of the lesson




Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.
- to motivate pupils to learn

3 min


Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson.

5 min


Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme. To do exercises and activities given in pupil’s book.



Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.

8 min



- To mark pupils.

2 min



- Giving homework.

2 min

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