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Despite a large number of gyms, a sedentary lifestyle is gaining

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@thompson english IELTS Model Essays

Despite a large number of gyms, a sedentary lifestyle is gaining
popularity in the contemporary world.
What problems are associated with this? What solutions can you

It’s saying that although there are gyms (so places where people can
exercise), people are still sedentary. You should be able to work out from
this it is thus the opposite to taking exercise. 
Sedentary means ‘inactive’ so a sedentary lifestyle is one with little exercise
and a lot of sitting or lying down. People tend to think of life as sedentary
for many people these days as they often spend most the day sitting in an
office then the evening in front of the television. 

You can probably think of various problems with this, the most obvious one
being poor health. Now take a look at the model answer. 
Model Answer
Despite a large number of gyms, a sedentary lifestyle is gaining
popularity in the contemporary world.
What problems are associated with this? What solutions can you
In many cities, fitness gyms are sprouting up in response to the need for a
healthier populace. However, despite the available options, people often
prefer a sedentary lifestyle over an active one, creating some problems for
society. This does not mean, though, that solutions are not possible. 
Perhaps the most obvious result of people preferring a less active lifestyle is
poor personal health. If people are not exercising, then they can be impacted
both physically and mentally. Sitting around too much has caused particular
problems with people’s lower backs and shoulders, a common complaint for
most people. Exercise is also stimulating for endorphins in the brain and is
important for mental health. Related to this is the fact that the economy may
suffer due a decline in productivity when workers are off sick. Aside from
declining employee productivity directly affecting sales and services, it is
also quite costly for companies to invest more in health insurance to protect
their people.
So, what can be done to change people’s minds about fitness? Firstly, the
government has to have a more active campaign to promote a healthy
lifestyle. Through an aggressive information drive, families must be made
aware of the dangers of not staying fit. Schools must also strengthen their
efforts to inculcate the importance of a healthy body and mind. Next,
companies must ramp up their efforts as they feel the brunt of this drop in
work productivity. All employees should be strongly encouraged to stay fit
through company programs that get people exercising together. Not only will
it keep people healthy, but it is also a great way to strengthen camaraderie at

To sum up, though gym facilities may be available, it is the people’s mindset
that needs changing through the combined effort of the government and
companies. Once people understand the importance of staying healthy, it is
almost guaranteed that people, companies. and the economy will improve. 
(321 words) 
The answer clearly sets out the problems and then discusses solutions for
these problems. The essay is well-organised with an introduction, two body
paragraphs and a conclusion. 
The introduction draws attention to the fact that problems and solutions are
the theme of the essay: 
…people often prefer a sedentary lifestyle over an active one, creating some

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