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The Abkhaz retaliated by reinstating the 1925 constitution of Abkhazia, 
which defined Abkhazia as independent but “united with the Soviet Socialist 
Republic of Georgia on the basis of special union treaty.” Thus in practice 
Abkhazia declared its independence. But such a decision required a simple majority 
for the ratification by the Abkhazian Parliament. The Georgian members of the 
Abkhazian Parliament didn’t take part in this decision and started a campaign of 
civil disobedience.
 The State Council of Georgia, at the same time declared this 
decision null and void, on 25 July. 
While, in compliance with the appeal of the Abkhazian Supreme Soviet 
dated 12 August, the negotiations on the future federative relations between 
Abkhazia and Georgia went on in Sukhum, the Georgian troops commanded by 
Tengiz Kitovani crossed into the Abkhazia on 14 August 1992. On that day, the 
Abkhazian parliament also was scheduled to discuss the draft treaty proposed to the 
Georgian State Council. The official reason for sending troops was to put an end to 
ongoing sabotage and looting, particularly on the railway line, and to search for, 
and free Georgian officials kidnapped by supporters of ousted Georgian president 
Within four days, Georgian troops commanded by Kitovani, Ioseliani and 
Karkarashvili entered Sukhum. Because of the surprise attack, Abkhazian National 
Guard failed to oppose and, as a result, Ardzinba’s government withdrew to 
 The Abkhazian parliament had been deadlocked by prior efforts to institute a repatriation 
program of Diaspora Abkhaz, similar to one begun in the Circassian republics in June 1991 for 
Diaspora Circassians. 
 The Georgian excuse to this move was the capture of hostages (11 responsible officials of the 
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia) in Zugdisi and their transfer to Abkhazia. The Vice-
Premier, Alexandr Kavsadze, captured earlier, was also taken there. 13 August was the deadline for 
the release of hostages. 

Gudauta, a city in the northern Abkhazia. Within a week the Georgians were up to 
the Russian border and had the Abkhaz bottled up in three cities: Sukhum, 
Ochamchira, and Tkvarchel, with only a region around the Gudauta truly in 
Abkhaz control. 
5- Confederation and the Abkhaz Conflict: 
The Georgian assault to Abkhazia created a serious reaction among the 
peoples of the North Caucasus. First of all, most of the peoples remembered the 
“ethnic death of the Ubykh which loomed large in the minds of all North Caucasus 
as a symbol of oblivion” and they determined “not to sit back and watch this fate 
befall the Abkhaz.”
The Confederation reacted to the conflict promptly and, the first volunteer 
troops under the command of the chairman of the Confederation Defence 
Committee Colonel Sultan Sosnaliev, arrived in Gudauta on 15 August 1992.
the other national front movements and public organisations around the North 
Caucasus including the Cossacks, as a response to the calls from the Confederation 
and the International Cherkess Association, under the slogan “Hands off 
Abkhazia!” started to organise committees for solidarity with Abkhazia. Meetings 
were held in Maykop, Cherkessk, Vladikavkaz, Makhachkale, Grozny, and Nalchik 
 Colarusso, 1995. “Abkhazia,”.Central Asian Survey, 14(1): 83. 
 Şenibe, Birliğin Zaferi, 64-5. 

and these centres were named as the relief centres to Abkhazia and volunteers 
started to gather.
On 17 August 1992, at a two-day special 10
 enlarged session of its 
parliament in Grozny, the Confederation drew up a platform of solidarity with 
Abkhazia. At the end of the session, the CMPC parliament adopted a decision that 
the dispatch of Georgian troops to Abkhazia was accepted as ‘armed aggression’. 
The Confederation demanded the withdrawal of the Georgian troops and declared 
that, if the Georgian troops were not withdrawn from Abkhazia within 3 days, that 
is 21 August and to provide compensation for the damage inflicted during the 
occupation, the Confederation would declare war on Georgia.
In the beginning, this ultimatum was regarded in Tiflis as a bluff. President 
Shanibov, after seeing the Georgian refusal, however, signed a decree to all 
regional centres, on the start of hostilities on the territory of Abkhazia and Tiflis 
was declared a disaster zone on 21 August. The decree instructed the 
Confederation’s armed formations “to force their way” on to the territory of 
Abkhazia “by any means” and to “engage in hostilities if opposed by any 
 Moreover, with this decree, the Confederation ordered the Georgians 
within the territories of the Confederation to be seized as prisoners of war. This 
 “Kabardin-Balkaria: Volunteers leave for Abkhazia,” SWB SU/1463, B/3, 19 August 1992; 
“Anti-Georgian meting in Chechnia,” SWB SU/1464, C1/2, 20 August 1992; And, Kafkasya 
Gerçeği, quoted from Qhuaze’s issue dated 26 August in October 1992, 10: 15. 
 “Caucasian Confederation threatens war on Georgia: Dudayev refuses to arm,” SWB SU/1465, 
C2/2,  21 August 1992; “Anti-Georgian meeting in Chechnia,” SWB SU/1464, C1/2, 20 August 
1992; and Zverev, “Ethnic Conflicts,” 50. 
 For the Russian and Turkish text of order (ukaz) dated 21 August see “Kafkas-Abhazya Direnişi 
(Belgeler)” October 1992. Document No: 20, Kafkasya Gerçeği, 10: 15 and for the English text, 
“Mountain Peoples to take Abkhazia by any Methods,” SWB SU/1470, C1/1-2, 27 August 1992. In 
addition see, “Confederation of Mountain Peoples urges volunteers to fight Georgia,” SWB 
SU/1467, C2/3, 24 August 1992. 

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