Modul 2 Symptoms and syndromes in diseases of internal organs Text test

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Modul 2

Symptoms and syndromes in diseases of internal organs

Text test

  1. In chronic hepatitis with the expressed activity ALT exceeds the norm in:

    1. 2-3 times

    2. 3-5 times

    3. 5-10 times

    4. * more than 10 times

    5. is standard

  2. In chronic hepatitis with the moderate activity ALT exceeds the norm in:

    1. up to 3 times

    2. 3-5 times

    3. * 4-10 times

    4. 10-20 times

    5. over 20 times

  3. In first stage of chronic hepatitis:

    1. fibrosis is absent

    2. * poorly expressed peryportal fibrosis

    3. moderate fibrosis with porto-portal septa

    4. expressed fibrosis with porto-central septa

    5. liver cirrhosis

  4. In the fourth stage of chronic hepatitis develops:

    1. moderate fibrosis poorly expressed fibrosis

    2. expressed fibrosis

    3. * liver cirrhosis

    4. hepatonecrosis

  5. In the second stage of chronic hepatitis fibrosis is:

    1. expressed

    2. * moderate

    3. poorly expressed

    4. absent

    5. liver cirrhosis develops

  6. In the third stage of chronic hepatitis fibrosis is:

    1. absent

    2. * expressed

    3. moderate

    4. poorly expressed

    5. liver cirrhosis develops

  7. Select the ultrasound data of cholecystocholangitis:

    1. enlarged liver;

    2. deformation of a gallbladder;

    3. presence of sediment in a gallbladder;

    4. * thickening of gallbladder walls;

    5. Liver is diminished

  8. Select the ultrasound data of hepatitis:

    1. deformation of bile ducts;

    2. thickness of bile ducts walls

    3. * diffuse thickness of the liver;

    4. single large conturated inclusion;

    5. deformation of a liver

  9. Diet at the pathology of hepatobiliary system includes:

    1. thermally, mechanically sparing meal;

    2. * chemically, mechanically sparing meal;

    3. thermally, chemically sparing meal;

    4. thermally, mechanically and chemically sparing meal;

    5. thermally sparing meal

  10. Select data of hypersplenism:

    1. anemia, thrombocytopenia;

    2. leukocytosis, anemia;

    3. leukocytosis, hyperbilirubinemia, thrombocytopenia;

    4. leukocytosis, anemia, thrombocytopenia;

    5. * leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia

  11. What is typical for liver cirrhosis?

    1. splenomegaly, anemia, hypercoagulation

    2. splenomegaly, erythrocitosis, jaundice;

    3. * hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, jaundice;

    4. hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, hemorrhages;

    5. splenomegaly, anemia

  12. What is typical for mesenchimal-inflammatory syndrome is hepatitis?

    1. increase of АSТ, АLT

    2. decrease of prothrombin level

    3. increase of alkaline phosphatase level

    4. increase of indirect bilirubin

    5. dysproteinemia

  13. In treatment of billary colicks it is necessary to prescribe:

    1. analgetics

    2. * spasmolitics and sedatives

    3. antibiotics

    4. hepatoprotectors

    5. vitamins

  14. In treatment of chronic cholecystitis in remission phase it is necessary to prescribe

    1. analgetics

    2. * spasmolitics and sedatives

    3. antibiotics

    4. * choleretics and cholekinetics

    5. hepatoprotectors , vitamins

  15. Leading symptoms in case of chronic cholecystitis are:

    1. Pain, disuria

    2. * Pain, dyspepsia

    3. Renal failure

    4. Dyspepsia, disuria

    5. Pain, intoxication

  16. Medicine of choice at cholestasis is:

    1. essentiale;

    2. carsil;

    3. no-spa;

    4. * cholenzym;

    5. papaverin

  17. Medicine of choice at the cytolitic syndrome is:

    1. * essentiale;

    2. cholenzym;

    3. interferon;

    4. no-spa;

    5. papaverin

  18. Medicine of choice at the low synthetic function of liver is:

    1. essentiale;

    2. * carsyl;

    3. cholenzym;

    4. interferon

    5. papaverin

  19. Medicine of choice in case of chronic viral hepatitis is:

    1. prednisolon;

    2. essentiale;

    3. * interferon;

    4. cholenzym;

    5. papaverin

  20. Medicine of choice in case of lambliosis (giardiasis) is:

    1. gentamycin;

    2. penicillin;

    3. aspirin;

    4. * furasolidon;

    5. papaverin

  21. Mineral water in patients with cholelithiasis is appointed:

    1. * before meals

    2. after meals

    3. during meal

    4. everythinfg is right

    5. everythinfg is wrong

  22. Minimum activity of chronic hepatitis in case of:

    1. normal ALT

    2. * ALT up to 3 times exceed a norm

    3. ALT up to 5 times exceeds a norm

    4. ALT 5-10 times exceeds a norm

    5. ALT exceeds a norm more than 10 times

  23. Preparations of bile acids are prescribed for:

    1. bilirubin stones

    2. * cholesterol stones

    3. calcium stones

    4. phosphoric stones

    5. mixed stones

  24. Preparations of which bile acids have litholytic effect?

    1. oleic

    2. palmitic

    3. * ursodeoxycholic

    4. corn

    5. everythinfg is wrong

  25. Products that have cholekinetic effect:

    1. milk products - yogurt

    2. buckwheat, oatmeal

    3. * eggs, honey

    4. spinach

    5. Apples, pears

  26. Products with choleretic effect:

    1. eggs

    2. honey

    3. * oat porridge, beef

    4. carrots

    5. melon

  27. Reduction of gall bladder is decreased by:

    1. cholekynetics

    2. gastrin

    3. secretin

    4. * glucagon

    5. tyreoidin

  28. Reduction of gall bladder is strengthened by:

    1. * cholekynetics

    2. glucagon

    3. calcitonin

    4. tyreoidin

    5. vitamins

  29. The main ethiologic factor of chronic cholecystitis is:

    1. Character of nutrition

    2. Anomaly of the liver development

    3. Genetic predisposition

    4. * Bile ducts dyskinesia

    5. Virus

  30. To immune suppressive therapy of chronic hepatitis belongs:

    1. indomethacin

    2. * azatioprin

    3. Penicillin

    4. Cholenzym

    5. vitamins

  31. Urgent therapy for biliary colic attack:

    1. neostigmine methylsulfate

    2. * baralgin

    3. prednisolone

    4. cefasolin

    5. ursophalc

  32. Ursophalc belongs to:

    1. choleretics

    2. cholekinetics

    3. * litholytics

    4. enzymes

    5. antacids

  33. Viferon is the medicine of group:

    1. glucocorticoids

    2. Antibiotics

    3. antihystamine

    4. * interferon

    5. vitamins

  34. What symptom appears simultaneously with the pain in biliary colic?

    1. hemorrhagic

    2. splenomegaly

    3. * nausea, vomiting

    4. belching, bloating, constipation

    5. diarrhea, flatulence

  35. What choleretic drug includes bile acids?

    1. flamen

    2. cholagol

    3. * cholenzym

    4. olimetin

    5. galstena

  36. What drugs are prescribed in case of Ursophalc long-term treatment?

    1. antibiotics

    2. * hepatoprotectors

    3. hormones

    4. anticoagulants

    5. choleretic

  37. What drugs of bile acids has litholytic effect?

    1. Flamen

    2. holagol

    3. * chenophalc

    4. allochol

    5. cholenzym

  38. What is an inhibitor of lithogenesis?

    1. somatotropin

    2. insulin

    3. * deoxycholic acid

    4. hydrochloric acid

    5. pepsinogen

  39. What is appointed to stimulate the synthesis of bile acids:

    1. flamin

    2. * phenobarbital

    3. allohol

    4. sorbitol

    5. chenophalc

  40. What is the mode in patients with cholelithiasis?

    1. decreasing sedentary

    2. hygienic gymnastics

    3. mobile games outdoors

    4. swimming, athletics

    5. * all of the above

  41. What kind of diet is prescribed to patients with cholelithiasis?

    1. № 1

    2. № 4

    3. * № 5

    4. № 10

    5. № 15

  42. What medicine belongs to interferons?

    1. Essentiale

    2. Cholenzym

    3. * Intron A

    4. Carsyl

    5. Prednisolon

  43. What must be added to food in patients with cholelithiasis?

    1. salt

    2. * cellulose

    3. sugar

    4. dairy products

    5. liquid

  44. What must be taken for electrophoresis in case of duodenogastral reflux?

    1. novocaine;

    2. * proserin;

    3. magnesium sulfate;

    4. papaverin;

    5. aspirin

  45. What should be restricted in the diet of patients with cholelithiasis?

    1. protein

    2. carbohydrates

    3. * high-melting fats

    4. vegetable fats

    5. aminoacids

  46. What sorbents are used in patients with cholelithiasis?

    1. cholestyramine

    2. polyphepan

    3. smectic

    4. karbolong

    5. * all of the above

  47. When the cholestasis, concentration of bile acids

    1. increases

    2. * decreases

    3. unchanged

    4. everything is true

    5. everything is wrong

  48. When the cholestasis, concentration of bile cholesterol and bilirubin in bile

    1. * increases

    2. decreases

    3. unchanged

    4. everything is true

    5. everything is wrong

  49. Which drug belongs to chloretics?

    1. smectic

    2. sorbitol

    3. * allochol

    4. festal

    5. almagel

  50. Which drug belongs to cholekinetics?

    1. allohol

    2. * epsom salt (MgSO4)

    3. cholosas

    4. cholagon

    5. galstena

  51. Which drugs are used in cholelithiasis?

    1. * choleretics and cholekinetics

    2. cholesympatolytics and cholestatics

    3. cholelitics, cholemimetics

    4. all of the above

    5. everything is wrong

  52. Which radiopaque preparation is not used for cholecystography?

    1. Bilignost

    2. Bilitrast

    3. Cholevid

    4. Iopagnost

    5. * All mentioned

  53. According to location of pathological process chronic pyelonephritis may be:

    1. Unilateral

    2. Bilateral

    3. Pyelonephritis of a single kidney

    4. No correct answer

    5. * All enumerated

  54. Anticoagulants are prescribed in the following caurse of glomerulonephritis:

    1. With uric syndrome

    2. With uric syndrome and hematuria

    3. In resistant hypertension

    4. * With nephrotic syndrome

    5. With acute nephritic syndrome

  55. For treatment of primary acute pyelonephritis all the following drugs are used except of:

    1. Ampicillin

    2. Palin

    3. Biseptol

    4. Nevigramon

    5. * prednisolon

  56. For treatment of primary acute pyelonephritis are used:

    1. * Antibiotics, sulfa drugs, uroseptics, phitodiuretics

    2. sulfa drugs, spasmolythics

    3. Antibiotics, uroseptics, hemostatics

    4. Antibiotics, spasmolythics, phitodiuretics

    5. sulfa drugs, spasmolythics, vitamina

  57. For treatment of pyelonephritis all the following drugs are used except of:

    1. Antibiotics

    2. uroseptics

    3. Preparations which improve urine outflow

    4. Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory agents

    5. * prednisolon

  58. For treatment of pyelonephritis it is necessary to prescribe:

    1. uroseptics

    2. Preparations which improve urine outflow

    3. Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory agents

    4. antibiotics

    5. * all mentioned

  59. For which period of time is it necessary to prescribe a bed mode for a patient with acute glomerulonephritis?

    1. Till disappearance of uric syndrome

    2. On 1-3 days

    3. * Till disappearance of edema and normalization of blood pressure

    4. On 3-5 days

    5. On 10-14 days

  60. Hypertonic type of chronic glomerulonephritis is manifested with:

    1. Normal blood pressure (BP) and uric syndrome

    2. High BP

    3. Edema and uric syndrome

    4. * High BP and edema

    5. Total edema

  61. In acute pyelonephritis in urine sediments may be found:

    1. * Protein and erythrocytes

    2. Protein and uric acid salts crystals

    3. Leukocytes

    4. Leukocytes and hyaline casts

    5. Erythrocytes and calcium oxalatis crystals

  62. In pathogenesis of chronic glomerulonephritis the most important role belongs to:

    1. Inflammation

    2. * Authoimmune process

    3. Immune disorders

    4. Disorders of hemostasis

    5. Liver disease

  63. In which age pyelonephritis usually develop in women?

    1. In childhood

    2. In young age

    3. * In moderate age

    4. In declining years

    5. In elderly people

  64. Main principle of treatment chromic pyelonephritis:

    1. To avoid overcooling

    2. * To remove disorders of urine outflow

    3. Sanation of focci of infection

    4. To avoid sulfa drugs

    5. Usage of adequate volume of liquid

  65. Most often the causative agent of acute glomerulonephritis is:

    1. * Hemolythic streptococcus group A

    2. Viruses

    3. Staphylococci and pneumococci

    4. Coli

    5. Fungi

  66. Most often the causative agent of acute pyelonephritis is:

    1. * E. Coli

    2. Proteus

    3. Streptococcus

    4. Viruses

    5. Chlamidia

  67. Progression of chronic glomerulonephritis is usually caused by:

    1. Infection

    2. * Hemodynamic changes in glomeruli

    3. Immune disorders

    4. disorders of urine outflow

    5. hyperuricemia

  68. Select complication of acute glomerulonephritis:

    1. * Acute renal failure

    2. Chronic renal failure

    3. Toxic shock

    4. Bleeding

    5. All mentioned

  69. Select complication of chronic glomerulonephritis:

    1. Acute renal failure

    2. * Chronic renal failure

    3. Toxic shock

    4. Bleeding

    5. All mentioned

  70. Select complication of chronic glomerulonephritis:

    1. Acute renal failure

    2. Chronic renal failure

    3. Toxic shock

    4. Bleeding

    5. * Hypertonic crisis

  71. The main difference between primary and secondary chronic pyelonephritis:

    1. Diabetes mellitus

    2. tonsillitis, caries

    3. chronic prostatitis

    4. decreased immune reactivity

    5. * disorders of urine outflow

  72. The most often complication of acute pyelonephritis is:

    1. Hypotension

    2. Hypertension

    3. Acute renal failure

    4. * Paranephritis

    5. Cardiopulmonary insufficiency

  73. The most typical causes of acute secondary pyelonephritis:

    1. Stricture of a urether

    2. * Stones of kidneys and urethers

    3. Prostatic gland cancer

    4. Pregnancy

    5. Iatrogenic affection of urethers

  74. The most typical provoking factor of primary pyelonephritis:

    1. Violation of diet

    2. Disorders in urine outflow

    3. * Decreased immune defense

    4. Hemodynamic disorders in kidney

    5. Diabetes mellitus

  75. The most typical provoking factor of secondary pyelonephritis:

    1. Violation of diet

    2. * Disorders in urine outflow

    3. Decreased immune defense

    4. Hemodynamic disorders in kidney

    5. Diabetes mellitus

  76. The most typical symptoms of acute pyelonephritis:

    1. Bacteriuria

    2. Chills and hectic fever

    3. Leukocyturia, pain

    4. Hematuria and leukocyturia

    5. * Lumbar pain, chills and hectic fever

  77. The most typical triad of symptoms in acute pyelonephritis:

    1. Thirst, anorexia, nausea

    2. Vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain

    3. Disuria, nicturia, pollakiuria

    4. * Chills, lumbar pain, dysuria

    5. Pain in bones, joints and muscles

  78. The obvious condition for development of pyelonephritis:

    1. Arterial hypertension

    2. Heart failure

    3. * Disordered urine outflow

    4. Increased body weight

    5. Renal failure

  79. What is not typical for acute pyelonephritis:

    1. Leukocyturia

    2. proteinuria

    3. * edema

    4. Leukocytosis

    5. Increased ESR

  80. What is the main principle of diet in acute pyelonephritis?

    1. Restriction of proteins (beans) and water

    2. * Restriction of proteins (beans), spicy food

    3. Restriction of fats

    4. Restriction of products containing uric acid

    5. Increased caloric supplement

  81. What is the main principle of diet in chronic renal failure?

    1. * Restriction of proteins (beans) and water

    2. Restriction of proteins (beans), spicy food

    3. Restriction of fats

    4. Restriction of products containing uric acid

    5. Increased caloric supplement

  82. When in pyelonephritis th mass of affected kidney decreases?

    1. In acute serous inflammation

    2. In kidney carbuncul

    3. In fat dystrophy

    4. * In sclerosis of the kidney

    5. In pyonephrosis

  83. Which antibiotics used for treatment of glomerulonephritis are nephrotoxic?

    1. * Hentamycin

    2. Penicillin

    3. Phthorchynolones

    4. Macrolides

    5. Cephalosporines

  84. Which clinical sign is not typical for the beginning of pyelonephritis?

    1. Febril fever

    2. Lumbar pain

    3. Dysuria

    4. * Arterial hypertension

    5. chills

  85. Which is main drug for treatment of acute glomerulonephritis?

    1. Antibiotics

    2. * Glucocortecoids

    3. Immunodepressants

    4. Diuretics

    5. Calcium channel antagonists

  86. Which is main drug for treatment of acute pyelonephritis?

    1. * Antibiotics

    2. Glucocortecoids

    3. Immunodepressants

    4. Diuretics

    5. Calcium channel antagonists

  87. Which microorganism is the causative agent acute glomerulonephritis?

    1. * Beta-hemolythic streptococcus, type A

    2. Pneumococcus

    3. Mycoplasma

    4. Influenza virus

    5. Multiple bacterial microflora

  88. Which process in pyelonephritis is manifested with chills?

    1. Infection contamination of urinary ducts

    2. Fever

    3. * Appearance of bacteria in perypheric blood

    4. disorders of urine outflow

    5. disorders of kidney filtration function

  89. Which results of excretory urography are typical for secondary chronic pyelonephritis?

    1. Uneven shadows of kidneys

    2. Decreased sizes of kidneys, asymmetrically decreased secretion and excretion of raduipaque preparation

    3. * Deformation of calicies and caliculi system, asymmetrically decreased secretion and excretion of raduipaque preparation

    4. Dilataion of calicies and caliculi system

    5. Increased secretion of raduipaque preparation, decreased sizes of kidneys

  90. Which results of ultrasound examination should be expected in chronic glomerulonephritis?

    1. * Thin kidney parenchyma because of sclerosis on both sides symmetrically

    2. Thin kidney parenchyma because of sclerosis on one side

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